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ADAMS, John Q., United States minister
at St. Petersburg, correspondence with
the Russian government respecting
American traders on the north-west
coast, 275. Secretary of state of the
United States; negotiations with Spain
on the southern and western limits of
the United States, 316. Correspond-
ence with the Russian minister at
Washington on the ukase of 1821,
332. Instructions to Mr. Rush, United
States minister at London, on claims
of the United States, in 1823, 340.
President of the United States; message
recommending the adoption of measures
respecting Oregon, 344.

Aguilar, Martin de, voyage and supposed
discovery of a great river on the north-
west coast, 92.

Alarcon, Hernando, voyage up the Cali-
fornian Gulf and the Colorado River, 60.
Aleutian Islands described, 41. Discov-

ered, 135.

Aliaska described, 41. Discovered, 132.
America. This name first given to Brazil
in 1508. Never used by Spanish govern-
ment and historians until recently, 48.
Anian, Strait of, said to have been dis-
covered by Cortereal, probably the same
now called Hudson's Strait, 47. Voy-
ages in search of it, 78. See Urdaneta,
Ladrillero, Maldonado, Fonté, Vizcaino.
Archer, William S., his speech in the

Senate of the United States on the bill
for the occupation of Oregon, 378, 386,


Arteaga, Ignacio, voyage, 125.
Ashley, William H., conducts trading
expeditions from St. Louis to the
Rocky Mountain regions, 357.
Astoria established, 296. Described, 299
-313. Ceded to North-West Compa-
ny, 303. Taken by British, 304. Re-
stored to the United States, 309. Burnt,
313. See Pacific Fur Company.
Atlantis, Island, placed by Bacon on the
north-west coast, 97.


Baranof, Alexander, governor of Russian
America, his character, 271. Founds
Sitka, 270. His mode of conducting
negotiations, 302. Seizes part of Cali-
fornia, 327. Attempts to seize one of
the Sandwich Islands, 328.
Becerra, Diego, voyage from Mexico by
order of Cortés, 54.

Benton, Thomas H., his speech in the

Senate of the United States on the bill
for the occupation of Oregon, 380.
Benyowsky, Augustus, a Polish exile in
Kamtchatka, performs the first voyage
from that country to Canton, 138.
Bering, Alexander, first voyage from
Kamtchatka to the Arctic Sea, 129.
Second voyage, 129. Third and last
Voyage, 130. Reaches the American
continent, 131. Shipwreck and death,

Bering's Strait discovered, 129. Described,


Berkeley, Captain, rediscovers the Strait
of Fuca; murder of part of his crew off
Destruction Island, 171.

Berrien, John M., his speech in the Senate
of the United States on the bill for the
occupation of Oregon, 385.
Billings, Joseph, engaged by the empress
of Russia to explore the North Pacific,
162. His voyage produces no valuable
results, 221.

Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de, first
voyage, under Heceta, from Mexico,
along the north-west coast, 117. Impor-
tance of his discoveries, 123. Second
voyage, under Arteaga, 125. (See Mau-
relle.) Commissioner to treat with Van-
couver at Nootka, 231. (See Nootka
Convention.) Letter to Captains Gray
and Ingraham, 242, 443. Death, 255.
Brobdignag, placed by Swift on the north-
west coast, near Columbia River, 97.
Broughton, William, sent by Vancouver
to survey the lower part of the Co-
lumbia River, 247. Unfairness to the
Americans, 248. Sent to England, 249.

Commands an exploring expedition in
the North Pacific, 256. Finds Nootka
Sound deserted, 257.

Bulfinch's Harbor discovered by Captain
Gray, of Boston, 235. Examined by
Vancouver's lieutenant, Whidbey, 246.
Described, 24.


Caamano, Jacinto, voyage in the North-
West Archipelago, 241.
Cabeza-Vaca, Alvaro Nuñez, journey from
Florida to the Californian Gulf, 57.
Cabot, John, and Sebastian, voyages, 47.
Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, exploring voy-
age from Mexico, and death, 64.
Calhoun, John C., his speech in the Sen-
ate of the United States on the bill for
the occupation of Oregon, 381.
California, origin of the name unknown,


California, Peninsula of, described, 10.
Discovered; fruitless attempts of the
Spaniards to settle, 90, 98. Jesuits
engage to civilize the inhabitants, 99.
Their partial success, 100. Their His-
tory of California, 101. Expulsion of
the Jesuits, 106.

