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No. 13.. Second Report of the Municipal Commission. (Printed.)

No. 15.. Public Accounts of the Province of Ontario, for the year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 23.. Return, shewing the number of inmates of the Public Institutions of Ontario

on the 30th September last; the sex, nationality, nationality of parents,

and religious denominations of such inmates. (Printed.)

No. 24.. Copy of Order in Council increasing the commutation paid to His Honour

Judge Jones, Judge of the County Court of Brant, under the Surrogate

Courts Act. (Printed.)

No. 25.. Copy of Order in Council commuting the fees payable to S. S. Lazier, Esquire,

a Local Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, at Belle-

ville. (Printed.)

No. 26.. Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, for the year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 27.. Analysis of Reports of County, Township and Horticultural Societies in

Ontario, for the year 1887. (Not printed.)

No. 28.. Return, shewing the date of the appointment of Asa Beach as License Inspec-

tor for the County of Dundas. Also, the number of convictions in the

County since the date of his appointment for violations of "The Canada

Temperance Act, 1878;" the date of each conviction; the amount of

penalty imposed in each case; by whom imposed, and the disposition of

the penalty in each case. Also, whether each conviction was for a first.

second or third offence under the Act, and shewing also, the particulars of

unsuccessful prosecutions since said first mentioned date, and the dates of

dismissal of prosecutions. (Not printed.)

No. 29.. Reports of the Ontario Poultry Association, the Eastern Ontario Poultry and

Pet Stock Association, and the Ontario Bee-keepers' Association, for the

year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 30.. Report of T. W. Anglin, on Ontario's Exhibit at the Centennial Exposition of
the Ohio Valley and Central States. (Printed.)

No. 31.. Report of E. B. Borron, Stipendiary Magistrate, on the territory belonging to
the Province of Ontario, in the vicinity of Lake Abittibi. (Printed.)

No. 32.. Copy of Order in Council commuting the fees payable to His Honour Judge
Lacourse, Judge of the County Court of the County of Waterloo.

No. 33.. Copy of Order in Council commuting the fees payable to W. A. McLean,
Esquire, Local Master for the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario,
at Walkerton. (Printed.)

No. 34.. Statement of the affairs of the Toronto General Trusts Company, for the year
1888. (Not printed.)

No. 35.. Copies of Orders in Council respecting High Schools and Collegiate Institutes.
(Not printed.)

No. 36.. Report on the Elgin County House of Industry, for the year ending 31st
October, 1888. (Not printed.)

No. 37.. Report of the Commissioners for the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, for
the year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 38.. Return, shewing separately in regard to Companies doing business under
Ontario charters, the amount of fire insurance at risk on the 31st Decem-
ber for each of the years from 1881 to 1887, both inclusive; the number
of policies in force on the 31st December in each year of which there is a
correct record, the total amount of losses paid each year, and the total
amount of expenses during each year; the percentage of losses and ex-
penses; the cost of expense on every $1,000 at risk in purely mutual,
mixed mutual, cash and stock companies. (Printed.)

No. 39.. Report of the Inspector of Factories, for the year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 40.. Report upon the distribution of the Sessional Statutes, for the year 1888.
(Not printed.)

No. 41.. Report upon the distribution of the Revised Statutes, Ontario, 1887. (Not

No. 42.. Archæological Report. (Printed.)

No. 43.. Report of the Inspector of Division Courts, for the year 1888. (Printed.)
No. 44 Report of the Queen's Printer on tenders for Departmental and Legislative
Printing and Binding and Contract with Warwick & Sons. (Printed.)

No. 45.. Bursar's Statement of the cash transactions of Upper Canada College, for the
year ending 30th June, 1888. (Printed.)

No. 46.. Correspondence relative to the Accounts between the Provinces of Ontario and
Quebec and the Dominion of Canada. (Printed.)

[blocks in formation]

No. 47.. Return shewing the estimated cost, if any, and actual cost per yard for each
drain constructed by or under the Government within the Counties of
Lambton, Kent, Elgin and Essex, and the name of the engineer or other
person employed by the Ontario Government to make such estimate. The
price per yard at which the work was let, and whether on tender by public
advertisement or otherwise. The salaries or other remuneration paid the
engineers or other persons employed by the Ontario Government to super-
intend the construction of the said drainage works, and charged to the
said works respectively. Part of No. 8 (Printed.)

No. 48.. Report of the Professor of Dairying at the Ontario Agricultural College, for
the year 1888. Part of No. 8. (Printed.)

No. 49.. Return, of a copy of any Report made to the Government, by the Prison
Inspector and the Warden of the Central Prison of the result of their
enquiries, during the past year, relating to Prison Labour in the United
States. (Printed.)

No. 50.. Statement of the Returns forwarded to the Office of the Provincial Secretary
of all Fees aud Emoluments received by the Registrars of Ontario, for the
year 1888, R.S.O., 1887, c. 114, s. 100, and with which are contrasted
receipts of the same nature in 1886 and 1887. (Printed.)

No. 51.. Report of the Master of Titles, for the year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 52.. Return, of copies of all correspondence subsequent to 1884, between the
Government and the Council of the Township of Raleigh, and any person
on behalf of the Township, relating to the reduction made in the indebt-
edness of the Township to the Province. (Not printed.)

No. 53.. Returns transmitted by Municipal Councils to the Office of the Provincial
Secretary of the several debts of the Corporation as they stood on the
31st day of December, 1888, in accordance with the provisions of sec. 382,
cap. 184, R.S.O., 1887. (Not printed.)

No. 54.. Returns transmitted by Municipal Corporations to the Office of the Provincial
Secretary of the Debentures issued by them up to the 31st day of Decem-
ber, 1888, as required by sec. 5, cap. 186, R.S.O., 1887. (Not printed.)

No. 55.. Return, of copies of all Orders in Council, evidence, reports, correspondence and
documents relative to the investigation into the case of and dismissal of
Mr. Archibald McIntyre, License Inspector for East Elgin. (Not printed.)

No. 56.. Copies of correspondence and agreement of the City of Toronto, to permanently
endow two additional Chairs in the Provincial University in settlement of
certain litigated questions between the City and the University. (Printed.)

No. 57.. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures on account of the Mercer Estate, for
the year 1888. (Printed.)

No. 58.. Return, shewing a list of all Text Books for each of the last five years, the use
of one or more of which was compulsory on pupils-first, in the High
Schools, secondly, in the Public Schools, and third, in the Separate Schools.

No. 59.. Report of the Secretary and Registrar of the Province, for the year 1888.


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