Asdrubal, 165.
Askalon, 378.
Asphaltes, lake, 32. Asturias, 8.
'Atalantis,' Account of Mrs. Manley's, 718.
Athanasian creed, 670.
'Atheista Fulminato,' the old religious play of, 590, 591. Athenæus, 625.
Athenians, character of the, 764. Athens, apostrophe to, 16. Reflections on the past and present condition of, Its situation and climate, 16. 16. 764. On the plunder of the works of art at, 17. Athens, Maid of, 545. Athos, Mount, 19. 56. Project for how- ing it into a statue of Alexander, 726. Atlas, 50.
'Attic Bee,' 754.
Atticus, 452.
Attila, his harangue to his army pre- vious to the battle of Chalons, 460.
Bacon, Lord, 638, 744. Essay on Em-
pire, 665. Inaccuracies in his Apo- phthegms, 808. Saying of, 736. Baillie, Joanna, 196. Her Family Le- gend,' 196.
Baillie, Dr. Matthew, 707. His visit to Remarkable for
Lord Byron, 593. plainness of speech, 707. Balgownie, brig of, 705. Baltic, 455.
Bandusian Fountain, 785. Banks, Sir Joseph, 2. Bankes, William, esq. 629. Banshie, superstition of the, 754. Barbarossa, Frederic, his submission to Pope Alexander the Third, 43, 771. Barings, the, 719.
Barnave, Pierre-Joseph, 591. Barometer, marine, its great value, 651. Barossa, battle of, 455.
Barrataria, account of the buccaneer establishment at, 107. Barrey, Ludovick, 458.
Barrow, Dr. Isaac, his Sermons, 625. Barrow, Sir John, his Life of Peter the Great,' 161. His Eventful His- tory of the Mutiny of the Bounty,' 161. His testimony to the accuracy of Lord Byron's description of a shipwreck, 615. His account of the cyanometer, 651. And of the marine barometer, 651.
Barthelimi, M., 766.
Basili, Lord Byron's Athenian servant,
Bashfulness, 79.
Bath Guide, Anstey's, 756. 809. Bathurst, Captain, 545.
Battle, 30. 98. 127, 128. 684, 685. Baviad and Mæviad, extinguishment of the Della Cruscans by the, 433. Baxter, Richard, 444. His Shove, 444. Bay of Biscay, 5.
Bayard, Chevalier, 311. Bayes, his expedient, 446. Beatrice of Dante, 497. 630.
Augusta, Stanzas to,' 470. Epistle Beattie, Dr., his reflections on dreams,
Beauharnais, Eugene, his testimony to the correctness of Lord Byron's deli- neation of Napoleon Buonaparte, 590. Beaumont, Sir George, 511. 805. Beauty, 10. 67, 68. 78, 79. 597. 635.727. 747.
Becher, Rev. John, Answer to his complaint that one of Lord Byron's descriptions was rather too warmly drawn,' 402. Lines addressed to, on his advising Lord Byron to mix more with society,' 410.
Becket, Thomas à, his tomb, in Canter- bury Cathedral, 710.
Beckford, William, esq., his residence at Cintra described, 6. Character of his Vathek,'6. Some account of, 6. Bed of Ware, 669.
'Beppo, a Venetian Story,' 142. Beranger, M., 697.
Bergami, Princess of Wales's courier and chamberlain, 658.
Berkeley, Bishop, his scepticism con-
cerning the existence of matter, 711. Berlin, 528. 709.
Bernard, St., monks of, 768.
Bernese Alps, 36.
Berni, the father of the Beppo style of
writing, 143, 482.
Bernis, Abbé de, 195.
Bertram, Mathurin's tragedy of, 196.
Betty, William Henry West, (the young
Roscius,) 429 Bigamy, 693. Bigotry, 6. 174.
Bile, energetic, described, 664. Biscay, Bay of, 5.
Birds, belief that the souls of the dead inhabit the forms of, 89.
