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like between the two extremes, touching | not one alone but both. There was much that was very bad in the old world, and something very good. For the bad study Dollinger. It is a book wonderful for its learning. In modern times we have had nothing like it. And besides, its style and manner are so flowing and agreeable, that the most common reader can get on smoothly and pleasantly from page to page, finding a great enjoyment in this most erudite of treatises. The philosophical acumen is not on a par with the stores of knowledge. There is a want of systematic treatment of the development of great principles. The onesidedness of the book, too, is against it. Occasionally also-though seldom-the Roman Catholic peeps out. But, on the whole, it is a work which every student ought carefully to read, and if possible possess.

The Mission Pastor: Memorials of the Rev. Thomas Boaz, LL.D., Twenty-four years Missionary in Calcutta. By his Widow. Edited by his Brother-in-law. (London: John Snow.)-Well did Dr. Boaz deserve such a tribute to his memory as the hand of love has reared in this volume. It is a very valuable addition to the library of mission literature which has been steadily growing during the last thirty years, and the friends of missions will peruse it with the peculiar interest which attaches to the foreign field of Christian evangelization, Dr. Boaz was a devout, earnest, indefatigable, influential man, whom we were sorry to lose at the comparatively early age of fifty-five; but his real worth and the extent of his labours, wherein he sucIceeded and wherein he failed, are not known as they should be. These "Memorials" happily supply the information, and many will avail themselves of it, and find that Dr. Boaz was no ordinary man. The Missionary Life and Labours of Francis Xavier, taken from his own Correspondence. By H. Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's. (London: Longman.)— This volume is the result of a good deal of painstaking research, and is executed altogether in a workmanlike way. Mr. Venn has gone direct to the original documents, on which alone a true life of the great missionary can be founded; and therefore, instead of wearying us out by more than thrice-told stories and stupid platitudes, he really increases our information, and suggests more correct conclusions as to Xavier's life and labours. The common veneration for this remark able man will be considerably diminished by this truthful narrative. The lustre of his name will be somewhat dimmed,

though no one can write more impartially than Mr. Venn, and do more justice to the real virtues and excellences which the "saint" possessed. We earnestly recommend the volume to all students of missionary history.

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Aphorisms of the Wise and Good. Illuminated by Samuel Stanesby. (London: Griffith and Farren). A number of short, pithy sayings, are here collected and arranged with judgment and taste. Each one contains a condensation of prac tical wisdom better than rubies. But we are afraid the form will be more thought of than the substance. The "getting up of the book is very attractive. It is a good specimen of printing in colours and gold-which, while it lacks the richness, lustre, and delicate grace of original illuminations by the fingers of the cunning artist, is by no means a bad imitation. The title-page is the least beautiful part, and the portrait of Milton has a heavy look. But all the borders are chastely designed, and produce a pleasing effect as you turn over the leaves. The binding is very tasteful, and the book makes a fitting ornament for the table.

Patience Hart's First Experience in Service. By Mrs. SEWELL, author of "Homely Ballads," "Mother's Last Words,' "Our Father's Love," etc.

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The Children of Summerbrook : Scenes of Village Life, described in Simple Verse. By Mrs. SEWELL.

A remarkable power is possessed by this author of interesting readers of the class for whom she writes; and as the influence of her books is always good, we most heartily rejoice both in their appearance and in their wide circulation. The prose work before us, containing a young servant's experience, as narrated in letters to her mother, is written in a very lively and attractive manner, and affords many judicious hints for those who are placed in similar circumstances.

Jesus Calls Thee. By Rev. S. MARTIN. (The Book Society.)-In anything that has room for the pathetic, Mr. Martin invariably excels. The cry of poor Bartimæus, whom the people told to "be quiet," reached the ears of the Master, who graciously commanded the suppliant to be brought to him. The people seeing this, change their voices, and shout,

Rise, He calleth thee!" Upon this Mr. Martin lays his skilled finger, and manipulates a thing of beauty. To every class, condition, and age he addresses a few fervent words, with a Rise, He calleth THEE!"