California, Continental, or New, described,

12. Discovered, 58. Settled by the
Spaniards, 109. Claimed by Mexico,
317. Attempted insurrection in, 367.
Recent events in, 368.

California, Gulf of, described, 9. Dis-
covered, 54. Examined by Ulloa, 58;
and by Alarcon, 60.

Carver, Jonathan, travels in the central

regions of North America, 141. Pre-
tended discovery of a river called Ore-
gon, flowing into the Pacific, 142. His
accounts chiefly derived from old French
travellers, 144.

Cavendish, Thomas, voyage around the
world; takes and burns a Spanish ship
near the coast of California, 77.
Cermenon, Sebastian, wrecked on the
coast of California, 68.

Choate, Rufus, his speech in the Senate of

the United States on the bill for the oc-
cupation of Oregon, 385.
Cibola, a country or city north-west of
Mexico, discovered by Friar Marcos de
Niza, 59. Supposed position, 62. Ex-
pedition of Vazquez de Coronado to
conquer it, 61.

Clarke. See Lewis and Clarke.
Clarke River discovered, 286. Described,


Colnett, James, engaged by Meares to
command the Argonaut, 189. Made
prisoner by the Spaniards at Nootka,
and sent to Mexico, 195. Liberated by
order of the viceroy of Mexico, 200.
Columbia, American trading ship, fitted
out at Boston, 179. Sails under Ken-

drick to the North Pacific, 180. Puts
into Juan Fernandez in distress, 181.
Reaches Nootka Sound, 181. Sails for
Canton and the United States, under
Captain Gray, 200. Second voyage
under Gray, 229. Winters at Clyo-
quot, 230. Discovery of the Columbia
River, 235. See Gray and Vancouver.
Columbia River, (called, also, Oregon,)
described, 21. Mouth seen by the Span-
ish commander Heceta, 120. Meares
seeks for it in vain, and denies its ex-
istence, 177. Mouth seen by the Amer-
ican Captain Gray, 181. Gray first en-
ters the river, 236. Lower part explored
by the British Lieutenant Broughton,
247, who unfairly pretends to have dis-
covered it, 248. Head-waters discov-
ered by Lewis and Clarke, who trace
the river thence to the sea, 285. British
plenipotentiaries claim the discovery for
Meares, 178.

Convention of 1790, between Great Brit-
ain and Spain, see Nootka Convention.
Of 1818, between Great Britain and the
United States, concluded, 315, 467. Re-
newed in 1827 for an indefinite period,
354. Reflections on, 389. Of 1824,
between the United States and Russia,
concluded, 341, 468. Virtually abro-
gated by Russia, 342.

Cook, James, undertakes a voyage of
discovery in the North Pacific; his in-
structions, 147. Discovers the Sand-
wich Islands, 150. Reaches Nootka
Sound, 151. Passes through Bering's
Straits, 156. Killed at the Sandwich
Islands, 157. Importance of his dis-
coveries, 158. Knew no particulars
of the recent Spanish voyages, 149;
though he knew that such voyages
had been made, 152.

Coronado, Francisco Vazquez, expedition
from Mexico, to conquer the rich coun-
tries supposed to lie farther north-west,
Cortereal, Gaspar, discovers Labrador;
Strait of Anian said to have been
found by him, leading from the At-
lantic north-west to the Pacific, 47.
Cortés, Hernando, conquers Mexico, and
proposes to explore the coasts of that
country, 50. Expeditions made by his
order on the Pacific, 53. Leads an
expedition into California, 55. Super-
seded in the government of Mexico, to
which country he returns, 56. Claims
the right to make conquests in America;
returns to Spain, and dies, 60.


