Arms and munitions (including mili- tary aircraft), export to China, 122-123, 542, 1016-1028
American aircraft firms: Interest in securing contracts in South China, 1016, 1017, 1019, 1026; Japanese detention of Ameri- can demonstration airplane at Mukden, 122-123, 542
British policy and procedure con- cerning shipments to Canton faction via Hong Kong, 1018, 1019-1020, 1021, 1022-1023, 1026-1028
U. S. attitude: Interception of Eu- ropean shipments to Canton via Manila, question of, 1023-1024; issuance of export licenses for military material only on notifi- cation from National Govern- ment, 1016-1017, 1018, 1024- 1025; objection to contracts in- volving purchase of military equipment from U. S. Govern- ment departments, 1017; pre- vention of export of certain commercial airplanes at request of National Government, 1020, 1020-1022, 1023, 1025; recom- mendation by U. S. Minister for change in attitude toward sales to Canton government, 1027- 1028
Automatic Telephones of China, Fed- eral, Inc., 123 Aviation. See Arms and munitions, supra.
Bandit and communist activity (see also Sino-Japanese dispute: Ban- ditry; also Protection, infra), 805, 883
Bonds issued by Canton rebels, refusal of National Government to recog- nize, 1041
Boxer indemnity, noninclusion in Hoover debt moratorium, 1040- 1041
Claims commission, U. S.-China, U. S. proposal for establish- ment of, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038- 1040, 1042; text of draft con- vention, 1043-1046
Consolidation of foreign debts (see also Claims commission, supra), question of U. S. submission of list of claims against China, 1034-1036
Damages to property by revolution- ary forces: Changsha claims, Chinese declination to con- sider, 1037-1038; U. S. reserva- tion of right to present claims for damages to missionary property, 971-974
Warning by National Government of refusal to recognize bonds is- sued by Canton rebels, 1041 Commercial treaty with the United States (1903), expiration in 1934, 804, 847, 848
Commissions (see also under Sino- Japanese dispute), Sino-U. S. claims commission, U. S. pro- posal for establishment of, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038-1040, 1042; text of draft convention, 1043-1046
Communism. See Bandit and commu- nist activity, supra.
Concessions and international settle- ments. See under Foreign pow- ers, infra.
Courts. See Extraterritorial rights and Jurisdiction over U. S. citi- zens, infra.
Curtiss-Wright Co., 1016 Customs. See under Taxation: Im- position, infra.
Debts, Chinese. See Boxer indemnity and Claims, supra.
Deeds, title, to real property, U. S. protection of, 1028-1033 Dollar Co., Robert, 1006-1007
Extraterritorial rights-Continued. Provisions of proposed treaties, dis- cussions and draft texts: Arbitration of civil or commercial controversies, 728, 764, 766, 773, 780-781, 783, 797,800– 801, 807-808, 814, 820-821, 826, 829, 830, 887, 898-899
Arrests, imprisonment, detention, and bail, 728, 742, 745, 755, 784, 795, 797, 798-799, 800, 807, 813, 818-819, 851, 889, 897-898, 906, 907, 911-912
Authorized text, 825, 828-829, 831, 851, 855, 903
Codes, publication of, 719, 727, 814, 827, 830, 855, 905 Commercial books, examination, 821, 907
Companies, 722, 728, 764, 768, 774, 781-782, 784, 796, 801, 807, 821-822, 859, 889, 900-901 Consular officers' rights and privi- leges, 848, 857, 861-862, 863,
Criminal jurisdiction. See Trans- fer of jurisdiction, infra. Definition of "nationals", 729, 813, 824, 903
Duration, 729, 788, 793, 807, 812, 813, 814, 825, 831, 836, 840- 841, 847, 851, 859, 863-864, 872, 874-875, 876, 903
Evocation, 719, 723, 725, 727-728, 733, 738, 741, 744, 753, 755, 760, 764, 771, 775-776, 784, 807
Excluded areas, 719, 720, 721, 721-722, 723-724, 725, 732, 738, 742, 743, 744, 746, 748, 751, 752, 753-754, 755, 756, 757, 760, 760-761, 761, 764, 769, 770, 771, 772, 784, 785, 788-789, 792, 793, 794, 795, 800, 802, 802-803, 804, 805-806, 806-807, 807, 809, 812, 813, 814, 825, 828, 831, 832-834, 835-836, 837, 840-841, 843, 846-848, 849, 856, 858- 859, 862, 863, 864-865, 866, 867-868, 868-869, 869, 870, 871, 873-874, 876-877, 878, 880- 881, 881, 883-884, 884, 890- 893, 902, 910, 912, 916, 917- 919, 1014; special treatment of Shanghai, 721-722, 724, 725, 738, 742, 753-754, 755, 756, 760, 760-761, 769, 771, 785, 789, 793, 794, 803, 804, 806, 807, 809, 828, 831, 834, 837, 840- 841, 847-848, 856, 868, 873- 874, 877, 880-881, 884, 890- 893, 910, 912, 916, 919
China--Continued. Extraterritorial rights-Continued. Provisions of proposed treaties, dis- cussions and draft texts-Con. Lawyers and interpreters, 764- 765, 772, 777, 779, 783, 788, 807, 814, 816-817, 826, 896, 906, 911
Legal counselors (without func- tions as co-judges), 720, 721, 722, 725, 726, 732, 733, 735, 736, 742, 743, 744, 751, 752, 753, 755, 757, 760, 761, 762- 764, 770, 771, 772-773, 775- 776, 779-780, 783, 785, 792, 795-796, 800, 801-802, 806, 807, 808, 814, 816-817, 851, 859, 864, 871, 872, 872-873, 894- 896, 904, 907-908
Military service and forced loans, 722, 764, 768, 781, 784, 797, 798, 801, 807, 821, 830, 887, 900
Mutual relations of courts, 851, 905
Nondiscriminatory treatment, 729, 748, 764, 769, 775, 781, 782, 784, 796, 801, 807, 824, 829, 871, 886-887, 889, 890, 903, 912
Patents and copyrights, protec- tion, 881-882, 885, 890, 908- 909
Pending cases, 720, 729, 764, 768- 769, 774-775, 807, 823, 901 Personal status matters, 720, 721, 725-726, 732, 757, 784, 807, 813, 823-824, 828, 830, 836, 837-838, 842, 850, 851, 851- 852, 854, 857, 871, 886, 890, 902, 907, 909, 910-911, 912, 913
Preamble, 719, 727, 858, 888, 893 Property, immovable, rights in, 721, 726, 728, 745, 748, 755, 756, 757, 760, 764, 766-767, 772, 773-774, 777, 781, 783, 797, 801, 807, 814, 821, 826, 829-830, 889-890, 899, 906, 912, 913, 965, 1028-1029, 1031
Protected persons: British, 764, 769, 807, 829, 855-856; U. S., 904, 906-907, 1010-1012
Protection of courts, 813, 825, 904 Ratification, 719, 727, 729, 807, 813, 825, 831, 851, 876, 884, 904
Residence and trade, rights of, 719, 722, 724, 726, 729, 732, 746, 748, 757, 784, 807, 813, 814, 823, 829, 831, 831-832, 854-855, 881, 902, 908
Search of premises, 720, 722, 728, 764, 767-768, 774, 784, 807, 821, 830, 899
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