Pastor Gossner, his Life, Labours,

and Persecutions. By the Rev. Dr. | ginal, and certainly this book takes new PROCHVOW, Berlin. With Preface ground; but there is an air of ambition and Introductory Chapter by Mrs. and pedantry about it by no means to WEITBRECHT.-This is a remarkable nar- our taste. Besides, a scientific basis for rative of a long life passed in doing good, a question of church government can under many disadvantages, but ap- never be satisfactory. We all underparently with great success. By earnest stand the unity in diversity which chaand eloquent preaching, by instituting racterizes the material works of God, and home charities, and organizing or assist- the analogy which may easily be traced ing in missions abroad, Gossner seems to in mind; but if the church be a divine have laboured for his fellow-men with institution, its laws must be sought, not unusual faith and zeal. We find him among distant stars, but in the pages first a Roman Catholic, then a Protestant, of the New Testament. It may be true but always an Evangelical and earnest that "this world in which we live, with Christian. His name is not very gene- its teeming population, great and small, rally known in this country. The reader affects not only other worlds by the force will, perhaps, be surprised to find that of gravitation, but the inhabitants of the such great things were done by a man of most distant star on the confines of the whom he had very probably never heard universe, by means of the disturbance before. caused by voluntary action in the great ocean of electric force, in which all worlds move and by which all beings are affected." But whether true or not, this matters nothing to the question.

Independency: a Deduction from the Laws of the Universe. By EVAN LEWIS, B.A., F.R.G.S., F.E.S. (London Stock.)-One likes to see something ori

Our Letter-Box.

To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine. DEAR SIR, Will you allow me a brief space in your Magazine to call the attention of your readers to the "Bicentenary Celebration," which during the past year has been conducted.

On the 16th of January, 1863, the first of the three years, over which it was arranged subscriptions should extend, will have closed; and it is therefore appropriate, in prospect of that date, that a review should be taken of past action in reference to future progress.

In taking such a retrospect many particulars occur. Let me notice a few of them.

No one, I think, can have marked the doings and sayings of the past year of celebration, without acknowledging that a great amount of earnestness has been called forth in reference to the subjects under discussion. It may with some be a question, how far that earnestness has been pure, high-minded, or wisely directed; but of its existence none can doubt. On either side the controversy, earnest minds have prompted earnest lips and pens, and the thoughtful part of the community has been stirred up to a spirit of inquiry, both as to facts and principles, which otherwise would not have existed.

This, in itself, is no small benefit. Anything is better than stagnation; and though in this age in which we live there may be little danger of this on some subjects, there is on others, and those the most vital and important.

Then, too, a noble tribute has been paid during this year to the memory of the sainted dead.

Of course, so long as their writings remained, they never could have been forgotten by us; but their history, and especially their noble conscientiousness, might have been partially so.

These, however, have been afresh rescued from oblivion, and forcibly presented, as the great central fact of the period celebrated-the great example we are called to imitate. We have felt more than ever that

"Our fathers were right-minded men,
Who nobly kept the faith;'

and that, whatever their imperfections,
they paid homage to the great regal
power of the soul, and "reverenced their
conscience as their king."

It has been something to hold up this fact this year, and to illustrate it by such noble examples. Instances of the opposite, spirit and conduct are rife among us, and seem multiplying. It is believed that on thousands of minds the demoralizing effect of these has been checked, and the spirit of conscientiousness braced, by the discussions and instructions of the year.

Instructions! and this suggests another result. The extent to which information has been diffused on our national and ecclesiastical history. Of course the leading facts of this history were known previously, but it is not too much to say,

that the minds of multitudes, both young and old, ministers and laymen, are better furnished on these subjects now than

almost ever before.

Our 46 'spiritual heroes," and "the times of the Stuart dynasty," are more familiar to us than, but for this year's teaching, they would perhaps ever have been; and it will be our shame and loss if we again allow them to be forgotten.

