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19. What are the names of the instructers who distinguish themselves most in their employment? What is their age? How long

have they been in employment?

20. Generally, do teachers who are young, or those who are more advanced in age, succeed better?

21. Is it the duty of instructers of primary schools to give at fixed periods an account of the condition of the classes which they superintend-of the conduct and the progress of the children? —At what periods, in what form, under what particular relation, are these accounts demanded, and to whom are they addressed? What means are taken to ascertain their correctness?

22. What are the annual salaries of primary instructers? Are these salaries invariably fixed, or casual, and dependent on the number of children?—What is their maximum-What their minimum? What indemnities or particular advantages are allowed them, independently of their fixed salary? Are they properly provided with lodging, airy, light, and warm? Do they receive a certain portion of grain, of wine, or of other provisions? At what sum may these supplements to salary or indemnities be valued?

23. How, at what periods, and on what funds, are these salaries, principal or subsidiary?

24. Have primary instructers the prospect of a progressive advancement of their salary, or of an advance at a certain stage of their career-whether at the end of a certain number of years of service, or on the ground of their talents or their zeal, or the increase in the number of their pupils? On what foundation rests this augmentation of salary or this promotion? By whom is it proposed, determined, granted? In what does it consist?

25. Have they also the prospect of securing a retreat, after a cer ́tain number of years' service? What is the number of years? What is the amount of such pension? By whom is it granted and fixed?

26. In case of accidents or infirmities which may oblige an instructer to retire before the time stipulated for a pension, can he at least obtain an indemnity proportioned to the duration and the benefit of his services?

27. Have primary instructers a sufficient guaranty for the preservation of their places, and are they never exposed to an arbitrary destitution?

28. If faulty conduct or discovered incapacity makes it necessary to displace an instructer, how and by whom, is the arrangement ordered?

29. Do instructers enjoy a degree of consideration sufficient to render their condition honorable?


30. What are their habitual relations with the parents of their pils with the magistrates of their town, with the ministers of religion?


31. What is the number of the pupils in the primary schools of the district, &c?

32. What is the proportion of the whole number of those pupils to that of the population of the district, &c.

33. What number of pupils is under the charge of the same instructer?

34. At what age are children admitted to the primary schools? 35. Are children of both sexes admitted into the same school, and till what age?

36. Do children undergo, on their entering the primary school, and during their elementary course, examinations suited to produce an estimation of the developement of their faculties, and the progress of their instruction. How do these examinations take place? 37. Is care taken to divide the children of the same school into several classes or sections, and on what basis is this division determined?

38. Are arrangements made which permit the children to aid themselves, and instruct themselves mutually?

39. How much time is employed with an ordinary child, to render him familiar with the elements of reading, writing, and calculation?

40. At what age do children leave the primary schools?

Education Physical and Gymnastic.

41. For how long a time are infants in general nursed in the country-in the city?

42. What kind of nourishment is given to some infants instead of the milk of their mothers, and what effects do these aliments produce on the health of children?

43. Do the wealthier citizens commit their infants to nurses or do the mothers themselves attend to the office of nursing.

44. How are infants nourished after being weaned? Till what age are they hindered from eating meat, and drinking wine? 45. What clothing is used for infants?

46. Is it customary to clothe infants slightly, in all seasons; or are they kept warmly clad?

47. How many hours are children permitted to sleep, till they have attained the age of six or eight years; and how are the hours of repose distributed?

48. Are the beds of children hard, in order to invigorate their bodies, or are they soft; and of what are they ordinarily composed?

49. During sleep, is the head covered or bare, and on what ground is a preference given to either practice?

50. Till what age, in cities, do children usually remain under the care of females, and what are the observations made regarding children,who have been put under the charge of men, earlier than comports with common usage?

51. What attention is given to fortifying children by accustoming them early to the open air, and to cold-and by enuring them to fatigue?

52. What are the ordinary sports of children-whether in the family or at school?

53. Are they accustomed to long walks-before or after eating? 54. What success is there in directing and superintending—in an indirect manner without infringing the liberty of children—their exercises and their sports?

55. By what exercises are children rendered agile? Are they taught to use both hands equally?

56. Are they frequently bathed in cold water-lake or river-or in warm baths?

57. Are they taught to swim, and at what age? What precautions are used to prevent accidents?

58. What pains are taken about cleanliness and neatness? 59. What are the rules of hygiene (the preservation and promotion of health) generally followed with children?

60. Are the children generally healthy, strong, and robust? 61. What are the maladies most common among children? 62. Does the small pox still exist, and is it destructive? 63. Is vaccination generally adopted; and for how long a time has the practice existed?

64. How many infants generally are in one year affected with severe illness, and of what kind?

65. What is the proportion of mortality among children under ten years of age?

(Well educated and experienced physicians, and intelligent magistrates, are referred to as proper persons from whom to receive answers to most of the preceding questions.)

