gress, 122; resigned, 123.
ARGUELLES CASE, proceedings in Congress respecting, 354, 355; letter of the Captain General of Cuba, 355. ARKANSAS, vote for President in 1860, 1; Members of Thirty- Sixth Congress, 48, 49; Deputies in Rebel Provisional Congress, 11, 400, and Members of First, 401, of Second, 402; secession movement in convention and Legisla- ture, 4; seizures and surrenders in, 28; vote on seces- sion ordinance and proceedings of secession convention, 399; admission into the Confederacy, 400; claimants for seats at First Session Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140, 141, and Mr. Trumbull's report in Senate, and action thereon, 320, 321; Free State government in, 321; vote on abolishing slavery in, 332; President Lincoln's let- ters respecting election in, 322; soldiers in the army, 399; Congressional action on claimants for seats, Second Session Thirty-Eighth Congress, and on recognizing the Free State government, 586-588.
ARMS OF UNITED STATES, transfer South in 1859-'60, 34; pur- chase by Alabama and Virginia in 1860, 35; purchase by Governor of Virginia prior to secession, 36; sale to States, 36; Jefferson Davis's bill to authorize such sale, 36; discussion and vote in the Senate, 36, 37; Mobile Advertiser's comment on Floyd's transfers, 35; Burch's resolution relative to California's quota of, 41; General Heintzelman's order relative to sale, note, 418. ARMSTRONG, JAMES D., Rev., facts concerning, 542, 543. ARMY, REDEL, strength of, 117, 121, 399.
ARMY VOTE, at Presidential Election of 1864, 623. ARNOLD, ISAAC N., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; resolution on forgery of official documents, 194; bill for emancipation of slaves in the insurrectionary districts, 229, 230; bill to prohibit slavery in the Territories, 254; proposition to amend the Constitution, 258.
ARNOLD, SAMUEL G., Member of Peace Conference, 67; Sen- ator in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 123,
ARRESTS OF CITIZENS, 152-154; President Lincoln's and Secretary Stanton's orders respecting, 154; of Vallan- digham, 162: Mr. Pendleton's resolution in House de- nouncing, 182; proceedings respecting sundry, 179- 181; resolutions, votes, and legislation respecting, 183- 185; General Augur's order respecting military, 187; Mr. Saulsbury's amendment respecting, 236, 237; fur- ther facts and votes, 559-562; reports of Secretary Stanton and Judge Holt, 559, 560.
ARRINGTON, A, H., Representative in First Rebel Congress,
ARTHUR, BENJAMIN F., Clerk of South Carolina Secession
Convention, 399. ARTICLE OF WAR, new, 237, 238. ASBOTH, ALEXANDER, Brigadier General, orders respecting
the election in Kentucky, 313.
ASHE, THOMAS S., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 402; elected Senator to Third Rebel Congress, 611. ASHLEY, JAMES M., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gross, 19; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; reports and propositions relative to reconstruction, 319, 576, 577.
ASHMORE, JOHN D., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; withdrew, 2.
ATKINS, JOHN D. C., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400; Representative in First Congress, 402; Second,
Atlanta (Georgia) Intelligencer on reconstruction with the Northwestern States, note, 303.
ATTORNEY GENERAL, circular respecting amnesty, 148, 149; opinions respecting the President's powers, 51, 52; habeas corpus, 158-161; execution of fugitive slave law, 235; pay of colored chaplains, 279, 280; citizen- ship, 378-384; pay of colored soldiers, 384, 385.
AUGUR, C. C., Major General, order respecting military ar- rests, 157.
AVERELL, WILLIAM W., Acting Adjutant General, order to prohibit slaves leaving the city of Washington, 245. AVERY, WILLIAM T., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49.
AVERY, WILLIAM W., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
AYER, LEWIS MALONE, Jr., Representative in First Rebel Congress, 400; Second, 402; vote on secession ordi- nance, 398,
BAKER, EDWARD D., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; death, 123; colloquy with Sen- ator Hunter, January 11, 1861, 88.
BAKER, JAMES M., Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402; vote on secession ordinance, 399. BAKER, STEPHEN, Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con BALDWIN, AUGUSTUS C., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140. BALDWIN, JOHN B., vote on secession ordinance in Virginia Convention, note, 7; Representative in First Rebel Con gress, 402; Second, 402.
BALDWIN, JOHN D., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con gress, 140; resolution denouncing negotiation with the rebel leaders, 298, 299.
BALDWIN, ROGER S., Member of Peace Conference, 67; prop osition for Constitutional Convention, 69. BALTIMORE, special election in 1861, 9; arrest of Police Marshal and Commissioners by General Banks, and proceedings concerning, 152, 179; Emancipation Reso lutions of the City Union Convention, 220: Fair, Presi dent Lincoln's remarks at, 280, 281; Minutes of Police Commissioners in April, 1861, and Report in Councils on the expenditure of $500,000 appropriation, same period, 333-396; Union National Convention in, 403; Church questions in, 524-533.
