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Jesse M. Furman, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York.



On request by Mr. Bennet and by unanimous consent, it was

Ordered, That the Senate proceed to executive session to consider the nomination of Wendy Ruth Sherman, of Maryland, to be an Under Secretary of State (Political Affairs).

On further request by Mr. Bennet and by unanimous consent, it was

Ordered, That the nomination be confirmed; the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid on the table; that the President be immediately notified of the Senate's actions, and the Senate return to legislative session.


As in executive session,


The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following messages from the President of the United States, transmitting nominations, which were referred as indicated:

To the Senate of the United States:
I nominate -

THE WHITE HOUSE, September 19, 2011.

Ann Marie Buerkle, of New York, to be a Representative of the United States of America to the Sixty-sixth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

To the Committee on Foreign Relations.

To the Senate of the United States:
I nominate -


THE WHITE HOUSE, September 19, 2011.

Russ Carnahan, of Missouri, to be a Representative of the United States of America to the Sixty-sixth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

To the Committee on Foreign Relations.

To the Senate of the United States:
I nominate -


THE WHITE HOUSE, September 19, 2011.

The following named officer for appointment in the United States Army to the grade indicated while assigned to a position of importance and responsibility under title 10, U.S.C., section 601; and to be a Senior Member of the Military Staff Committee of the United Nations under title 10, U.S.C., section 711:

To be lieutenant general

Maj. Gen. Terry A. Wolff

To the Committee on Armed Services.



Pursuant to the provisions of S. Res. 28, 112th Congress,

Senator Grassley submitted a notice of intent to object to proceeding to the consideration of the nomination of Norman L. Eisen, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Czech Republic, to which position he was appointed during the recess of the Senate from December 22, 2010, to January 5, 2011.


As in executive session,


The following favorable reports of nominations were submitted:

By Mr. Baucus for the Committee on Finance.

Janice Eberly, of Illinois, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

Maurice B. Foley, of Maryland, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years.

Juan F. Vasquez, of Texas, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years.

Joseph H. Gale, of Virginia, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years.


As in executive session,

On request by Mr. Wyden and by unanimous consent, it was

Ordered, That at 5:00 p.m., the Senate proceed to executive session to consider the following nominations on the Executive Calendar: John Andrew Ross, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri and Timothy M. Cain, of South Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina; provided further, that there be up to 15 minutes of debate on the nominations, equally divided, in the usual form, that upon the use or yielding back of time, the nomination of John Andrew Ross be confirmed and the Senate proceed to vote without intervening action or debate on the nomination of Timothy M. Cain; that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid on the table with no intervening action or debate; that no further motions be in order to any of the nominations; that the President be immediately notified of the Senate's actions and the Senate then resume legislative session.



Pursuant to the previous order,

The Senate proceeded to executive session to consider the following nominations on the Executive Calendar:


John Andrew Ross, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Timothy M. Cain, of South Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.


Pursuant to the previous order, and following debate,

The question being, Will the Senate advise and consent to the nomination of John Andrew Ross, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri?

The nomination was confirmed, the motion to reconsider was considered made and laid on the table, and the President was immediately notified of the Senate's action.


Pursuant to the previous order,

The Senate proceeded to the nomination of Timothy M. Cain, of South Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina.

Following debate, and


On request by Mr. Leahy and with a sufficient second, the yeas and nays were ordered on the nomination.


The question being, Will the Senate advise and consent to the nomination of Timothy M. Cain, of South Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina?

The assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll (No. 140 Ex.) and
The vote resulted - yeas 99, nays 0- as follows:

Yeas: Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown (MA), Brown (OH), Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson (SD), Johnson (WI), Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, McConnell, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson (NE), Nelson (FL), Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed, Reid, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall (CO), Udall (NM), Vitter, Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, Wyden -99.

Nays: -0.

So it was,

Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to the said nomination.

Pursuant to a previous order,

The motion to reconsider the vote was considered made and laid upon the table, the President was immediately notified of the action of the Senate and the Senate returned to legislative session.


As in executive session,


The following favorable reports of nominations were submitted:

By Mr. Levin for the Committee on Armed Services.

Ashton B. Carter, of Massachusetts, to be Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Air Force nomination of Col. Timothy J. Leahy, to be Brigadier General. Navy nomination of Capt. Rebecca J. McCormick-Boyle, to be Rear Admiral (lower half).