Dixon, George, voyage in the North Pa-

cific, 169. Dispute with Meares, 218.
Douglas, William, master of the Iphige
nia; voyage under Meares to the North

Pacific, 172. Taken prisoner by the
Spaniards at Nootka, 191. Released,

Drake, Francis, voyage around the world,

72. Arrives in the North Pacific, and
lands on the American coast, 73. Re-
ceives from the natives the crown of
the country, which he calls New Albi-
on, and returns to England, 74. Re-
view of accounts of his voyage in the
North Pacific, 75. Part of the coast
probably seen by him, 76.

Duffin, Robert, mate of Meares's vessel,
enters the Strait of Fuca, 176. Testi-
mony respecting events at Nootka, 244.


Falkland Islands, dispute between Great
Britain and Spain respecting them,
111. Lord Palmerston's letter to the
minister of Buenos Ayres on the sub-
ject of their occupation by Great Brit-
ain, 111-313.

Fidalgo, Salvador, voyage of, 220.
Fleurieu, Clairet de, his Introduction to

the Journal of Marchand's voyage, 223.
Admits the discovery of the Washing-
ton or North Marquesas Islands by
Ingraham, 228.

Florida, the name applied originally by
the Spaniards to the whole eastern side
of America, north of the Mexican
Gulf, 55. Expeditions through it un-
der Narvaez, 57, and Soto, 65. Ceded
to the United States, 316.

Fonté, Admiral, supposed voyage, in the
North Pacific, by a person so named,

Forsyth, John, secretary of state of the
United States, instructions respecting
the meaning of the convention with
Russia, 362. Endeavors to procure in-
formation respecting the north-west
coast, 376.

Fox, Charles J., his speech in Parliament
on the Nootka convention, 211.
Fuca, Juan de, voyage in the North
Pacific, and supposed discovery of a
new passage leading to the Atlantic,
87, 407.

Fuca, Strait of, described, 24. Discovered
by Juan de Fuca, 87. Search for it by
Heceta, 119. By Cook, 150. Found by
Berkeley, 171. Rediscovery claimed by
Meares, 175. Entered by Gray, 199,
234. Kendrick passes through it, 200,
217. Surveyed by Vancouver, and Ga-
liano, and Valdes, 238.

Furs and fur trade, general account, 411.
See Russian American Company, Hud-
son's Bay Company, and North-West


Gallatin, Albert, minister plenipotentiary
of the United States at London; ne-
gotiations at London, 314, 344. Coun-
ter statement respecting the claims of
the United States, presented by him to
British commissioners, 347.

Gali, Francisco, his voyage, 68.
Galiano and Valdes, their voyage through
the Strait of Fuca, 240. Journal pub-
lished by the Spanish government;
Introduction to that Journal reviewed,

Gray, Robert, first voyage to the North
Pacific, in command of the trading sloop
Washington, from Boston, 180. Sees
an opening supposed to be the mouth of
the Columbia River, 181. First exam-
ines the east coast of Washington's or
Queen Charlotte's Island, 199. Enters
the Strait of Fuca, 200. Returns to
Boston in the ship Columbia, 200.
Second voyage to the North Pacific, in
the Columbia, 226, 229. Meets Van-
couver near the entrance of the Strait of
Fuca, and makes known his discovery
of the mouth of a great river, 233. Dis-
covers Bulfinch's Harbor, 235. Enters
the great river, which he names the
Columbia, 236. Makes known his dis-
covery to the Spanish commandant at
Nootka, 237. Letter of Gray and In-
graham to the Spanish commandant,
respecting the occurrences at Nootka
in 1789, 242, 413. Returns to the Unit-
ed States, 237.


Harmon, D. W., important evidence
afforded by him respecting the first
trading posts established by the British
west of the Rocky Mountains, 291.
Hawaii. See Owyhee.

Hearne, Samuel, discoveries in the territo-

ry west of Hudson's Bay, 145. Reaches
the Arctic Sea, at the mouth of Cop-
permine River, 146.

Heceta, Bruno, voyage along the north-
west coast of America, in 1775, 117.
Discovers a river, called by him Rio de
San Roque, now called the Columbia,
Henderson, John, speech in the Senate of
the United States on the bill for the
occupation of Oregon, 382.

Howel, account of the negotiation at
Nootka between Vancouver and Qua-
dra, 245.

