ISLE OF WIGHT. For Memorial Churches, Sydenham. additional Union Road Sabbath Mr. Anigier School 1 19 10 Mr. Horniman 110 1 1 HERTFORDSHIRE. Buntingford. Rev. E. J. Bower. Collected by Mrs. Norris Mrs. Oliver Mr. Dellow LANCASHIRE. Bast Auxiliary Society, per General 0 14 Mr. Stainton 21. 28. Cadney. 9 BA. 1 1 0 Mr. Vernon 1 1 Mr. Bunting. Mrs. E. Groom. 010 010 Mrs. J. Groom. Mr. Buxton 090000 0 10 6 010 1 0 0 H. A. B., Weekly 20S 100 0 10 11 Mr Searby 0 10 0 Collected by 2 15 7 Miss Betts. 266 Mrs. E. Groom and Miss Bunting...... 2 12 4 0 13 0 Master H. King ..... 6 5 0 Girls' ditto Boys' First Class Liverpool. Crescent Chapel. Master W. Searby... 0 5 Mrs. Hensman Miss Waugh. 0 2 Mrs. Porter. Miss L. Hill 0 1 6 For Widows' Fund 20 9 First half 0 1 3 Collections 718 0 grant from Weekly Master W. Steven 231. 178. 5d. 72 3 9 Forton. Exs. 8s.; 6. 138. 5d.- Wellingborough. Salem Chapel. T. S. Curtis, Esq., Treasurer. Collections. 210 0 Middleton. Collected by- Exs. 38; 72. 11s. Morning Service 0 7 11 UnitedCongregation 3 11 10 0 15 6 Town Hall. 2 8 1 12 6 Mrs. Nailor (D.). 2 Miss Eliza Charlton 26 13 Glynton Chapel. 100 271. 188. 3d. 220 Missionary Sermon 410 0 0 8 4 By Miss Jackson 0 17 S Southport. A Female 2 10 11 Miss Goodall 0 11 5 F. Gedny 0 16 6 C. Barber 125 Sunday School 104 Tyldesley. Little Girls 02 0 Exs.168.4d.; 257.118.Sd. ISLE OF WIGHT. 21. 108. MIDDLESEX. Hampstead. Mr. B. Highgate, per R. NORFOLK. Berwick on Tweed. Collected by Miss Dodds. Mrs. Home 16 8 7 Mr. Paulin. 42. 58.Howdon. Rev. W. Stead. Collected by 1100 1 10 100 05 KENT. Deptford. Per Mr. Deptford Creek LINCOLNSHIRE. Brigg. Mr. Freer, Treasurer. Per Mr. S. C. Burton. Collections. King Street Chapel 6 0 10 Mrs. Robinson 7 18 3 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 160 Blatherwycke. Mr.E. Beal (5 years) 2 12 e Bridge. Sunday School 0 15 4 East Greenwich, Mission Church Collected by 08 9 Collection -Working Society.. 400 2 Mr. M. Knobb 100 32. 128. Od. Kilsby. Rev. H. Ault. 256 13 118 11 018 9 147.98. Madagascar Me Wootton Bassett. 200 P. Sugden....... 10 00 0 10 0 ...... Ex8.158.; 677.128.10d. Sowerby Bridge. 51.98. 6d.Culsalmond. Rev. J. Rennie. Collection sionary Box ..... 110 100 0 10 0 0 10 0 050 050 050 090 812 2 Rev. R. Moffett. Public Meeting pelMissionary Box 1 18 0 Rev. R. McLachlan. morial Churches.. 10 0 J. Fielding, Esq....... 6 5 0 Miss Stephen's Mis 300 0 10 0 Dalkeith. G. McL. Mrs.Samuel Wilson Miss Thomson Mrs. Hamlen Sums under 58. 1 10 0 Collectionsat Prayer 0100 East United Presbyterian 0 10 0 012 O 050 040 10 17 5 Leeds District. 004On account...106 4 6 Sedbergh. Rev. J. Redman. Collection Tickhill. Rev. J. Wesson, Congregation. Rev. Dr. Brown. Edinburgh. H..B. er, James Duncan 10 00 Albany Chapel. Rev. Dr. Mullens. 2 0 0 Fraserburgh. 8 150 Legacy of Jane Mor- Haddington. Miss Goodind ......... 0 6 0A. C. Stuart, Esq., 050 0 5 11 Mrs. Robertson....... Wakefield Auxiliary. Collected by- 10 0 0 Eaglescarnie (A.) 10 0 0 Ebenezer Congregational Sunday School, for Hamilton. Church, 2 10 0 the Native Evan- 29 0 0 Contributions in aid of the Society will be thankfully received by Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, Bart. Treasurer, and Rev. Ebenezer Prout, at the Mission House, Blomfield-street, Finsbury, London; by James S. Mack, Esq., S.S.C., 2, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh; Robert Goodwin, Esq., 235, George street, and Religious Institution Rooms, 12, South Hanover-street, Glasgow; Rev. Alex. King, Metropolitan Hall, Dublin; and by Rev. John Hands, Brooke Ville, Monkstown, near Dublin. Post-Office Orders should be in favour of Rev. Ebenezer Prout, and payable at the General Post Office. WILLIAN STEVENS, PRINTER, 37, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. |