Biren, John Ernest, Duke of Courland, 709.
Black Friar of Newstead Abbey, 753, 754.
Blackburn, Archbishop, 107.
Blackett, Joseph, the poetical cobbler, 150. 432. 547.
Blackmore, Sir Richard, 424. Blackwood's Magazine, its Remarks on Don Juan, 581, 582. 'Some Obser-
vations upon its Remarks on Juan,' 800. Critical notes from, pas- sim.
Blair, Dr., his Sermons, 625 Blake, fashionable tonsor, 446. Bland, Rev. Robert, his Collections from the Greek Anthology, 434. 807. Blank-verse, excellence of rhyme over, in English poetry, 439. 608. 806. Blasphemy, and blasphemers, 667.734. Blatant Beast, 7.
Blessington, Countess of, Impromptu on her taking a villa called Il Para- diso,' 577. Lines written at the re- quest of, 577.
Bligh, Captain, his Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty, 161.
Blood only serves to wash ambition's hands,' 702.
Bloomfield, Robert, 432. 450. Bloomfield, Nathaniel, 433. 450. Blucher, Marshal, 689.
Blue, instrument for measuring the in- tensity of, 651.
Blue-Stocking, 149. 507. 'Blue-Stocking Club,' origin of, 507. 'BLUES, THE; a Literary Eclogue,' 507. Blues, 149. 151. 507. 651. 715. Boabdil, 596.
'Boatswain,' Lord Byron's favourite dog, 539. 'INSCRIPTION on his monu-
Boccaccio, treatment of his ashes, 45.
Defence of, 778.
Boeotia, 12. 764.
Boehm, Mrs., 149.
Boileau, his depreciation of Tasso, 46.
Boleyn, Anne, her remark on the scaf- fold, 100.
Bolingbroke, Lord, hires Mallet to tra-
duce Pope, 427.
Bolivar, Simon, 528. Bonn, 709.
'Born in a garret, in the kitchen bred," 469.
Borysthenes, the, 155. Boscan, Almogavà, 599. Bosphorus, the, 653.
Bosquet de Julie, 98.
Boswell, James, esq., 452. Botany Bay, 638.
Bourbon, Duke of, Constable of France, 308. 311, 312.500. Bouts-rimés, 755.
Bowles, Rev. William Lisle, • The maudlin prince of mournful sonne- teers,' 426. His Spirit of Discovery," 426. Lines on his edition of Pope,'
![[blocks in formation]](,495,276,264)
'BRIDE OF ABYDOS,' 77. 651. Bridge of Sighs, 42.769. 'Brig of Balgownie,' 705.
'Bright be the place of thy soul !' 537. Brighton, Pavilion at, 742. Brissot de Warville, 591. Bristol, 427.
'British Critic,' 580. 799.
British Review, the Old Girl's Review,' 509. 'My Grandmother's Review,' 581. 609. Lord Byron's Letter to the Editor of,' 798. Brocken, superstition of the, 302. Bronze wolf of Rome, 51. 781. Brougham, Henry, esq. (now Lord Brougham and Vaux), 419. 429. Broughton, the regicide, his monument at Vevay, 38.
Brown, Dr. Thomas, his Paradise of Coquettes, 807.
Browne, Sir Thomas, his Religio Me- dici,' 79. His encomium on sleep, 643.
Bruce, Abyssinian, his description of a simoom, 65.
Brummell, William, 150. 718.
Brunck, Professor, 397.
Brunswick, Duke of, his death at Quatre-Bras, 30.
Brussels, 30.
Brutus, 747.
Buonaparte, Napoleon, 460. 526. 561. 698. 742. The Triptolemus of the British farmer,' 532. His exclamation on the loss of his old guard, 709. His character, 32. 590. 'ODE to, 460. LINES on his escape from Elba,'
Burdett, Sir Francis, his style of elo-
Burgage tenures and tithes, 'discord's torches,' 756.