Hudson, Henry, discovers Hudson's Bay,

[blocks in formation]

north-west passage, 141. Disputes with
the North-West Company, 260, 324.
Union of these two companies, 326.
Receives a grant of exclusive trade in
the Indian territories, 326. General
view of its system and establishments,
392. Papers relating to it, 455.
Hudson's Strait, probably the same called
by the Portuguese the Strait of Anian,47.
Hunt, Wilson P., chief agent of the Pa-
cific Fur Company, 295. His negotia-
tions with Governor Baranof at Sitka,

Huntingdon, Jabez W., speech in the
Senate of the United States on the bill
for the occupation of Oregon, 382.


Ingraham, Joseph, mate of the ship Co-
Tumbia, in her first voyage from Boston
to the north-west coast, 180. Returns
to the Pacific as master of the brig
Hope, and discovers the Washing-
ton or North Marquesas Islands, 226.
At the Sandwich Islands, 227. At
Queen Charlotte's Island, 227. At Ma-
cao, where he meets Marchand, and
communicates his discovery of the
Washington Islands, the priority of
which is admitted by Marchand and
Fleurieu, 228. At Nootka, where he
writes a letter, signed by himself and
Gray, respecting the proceedings at
that place in 1789, 242. Copy of that
letter, 414. Unfair synopsis of it by
Vancouver, 244. His journal, 231. His
death, 237.


Jesuits undertake the reduction of Cali-
fornia, 99. Their system and establish-
ments, 100. Their History of Califor-
nia, 101. Expelled from the Spanish
dominions, 106. Results of their labors
in California, 107.

Jesup, Thomas S., quartermaster-general

of the United States; report on the
best means of occupying Oregon, 336.
Effect of that report on the negotia-
tions in Europe, 337.

Jewitt, J. R., his captivity among the In-
dians at Nootka, 263.


Kamtchatka described, 42.

by the Cossacks, 128. Its position on
the Pacific ascertained, 129.
Kendrick, John, commands the first trad-
ing expedition from the United States
to the North Pacific, 179. Arrives at

Nootka, 181. Sails in the sloop Wash
ington through the Strait of Fuca,
200, 217. The first who engaged in
the transportation of sandal-wood from
the Sandwich Islands to Canton, 225.
His purchases of lands from the Indians
at Nootka; accidentally killed, 229.
Kodiak Island, 40. Settlement on it by
the Russians, 161.
Krenitzin and Levaschef, voyage of, 137.
Krusenstern, A. J. von, commands a
Russian exploring expedition to the
Pacific, 272. His great merit as a navi-
gator; his journal of the expedition;
efficient in the reform of abuses in
Russian America, 274


Ladrillero, Juan, an old Spanish pilot,
who pretended to have made a northern
voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific,

Ledyard, John, corporal of marines in
Cook's expedition, 149. Escapes from
a British ship, off the coast of Connecti-
cut, 162. Endeavors to obtain means
to engage in the fur trade; attempts
to go by land from Paris to Kait-
chatka; arrested at Irkutsk, and
forced to return; attempts to discover
the source of the Nile, and dies at
Cairo, 163.

Lewis, Meriwether, and John Clarke,
commissioned by President Jefferson to
explore the Missouri and Columbia
countries, 284. Voyage up the Mis-
souri to its sources; passage through
the Rocky Mountains, 285. Descend
the Columbia to the Pacific; winter
at the mouth of the Columbia, 266.
Return to the United States, 287. Gen-
eral results of their expedition; their
Journal written by Lewis; melancholy
death of Lewis, 238.

Lewis, or Snake, or Sahaptin River,
principal southern branch of the Co-
lumbia, discovered by Lewis and Clarke,
2-7. Described, 22.

Linn, Lewis F., his bill and speeches in
the Senate of the United States on the
occupation of Oregon, 379, 387.
Louisiana, settled by the French; grant-
ed by Louis XIV. to Crozat, 227; and
afterwards to Law, 228. Ceded by
France to Spain; retroceded by Spain
to France, and sold by France to the
United States, 279. Its extent at dif
ferent times, 250. Comprehended no
territory west of the Rocky Mountains,
283. Northern boundary not deter
mined by commissaries agreeably to the
treaty of Utrecht, as generally sup-
posed, 281, 436.

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