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The History of Rob Roy is sufficiently known; his Grave is near the head of Loch Ketterine, in one of those small Pin-fold-like Burial-grounds, of neglected and desolate appearance, which the Traveller meets with in the Highlands of Scotland.

A famous Man is Robin Hood,
The English Ballad-singer's joy!
And Scotland has a Thief as good,
An Outlaw of as daring mood,

She has her brave ROB ROY!

Then clear the weeds from off his Grave,
And let us chaunt a passing Stave

In honour of that Hero brave!

HEAVEN gave Rob Roy a dauntless heart,
And wondrous length and strength of arm
Nor craved he more to quell his Foes,

Or keep his Friends from harm.

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Yet was Rob Roy as wise as brave;
Forgive me if the phrase be strong;-
A Poet worthy of Rob Roy

Must scorn a timid song.

Say, then, that he was wise as brave
As wise in thought as bold in deed:
For in the principles of things

He sought his moral creed.

Said generous Rob, "What need of Books?

"Burn all the Statutes and their shelves:

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'They stir us up against our Kind;

"And worse, against Ourselves.

"We have a passion, make a law,
"Too false to guide us or controul !
"And for the law itself we fight

"In bitterness of soul.

"And, puzzled, blinded thus, we lose
"Distinctions that are plain and few:
"These find I graven on my heart:
"That tells me what to do.

"The Creatures see of flood and field, "And those that travel on the wind!

"With them no strife can last; they live "In peace, and peace of mind.

"For why ?-because the good old Rule
"Sufficeth them, the simple Plan,
"That they should take who have the

"And they should keep who can.


"A lesson which is quickly learn'd, "A signal this which all can see ! "Thus nothing here provokes the Strong

"To wanton cruelty.

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