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Class 15.

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CLASS 15.-Skins, teeth, horns, &c.

Bullocks' and buffalo horns, per 100

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per 100 catties




Elephants' teeth, second quality, bro

ken, per 100 catties

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[blocks in formation]

Shipping dues.-These have been hitherto charged on the shipping dues. measurement of the ship's length and breadth, at so much per chang, but it is now agreed to alter the system, and charge according to the registered statement of the number of tons of the ship's burden. On each ton, (reckoned equal to the cubic contents of 122 tow,) a shipping charge of 5 mace is to be levied, and all the old charges of measurement, entrance, and port clearance fees, daily and monthly fees, &c., are abolished. C. CUSHING. TSIYENG.

And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both Ratification exchanged 31st parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchan- Dec. 1845. ged at Pwan Tang, Canton, on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty five, by James Biddle, Commander-in-chief of the naval forces and Acting Minister and Commissioner to China of the United States of America, and Ke Ying, of the Imperial House, general superintendent of the free trade of the five ports, Governor General of the two Kwang provinces, Director of the Board of War, Vice High Chancellor, a Vice Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Minister and Commissioner Extraordinary of the Ta Tsing Empire, on the part of their respective Governments.

Treaty pro

Now, therefore, be it known, that I, JAMES K. POLK, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty claimed April to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause 18, 1846, and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this eighteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, [SEAL.] and forty-six, and of the independence of the said States the seventieth.

By the President:


JAMES BUCHANAN, Secretary of State.

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Treaty of com

merce and navigation with the Two Sicilies,

1st Dec. 1815.





By the President of the United States of America.


Whereas, a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the
United States of America and his Majesty the King of the
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, was concluded and signed at
Naples, on the first day of December, one thousand eight hun-
dred and forty-five, which Treaty, being in the English and
Italian languages, is, word for word, as follows:

The United States of America and his Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, equally animated with the desire of maintaining the relations of good understand. ing which have hitherto so happily subsisted between their respective states, and consolidating the commercial intercourse between them, have agreed to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce and Nayigation, for which purpose they have appointed plenipotenția ries, that is to say:

The President of the United States of America, William H. Polk, Charge d'Affaires of the said United States of America to the Court of his Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies; and his Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, D. Giustino Fortunato,Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Military Constantinian Order of St. George, and of Francis the 1st, Minister Secretary of State of his said Majesty; D. Michael Gravina and Requesenz, Prince of Comiti


Gli Stati Uniti di America, e Sua Maestá il Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, del pari animati del desiderio di conservare le relazioni di buona corrispon denza che anno finora felicemente esistito tra' loro rispettivi stati, e di estendere e consolidare i rapporti ccmmerciali tra essi, sono convenuti di entrare in negoziazione per la conchiusione di un trattato di commercio e di navigazione, ed ánno a tale affetto destinato rispettivamente de' plenipotenziarí, cioé:

Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti di America, il Signor Guglielmo H. Polk, Incaricato di Affari degli stessi Stati Uniti di America presso la Corte di S. M. il Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, e Sua Maestá il Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, D. Giustino Fortunato, Cavaliere Gran Groce del Militare Reale Ordine Constantiniano, di S. Georgio, e di quello di Francesco lo, Ministro Segretario di Stato della M. S.; D. Michele Gravina e Requesenz, Principe di Comitini, Cavaliere Gran Croce di Francesco 1o, Gentil

ni, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Francis the 1st, Gentleman of the Chamber in waiting, and Minister Secretary of State of his said Majesty; and D. Antonio Spinelli, of Scalea, Commander of the Royal Order of Francis the 1st, Gentleman of the Chamber of his said Majesty, Member of the General Consulta, and SuperintendentGeneral of the Archives of the Kingdom; who, after having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following articles :


There shall be reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation between the United States of America and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. No duty of customs, or other impost, shall be charged upon any goods,the produce or man ufacture of one country, upon importation by sea or by land from such country into the other, other or higher than the duty or impost charged upon goods of the same kind, the produce or manufacture of, or imported from, any other country; and the United States of America and his Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies do hereby engage, that the subjects or citizens of any other State shall not enjoy any favor, privilege, or immunity, whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, which shall not also, and at the same time, be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other high contracting party, gratuitously, if the concession

uomo di Camera con esercizio, e Ministro Segretario di Stato della M. S.; e D. Antonio Spinelli, dei Principi di Scalea, Commendatore del Real Ordine di Francesco 1o, Gentiluomo della M. S., Consultore della Consulta Generale, e Soprantendente Generale degli Archivi del Regno; i quali dopo di avere scambiato loro pieni poteri, trovati in buona e do vuto forma án conchiuso e sottoscritto gli articoli seguenti:

ART. 10.

rocal liberty of commerce and

Vi sará reciprocá libertá di To be a recipcommercio e navigazione tra gli Stati Uniti di America ed il navigation. Regno delle Due Sicilie, e niun dazio doganale o altra imposizione, sara caricato sopra No duties to be imposed on imqualunque merce di produ- portations into zione del suolo o dell' indus- either country tria di un paese, alla importa- manufactures of of produce or zione per mare o per terra da the other. tale paese nell' altro, diverso o più elevato del dazio o imposizione caricata sulle merci dello stesso genere di produzione, o manifattura importata da qualsivoglia altro Paese.

to be common to the other.

Gli Stati Uniti di America e Favors granted by either party S. M. il Re de Regno delle to other nations Due Sicilie s' impegnano, perció che i sudditi o cittadini di alcun altra Potenza, non godranno alcun favore, privilegio o immunitá, in materia di commercio o di navigazione, senza estenderlo, egualmente, e nello stesso tempo, a' sudditi o citadini dell' altra Potenza contraente, gratuitamente, se la concessione fatta a favore di tale altro Statto sara stata gra

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