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thereof shall be exchanged at Berlin, within the term of twelve months from the date of the signature hereof, or sooner, if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, as well in English as in German, and have thereto affixed their seals.

Done in triplicata, in the city of Berlin, on the twentyseventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, in the seventieth year of the independence of the United States of America, and the seventh of the reign of His Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau.

vorbehaltlich der Ratification
Seiner Koeniglichen Hoheit
des Herzogs von Nassau,
und es soll, die Auswechse-
lung der Ratifications-Urkun-
den innerhalb zwoelf Mona-
ten, vom Tage der Unter-
zeichnung des gegenwaerti-
gen Vertrages an gerechnet,
oder früher, wenn es möglich
ist, zu Berlin stattfinden.


In Urkund dessen haben Signed in EngGer die beiderseitigen Bevoll-lish and maechtigten obstehende Ar-man May 27, tikel, sowohl in Englischer als in Deutscher Sprache unterzeichnet, und ihre Siegel beigedrueckt.

Ausgestellt in drei Exem-
plaren zu Berlin, den 27en
Mai, Ein Tausend Acht Hun-
dert Sechs und Vierzig, im
siebzigsten Jahre der Unab-
haengigkeit der vereinigten
Staaten von Nord America,
und im siebenten Jahre der
Regierung Seiner Koenigli-
chen Hoheit des Herzogs von


Ratifications And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified exchanged Ocon both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same tober 13th, 1846. were exchanged at Berlin, on the thirteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, by Andrew J. Donelson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, and the Colonel and Chamberlain Otto Wilhelm Carl Von Roeder, etc., etc., Minister Resident of His Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau, near the Government of Prussia, on the part of their respective Governments:


Now, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN that I, JAMES K. POLK, President of the United States of America, have proclaimed Jancaused the said Convention to be made public, to the end uary 6, 1847. that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith, by the United States and the citizens thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this sixth day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight [SEAL.] hundred and forty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States the seventy-first.

By the President:


JAMES BUCHANAN, Secretary of State.



By the President of the United States of America:

17, 1841.

Whereas a Convention between the United States of Ame- Convention rica and the republic of Peru was concluded and signed with Peru Mar. at Lima, by their respective Plenipotentiaries, on the seventeenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, which Convention is, word for word, as follows:

The United States of America and the republic of Peru, Preamble, desirous of consolidating permanently the good understanding and friendship now happily existing between the parties, have resolved to arrange and terminate their differences and pretensions by means of a Convention that shall determine exactly the responsibilities of Peru with respect to the claims of certain citizens of the United States against her: And with this intention, the President of the United States has appointed James C. Pickett, chargé d'affaires of said States near Peru, and his excellency the President of the republic of Peru has appointed Don Manuel del Rio, principal officer of the department of finance, acting minister of the same department and supernumerary councillor of State, and both commissioners, after having exchanged their powers, have agreed upon and signed the following articles:"



citizens for captures, deten.

The Peruvian Government, in order to make full satisfac- The Peruvian tion for various claims of citizens of the United States, on Gov'nt to pay $300,000 to saaccount of seizures, captures, detentions, sequestrations, and tisfy the claims confiscations of their vessels, or for the damage and de- of American struction of them, of their cargoes, or other property, at sea, and in the ports and territories of Peru, by order of said tions, sequesGovernment of Peru, or under its authority, has stipulated trations, &c. of their property. to pay to the United States the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, which shall be distributed among the claimants, in the manner, and according to the rules that shall be prescribed by the Government of the United States.


To be paid at Lima in ten equal annual in

The sum of three hundred thousand dollars, which the Government of Peru has agreed to pay, in the preceding article, shall be paid at Lima, in ten equal annual instal- stalments. ments, of thirty thousand dollars each, to the person or persons that may be appointed by the United States to receive

it. The first instalment shall be paid on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fortyfour, and an instalment on the first day of each succeeding January, until the whole sum of three hundred thousand dollars shall be paid.


Interest-how The Peruvian Government agrees also to pay interest on to be computed the before mentioned sum of three hundred thousand dollars, and paid. at the rate of four per centum per annum, to be computed from the first day of January, one thousand eight Lundred and forty-two, and the interest accruing on each instalment shall be paid with the instalment. That is to say, interest shall be paid on each annual instalment, from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.

Annual payments to Inade in hard dollars, &c.


All the annual payments made on account of the three be hundred thousand dollars shall be paid in hard dollars of the same standard and value as those now coined at the mint in Lima, and the annual payments, as well as the accruing interest, may be exported from Peru free of all duty what

What indemni



There shall not be demanded of the Government of Peru ties may & may any other payment or indemnification, on account of any not be demand- claim of the citizens of the United States that was presented Gov'nt of Peru. to it by Samuel Larned, Esq., when chargé d'affaires of the

ed from the

United States near Peru. But the claims subsequent to

those presented by Mr. Larned to the Government of Peru shall be examined and acted upon hereafter.


How each an- It is further agreed that the Peruvian Government shall nual instalment have the option of paying each annual instalment, when it is


due, with orders on the custom-house at Callao, which shall be endorsable in sums of any amount, and receivable in the Treasury as cash, in payment of duties on importations of all kinds; and the orders shall be given in such a manner as, that in case similar orders shall be at a discount in the market, the full value of each annual payment shall be secured and made good to the United States, as though it had been paid in cash, at the time of its falling due; and any loss occasioned by discount, or delay in the collection, shall be borne and made good by the Peruvian Government. ARTICLE VII.

This convention shall be ratified by the contracting par

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