of claim being allowed except for the wages of certain servants. At the expiration of each three months after the adjudication of bankruptcy, the approved creditors may receive dividends on their claims; and after all claims have been decided upon, and the assignee's accounts have been approved by the court, all expenses of the proceedings are paid from the portion of the estate remaining in the hands of the assignee, and the residue divided finally among the creditors. After six months from the adjudication of bankruptcy, the bankrupt may receive a discharge from all previous debts honestly contracted by and due from him, provided there has been no fraud on his part in the proceedings. Any conveyance or transfer of property made by the debtor to a preferred creditor, in view of insolvency, within four months before the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, is void; and the creditor who, knowing the facts, receives such conveyance, forfeits all share in the bankrupt's estate, and also double the value of the money or property so obtained, which is recoverable by the assignee for the benefit of the estate. A partnership or firm may be made bankrupt by the filing of a petition by any member, when not only the joint property, but the separate estates of each member of the firm is taken by the assignee. Separate accounts are kept by the assignee, who pays the private debts of each member from his own estate, and the balance is added to the joint stock for the benefit of the creditors of the firm, if the property of the firm shall not have been sufficient to liquidate the claims against it. A certificate of discharge is given or refused to each partner according to the merits of his individual Where partners reside in different districts, jurisdiction is in that district where the petition is first filed. Involuntary bankruptcy may be forced upon any debtor who has committed certain acts of actual or constructive fraud, by which he is deemed to have committed an act of bankruptcy, on the petition of any one of his creditors whose debt amounts to $250. If the debtor so demand, the question of fact as to the alleged act of bankruptcy may be tried by a jury; and if the allegations in the question be maintained, or if the debtor allow the matter to go by default, a warrant of bankruptcy issues, and the estate of the bankrupt is settled in a manner similar to that in a case of voluntary bankruptcy. Fines and imprisonment are decreed against either bankrupts or officers who are guilty of fraud or offences under this act. (March 2, 1867.] Georgia. States admitted since the adoption of the Federal Constitution. STATISTICAL TABLE OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES OF THE UNION. The Original Thirteen States. Delaware Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787.. On the Delaware River William Penn New Jersey..... Dec. 18, 1787.. Bergen Connecticut Jan. 9,1788.. Windsor. Massachusetts... Feb. 6,1788.. Plymouth Maryland Apl. 28, 1788.. St. Mary... South Carolina.. May 23, 1788.. Port Royal.. New Hampshire.. June 21, 1788.. Dover and Portsmouth Puritans Virginia New York... North Carolina.. Nov. 21, 1789.. Albemarle Rhode Island June 15, 1836.. Louisiana Purchase... 52,198 Michigan Jan. 26, 1837.. On Detroit River. 1650.. Territory of Virginia.. 56,243 Florida Mar. 3,1845.. Spanish Territory.. 59,268 Texas... Dec. 29, 1845.. 1792.. Independent Republic. 237,321 Wisconsin.... May 29, 1848.. Green Bay 1670.. Indian Territory 53,924 Iowa Dec. 28, 1846.. Dubuque 66 66 .. 55,045 |