The author of the pamphlet from which we have translated the foregoing passages, did not anticipate for his work a wider sphere of usefulness, than it might find in Europe. But there seems to be no good reason why his efforts should not extend their influence to America. The very perusal of his questions, will, we think, do much good everywhere. We shall pursue them farther in a fu

ture number,


Public Examinations in the English Universities. See No. 6.

(Continued from p. 374.)

I. Translations from Latin prose and poetry into English: Livii Hist. lib. xxvi.-Quod ubi egressus Scipio in tumulum, etc. Ciceronis Epist. lib. vi. 18-Simul accepi a Seleuco tuo litteras, etc. Persii Satir. v. 161

Dave, cito, hoc credas jubeo, finire dolores
Præteritos meditor, etc.

Horat. Satir. ii, 8

Ut Nasidieni juvit te cena beati, etc. Taciti Hist. iii, 71, 72—Vix dum regresso in Capitolium, etc.

II. Greek Prose, to be translated into English:

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Demosthenes, περὶ τῶν ἐν Χεῤῥονήσῳ—Ουδινό Φίλιππος μᾶλλον ἢ τῇ πολιτεία πολεμεί, κ. τ. λ. Xenoph. Hellenic. vi, iv, 3— Έπεὶ δὲ ηρξατο ἄγειν ὁ Κλεόμβροτος, %. T. λ. Platon. Timai, tom. iii p. 36 D. di xarà 1001 Tử žuvioтárti, x. T. λ. Herodot. lib. iv. 128-oi de Exudíav Bariλñes, x. r. λ. Athenæus, lib. ix. p. 372 B-Xepavos dé àça mori, x. 7. λ. Demosth. de Rhodiorum libertate-"Exen & ävdges "Adevasion, x. 8. λ. Thucyd. ii. 76—Oi dè Пeλswovvýσiot deœDóμevol, n. 7. A. tot. de Rhetor. ii. 11Πῶς δἔχοντες ζηλοῦσι, καὶ τὰ ποῖα, κ. τ. λ. Lysias contra Agoratum, Reiske, tom. v, 506—Пvrávopas d'autòv, x. T. X. Platon. Phœdon, c, 29-Τὸ οὖν; τούτων οὕτως ἐχόντων, κ. τ. λ.


III. Greek Poetry, to be translated into English and Latin prose and verse:

Aristoph. Acharnenses, v. 509 to 550

"Εγωγε μισῶ μὲν Λακεδαιμονίους σφόδρα, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English.

Euripid. Baccha, v. 370 to 430—

Χορός. Οσια πότνα θεῶν, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into literal English; also into Latin verse.-Give the metrical names of the verses.

Sophoclis Trachiniæ, v. 469 to 529

Μεγά τι σθένος & Κύπρις ἐκφέρεται, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English prose; also into Latin Lyric verse.

Pindar. Olymp. vii, 1 to 31


Φίαλαν ὡς εἴ τις α

φνειᾶς ἀπὸ χειρὸς ἑλων, κ. τ. λ.


to be translated literally into English; also into Latin Lyric verse. Apollon. Rhod. Argonaut. iv, 350 to 393

Ενθα δ ̓ ἐπεὶ τὰ ἕκαστα, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English. Quote such passages in Virgil, as appear to be imitations of the above: Also passages of Homer and Euripides, to which it bears a resemblance.

Eschyli Agamem. v. 226 to 255-

Επει δ' ανάγκας ἔδυ λιπαδνον, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English prose and into Latin verse. Quote the passage of Lucretius which appears to be imitated from the above. Aristoph. Thesmoph. v. 1136 to 1155

Πάλλαδα τὴν Φιλόχορον ἐμοὶ, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English verse. Mention the metres of the different


Theoeritus. Idyl. xxvi

Ινω, κ ̓ Αὐτονόα, χ' α μαλοπάρῃος Αγαύα, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English prose, and compared with the description of the same scene as given by Euripides.

Homer. Odys. viii, 165 to 185.

Τον δ' άρ υπόδρα ιδών προσέφη πολύμητις Οδυσσεύς, κ. τ. λ.

to be translated into English verse.

IV. English Poetry and Prose, to be translated into Greek and Latin:

Milton's Paradise Lost, Book IX, 385 to 411

Thus saying, from her husband's hand her hand
Soft she withdrew, &c.

to be translated into Latin hexameters.

Shakspeare's Henry IV, Part I, 23 lines

I know you all; and will a while uphold
The unyok'd humour of your idleness, &c.

to be translated in Greek lambics.

Mitford's History of Greece

Pericles confirmed bis authority principally by that great instrument for the management of a people, his eloquence, &c.

to be translated into Greek.

Milton's Comus v. 213 to 243

O welcome, pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope,
Thou hovering angel, girt with golden wings, &c.

to be translated into Greek; the blank verse, into lambics; the song, into Anapæsts.

Hume's Richard III; an extract from

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