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80, 92, 118, 155, 527, 551, 573. Italian Version of, 89.

Parody on, 514.

Elgin Marbles, 44.

Eliot's Indian Bible, vid. Bibles.
Elisabeth, her last words, 500.
Elisabeth's Oone Gospell Booke, 639.

Ellsworth, Col. E., his last words, 500.
Elora, Temples at, 664.
Elphage, his last words, 501.
Emerson's Lectures, 121, 259.
EN TO NIKA, 406.

Encyclopædia, first American, 515.
Engineering, vid. Mechanics.
England, Queen of, vid. Victoria.
Engravings and Inscriptions, 385, 406.
Enoch, Book of, vid. Bibles.
Ensign, Presidential, 267.

Epitaphs, 95, 157, 216, 405.

Epitaphs on the Scipios, 352.
Era, Christian, 217.

Era, a Universal, proposed, 223.
Erasmus, his last words, 501.

Euchides, 492, 543.

Eucles, 270, 332, 492.

Eunuch, of Terence, 74, 112, 128, 131, 141.

Excelsior, 276.

Exceptions, Law of, 415, 554.

Exclusion, Method of, vid. Mathematics.

Expurgated Words, vid. Philosophy.

Eye, blind spot on, 172.

Fables, books of, 594.

Facial Angle, 410.

Faneuil Hall, 462.

Farr, his last words, 501.

Fathers of Greek church, vid. Greek church. Fathers of Latin church, vid. Latin church. Feather and Coin Experiment, vid. Natural


Federal Hall, 555, 586.

Felcon, John, his last words, 501.
Fice, a dog, 47, 154, 173.

Fid. Def., vid. Numismatics.

Fingers, bidding at auctions, vid. Auctions. Fire-flies, 178.

First four, etc., vid. Four first.

Fishes, tinless, 220.

Five Saturdays in February, vid. Saturdays. Five Sundays in February, vid. Sundays. Fizean's Experiment,vid. Natural Philosophy. Flag of U. S., 11, 33, 50, 432.

Flag, U. S., at Bunker Hill, 178, 210.

Flag, vid. also Ensign, and Stars and Stripes. Fleur-de-lys, 614.

Fluids, rotation of, vid. Natural Philosophy. Fontenelle, his last words, 501.

Fool, definition of a, 13, 16.

Forenoon and Afternoon, 95, 158.

Foucault's Experiment, vid. Astronomy.
4-11-44, vid. Mathematics.

Four first, or first four, etc., 607, 618.
Fourier, Charles, his tomb, 386.
Fourier's Formulæ, 12, 31, 331.
Fourteen Lesser Arts, vid. Arts.
Fourteen Reasons of Justinian, 47.
Frankincense, 562.

Franklin, his last words, 501.

Fraser, General, his last words, 501.

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Bab-el-Mandel, 413, 445.

Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, 182.

Center of the Land Surface, 14, 30, 50.

Cephalonia, 536.

Challahengah, Desert of, 125.
Chenango County, 414, 439.
Cities, Collective, 312.

Cities of the same name, 436.
Cities, required population, 639.
City of New York, etc., 220, 243.
Cleveland-Cleaveland, Ohio, 590.
Cologne, 560, 599.

Colombo, Ceylon, 448, 490.
Columbia, S. C., 448.

Columbia, District of, 448.

Columbiana County, Ohio, 448.
Columbus, Ohio, 448.

Connecticut, (etym.) 405.

Connecticut boundary line, 608.

Cumberland, Maryland, 75, 198.

Danzic, 13, 32.

Decapolis, 312.

Delaware, (etym.) 25, 55.

Delaware boundary line, 624. Deltas, 639.

Diospolis, 312.

Dismal Swamp, Virginia, 576.

Dutch Gap, Virginia, 23, 51, 52, 106.

E, (the letter),in capitals of countries,175,197. Earth, circumference of, 640.

Earth, cubic feet in, compared with population, 271.

Everglades, Florida., 576.

Firenze, 560, 599.
Florence, 560, 599.

Friendly Islands, 179, 201, 237.

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Geological survey of the U. S., 146.
George III, his memory, 376.
George IV, his last words, 501.
Georgia, Colonial Governors of, 89.
Gibbon, his last words, 501.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, his last words, 501.
Glass, 321, 562, 625, 626, 627.

