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Αλλα Ζευς Προτερος γεγονει, και πλειονα ηδει ;

i. e.

"But Jove was born the first, and more he knows." This verse is also alluded to by Proclus, in page 253 of the same Work. If Proclus had not, after quoting this verse, immediately added φησιν ομηρος, I should have concluded, from the manner of it, that it was an Orphic line."C. I. No. 42. p. 361. Should you indeed? I shall conclude from the remark, that a man more ridiculously ignorant of Greek literature does not exist. The line which he has discovered, and translated, and Orphicized, you will find, if you look for it, quietly reposing in its proper place, it being the 355th line of the 13th Book of the Iliad. What could have made Valpy admit such a betise? And yet this Taylor is one of the most arrogant revilers of real scholars extant.

I began this correspondence in jest, but I conclude it quite in earnest, by saying, that however I may agree with the Quarterly Review in his remarks on Thes. I was sorry and vexed to find him stigmatizing Valpy, one of the most learned, upright, and enterprizing booksellers in the kingdom, with the opprobrious title of the Curll of the present day. Nothing could be

more ungenerous, or more unjust. I do not know any man who has done more for the cause of classical literature, by supplying excellent elementary treatises-by setting afoot great literary projects, * and by giving useful editions-than Valpy; and it is very unfair that he should be so abused, even although he has let Barker run riot "preaching on αγαλμα," as a droll poet of your own phrases it-or has published various irritated growlingsof ill-humoured scholars. This I must say, who know nothing of him but by his works. Will you let me add a word about politics? Nothing to be sure can be more absurd than to praise or abuse any man's literary produc tions by the test of his political itical opinions; yet after all it must be annoying enough to Valpy to find himself attacked by the full weight of the Tory press, while he is perfectly conscious that had he the felicity of being a Whig, not an instrument of the party, from the cracked jewsharp of the Examiner, up to the Scottish bagpipe of the Edinburgh, would have breathed any thing but notes of gratulation, without regarding at all whether he was right or wrong. Verily, whatever may be Whig demerits, they have the merit of clinging to one another manfully.

* The Reviewer has misrepresented the nature of Valpy's edition of the Latin Classics. It is not a mere reprint of the Delphin edition, for it contains the best Vari orum notes on each author, and all the necessary subsidia. I confess, indeed, that I think it would have been much better if the trumpery of the Delphin commentators were entirely neglected, as, with few exceptions, they were very incapable people. + Certainly. C. N.

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Speedily will be published, by command, nd under the especial sanction of his Masty, the History of the Coronation of his lost Sacred Majesty King George IV. Ontaining a full and authentic Detail of me Ceremonies observed at that august lemnity, together with the Proceedings id Adjudications of the Court of Claims ad of the Privy Council, the Names of the veral Princes of the Blood Royal, Peers, reat Officers of State, Members of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, nights of the several Orders, and others 10 attended on this memorable occasion. he whole illustrated with Copies of the rious Documents issued by the several epartments connected with the Ceremony, d with superb Engravings of the Rega, as also of the e magnificent Royal orn by the Sovereign, the splendid Dresses the Peers, Privy Counsellors, Officers the Royal Household, &c.; together Ath Plates, from Drawings taken by the st Artists, of the Interior of Westminster bbey and Hall, at the most interesting riods of the Solemnity. By Sir George ayler, Clarenceux King of Arms, &c. &c. more detailed Prospectus is in prepara.or, a New Guide to the Peculiarities of the

Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. Written by himself. Translated from the Italian. 2 vols. 8vo.

The Highlanders; a Tale. By the au thor of The Hermit in London.' In 3 vols.

The Hermit in London. A new Edition, with Additions. 3 vols.

Preparing for publication, in 6 vols. 12mo. The Preacher; consisting of Sketches of Original Sermons, from the MSS. of two eminent Divines of the last Century; with a Familiar Essay on Pulpit Composition, principally intended for young Ministers, and Lay Teachers.



on, and will very shortly be ready for deVery, upon application at the principal ooksellers in London.

A new Poem, by Lord Byron, entitled ardanapalus.

-Mr Barry Cornwall's new Poem, The eluge, relates to that event as described 7 classic authors.

In a few days will appear, The History Lady Jane Grey and her Times. By eorge Howard. It will illustrate the [anners and Customs of former Days, ith numerous Anecdotes of the distinlished Persons and Events of that period, id will embrace the earliest Records of te Reformation, drawn from sources hiterto unexplored.

