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hoops in the full uniform of the National Guard, others waddling under the mimicry of Don Cossacks, Polish Lancers, and kilted Highlanders. Dissipated-looking free-born sons of Britain, exiled for certain unpaid liabilities, black-balled in every society, just white-washed in England, and about to enjoy lodgings gratis in the Hôtel D'Angleterre, (as the debtors' prison is not inappropriately denominated,) are prevalent.

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One group, on the evening alluded to, attracted some little attention: it consisted of a portly, red-faced, little man, with a tall, scraggy lady; both were jostling the crowd, and trying to make their way towards a most formal-looking personage, who was evidently straining her neck to give them the cut direct. They approached" Lady Margaret, I sincerely hope,"- Lady Margaret looked surprised; " your Ladyship, I fear, forgets Dr. Boyle,-Doctor Boyle of Ratborough; I have had the honour of attending,

I mean visiting the Countess of Atherley; hope
her Ladyship is well. Ah, Sir Alexander!
happy to see you looking so well." Lady
Margaret gave a stiff curtsey, and was about
to move, when the Doctor continued, "Pray
allow me to have the honour of presenting Mrs.
Boyle; my dear,-Lady Margaret Graham:-
Lady Margaret Graham, Mrs. Doctor Boyle."
A formal curtseying ensued.


"I have often heard of your Ladyship,"
said Mrs. Boyle," and am proud—”

The smoke of a steam-packet was now per-
ceived in the distance, seaward; and a rush.
to the pier-head put an end to this conversa-
tion; shortly after the vessel hove in sight, and
glided rapidly over "the glad waters of the
dark blue sea:"-at length it came alongside
the pier. Every neck was elongated, every
eye was dilated, to examine the specimens of
smuggled humanity about to be landed; then
came all the bustle and annoyances of a dis-



embarkation; Mathews's song was fully illus


"Can't touch prog, sick as a dog;
Packetem racketem makes pier;
Boulogne clerks, custom-house sharks,
Searchery, lurchery, fee fee."

It is surprising with what avidity the inmates of watering-places seek that most uninteresting sight- —a landing; to see young and old ladies, sick and squeamish, "whose souls have sickened o'er the heaving wave;" then to witness the hopes and fears, the nervousness of passing the custom-house, knowing that contraband articles are hid in bonnets, bustles, boots, muffs-nay, sometimes so concealed as to give the appearance of being in that state "which women wish to be who love their lords."


Why, my Lady - Lady Margaret Graham!" exclaimed Dr. Boyle, "I declare it is -no it an't- yes it is; it's very like Sir Dudley Ravensworth."

Lady Margaret turned round, addressed a few words to Sir Alexander, and left the pier. -And it was Dudley Ravensworth, evidently flushed and excited: he was accompanied by a military-looking man. After some little delay they landed; no sooner had Sir Dudley put his foot upon the pier than he was kindly accosted by his old antipathy, the Ratborough Galen. Time and matrimony had done much for Dr. Boyle; and his warmhearted offer of any assistance,- for he evidently saw that Ravensworth was "a little dashed" was received in the same spirit in which it was offered.

The Doctor's presence brought back most vividly and painfully to Dudley's mind scenes of the past. "My dear," said the Doctor, addressing his sposa, "I have a little business; professional, my dear," laying a stress on the word professional, as he saw the lady tried to extract a pout from her shrivelled lips; "pray

remain with your friends the Manbeys unti the French steamer arrives; it was to leave Dovor an hour after the Britannia; perhaps I shall be able to induce Sir Dudley to drop in to tea: au revoir."


Accompanied by the Doctor, and a gentleman whom Ravensworth introduced as Captain Somerville, they walked towards the end of the pier, where they found the worthy M.D.'s jaunting-car, the identical one mentioned in a former chapter, and in it proceeded to the Doctor's residence in the upper There Ravensworth entered briefly into the affair that had brought him to Boulogne, and wrote a letter to Constance, which the Doctor promised to deliver if necessary. At five o'clock the party were seen wending their way towards the Column. The last scene of this earthly tragedy was approaching. French steamer had arrived, and scarcely had it touched the pier when a female rushed on


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