(2 years). the Native Evangelist, Ebe nezer Miller For Two Girls, Caroline and Isabella. HAMBURGH. English Congregational Church. Monthly Missionary 220 Kensington Congregational 220 Half Collection.. 3 5 6 Prayer Meeting.... 16 34 R. Stuckey, Esq.. 1 1 0 Maclaren Vale CongregaMr. & Mrs. Murray.. 1 40 W. K. Thomas, Sundries less than a Esq. tional Chapel. Per W. Peacock, 1 1 0 0 10 61 200 Esq..... 0 10 0 Collected by 96 62 Mr. Darling 600 Port Adelaide, Congregational Chapel. H. Giles, Esq..... 1925 Half Collection.. 4 3 4 H. Good, Esq.. 4 1 0 Miss Janet Frew 244 15 11 Dollars 5 0 Mr. & Mrs. Langslow 10 0 Miss Hay 0 17 7 238 10 0 Mrs. A. Young. Mrs. G. Williamson.. 10 0 Collected by Mrs. H. (2 years). 0 16 0 5 0 Miss Florence 242 0 7 Acknowledged in DEMERARA. 7 last Report 66 0 0 176 0 7 Less Expenses 2 15 4 Master H. Good's Missionary Box 0 14 Freeman Street Congrega tional Chapel. Rev. C. W. Evan, B.A. Missionary Sermon 3 4 3 Macclesfield. Rev. J. B. Austin. Public Meeting.. 16 8 10 Collection, &c..... 1 2 6 Sunday School.. 5 0 0 Contributions... 19 04 TASMANIA. Launceston. Tamar Street Chapel. Rev. C. Price. Geelong. Chalmers Free Church. 72 € Juvenile Mission- ner, less exs. 3s. 7 10 Native Teachers 20 0 0 Further Contributions unavoidably postponed. Contributions in aid of the Society will be thankfully received by Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, Bart. Treasurer, and Rev. Ebenezer Prout, at the Mission House, Blomfield-street, Finsbury, London; by James S. Mack, Esq., S.S.C., 2, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh; Robert Goodwin, Esq., 235, George street, and Religious Institution Rooms, 12, South Hanover-street, Glasgow; Rev. Alex. King, Metropolitan Han, Dublin; and by Rev. John Hands, Brooke Ville, Monkstown, near Dublin. Post-Office Orders should be in favour of Rev. Ebenezer Prout, and payable at the General Post Office. WILLIAM STEVENS, PRINTER, 37, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. |