Baltimore American on arrests, 153; on Church Difficulties,
Ballimore Evening Transcript, suppression of, 192. Baltimore Exchange, adjustment proposition of, 75. BANISHMENT, proclamation by Jefferson Davis, 121. BANKING SYSTEM, proceedings on establishing, 362-365. BANK NOTES, small, President Lincoln's veto of bill for, 359;
BANKS, A. P., connected with rebel commissioners, 108. BANKS, NATHANIEL P., Major General, instructions to Lieut. Col. Ruger for arrest of Maryland Legislature, 153; arrest of Police Commissioners, Marshal Kane, and others, in Baltimore, and reasons therefor, 152. BAPTIST ASSOCIATIONS, at Brooklyn, in 1861, 474; West New Jersey, in 1861, 1862, and 1864, 475, 476; New Jersey, in 1864, 476; Philadelphia, in 1862 and 1864, 476, 477; Pennsylvania in 1862 and 1863, 477; Ohio, in 1862, 478; New York, in 1862, 478; American Baptist Missionary Union, 478. IN INSURRECTIONARY STATES: of Alabama, 513; Georgia, 513, 514, 515; Southern Bap tist Convention, 514; South Carolina, 514, 515; orders of President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton relative to the occupancy of the churches of, 521, 522.
BARKSDALE, ETHELBERT, Representative in First Rebel Con gress, 402; Second, 402; proposition on Peace, 615. BARKSDALE, WILLIAM, Representative in Thirty Sixth Com gress, 49; sent telegram South, 37; withdrew, S. BARNWELL, ROBERT W., Commissioner to Washington, 2; correspondence with President Buchanan, 29-3.; Dep uty in Rebel Provisional Congress, 2, 11, 400; Senator in First Congress, 401; Second, 402; vote on secession, 398; resolution on Independence, 614.
BARR, THOMAS J., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; adjustment proposition, 74. BARR, MARTIN W., arrest of, 153. BARRETT, J. R, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49; adjustment proposition, 73; member of Border States Committee, 73.
BARRINGER, DAVID M., Member of Peace Conference, 68. BARROW, WASHINGTON, Commissioner of Tennessee in leagu
ing her with the "Confederate" States, 5. BARRY, G., Capt., purchase of Government arms in 1860, 35. BARRY, WILLIAM S., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, BARTOW, FRANCIS S., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con
BATES, DANIEL M., Member of Peace Conference, 67. BATES, EDWARD, Attorney General, 108; circular respecting amnesty, 148, 149; opinion on habeas corpus, 108-161; letter on execution of fugitive slave law, note, 235; opin ions on pay of colored chaplains, 279, 280; citizenship, 378-384; pay of colored soldiers, 384, 385; retirement of, 108; letters of Dr. McPheeters to, and reply of, 533, 536.
BATES, JAMES P., Member of bogus legislative council of Kentucky, 8. BATSON, FELIX I., Representative in First Rebel Congress,
Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140.
401; second, 402; votos in Secession Convention of Ar- | BLAIR, MONTGOMERY, Postmaster General, 108; report on the kansas, 399.
BATTELLE, ROBBINS, Member of Peace Conference, 67. BATTLE, JUDGE, North Carolina, view on habeas corpus, 120. BAXTER, ELISHA, claimant of seat as Senator from Arkansas,
BAXTER, II. HENRY, Member of Peace Conference, 67. BAXTER, PORTUS, Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con-
gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140.
BAYARD, JAMES A., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, and resignation, 140; resolution on the arrest of the Baltimore Po- lice Commissioners, 179; proposition on enrollment,
BEALL, JOHN Y., court-martial and sentence of, for violating the rules of war, 551, 552; action of Senate of Virginia, note, 552.
BEAMAN, FERNANDO C., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140. BEAUFORT, (S. C.,) port of, opened to trade, 149. BEAUREGARD, G. T., General, correspondence of, with Major Anderson, before bombarding Fort Sumter, 113, 114.
Bee, San Francisco, on a Pacific Republic, 42. BELL, CASPER W., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
400; Representative in First Congress, 402. BELL, II. P., Representative in Second Rebel Congress, 402. BELL, JOHN, vote for President in 1860, 1. BELL, JOSHUA F., Member of Peace Conference, 68. BELMONT, AUGUST, remarks opening Democratic National
BENJAMIN, JUDAH P., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; telegram South, 37; withdrew, 4; Attorney Gene- ral, and Secretary of War in Rebel Provisional Gov- ernment, 12, 400; Secretary of War, and Secretary of State in Permanent Government, 401; intercepted des- patch to Lamar, 151, 152; order of arrest of Judge Pat- terson and Colonel Pickens, of East Tennessee, 187; order on bridge burning, 187; to Commissioner Mason on Peace, 455.
BENNET, H. P., Delegate from Colorado Thirty-Eighth Congress, declaration of, note, 590.
BENNING, HENRY L., Commissioner from Georgia to Vir- ginia, 11; received by Convention, 6. ΒΕΝΤΟΝ, ΤΠΟΜMAS II., on the Disunion Conspiracy, 390. BERNARD, General of Engineers in the sorvice of the United States, a citizen of France, allusion of Attorney General Bates, 378.
BEGRETT, JAMES G., arrest and release of, 153.