A History of Cultivated Vegetables. By Henry Phillips, author of a History of Fruits known in Great Britain. In 2 vols. 8vo. To be published by Subscription.

The Pleasures of Conversation. In 1 vol. small 8vo.

The Art of employing Time, to the greatest Advanta Advantage e-the the True Source of Happiness. In 1 vol. Small 8vo. Practical Wisdom; or, the Manual of Life. In 1 vol. 12mo.

A Dictionary of French Homonymes;

French Language. By D. Boileau. 1 vol.
Small 8vo.

Woman; a Poem. By E. S. Barrett,
Esq. 8vo. new Edition, with Engravings,
from Designs by Richard Westall, Esq.
R. A. 1 vol. foolscap.

Lollardy; a Tale, founded on the Persecutions which marked the opening of the Fifteenth Century. By the author of Mystery, Calthorpe, &c.

Professor Monk has been occupied for three or four years, in preparing a Life of Doctor Bentley; a work which, it is ex. pected, will be sent to the press early in the ensuing spring. The biography of this scholar, the most celebrated of all who ever established a reputation in the department of classical learning, is intimately connect

The Encyclopædia Metropolitana hang come into the hands of new Published with the History of the University of

ts, the Fifth Part of that Work will ap. ear on the 1st of January, 1822.

The London Journal of Arts and Scinces, will, in future, be published on the st of every month, instead of every two months, making two Volumes annually, nd the price will be 2s. 6d. instead of 3s.


The Carnival of Death; a satirical Poem. By Mr Bailey, author of What is Life?" nd other Poems, will soon appear.

Mr James Townsend is preparing for ublication a Translation of the Bachelor f Salamanca; a novel. By Le Sage.

Cambridge for above 40 years, a period of unusual interest, and with the literary history of this country for a still longer time. It has been frequently remarked, that such a work is a desideratum in English literature; and this it is the author's endeavour to supply. He has industriously sought for documents which may throw light upon the events of those days, or tend to elucidate the character, the conduct, and the writings of Bentley. For this purpose he has searched the voluminous manuscript collections of Baker, of Cole, and of Hearne, as well as other records preserved in the British Museum, the Bodleian, the Lambeth Library, &c. He has been indulged with an unreserved access to all the registers and other documents belonging both to the University and to Trinity College; which, in conjunction with various letters and private papers, and a full assemblage of legal records, have enabled him to unravel and explain the curious conflicts which Bentley went through in the course of his long academical life; and which, no less than his writings, brought him in contact with many of the most illustrious characters who were his contemporaries. Professor Monk has also availed himself of that very important correspondence between Bentley and the first scholars of his age, which has been spoken of in p. 403 of the Museum Criticum; as well as of a still more extensive assortment of papers, comprising letters of Bishop Atterbury, Bishop Sherlock, Bishop Greene, Dr Conyers Middleton, Dr Andrew Snape, Bishop Hare, Bishop Zachary Pearce, and many other highly distinguished characters, who were intimately connected with the leading events of Bentley's history; also the whole of the manuscripts left by Dr Colbatch, his principal opponent in Trinity College. He has omitted no means in his power of obtaining a sight of Bentley's letters, which are in pri. vate hands, having made applications to all quarters where he thought that such deposits were likely to be found. In several of these cases he has been successful: still he is persuaded that there exist other specimens of his correspondence in quarters to which he has not been able to discover any clue. Should this notice meet the eye of persons who possess such papers, or who can afford intelligence respecting them, the author will feel highly obliged by a communication upon the subject.

Early in January will be published, a Series of Engraved Portraits of the Deans of Westminster, from Drawings by G. R. Harding, to accompany the Memoirs of those Prelates in the History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St Peter Westminster. Written by E. W. Brayley, and Graphically Illustrated by J. P. Neale.

A new Portion of the World in Miniature, containing a Description of the Religion, Manners, Customs, Arts, Trades, &c. of the People of Hindoostan. In 6 vols. With upwards of a hundred Coloured Plates. Will appear early in the ensuing


An Appendix to Orfilas' General System of Toxicology. A Romance, called Roche Blanc; or, the Hunters of the Pyrenees. From the pen of Miss A. M. Porter.