It surely is a further valuable result of the year's celebration, that the great principles of our nonconformity have been so ably expounded and vindicated. It is true that in connexion with such vindication, some irritation has been occasioned, and even animosity enkindled in the minds of those who differ from us. This we regret, nor does any one justify all that in the heat of controversy has been spoken or printed. Making allowance for all this, however, who but must rejoice that our principles, as English Nonconformists-principles which we believe lie at the base of all national greatnesss, and which are every day becoming better understood-should have received so great an impulse during the past year, and been so forcibly illustrated. If those principles are worth anything, they are worth exposition and enforcement on all fitting occasions, and such an occasion the past year has most appropriately furnished.

It has, however, been raised; and it is surely a noble testimony, alike to the power of the voluntary principle, and to the compatibility of independent action with systematic and united organization.

But I must not trespass longer on your space. Let me in conclusion say a word to those who have not contributed and to those who have.

To those who, sympathizing with our celebration, have not yet given, the present affords a fitting opportunity to do so.

The list for the first year closes on the 16th January. Before that time, let all who intend to contribute send in their names and amounts. It is surely well that all should unite in the effort; that it should be practically seen we are at one with our brethren; that the reproach which some cast upon Congregationalism, that it lacks the power of united action, should be removed; and that a memorial should be raised bearing some adequate proportion to the spirit of self-denial and sacrifice which those we celebrate evinced.

If each will do something, the present amount might easily be augmented to at least £200,000. Why not a quarter of a million?

To those who have contributed, let an appeal be made for the exercise of great circumspection in the appropriation of their gifts.

Then we cannot overlook the noble liberality which has been evoked. The To avoid occasion of suspicion, and to past year, as we all know, has been one "provide things honest in the sight of all of peculiar pressure, a pressure as mag-men," the committee will feel it their nanimously borne as magnificently re- duty, to the utmost extent possible, to lieved; yet it has been during this year verify the payment of all promised donathe £152,000 have been raised by the tions. Congregational body, as a thank-offering to God for the liberties they enjoy, and as an expression of their admiration of those through whose sufferings they were won.

This fund has been, or will be, appropriated to the erection of a Memorial Hall in London, chapel building, British missions, education, pastoral aid, the removal of chapel debts, religious publications, and other denominational objects selected by the donors; the contributions in all cases being reported to the committee as special and extra."


It may be well to observe, however, that this sum has not passed through the hands of the committee; on the contrary, they have scarcely seen a fraction of it, and no fear need be entertained, therefore, of any centralized pecuniary power; they have simply been the instruments in helping to raise it, and in suggesting its application; its appropriation in each case being left to individual donors.

Such a desire on their part cannot fail to meet with general approval. To accomplish it, however, will require vigilance and skill: care on the one hand not to offend by over scrutiny; on the other, not to yield to mere assumption and laxity.

Some kind of receipt or certificate from each local treasurer or recipient of money is desirable, and would meet alike the difficulty and necessity.

One word for the committee itself. So thoroughly have donors kept control over their own contributions, that barely enough passes through its hands to defray current expenses; and it is a fact which should be known, that the larger proportion of these expenses (which, including printing, advertising, and agency are not small), have been borne by members of the committee themselves.

I venture to suggest that a proportion in each ease of their respective contribu

tions should be appropriated by donors to the General Expenses Fund.

The committee has been, and is, the spring of the entire movement; and possessing as it does the confidence of all concerned, it is only for want of thought that more abundant means have not been placed at its disposal. A word to the wise is enough.

Apologizing for this intrusion on your

space, and thanking you for your valuable advocacy during the year,

I am, dear Sir, yours most truly,

Highgate, 15th Dec.

P.S. My esteemed frien 1, the Rev. John Corbin, the honorary and indefatigable secretary of the committee, will be glad to afford any information, or to receive any remittances.

