ROB ROY's GRAVE. The History of Rob Roy is sufficiently known; his Grave is near the head of Loch Ketterine, in one of those small Pin-fold-like Burial-grounds, of neglected and desolate appearance, which the Traveller meets with in the Highlands of Scotland. A famous Man is Robin Hood, She has her brave ROB ROY! Then clear the weeds from off his Grave, In honour of that Hero brave! HEAVEN gave Rob Roy a dauntless heart, Or keep his Friends from harm. Yet was Rob Roy as wise as brave; Must scorn a timid song. Say, then, that he was wise as brave He sought his moral creed. Said generous Rob, "What need of Books? "Burn all the Statutes and their shelves: 'They stir us up against our Kind; "And worse, against Ourselves. "We have a passion, make a law, "In bitterness of soul. "And, puzzled, blinded thus, we lose "The Creatures see of flood and field, "And those that travel on the wind! "With them no strife can last; they live "In peace, and peace of mind. "For why ?-because the good old Rule "And they should keep who can. power, "A lesson which is quickly learn'd, "A signal this which all can see ! "Thus nothing here provokes the Strong "To wanton cruelty. |