Glass-eye, (in horses), 384.

Glass Works, 247.

Glories of the Virgin, 287, 316.

God, name of, vid. Nomenclature.
Goethe, his last words, 501.

Gold, value of a pound of, 639.

Gold Mines, 592, 648.

Gold, weight of, compared with value, 96, 157.

Goldsmith, Oliver, his last words, 501.

Goliath, his last words, 501.

Gookin, Daniel, 73, 104, 106.

Goose Tree, 27, 131, 234.

Gospell Booke, vid. Elizabeth's Gospell Booke. Gospel of Jesus, vid. Bible.

Governors, 526.

Governorship, exercised by a woman, 342.

Graces of the Virgin, 287, 316.

Grammar, earliest English, 9.

Grammatical questions, 179, 280.
Gray, Billy, 352, 378.

Gray, Thomas, 514.

Gray's Elegy, vid. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.

Great American Gyascutus, 560.

Great Eastern, vid. Vessels.

Great Harry, vid. Vessels.

Greek books, vid. Bibliography.

Greek Church, Fathers of the, 527, 558, 583.

Greek Literature, 590, 641, 648.

Greek Names, vid. Nomenclature.

Greek in Germany, 9.

Green, the color, 97, 480.

Gregorian Calendar, 220, 226.

Gregory, VII, his last words, 501.

Grey, Lady Jane, her last words, 501.

Grimm's Law, vid. Philology.

Grotius, his last words, 501.

Gunpowder, 81, 295.

Gustavus Adolphus, his last words, 501.

Hadrian, his memory,

Hair, long, 271.


Hair of horse, vid. Horse-hair.

Hale, Nathan, 384, 412.

Hale, Nathan, his last words, 501.

Haller, his last words, 501.

Hamilton, Alexander, his last words, 501.

Hannibal, his last words, 501.

Hansford, Thomas, his last words, 502.

Harris, Rev. Thomas L., 151.

Harrison, William H., his last words, 502.

Harvey Birch, 223, 244, 260, 304.

Hats at Funerals, 336.

Hathor, 282.

Hawks, 48, 63.

Hawking, first treatise on, 593.

Haydn, his last words, 502.

Hazlitt, his last words, 502.

Hebrew Alphabet, vid. Alphabet.

Hebrew Months, 644.

Height of Men, relative, 623.

Henry of Montfort, his last words, 502.
Henry II, his last words, 502.

Henry III, his last words, 502.

Henry VI, MS. of, vid. Leland Manuscript.
Henry VIII, his last words, 502.
Henry IX, of England, 184, 197.
Herakles, 269.

Heraldry, first treatise on, 593.

Herbert, George, his last words, 502.
Hercules, 269.

Hercules, Labors of, 532.
Hermes, 20.

Herndon, Captain, his last words, 502.
Herring, preserving, 98, 557.
Hibernating of Animals, 219.
High-Churchman, 639.
High-German, 639.

Historian, earliest Rhode Island, 8.

Historical Societies, 248.
History, definition of, 284.

Hobbard de Hoy, Sir, 223, 236, 378.
Hobbes, his last words, 502.

Hofer, Andreas, his last words, 502.

Holy Innocents, 415, 439.

Home, Sweet Home, 624, 645.

Homer, his birthplace, 48, 63, 69, 524, 642.
Hooper, his last words, 502.
Hoosac Tunnel, 296.
Horse-hair, 27, 131.

Horse, tail of, 281.

Horses, Famous, 479, 492, 548, 596, 651. Hortensius, his memory, 376. Horticulture, vid. Botany.

Hull, Commodore, his last words, 502.
Humboldt, A. von., his last words, 502.
Hundred Greatest Men, The, 586, 607.
Hungarians, language and religion, 368, 408.
Hunkers, 96, 155, 185.

Hunter, Dr. William, his last words, 502.
Hunting, First treatise on, 593.
Hurricane, 125.

Husbands, plurality of, vid. Polyandry.

Huyghens' Logogriph, vid. Logogriphs.

Hymn to Jupiter, vid. Cleanthes.
Hymn to the Guillotine, 576, 589.
Hymn Book, earliest English, 8.