Shortly will be published, a Sentimental Tour to the South of France, illustrated with 18 Coloured Engravings.

The Ionian Islands. By Tertius Ken

drick, Esq.

The Florist's Manual; or, Hints for the Construction of a gay Flower Garden. By the authoress of Botanical Dialogues, &c. New Edition, considerably improved.

The Mother's Medical Assistant in the Diseases of Infants and Children. By Sir Arthur Clarke. A new and improved Edition. 1 vol.

The Art of Preserving the Sight. A new Edition, enlarged and improved. 1 vol.

Miss Benger is preparing for the press, Memoirs of the Life of Mary Queen of Scots, which will be published in the course of the winter.

The Widow's Tale. By the author of Ellen Fitz-Arthur. Also, a new Edition of the latter.

An English Translation of Klopstock's Messiah, in verse, is now printing in Hamburgh. The First Part appeared in August last.

Memoirs of Self-educated Persons, who, by their own exertions, have arisen to emi nence in Literature and Science. By Dr Watkins, author of the Biographical Dictionary.

Mr Rootsey is about to publish a large Map of the World, upon an improved projection.

A new Edition, being the Seventh, of Conversations on Chemistry, is preparing for the press, with considerable additions.

A new Edition of Baxter's Practical Works. In 16 vols. 8vo. To be Edited by Rev. T. Cloutt of Walworth. And a new Edition of Drew on the Resurrection.

Mr Charles Mills, author of the History of the Crusades, will shortly publish the First Part, comprising Italy, of Travels in various Countries of Europe, at the time of the revival of Letters and Art.

Preparing for publication, two Voyages to New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Land, including a Description of the present condition of those interesting Colonies, By Thomas Reid, surgeon in the Royal Navy.

Practical Wisdom; or, the Manual of Life. In 1 vol. 12mo.

Professor Lee is preparing, in Persian and English, the whole Controversy of Mr Martyn with the learned of Persia, as a Manuel for Missionaries to establish the truth of the Scriptures against the Sophisms of the Mahomedans.

Shortly will be published the first two Volumes (besides an additional Volume, containing the Abstracts of the British Navy,) of Mr James's Naval History, com prising the whole of the War from 1793 to the Peace of Amiens.

In the press, the Genuine Remains, i prose and verse, of Samuel Butler, pub lished from the original MSS., late in pot session of W. Longueville, Esq. with

Notes by R. Thyer, Keeper of the Public Library, Manchester. This work will contain many original pieces never before published, and will be carefully revised, with additional Notes and Illustrations. It will be embellished with a Portrait of Butler, from the original Picture by Sir P. Lely, in the Bodleian Gallery, engraved on wood, in the most highly finished manner, by Thompson; and a Portrait of Thyer, copied from a Painting by Romney, engraved in line by Worthington, and with numerous beautiful Vignettes, from original Designs.

Mr Danghson of Prescott is preparing for publication, a translation of Baron Larrey's new Work, entitled, "A Collection of Surgical Observations," with Notes, &c. by the Translator.

Dr Wilson Philip has just ready for publication, a second edition of his Treatise on Indigestion, with some additional Observations.

M.A. Fellow of Baliol College, Oxford, and Lecturer of St Pancras, Devon.

Dr Forbes has just ready, in one volume 8vo. a Translation of a Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest, in which they are described according to their anatomical characters, and their Diagnosis established on a new principle, by means of Acoustick Instruments. With Plates. From the French of R. T. Laonnec, to which Dr Forbes has added a Preface and Notes.

Mr R. D. Hamilton has ready for publication, in one volume 8vo. The Principles of Medicine, on the Plan of the Baconian Philosophy. Vol. I. On Febrile and Inflammatory Diseases.

In the press, Cases illustrative of the Treatment of Diseases of the Ear, including the affections of the Meatus Auditorius, also those of the Tympanum, viz. its Puriform Discharge, and the Obstruction of the Eustachian Tube, with the Operations; likewise the Diseases of the LabyShortly will be published, in 2 vols. 8vo. rinth, whether Constitutional, as Nervous, A Summary of Mosheim's Ecclesiastical Scrofulous, Syphilitic, &c. or local, as History, with Notes, Explanatory and Paralysis of the Auditory Nerve, Defective Supplementary. To which is added, a Organization, &c. with Practical Remarks Continuation of the Particular History of relative to the Deaf and Dumb. By John the Church, from the commencement of Harrison Curtis, Esq. Aurist to the King, the Eighteenth Century to the year 1819. &c. Ry the Rev. Charles Trelawny Collins,


Sir Andrew Wylie will positively appear in the course of January.