BERRY, N. S., Governor of New Hampshire, and signer of
the Altoona Address, 233.
BIGLER, WILLIAM, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Member of Committee of Thirteen, 70; proposition of adjustment, 71, 72; temporary Chairman of Democratic National Convention, and remarks, 417.
BILLUPS, JOHN, Speaker of Georgia Rebel House of Repre- sentatives, 3:29.
BINGHAM, JOHN A., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; proposition of adjustment, 55; bill to collect duties on imports, 78; substitute for emancipation bill, 201.
BINGHAM, KINSLEY S., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; death, 123; proposition re- specting amendment of the Constitution, 64.
BINNEY, HORACE, views on suspension of writ of habeas cor- pus, 161.
BLACK, JEREMIAH S., Attorney General, and Secretary of State, 28; opinion upon the powers of the President,
BLAINE, JAMES G., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con- gress, 140; resolution for an amendment of the Con- stitution, 259.
BLAIR, AUSTIN, Governor of Michigan, and signer of Al- toona Address, 233.
BLAIR, FRANCIS P., Sr., agency in bringing about the Hamp-
ton Roads Conference on Peace, 566.
BLAIR, FRANCIS P., Jr., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; unseated, 141; amendment to the emancipation bill, 199, 200; on se- lect committee on compensated emancipation, 213; letter of General Halleck to, note, 2483; Senate resolu- tion supposed to refer to his case, 375; report of House Committee of Elections in case of, and proceedings upon, 375.
BLAIR, JACOB B., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 122; Thirty-Eiglith, 141; substitute for the en- rollment bill, 267; resolutions on the war, 293.
exclusion of newspapers, 188-191; resignation, 108. BLAIR, SAMUEL S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122.
BLAKE, HARRISON G., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; resolution on the prosecution of the war, 292.
BLANFORD, MARK H., Representative in Second Rebel Con- gress, 402.
BLISS, GEORGE, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
BLIZARD, A., one of the Tennessee protesters, 438-441. BLOCKADE, President's proclamations of, 149; proclamations raising, of certain ports, 194; closing others, 605. BLOW, HENRY T., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140.
Bocock, THOMAS S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; address to people of Virginia, 40; Member of Rebel "Provisional" Congress, 400; Speaker of First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
BOGAN, WEST, of Arkansas, court-martial and sentence of, for murder of his master, 550, 551. BONDS OF THE UNITED STATES, proposed State taxation of, 359, 360.
BONHAM, MILLEDGE L., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; withdrew, 2; Commissioner to Mississippi, 11; statement respecting forts in Charleston harbor, 30; Representative in First Rebel Congress, 400; Gov- ernor of South Carolina, 402.
BONZANO, M. F., reports on credentials as Representative from Louisiana, 581-586; former melter and refiner at U. S. Mint, funds in possession at date of secession of Louisiana, 589.
BOOTH, JOHN WILKES, assassin of President LINCOLN, 610. BORDER SLAVE STATE REPRESENTATIVES, interviews of Presi-
dent Lincoln with, 210, 211, 213-220.
BORDER STATE EMBASSIES, Charleston Mercury on, 3. BORDER STATES MEETING, and adjustment proposition of, 73. BOTELER, ALEXANDER R., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 493; motion for adjustment committee of thirty-three, 52; hopeful despatch of, 39; remarks on reconstruction, 329; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 401; Representative in First Congress, 402. BOUDINOT, ELIAS C., Delegate from the Cherokee Nation at second session of First Rebel Congress, 402; in Second, 402; Secretary of Secession Convention in Arkansas, 399.
BOULDIN, WOOD, motion in Virginia Convention, 7; vote on secession ordinance, note, 7. BOULIGNY, JOHN E., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 49; refusal to withdraw, 4.
BOUTWELL, GEORGE S., Member of Peace Conference, 67; Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140; re- marks on issue of emancipation proclamation, 232; res- olutions on reconstruction, 328.
BOWDEN, LEMUEL J., Senator in Thirty-Eighth Congress, and death, 140. BOWEN, JAMES, Brigadier General, reports on the loyal of New Orleans Churches, 543-545. BoYCE, WILLIAM W., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; withdrew, 2; appointed on Committee of Thirty-three and declined, 53; Deputy in Rebel Pro- visional Congress, 2, 11, 400; Representative in First Congress, 402; Second, 402; statement respecting forts in Charleston harbor, 30; vote on secession ordi- nauce, 398; letters on Peace, 431-433, 457.
BOYD, SEMPRONIUS H., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con- gress, 140. BOYLE, JEREMIAH T., Brigadier General, order on impress-
ments, 315.
ture of Maryland, 8.
BOYLE, LLEWELLYN, request for special session of Legisla- BRABSON, ROBERT B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49.
BRADFORD, ALEXANDER W., Member of Peace Conference, 68; Governor of Maryland, election affairs of, 309-311; correspondence of, with the stewards of Central, Chats- worth, and Biddle street Methodist Episcopal Churches, 526-531.
