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eration period was "a name without a body, a shadow without a substance." An eminent statesman of the time remarked that "by this political compact the continental congress have exclusive power for the following purposes without being able to execute one of them: They may make and conclude treaties; but they can only recommend the observance of them. They may appoint ambassadors; but they cannot defray even the expenses of their tables. They may borrow money on the faith of the Union; but they cannot pay a dollar. They may coin money; but they cannot buy an ounce of bullion. They may make war and determine what troops are necessary; but they cannot raise a single soldier. In short, they may declare everything, but they can do nothing."

The consequences.-"The history of the confederation during the twelve years beyond which it was not able to maintain itself, is the history of the utter prostration, throughout the whole country, of every public and private interest,-of that which was, beyond all comparison, the most trying period of our national and social life. For it was the extreme weakness of the confederate government, if such it could be called, which caused the war of independence to drag its slow length along through seven dreary years, and which, but for a providential concurrence of circumstances in Europe, must have prevented it from reaching any other than a disastrous conclusion. When, at last, peace was proclaimed, the confederate congress had dwindled down to a feeble junto of about twenty persons, and was so degraded and demoralized, that its decisions were hardly more respected than those of any voluntary and irresponsible association. The treaties which the confederation had made with foreign powers,

it was forced to see violated, and treated with contempt by its own members; which brought upon it distrust from its friends, and scorn from its enemies. It had no standing among the nations of the world, because it had no power to secure the faith of its national obligations. For want of an uniform system of duties and imposts,* and by conflicting commercial regulations in the different states, the commerce of the whole country was prostrated and well-nigh ruined. * Bankruptcy and distress were the rule rather than the exception. * * * The currency of the country had hardly a nominal value. The states themselves were the objects

of jealous hostility to each other.

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In some of the states rebellion was already raising its horrid front, threatening the overthrow of all regular government and the inauguration of universal anarchy."



"For several years efforts were made by some of our wisest and best patriots to procure an enlargement of the powers of the continental congress, but from the predominance of state jealousies, and the supposed incompatibility of state interests with each other, they all failed. At length, however, it became apparent, that the confederation, being left without resources and without powers, must soon expire of its own debility.

*Each state regulated its own commerce.

Dr. J. H. McIlvaine in Princeton Review, October, 1861. Read also Fiske's Critical Period of American History, chapter IV.

It had not only lost all vigor, but it had ceased even to be respected. It had approached the last stages of its decline; and the only question which remained was whether it should be left to a silent dissolution, or an attempt should be made to form a more efficient government before the great interests of the Union were buried beneath its ruins.”*

Preliminary Movements.-In 1785 a resolution was passed by the legislature of Massachusetts declaring the articles of confederation inadequate, and suggesting a convention of delegates from all the states to amend them. No action, however, was taken. In the same year commissioners from Virginia and Maryland met at Alexandria, Va., to arrange differences relative to the navigation of the Potomac, the Roanoke, and Chesapeake Bay. The deliberations showed the necessity of having other states participate in the arrangement of a compact. In 1786 the legislature of Virginia appointed commissioners "to meet such as might be appointed by the other states of the Union, * * * to take into consideration the trade of the United States." Only four states accepted the invitation. Commissioners from the five states met at Annapolis, and framed a report advising that the states appoint commissioners "to meet at Philadelphia on the second Monday in May next, to take into consideration the situation of the United States, to devise such further provisions as shall appear to them necessary to render the constitution of the federal government adequate to the exigencies of the Union." In accordance with this suggestion, congress passed a resolution, February 21, 1787, recommending that a convention of delegates, "who shall have

*Story on the Constitution.

Elliot's Debates.

been appointed by the several states, be held at Philadelphia, for the sole and express purpose of revising the articles of confederation."*

The Constitutional Convention. In response to the call of congress, delegates from all the states except Rhode Island met in Philadelphia. By May 25, a quorum had assembled, the convention organized, with George Washington as chairman, and began its momentous work.

It was soon discovered that it would be useless to attempt to amend the articles of confederation. They were radically defective, and a new plan of government was seen to be necessary. The national idea must be re-established as the basis of the political organization.

"It was objected by some members that they had no power, no authority, to construct a new government. They certainly had no authority, if their decisions were to be final; and no authority whatever, under the articles of confederation, to adopt the course they did. But they knew that their labors were only to be suggestions; and that they as well as any private individuals, and any private individuals as well as they, had a right to propose a plan of government to the people for their adoption. * The people, by their expressed will, transformed this suggestion, this proposal, into an organic law, and the people might have done the same with a constitution submitted to them by a single citizen."t

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The labors of the convention lasted four months. The constitution was agreed to September 15, 1787.

Some of the difficulties encountered. Of these perhaps the most formidable was the adjustment of power

*Elliott's Debates.

† Pomeroy's Constitutional Law, p. 55.

so as to satisfy both the large and the small states. So long as the idea of having the congress consist of one house remained, this difficulty seemed insurmountable. But the proposal of the bicameral congress proved a happy solution of the question.*

Although so much distress had followed state regulation of commerce, and although most of the delegates from the commercial states were in favor of vesting this power in the federal government, it was only after much deliberation, and after making the concession that no export duties should be levied, that the power to regulate commerce was vested in congress.

Another perplexing question was the regulation of the slave trade. For two days there was a stormy debate on this question. By a compromise congress was forbidden to prohibit the importation of slaves prior to 1808, but the imposition of a tax of ten dollars a head was permitted.

The men who constituted the convention.-The convention included such men as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Roger Sherman, Gouverneur Morris, Edmund Randolph, and the Pinckneys. "Of the destructive element, that which can point out defects but cannot remedy them, which is eager to tear down but inapt to build up, it would be difficult to name a representative in the convention."

The constitution a growth.-The constitution was not an entirely new invention. The men who prepared it were wise enough not to theorize very much, but rather to avail themselves of the experience of the ages. Almost every state furnished some feature. For in

*See discussion of section 1, Article I., Constitution, page 124.
+ Cyclopedia of Political Science, vol. Í., article "Compromises."

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