I. H. S., 397.

Iatromathematicians, vid. Medicine.
Ice, formation of, 182, 459.
Icosian Game, 24, 128, 245.
Illuminati, The, 448, 472.
Imitation of Christ, 639.
Incas, 101, 186, 279.

Independence, exhibited by the colonies, 269, 346, 423.

Indians, first buried in consecrated ground,341. Indian Church, earliest in New England, 341. Indian Schools, 461.

Indian Vocabulary, 248.

Indians, American, why so called, vid. Geog.
Indigo, 547.

Indo-European Languages, vid. Language.
Inferno, query concerning, 592, 637.
INRI, 407.

Inscriptions vid. Engrav'gs, and Inscriptions.
Insects injurious to books, vid. Bibliography.
Insects, niuscular power of, 4.
Intermittent Springs, 76, 127, 396.

Intoxicating Spirits among the Indians, 5415.
Inventions, American, 415, 466.

Ireland, national color of, vid. Green.

Iron, First found in U. S., 592, 614. Irving, Rev. Edward, his last words, 502. Island, The Lost, 536.

Jackson, Andrew, a duelist, 98, 203. Jackson, Stonewall, his last words, 502. Jacob, (the patriarch), his last words, 502. Jacquard Loom, vid. Loom.

James III, of England, 184, 197.

James V, of Scotland, his last words, 502.
Jasher, Book of, vid. Bibles.

Jasper, Sergeant, his last words, 502.
Jefferson, Thomas, his last words, 503.
Jehovah, 282.

Jelly Fish, 180.

Jenny, vid. Spinning Jenny.

Jesuit Missionaries, first in America, 341.

Jesus Christ, his last words, 503.

Jew, earliest in Parliament, 8.

Jewish Months, vid. Hebrew Months.

Joan, vid. Pope Joan.

Joan of Arc, vid. Statutes.

Joan of Arc, her last words, 503.

Jocen, his last words, 502.

Jodelle, Etienne, 608, 741.

John O'Groat, vid. O'Groat.

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his atonement, 446, 475.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his last words, 503.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his memory, 376.
Joseph, (the patriarch,) his last words, 503.
Josephine, Empress, her last words, 503.
Julian Period, 650.

July, the month, 221, 233, 237, 318.
Jupiter Olympus, Statue of, 294.
Kempis, Thomas à, vid. à Kempis.
Ken, Bishop, his last words, 503.
Kepler's Law, vid. Astronomy.

Key, Philip Barton, his last words, 503.
Kirkwood's Law, vid. Astronomy.

Kissing the Bride, vid. Marriage Ceremonies.
Kissing the Pope's Toe, 75, 138, 139, 212.
Knighthood, Order of, for Women, 151, 197.
Knot, length of, 176, 177, 395.

Knox, John, his last words, 503.
Koran, The, 520.

Labyrinth, Egyptian, 296.
Lacing, vid. Corsets.

Lady of the White House, First, 422.
Lafayette, Grant of Land to, 123, 205.
Lamartine, his memory, 376.

Lamb, Charles, his last words, 503.

Lamotte, his memory, 376.

Lamp, Everlasting, 396, 440.

Language, anecdote of, 114.

Language, English, 313.

Language, Indo-European, 12, 32.

Language, Origin of, 26, 62.

Language, Progress of, 361.

Language, pronounced as spelled, 75, 140.

Lapidary Machines, 562.

Last Words, 497.

Latimer, Bishop, his last words, 503.

Latin Books, vid. Bibliography.

Latin Church, Fathers of the, 527, 558, 583.

Latin Names, vid. Nomenclature.

Latitude, 124, 195.

Laureate Poets, 4, 544.

Lawrence, Captain James, his last words, 503. Laws of England, commentary on, 247.

Laws of the Twelve Tables, vid. Twelve Tables. Lawyers, Mot o of, 519.

Lead Pencils, 97, 200, 260.

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Lithography, 324.

Lithuanian Language, 329, 379.
Living objects in rain, vid. Rain.
Livingstone, David, his last words, 503.
Locke, John, his last words, 503.
Logogriphs, 173, 365, 446, 483.
Logotypes, 281.

Long Island, Battle of, Am. Com., at 283, 303.
Long Words, vid. Philology.

Longevity, vid. Medicine, etc.,
Looking-glasses, vid. Mirrors.
Looms, 585.