BRADLEY, BENJAMIN F., Representative in Second Rebel Con- gress, 402. BRAGG, BRAXTON, reported offered, and declined, Rebel Se-
BRAGG, THOMAS, Senator in Thirty Sixth Congress, 48. BRANCH, A. M., Representative in Second Rebel Congress,
BRANCH, LAWRENCE O'B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49; on select committee of investigation, 80; resolution on keeping troops in the District of Colum- bia, 81; reports on disposition of the navy and resigna- tions therein, on militia bill, Buchanan's correspond- ence with rebel commissioners, and secession, 84, 85. BRANDEGEE, AUGUSTUS, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140.
BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN C., vote for President in 1860, 1; Vice President, Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Senator in Thirty- Seventh, 122; expulsion, 1:23; escape, 153; proposition to withdraw troops from rebellious States, 290; candi- date for Rebel Congress, and views on reconstruction, 329; Rebel Secretary of War, 619.
BRECKINRIDGE, ROBERT J., Sr., temporary chairman of Balti- more Union Convention, and remarks, 403-405; paper submitted in and adopted by Presbyterian General As- sembly of 1862, 462, 463.
BRECKINRIDGE, ROBERT, J., Jr., Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401.
BRESHWOOD, CAPTAIN, surrender of his vessel to rebels, 28. BREWER, T. N., arrest of, 153. BRIDGE-BURNERS IN EAST TENNESSEE, Benjamin's order for
BRIDGERS, JOHN L., Commissioner from North Carolina to
Rebel Provisional Congress, 12.
BRIDGERS, ROBERT R., Representative in First Rebel Con-
BRIDGES, GEORGE W., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 122.
BRIGGS, GEORGE, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; adjustment proposition, 74.
BRIGHT, JESSE D., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, and expulsion, 1:23.
BRISTOW, FRANCIS S., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; Member of Committee of Thirty-three, 53. BROCKENBROUGH, JOHN W., Member of Peace Conference,
68; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400. BRONSON, GREENE C., Member of Peace Conference, 67. BROOKE, JOHN B., request for special session of Legislature
BROOKE, WALTER, Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 11, 400; views on reconstruction, 329; вее MEM., 401. Brooklyn Eagle, presented by grand jury and excluded from
BROOKS, JAMES, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
140; letter of George N. Sanders to, 300. BROOMALL, JOHN M., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con- gress, 140; substitute for enrollment bill, 266, and res- olution concerning, 270; substitute for Mr. Colfax's resolution to expel Alexander Long, 387.
BROWN, ALBERT GALLATIN, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Con- gres, 48; telegram south, 37; withdrew, 5; resolution for the protection of slavery in the Territories, 90; captain in rebel service, 401; Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402; on repealing substitute law, 121; opinion on Independence, 616.
BROWN, B. GRATZ, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 140; on Indian enlistments, 264; substitute for reconstruction bill, 318.
BROWN, FOUNTAIN, Rev., of Arkansas, court-martial and sentence for selling his freed slaves, 549, 550.
BROWN, GEORGE WILLIAM, Police Cominissioner and Mayor of Baltimore, arrest of, and reasons for, 152; Minutes of the Board, 393, 394.
BROWN, JAMES S., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con- gress, 140; resolutions on reconstruction, 319, 320; on enrollment, 564.
BROWN, JOHN YOUNG, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49.
BROWN, JOSEPH E., Governor of Georgia, 3; proclamation on northern indebtedness, 3; call for negroes, 282. BROWN, WILLIAM G., vote on secession ordinance, note, 7; Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; Thir- ty-Eighth, 140; resolutions on the War, 293.
BROWNE, GEORGE H., Member of Peace Conference, 67; Rep- resentative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122. BROWNE, WILLIAM M., Rebel Assistant Secretary of State, 12. BROWNING, ORVILLE II, Senator in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; superseded, 123; amendments to bill tor military employment of colored persons, 275.
BROWNSVILLE, port opened, 149. BRUCE, ELY M., Member of bogus Legislative Council of Kentucky, 8; Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
BRUCE, H. W., Member of bogus Legislative Council of Kentucky, 8; Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
BRUCE, JAMES C., Commissioner of Virginia in making mili- tary league, 8; vote on secession ordinance, note, 7. BRUNE, JOHN C., arrest of, 152. BRYAN, T. S., Assistant Secretary of Russellville (Ky.) Con-
BUCHANAN, JAMES, changes in Cabinet of, 28; letter to the South Carolina Commissioners, 29, 32-34; report of special committee on, 85; declines to receive Commis- sioner from Alabama, 34; last annual mossage, 49; the power to coerce a State discussed, 49; explanatory
amendment to the Constitution recommended, 50; message of Jannary 8, alluded to, 80; public credit during bis administration, 365, 366; proposed censure of, and proceedings in the Senate, 357.
BUCK, JOHN M., letters of, respecting church troubles in Baltimore, 524-530.
BUCKALEW, CHARLES R., Senator in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140; amendment to civil bill respecting testimony of colored persons, 243; amendment to national cur- rency bill, 365; proposition to repeal law authorizing
enlistments in insurrectionary States, note, 563. BUCKNER, AYLETT H., Member of Peace Conference, 68. BUELL, DON CARLOS, Brig. Gen., letter to J. R. Underwood, offering to return fugitive slaves, 250. BUFFINTON, JAMES, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122. BURCH, JOHN C., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49; resolution relative to California's quota of arms, 41; Member of Committee of Thirty-three, 53; report, 58; proposition for Constitutional Convention, 62; for a Pacific republic, 41.