A New Edition of Cuvier's Theory of he Earth, with Mineralogical Notes, and in Account of Cuvier's Discoveries. By Professor Jameson. Will be published next month.

We have the pleasure to inform our eaders, that we have the best authority for ssuring them, that THE ODONTIST is in state of great forwardness. This work vill certainly make its appearance early in he spring.

Literature of the Church of England, comprising a Sketch of its Character and History, from the time of the Reformation;

together with ample Notices with regard to the Lives and Writings of the most Eminent Authors that have arisen since that Period. 6 vol. 8vo.

A New Translation, with Notes, of Terence's two first Comedies, The Adrian and The Eunuch. By the reverend W. Gardi. ner, L.L.D. 12mo.

Early in January will be published, Neil Gow and Sons' Sixth Collection of Reels, Strathspeys, Slow Airs, &c. This Number consists almost entirely of Original Tunes; and contains also the last few compositions of Neil Gow, never before published.

[blocks in formation]

the Origin and Primitive Use of the Irish Pillar Tower. By Colonel de Montmoreney Morres. Royal 8vo. Plates. 15s.


The Authentic and Intelligible Almanack; or Annual Abstract of Celestial Lore, Calculated for the Year 1822, from the MS. of Sir William Lilly Brachm, R. T. R. A new Prophetic Almanack. 3s. 6d.


John Offor's Quarterly Catalogue of New and Second Hand Books, containing some choice Classics. No. VII.

R. and S. Prowett's Catalogue of Old and New Books for 1822. Part I.

A Catalogue of Greek and Latin Classics, containing the most esteemed Editions, in chronological order, that have hitherto been published; also, the Principal Lexicographical Works, &c. with their prices. By S. Hayes, No. 8, Henrietta-Street, Covent-Garden, London. Price 1s. 6d.

An Enigmatical Catalogue of Books of Merit, on an entirely new plan. By John Coles. Is. A Key to the same. 3d.

the different government, with a table of the irregular verbs, &c. By J. C. Turner. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

The Greek Termination, (including the Dialects and Poetical Licences,) Alphabetically arranged, and Grammatically explained, on the plan of the Latin Terminations. By John Carey, L.L.D. 12mo. 4s.

Clarke's New School Maps. 6d. each. Clarke's New Skeleton Maps. 4s. each. Clavis Homerica; or, a Lexicon of the Words which occur in the Iliad. By J. Walker, A.B. 12mo. 8s.

Munuseulum Juventuti; seu Phædri Fabulæ versibus hexametris concinnatæ. Auctore Dan. French. 8s.


Roman Costumes, drawn from Nature By Pinelli, containing 24 plates. £2, 8s. coloured, £1, 4s. plain.

Parisian Costumes, drawn from Nature. By J. J. Chalon. Part III. Containing six coloured plates. Oblong folio. 12s.

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2s. 6d.


[blocks in formation]

Views illustrating the Route of the Simplon. Drawn from Nature by Major Cockburn, and on Stone by J. Harding. No. X. containing five plates. 8s. Royal folio. Views Illustrating the Route of Mont Cenis. By the same. No. X. 8s. royal folio.

Twenty-five Views on the Thames Scenery, from Richmond to Oxford. Drawn by W. Westall, A.R.A. No. I. super royal folio, 9s.

Lithographic Impressions from Sketches of British Scenery. By Francis Nicholson. Super royal folio. No. 1. containing six plates, 10s. 6d.

Views of the Colyseum. Engraved by W. B. Cooke, and J. C. Allen, from draw ings by Major Cockburn. Part I. Super royal folio. £1, 1s. Proofs, £1, 10s. To be completed in five Parts, with 15 line engravings; with plans, sections, &c.

The Holy Bible, embellished with Engravings by Charles Heath, from Designs by Richard Westall, Esq. R. A. Part I. Imperial 8vo. 12s. Proofs, in 4to. £1, 1s.

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A Selection of Flowers, Drawn by Bartholomew; principally adapted for Students. No. III. 5s. coloured, 12s.

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