Diary of the Churches.

The next Half-yearly Meeting of the Trustees will be held at the Guildhall Coffee House, on Tuesday, January 20th, at Half-past Twelve o'clock. Auditors will meet at Twelve.

Nov. 11.-Glamorganshire. The Association of Congregational Ministers for this and the adjoining counties held its meetings at the Market-square Chapel, Merthyr. The Rev. J. Rees read a paper on the "Pilgrim Fathers;" the Revs. W. Jones, J. Waite, B.A., W. J. Ford, J. E. Evans, J. James, J. G. Parish, B.A., D. M. Jenkins, and J. T. Davis, M.A., took part in the discussions. Two sermons were preached in the evening.

Nov. 17.-Coventry. A meeting was held in St. Mary's Hall, to bid farewell to the Rev. W. T. Rosevear, and to present him with a gold watch and a purse of money. The Revs. W. Shillito, G. B. Johnson, J. J. Brown, C. Vince, T. A. Binns, and many other ministers were present. The Rev. E. H. Delf occupied

the chair.

Nov. 19.-Bingley. A new Independent Sunday-school was opened in this place. A public meeting was held, W. Murgatroyd, Esq., J.P., in the chair. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. R. Campbell, D.D., J. P. Chown, J. Ward, and H. Brown and E. Kenion, Esq. The entire outlay has been £663.

Nov. 25.-Skipton. The Rev. T. Windsor, of Manchester College, was ordained pastor of the Church in Zion Chapel. The Rev. J. B. Lister read the Scriptures and offered prayer; the Rev. A. Thomson, M.A., delivered the introductory discourse; the Rev. R. Gibbs, late pastor, asked the usual questions; the Rev. J. Tastersfield offered the ordination prayer; and the Rev. Professor Newth gave the charge. In the evening the Rev. E. R. Conder, A.M., preached, and Rev. Professor Creak conducted the devotional exercises.

Nov. 26.-Totton, Hampshire. The Rev. J. Sherratt was ordained pastor of the Independent Church. The Rev. R. Compton opened the service; the Rev. H.


Carlisle, B. A., gave an address; the Rev. R. Robinson proposed the usual questions, and offered the designation prayer; the Rev. T. Adkins delivered the charge, and the Rev. J. Woodwark preached to the people in the evening.

Nov. 26. Heywood. Sermons were preached in connexion with the recog nition of the Rev. T. Slade Jones as pastor of the Church in York-street, by the Rev. J. Falding, D.D. On the following day the recognition service took place. The Rev. W. H. Parkinson delivered the introductory address; the Rev. Professor C. C. Tyte offered the recognition prayer; and the Rev. Dr. Falding delivered the charge. In the evening a meeting was held, the Revs. J. H. Ouston, J. R. Thompson, G. Snashall, B. A., R. Dawson, B.A., G. Shaw, and E. Dawson, Esq., J. P., speaking on the occasion.

Nov. 30.-Beverley. The Independent Chapel here was re-opened, after having undergone extensive alterations, when sermons were preached by the Rev. G. Richards. On the following evening the Rev. H. Ollerenshaw preached; and the next day the Rev. G. Richards was publicly recognised as pastor. The Rev. R. A. Redford, LL.B., gave the introductory discourse; the Rev. J. Sibree asked the usual questions, and offered the recognition prayer; the Rev. E. Jukes preached to the people; and the Rev. J. Dickinson concluded with prayer.

Dec. 1.-Petersfield, Hants. A meeting was held to take leave of the pastor, the Rev. James Duthie, and to present him with a purse of gold as a testimonial of affection. Mr. R. H. Jackson took the chair, and the meeting was addressed by the Rev. H. Kiddle and Messrs. Holder, Calvert, and James.

Dec. 2.-The Sussex Home Missionary Society. The annual meeting of this society was held at London-road Chapel,

Brighton, Mr. Stevens in the chair. Mr. | the introductory discourse; the Rev. J.