BUREAU OF FREEDMEN'S AFFAIRS, bill to establish, vote upon in House, 259, 260; in Senate, amendments of Mr. Saulsbury, 260; Mr. Willey. 260; Mr. Wilson, 260; post ponement of bill to December 20th, 1864, 260; final votes, 594, 595.
BURKE, MARTIN, Col., refusal to obey writ of Judge Gar- rison, 152. BURLINGAME, ANSON, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- BURNETT HENRY C., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49; expulsion, 123; Chairman of Russellville (Ky.) Congress, 8; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con gress, 400; Senator in First Congress, 401; Second, 402 BURNETT, THEODORE L., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con gress, 400; Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
BURNHAM, ALFRED A., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 123. BURNS RESCUE CASE, resolution concerning, and Col. T. W. BURNSIDE, AMBROSE E., Brig. Gen., proclamation of, to the people of North Carolina, 249, 250; order No. 38, 162; designation of Fort Warren for confinement of Mr. Vallandigham, 162.
BURNSIDE, I. P., Member of bogus Legislative Council of Kentucky, 8. BURTON, WILLIAM, Governor, of Delaware, reply to Presi-
dent's call for troops, 114.
BUTLER, BENJAMIN F., Maj. Gen., letter of Governor Hicks to, reply of, and Governor Hicks's protest to, 9; to Gen- eral Scott, 214; affair with Brig Gen. Phelps, 252; ex- tract from Davis's proclamation of ontlawry, nolte, 253;
orders of, respecting churches in New Orleans, 542. BUTLER, PIERCE, arrest of, 153. BUTLER, WILLIAM O., Member of Peace Conference, 68. BUTLER, WILLIAM T., resignation of, as policeman in Balti- BUTTERFIELD, MARTIN, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48.
CABINET, of Mr. Buchanan, 28; Mr. Lincoln, 108, 610; Mr. Johnson, 610; Jeff. Davis, 400, 401, 619. CADWALADER, GEORGE, General, refusal to obey a writ in the Merryman case, 154; remarks of Chief Justice Taney, 155.
CADWALADER, JOHN, Judge United States, decision on enroll- ment act, 273. CALHOUN, A. P., Commissioner from South Carolina to Ala- bama, 11; received by Convention, 4. CALHOUN, JOHN C., bill relative to security of the mails, 191; allusion to, by Ex-Gov. Francis Thomas, 390. CALIFORNIA, vote for President in 1660, 1; in 1864, 623; mot represented in Peace Conference, 69; Members of Thirty- Sixth Congress, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 141; secession attempt in, 41; Union resolutions of the Assembly, 41.
CALL for negroes, of Governor Joseph E. Brown, of Georgia, 282; of General Magruder, 283; of Governor Allen of Louisiana, 428,
CALLS for troops, the President's, 114, 115, 270, 604. CALLAHAN, 8. B., Delegate from Creek and Seminole Na tion in Second Rebel Congress, 402. CALVERT, CHARLES B., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; views on compensated emancipation, 213-217; peace resolution, 295.
CAMERON, SIMON, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Secretary of War, and resignation of, 108; order of ar rest of the members of the Maryland Legislature, 153; letters to General Butler, 245; instructions to General Sherman, 247, 248, extract from report and modifica tion by the President, 249; letter to General McClel- ing newspapers from the mails, 189.
lan on the Maryland election, 309; President's Mes- | CHITTENDEN, Lucius E., Member of Peace Conference, 67 sage on the House resolution of censure of, 333, 334; remarks November 13, 1861, on colored troops, 416. CAMPBELL, JAMES, opinion, as Postmaster General, on exclud-
CAMPBELL, JAMES II., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Member of Committee of Thirty-three, 53; resolution recommending contis- cation of slaves, &c., of rebels, 287.
CAMPBELL, JOHN A., letters to Secretary Seward, 110, 111; to Jefferson Davis, 111; reply of Thurlow Weed to, 111, 112; at Hampton Roads Conference, 567; inter- cepted letter. note, 571.
CAMPBELL, J. A. P., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress,
CAMPBELL, J. MASON, Senator's Mason's desire to see, 393. CAMPBELL WILLIAM B., one of the Tennessee protesters, 438- 441.
CANBY, E. R. S., General, President's order through, for C. L. Vallandigham's deportation, 162; order on colored soldiers, note, 427, 428.
CANNON, WILLIAM, Member of Peace Conference, 68; Gov- ernor of Delaware, proclamation of, 312.
CAPERTON, ALLEN T., vote on secession ordinance in Vir- ginia Convention, note, 7; Senator in First Rebel Con- gress, 401; Second, 402.