Lost, The, 534, 648.

Lost Chord, The, 496, 525.
Louis I, his last words, 503.
Louis IX, his last words, 503.
Louis XIV, his last words, 503.
Louis XVI, his last words, 503.
Louis XVIII, his last words, 503.
Low-Churchman, 639.
Low-German, 639.

Loxodromic Curve, vid. Mathematics.
Lunar Eclipses, vid. Astronomy.
Lyon, William, his memory, 419.
Lyon Verses, 601.

M, (the letter), 647.

M. C. B. I., (on banner), 406.
Macaulay, Lord, his memory, 419.
Maccabeus, Banner of, 406.

McDaniel, Sergeant, last words of, 504.
Machine Shops, first in U. S., 614.

Magazine, earliest in America, 99, 260. Magi, 184, 196, 209.

Magliabecchi, his memory, 420.

Magnetism, vid. Electricity.

Magnifying Power, how determined, 650.

Mahomet, vid. Mahomet.

Mahone's Brigade, 284, 491.

Majesty, (the title), 613.

Malesherbes, his last words, 504.

Mansfield, E. D., his last words, 504.
Marat, his last words, 504.
Marbeau, his last words, 504.
Marcel, A., his last words, 504.

March, 4, (on Sunday), 75, 136, 156, 158.
Margaret of Scotland, her last words, 504.
Marian Persecutions, vid. Persecutions.
Marie Antoinette, her last words, 504.


Banns, 48, 59, 202.

Change of lady's name, 23, 138, 212.
Kissing the Bride, 98.
Marriage of Royalty, 41, 42.
Second Marriage, 608.

Marriotte's Law, vid. Natural Philosophy.
Mars, Sacred Shield of, 608.

Mary, Bloody, her last words, 504.

Mary, Queen of Scots, her last words, 504.
Maryland, Colonial Governors of, 116.
Masonic Degrees, vid. Freemasonry.
Masoretic Points, 175, 198, 244.
Massachusetts, eulogy on, 71, 104.

Massachusetts, Laws of, 529.

Massaniello, his last words, 504.
Massasoit, 560.


Age, problem of, 12, 31.

Algebra, earliest treatise on, 13, 32, 64, 109, 127, 345.

Algebra, earliest treatise on in U. S., 220. Algebra in Politics, 171.

Algebra, Linear, 124, 345, 442, 443.

Algebraic Intensives, 360.

Angle, definition of an, 13, 29, 56.

Angle, function of an, 75, 301.

Anvil, contents of, 265.

Arabic Figures introduced into Europe, 640. Arithmetic, earliest treatise on, in U. S., 220. Arithmetical Series, 220.

Arithmetical Toast, 407.

Binomial Theorem, on tomb of Newton, 385.

Circle with its center everywhere, etc., 220.
Counting, Indian methods of, 616, 666.
Cube roots, decimally expressed, 151.
Cycloidal Curve, 96, 134, 158.

Decimal Notation, 13, 64, 386, 630, 670.
Eggs, problem of, 222.

Equation, Biquadratic, 14, 56, 72, 143.
Equation, Cubic, 326.

Equation of a Triangle, 416.

Equation, various ones, 634, 635.

Euclid's Geometry, 9, 390, 640.
Grazing Area, 150.

Grindstone, revolving, 96, 189.

Hindoo figures introduced into Europe, 640. Limaçon, 432, 469.

Logarithms, 636.

Logarithm of (10) Ten, 447.

Logarithmic Spiral Curve, on tomb of Bernoulli, 385.

Loxodromic Curve, 123, 261.

Mathematics, first American book on, 515.

Method of Exclusion, 416.

Notation, Roman, 432.

Numbers, Enumeration of, 359, 392.
Nine, (9), 49, 62, 639.

Nine, (9), raised to 912th power, 656, 664.

Odd Numbers, 48.

Roman Numerals, 184, 240.

Ten Thousand, (10,000), 98, 157, 159, 187. Thirteen,(13),49,59,68,128,142,155,187,239,623. Three, (3), 175, 634.

Twenty-four, (24), 49.

Two, (2), root and powers of, 633, 634. 4-11-44, 336, 379.

142,857, properties of, 622. Percentage, 399.

Pi, (T), its value, 631.

Pons Asinorum, 446, 509, 539.

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