Samuel Morley and the Rev. J. H. Wilson attended as a deputation from the Home Missionary Society. The Revs. Messrs. Rogers, England, Figgis, Pryce, Paxton Hood, Bean, Hamilton, &c., assisted in the proceedings.

Dec. 2.-Ullesthorpe, Leicestershire. The recognition of the Rev. W. Harbutt, as pastor of the Independent Church and congregation, took place. The Rev. R. W. M All preached in the afternoon; and a public meeting was held in the evening, presided over by J. Cripps, Esq. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Barker, LL.B., J. James, J. W. Moore, W. Bull, and J. Vernon, T. Woodburne and J. C. Bassett, Esqs., &c.

Dec. 3.-Bristol. The Rev. Uriah Thomas, of Cheshunt College, was ordained as the first minister of the Redland Park Congregational Church. The Rev. D. Thomas, B.A., read the Scriptures and offered prayer; the Rev. J. B. Brown, B.A., gave an address; the Rev. Dr. Alliott offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. D. Thomas, D.D., the father of the minister, gave the charge; and the Rev. J. Glendenning concluded the service. The Rev. J. Stoughton preached in the evening, and the Revs. H. M. Gunn and S. Hebditch offered prayer.

Bromsgrove. The ordination of the Rev. R. Tuck, B.A., as minister of the Church here, took place. The Rev. J. Marsden, B.A., gave an address; the usual questions were proposed by the Rev. J. Richards; the ordination prayer was offered by the Rev. W. H. Dyer; and the charge was delivered to the pastor by the Rev. T. R. Barker, his late tutor. The Rev. R. D. Wilson preached to the people in the evening.

Dec. 9.-Bradford. The congregation assembling in Sister Hill's Chapel, under the care of the Rev. A. Russell, M.A., has erected a gallery in the nave, which was opened by a "service of praise." The alterations effected will furnish 150 additional sittings.

Dec. 10.-Warminster, Wilts. Common Close Chapel was re-opened, after having undergone considerable renovation. A public meeting was held, H. O. Wills, Esq., presiding. The Rev. J. C. Harrison afterwards preached; and on the following Lord's-day sermons were preached by the Rev. D. Thomas. The cost of the alterations amounts to £240.

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Hoxley asked the usual questions, and addressed the pastor; the Rev. J. Guennett offered the recognition prayer; and the Rev. W. Densham addressed the congregation. The Revs. E. Aulton, R. Hutchings, W. Major, W. Wells, and J. Collier were also present.

Dec. 11.-The Dissenting Colleges. The Rev. Samuel Martin, chairman of the Congregational Union, invited the committee of the Union, with other friends, to meet the professors and students of the London Colleges-New Hackney, and Cheshunt—at Willis's Rooms, this evening.

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The Rev. Matthew Braithwaite, of Cavendish College, Manchester, has accepted a call from the Independent Church, Theddingworth, Leicestershire.

The Rev. James Duthie, of Petersfield, has accepted the invitation of the church at Beaconsfield, Bucks.

The Rev. Thomas Vine, of Blandford, Dorset, has accepted the pastorate of the churches at Polesworth and Baddesley, Warwick.

The Rev. J. E. Richards, of Coverdale Chapel, Limehouse, has responded to the invitation of the church at Ebenezer Chapel, Hammersmith, to become its pastor.

The Rev. R. Bulmer has accepted the pastorate of the church assembling in Castle-street Chapel, Reading.

The Rev. W. D. Ingham, of Pem. bridge, has taken the pastoral charge of the churches of Repton and Barrow, Derbyshire.

The Rev. W, H. Fuller, late of New College, has accepted the invitation of the Congregational Church in Winchester, to the co-pastorate with the Rev. W. Thorne.

The Rev. Edward Gatley, of Knottingley, has intimated his intention of retiring from the pastorate at the close of the year 1862; after having been permitted to labour uninterruptedly for forty years in his Master's service.

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