CAREY, JOHN, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49. CARLILE, JOHN S., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 122; Senator in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 123; Thirty-Eighth, 140; offer of Peace Conference proposi- tion in Virginia Convention, and vote, 7; vote on se- cession ordinance, note, 7; substitute for indemnity bill, 185; on compensated emancipation, 213-217; res- olution on the prosecution of the war, 290; resolutions on the relations of the rebellious States to the Gov- ernment, 326.
CARROLL, JAMES, of Maryland, Disunion letter of, 9. CARTER, JAMES T. P., one of the Tennessee protesters, 438-
CARTER, LUTHER C., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48.
CARUTHERS, ROBERT L., Member of Peace Conference, 68; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400. CASE, CHARLES, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49.
CASEY, SAMUEL L., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 123: on Select Committee on compensated eman- cipation, and views on, 213, 217, 218.
CASS, GEORGE W., vote for Vice President in Democratic National Convention, 420.
CASS, LEWIS, Secretary of State, and resigned, 28. CATHOLIC CHURCH, facts respecting, 502, 503; Bishop Wood's, Archbishop Kenrick's, and Archbishop Purcell's papers, 502, 503. IN INSURRECTIONARY STATES: Position of Bishop Lynch, 516; articles from N. O. Standard, 516, 517; the Pope's reply to the Rebel Commissioners, 517.
CHAMBERLAIN, JACOB P., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 123.
CHAMBERLAIN, LEVI, Member of Peace Conference, 67. CHAMBERS, EZEKIEL F., proposed member of Board of Pub- lic Safety in Maryland, 9; vote on emancipation in Maryland, 227.
CHAMBERS, HENRY C., Representative in First Rebel Con- grees, 402.
CHAMBLISS, JOHN R., vote on Secession Ordinance in Vir- ginia Convention, note, 7; Representative in First Re- bel Congress, 401.
CHANDLER, LUCIUS H., claimant for seat as Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, and refused, 141. CHANDLER, THEOPHILUS P., Member of Peace Conference,
CHANDLER, ZACHARIAH, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; amend- ment to enrollment bill, 264.
CHANLER, JOHN W., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140; proposition to repeal all conscription laws, 564.
CHAPLAIN, ALEXANDER, resolutions in the Legislature of Maryland, 398.
Charlotte Bulletin, Clingman's telegram to, 41. CHASE, SALMON P., Member of Peace Conference, 68; Sec- retary of the Treasury, and resignation, 108; letter on "Legal Tenders," 358, 359; National Currency bill, note, 365; redemption of Treasury loans and notes, note, 367; Chief Justice, 610.
CHEROKEE NATION, Delegate from, in First and Second Rebel Congress, 402.
CHESNUT, JAMES, Jr., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; resigned, 2; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 2, 11, 400; Aide to Beauregard, 113; votes on Secession Ordinance, 398.
CHILTON, WILLIAM P., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con- gress, 11,400: Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
CHRISMAN, JAMES S., Member of bogus Legislative Council of Kentucky, 8; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Con- gress, 400; Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
CHRISTIAN RELIGION, proposed Constitutional Amendment respecting, 253, 593. CHURCHES IN THE INSURRECTIONARY STATES, Action of the, 505-521, 548; orders respecting the occupancy of, 521- 523; reconstruction of, 543-546: condition of the, in New Orleans, 543-544: loyalty of East Tennessee, 545, 546. CHURCH, THE, AND THE REBELLION, 461-548, 603; the Military and the Churches, 521-543; Reconstruction of Churches, 543.
Cincinnati Gazette, upon a Northwestern Confederacy in- trigue in 1860, 42.
CITIZENS, arrest of, 152-154, 559-562-see "Arrests." CITIZENSHIP, Attorney General Bates's opinion on, 378-384; Secretary Marcy's, through J. A. Thomas, Assistant Secretary of State, note, 382.
CLAPP, J. W., Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401. CLARK, AMBROSE W., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140.
CLARK, DANIEL, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; Thir- ty-Seventh, 121; Thirty-Eighth, 140; amendment to the Crittenden proposition of adjustment, 65; vote upon, reconsideration, and final vote, 66; bill to ratify the emancipation proclamation, 229; resolution on prosecuting the war, 291.
CLARK, HORACE F., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48; adjustment proposition, 74. CLARK, JOHN B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 122; expulsion, 123; Senator in First Rebel Congress, 401, superseded, 402; Represent- ative in Second, 402; remarks in favor of repealing the substitute bill, 121.
CLARK, WILLIAM W., Representative in First Rebel Con- gress, 401. CLARKE, FREEMAN, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Con- gress, 140. CLAY, BRUTUS J., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140.
CLAY, CLEMENT C., Jr., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; withdrew, 43; intermediary between Colonel Hayne and President Buchanan, 42; correspondence with President Buchanan, 31; Senator in First Re- bel Congress, 401; Niagara Falls correspondence, 301,
CLEMENS, SHERRARD, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48; adjustment proposition of, 63; vote on Se- cession Ordinance in Virginia convention, note, 7. CLEMENTS, ANDREW J., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122; on Select Committee on compensated emancipation, 213; views on, 217, 218; resolution re- specting the insurrectionary States, 324.