Navy nomination of Capt. Raquel C. Bono, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Jan-Marc Jouas, to be Lieutenant General. Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho, to be Lieutenant General. Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (lh) Douglas J. Venlet, to be Rear Admiral. Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (1h) David C. Johnson, to be Rear Admiral. Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (lh) Donald E. Gaddis, to be Rear Admiral. Navy nominations beginning with Rear Adm. (lh) Barry L. Bruner and ending with Rear Adm. (1h) Robert L. Thomas, Jr. (See Executive Journal proceedings of May 9, 2011, for complete list.)

Navy nomination of Capt. Mark R. Whitney, to be Rear Admiral (lower half).
Navy nomination of Capt. Cindy L. Jaynes, to be Rear Admiral (lower half).
Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Judith A. Fedder, to be Lieutenant General.
Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, to be Lieutenant General.
Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Scott M. Hanson, to be Major General.
Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Clyde D. Moore II, to be Lieutenant

Navy nomination of Vice Adm. Cecil E. D. Haney, to be Admiral.
Army nomination of Col. Robert F. Thomas, to be Brigadier General.

Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Allyson R. Solomon, to be Major General.
Air Force nomination of Col. Gary W. Keefe, to be Brigadier General

Air Force nominations beginning with Colonel Frederik G. Hartwig and ending with Colonel Kenneth W. Wisian. (See Executive Journal proceedings of August 2, 2011, for complete list.)

Air Force nominations beginning with Brigadier General Joseph G. Balskus and ending with Brigadier General Catherine S. Lutz. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 6, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nomination of Maj. Gen. James L. Terry, to be Lieutenant General. Army nomination of Maj. Gen. William T. Grisoli, to be Lieutenant General. Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Margaret W. Boor, to be Major General Army nomination of Col. Raphael G. Peart, to be Brigadier General. Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Terry M. Haston, to be Major General. Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Michael S. Rogers, to be Vice Admiral. Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Frank C. Pandolfe, to be Vice Admiral. Air Force nominations beginning with Colonel Randall R. Ball and ending with Colonel Dean L. Winslow. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 8, 2011, for complete list.) (minus 1 nominee: Colonel Edward E. Metzgar)

Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Raymond V. Mason, to be Lieutenant General. Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Terry A. Wolff, to be Lieutenant General.

Mr. Levin, Committee on Armed Services, reported favorably the following nomination lists which had previously appeared in the Congressional Record on the dates indicated and, at the Senator's request and by unanimous consent, it was ordered that they lie at the Secretary's desk for the information of Senators. Air Force nominations beginning with David B. Barker and ending with Angela M. Yuhas. (See Executive Journal proceedings of July 20, 2011, for complete list.)

Air Force nominations beginning with Mark W. Duff and ending with Bryan A. Williams. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 6, 2011, for complete list.)

Air Force nominations beginning with Chad J. Carda and ending with Barry J. Van Sickle. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 6, 2011, for complete list.)

Air Force nomination of Christopher J. Oleksa, to be Colonel.

Air Force nomination of Arthur L. Bouck, to be Major.
Air Force nomination of Tamala L. Gulley, to be Major.
Air Force nomination of Michael H. Heuer, to be Colonel.

Army nominations beginning with Larry W. Dotson and ending with Damian K. Waddell. (See Executive Journal proceedings of August 2, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nomination of Jack M. Markusfeld, to be Colonel.

Army nomination of Stephen R. Taylor, to be Major.

Army nomination of Hal D. Baird, to be Colonel.

Army nomination of James E. Orr, to be Colonel.

Army nominations beginning with Steven A. Chambers and ending with James P. Waldron. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 8, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Susan M. Camoroda and ending with Gerson S. Valles. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 8, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nomination of Hyun S. Sim, to be Colonel.
Army nomination of Olga Betancourt, to be Major.
Army nomination of Michael C. Freidl, to be Major.
Army nomination of Natacha L. Miller, to be Major.
Army nomination of Benjamin D. Owen, to be Major.

Army nominations beginning with Heidi J. Cox and ending with Mark A. Rich. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Colin A. Bitterfield and ending with Andreas W. Wooten. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Richard J. Allinger and ending with Margaret A. Youngblood. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Brian R. Benjamin and ending with Mark D. Young. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Terese B. Acocella and ending with Gary L. Williamson. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Michael D. Alperin and ending with David S. Williams. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with Clayton T. Abe and ending with Terrence A. Smith. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with George V. Hankewycz and ending with Henry K. Thomas. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nominations beginning with John F. Bowley and ending with Maureen E. Weber. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 14, 2011, for complete list.)

Army nomination of Kelly A. Cricks, to be Major.

Army nomination of Damian G. McCabe, to be Major.

Army nomination of John R. Pendergrass, to be Major.

Army nominations beginning with Robert D. Black and ending with Trudy A. Salerno. (See Executive Journal proceedings of September 15, 2011, for complete list.)

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