CLERKE, JUSTICE, adverse opinion on indemnity act, 186, 187. CLEVELAND, CHAUNCEY F., Member of Peace Conference, 67. CLINGMAN, THOMAS L., Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48; re-elected, 5; telegram to the Charlotte Bulletin, 41; on Peace Conference proposition, 70; resolution on slave protection in the Territories, 90; proposition to withdraw troops from the rebellious States, 290.
Clipper, Baltimore, on loyalty of Baltimore, 8. CLOPTON, DAVID, Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
CLUSKEY, MICHAEL W., Representative in Second Rebel Con-
COALTER, JOHN D., Member of Peace Conference, 68. COASTWISE SLAVE TRADE, repeal of laws regulating, 243, 244. COBB, AMASA, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
COBB, GEORGE T., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Con- gress, 122.
COBB, HOWELL, resignation as Secretary of the Treasury, 38; Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, and President thereof, 12, 400; pronounces secession a "fixed and irrevocable fact," &c., 12; major general in rebel ser- vice, 400.
Совв, THOMAS R. R., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 11, 400; on reconstruction, 329; death of, 400. COBB, WILLIAMSON R. W., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 49; withdrew, 3; elected to Second Rebel Congress, 402; inquiry on his loyalty, 400; expulsion, note, 402; death, 611.
COBURN, STEPHEN, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, ❘ COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE, proclamations forbidding, with
note, 48; Member of Peace Conference, 67. COCHRANE, CLARK B., Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con-
COCHRANE, JOHN, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48: adjustment propositions, 53, 74; views on imposts bill, 79; on select investigating committee, 80; reports on President Buchanan's correspondence with rebel commissioners, and on secession, 85; president of Cleve- laud Convention, 411; candidate for Vice President, 412; acceptance of, 414; address to his regiment, 414- 416; withdrawal of, 427.
COERCION, RIGHT OF, Buchanan's opinion, 49; votes upon, 77,230.
COFFEY, GEORGE A., United States District Attorney, request to Marshal Millward to seize West Chester Jeffersonian newspaper office, 441, 442.
COFFEY, TITIAN J., acting Attorney General, circular on amnesty, 148, 149.
COFFROTH, ALEXANDER H., Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 140; resolution on emancipation proclama- tion, 290.
Cors, Rebel tax on, 372, 613, 619,
COLE, CORNELIUS, Representative in Thirty-Eighth Congress,
COLPAX, SCHUTLER, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 49: Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, and Speaker of the House, 140; adjustment proposition, 73: resolutions for amending the fugitive slave law, 236, and to expel Alexander Long, 387; vote for Vice President in Union National Convention, 407.
COLLAMER, JACOB, Senator in Thirty-Sixth Congress, 48: Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140; amendment to resolution to prohibit slavery in the Territories, 90; resolution to reduce the period of service of drafted men to one year, &c., 263; amendment to enrollment bill, 261; amendment to joint resolution to equalize the pay of soldiers, 277; amendments to legal tender bill, 358; relative to vote of Electoral College, 078. COLLIER, CHARLES F., Representative in First Rebel Con- gress, 402.
COLONIZATION, President Lincoln's views on, 213; interview with colored persons in August, 1862, 374, 375: the Isle à Vecho experiment, note, 212; votes on, 199-201. COLOR, bill to remove disqualification of, in carrying United States mails, 239, 240, 593.
COLORADO TERRITORY, bill for temporary government, 89,
90; enabling act for, 255.
COLORED MEN AS CITIZENS, Opinion of Attorney General Bates, 378-384; letter of Assistant Secretary of State J. A. Thomas, note, 382.
COLORED MEN AS VOTERS, in Montana Territory, 240; in Washington city, 241.
COLORED PERSONS AS WITNESSES, votes respecting, 242, 243,
COLORED PERSONS, disqualification of, in carrying the mails, bill to remove, 239, 240, 593; letter of Gideon Granger, note, 239; disqualification to testify, proceedings to re- move, 240, 242, 243, 442, and Judge Underwood's opiu- ion upon, 442, 443; all able-bodied males of suitable age to be enrolled, 274; to be liable to the draft, -74; opinion of Attorney General Bates on citizenship of,
COLORED PERSONS, exclusion from the cars, proceedings respecting, 211, 242, 593; Mr. Sumner's resolution on, 242; Mr. Willey's report upon, 242; Mr. Sumner's mo- tions to forbid, 242, 593, 594.
COLORED PERSONS LEAVING DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, resolution of House respecting the order requiring passes for, 594.
COLORED SCHOOLS, legislation respecting, 244. COLORED SOLDIERS, to have same pay, &c., except bounty, as white men-bounty of, not to exceed $100, to be fixed by the President, 116, 272; the several laws concerning, 274; mother, wife, and children of, to be free, 274; pro- ceedings in Congress respecting, 274-276; respecting pay of, 276-279; opinions of Attorney General Bates respecting pay of, 279, 280, 384, 385; Secretary Stan- ton's order to Governor Andrew respecting enlistment of, 279, and his reply respecting compensation to loyal masters for enlisted slaves, 565; President Lincoln's order for the protection of, 280; rules of war (extract) concerning. 280; allusion to, in speech of President Lin- coln at the Baltimore fair, 280, 281; proposed prohibi- tion of pay to, 283, 284: rebel facts concerning, 281- 283; correspondence between Generals Grant and Lee concerning, 444, 445; Rebel legislation upon, 611; action of Virginia legislature, note, 612; General Lee's letter, note, 611.
COLORED SOLDIERS' FAMILIES, bill for securing freedom of, 564, 565; Major General Palmer's order respecting, note, 564.
COLVIN, A. J., Letter of Lucins Robinson to, 413. COLYER, A. S., Representative in Second Rebel Congress, 402.
insurrectionary States, 149, 150.
COMMISSIONERS, INTER-STATE, names of, 11; rebel to Eng land, appeal of, to Earl Russell, 27; reply of the Pope to, 517; of Confederate States, correspondence with President Buchanan and Secretary Holt, 29-34; with Secretary Seward, 108-110.
COMMITTEE OF THIRTEEN, in Senate, votes in, 70-72. COMMITTEE OF THIRTY-THREE, in House, 52; members, 53; propositions submitted, 53-55; report, 57, 58; minority reports, 57, 58; votes on propositions, 58-62. COMMUTATION, OR $300 CLAUSE, votes on, 261; repealed, 263- 270; report on. note, 263.
OUT THE WORLD, 517-521. CONFEDERATE LEGISLATION-see Rebel Legislation. CONFERENCE, 41-see Peace Conference. CONFISCATION, act of 1861, 195, 196; act of 1862, and for
other purposes, 196, 197; joint resolution giving con- struction to last, 197; President's message thereon, 197, 198; other proceedings respecting, 198-203: votes on repealing the joint resolution, 202, 205, 260,562, 563; judicial action under, 206, 207; military confiscation suspended by the President, note, 207; President's proclamation under, 208; proceeedings respecting, 275,
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, action of various Conferences, CONGREGATIONAL WELSH ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA, BO tion of, 481. CONGRESS, of United States, meeting, and members of Thirty Sixth, second session, 48, 49; Thirty-Seventh, 121, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140, 141, 539, 588; of Rebel Provisional, and members of, 11, 400; First Congress, 401, 402; Se cond, 402.
CONKLING, FREDERICK A., Representative in Thirty-Seventh Congress, 122. CONKLING, JAMES C., President Lincoln's letter to, 235,
CONKLING, ROSCOE, Representative in Thirty-Sixth Con- gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; amendment to Confis cation bill, 198; to Mr. Eliot's joint resolution, 237; joint resclution on compensated emancipation, 209,
CONNECTICUT, vote for President, in 1860, 1; in 1864, 623; Members of Peace Conference, 67; Thirty-Sixth Con gress, 48; Thirty-Seventh, 122; Thirty-Eighth, 140. CONNESS, JOHN, Senator in Thirty-Eighth Congress, 1.0. CONRAD, CHARLES M., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 11, 400; Representative in First Rebel Congress, 401; Second, 402.
CONROW, A. H., Deputy in Rebel Provisional Congress, 400; Representative in First Congress, 401; Second, 402.
CONSCRIPTION-see Enrollment.
CONSCRIPTION, REBEL, acts of, 118, 119: judicial decisions upon, 120; proclamations and order upon, 118, 119; order for enrolling persons between 17 and 50, 427; of negroes, 428.
CONSPIRACIES, bill to punish, and protest of nine Senators, 376, 377; Douglas's proposition respecting, 71; Rebel law, 614.
CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, 91-97; index to, 100- 103; explanatory amendment proposed by President Buchanan, 50; adoption of proposition to ameud, 59, 60; Mr. Seward's proposition, 71; votes on proposition to amend, 59, 60, 62-65; proceedings to ameud, 255 259; proposition of Mr. Ilenderson, 255; Mr. Sumner, 255; Mr. Powell, 255, 256; Mr. Trumbull, 206: Mr. Garrett Davis, 256; Mr. Saulsbury's proposition, 257; final vote on amendment in Senate, 257; air. Wheeler's proposition, 257; final vote in the House, 258; resolu- tions of Mr. Isaac N Arnold, 258; Mr. Windom, 208; Mr. Stevens, 258, Mr. Henry B. Anthony's joint resolu tion to repeal the joint resolution of March 2, 1561, 238; resolutions of convention at Allegheny City, Pennsyl vania, proposing amendment to, 258, 259; Mr. Cravens's resolutions respecting amendment of, 259; Mr. Blaine's proposition to amend, 259; other propositions, and action, 591-593.
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT for the extinction of slavery, 257, 258, 590; other propositions, 255-259, 572, 573, 591- 593-see "Adjustment" and "Constitution." CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, votes on, 62, 64; in Peace Conference, 69, 70; propositions for, 294, 435. CONSTITUTION OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 98-100; index to, 100-103; A. II. Stephens's comment upon, 103, 104; ratificatioir of, 4, 5.
CONTRABANDS, Order of Major General Wool respecting, 243; his order for employment of, and wages, 248; general instructions concerning, 241, 245, 247, 218; order of President Lincoln on in the District of Columbia, 28; extract from report of Secretary Cameron, 219: in- structions of Secretary Stanton to General Saxton,
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