Burgess, Sir James Bland, his epic of 'Richard the First' sold to line trunks, 449. 804.
Burgoyne, General, 590. Burke, Edmund, 2. 162. Burlesque, 641.
Burney, Dr., his character of Jewish music, 463.
Burns, Robert, What would he have been, if a patrician ?' 432. His youth- ful pranks, 638.
Burun, Ralph de, 378. Busby, Thomas, Mus. Doct., his mono- logue on the opening of Drury Lane Theatre, 457. Parody on his mono- logue, 553.
Butler, Dr. (head-master at Harrow), 383. 405, 406. Línes on his being ap- pointed head-master at Harrow,' 383. By the rivers of Babylon,' 467. Byng, Admiral, his court-martial, 7. BYRON, Sir John, the Little, with the great beard, 378.
BYRON, two of the family of, at the siege of Calais, and battle of Cressy, 378. BYRON, Sir John, created (1643) Baron
Byron of Rochdale; some account of, 378.
CAIN, a Mystery,' 316. Cairn Gorme, 700.
Calderon, 592.
'Caledonian Meeting, Address intended to be recited at,' 558.
Camoens, 424. Stanzas to a lady, with the poems of,' 382.
Campbell, Thomas, esq, 433. His 'Plea- sures of Hope,' 433. Inadvertencies in his Lives of the Poets,' 809. His 'Gertrude of Wyoming,' 448. Criti- cal notes by, passiro, Can Grande, 530. Candia, 43. 620. Cannæ, battle of, 35. Canning, Right Hon. George, his opi- nion of the Bride of Abydos,' 86, His inscription for Mrs. Brownrigg, the Prenti-cide,' 514. His defence of public schools and universities, 596. His character, 532. 667. Canova, 48. 230. 'Lines on his bust of Helen,' 568.
BYRON, Sir Nicholas, his character by Capo di Bove, 52.
Lord Clarendon, 378. BYRON, Sir Richard, tribute to his va- lour and fidelity, 378.
BYRON, Admiral John (grandfather of the Poet), his proverbial ill-luck at sea, 471. His shipwreck and suffer- ings, 617. My grand-dad's Narra- tive,' 623.
BYRON, William, fifth Lord (grand-uncle of the Poet), 404.
BYRON, Captain John (father of the Poet), 407.
BYRON, Mrs. (mother of the Poet), 300.
BYRON, Honourable Augusta (sister of the Poet). See Leigh, Honourable Augusta.
BYRON, Lady, 432. 468. 472. 573. 592.
630. 801. LINES on hearing that she was ill,' 472. LINES on reading in the newspapers that she had been pa- troness of a charity ball,' 573. BYRON, Honourable Augusta Ada (daughter of the Poet), 28. 41. 468.
Bryant, Jacob, on the existence of Troy, Byzantium, 43. 648.
Brydges, Sir Egerton, his Letters on
the Character and Poetical Genius of Byron,' 586. Critical notes by, passim. Bucentaur, 43.
Budgell, Eustace, his leap into the Thames,' 452.
Bull fight, description of a, 12, 13. 784. Buonaparte, Jacopo, his Sacco di Ro- ma,' 313. 500.
Cabot, Sebastian, 501. Cadiz, 11. 592. 611. Cadiz, The Girl of,' 14.
Cæsar, Augustus, his character, 462. Cæsar, Julius, 52. 307. His character, 687.783. His laurel wreath, 56. 307. 'The suitor of love,' 167. 628.
Caracalla, 782.
Caractacus, 731. 765.
Carbonari, 531. Care, 707.
Carlile, Richard, 668.
Carlisle (Frederick Howard), fifth Earl of, 432. 435. Character of his poems, 376. Dedication of Hours of Idle- ness' to, 375.
Carlisle (Isabella Byron), Countess of, 375.
Carlo Dolce, 243. 732.
Carnage, 685, 692.
Carnival, 145. 569.
CAROLINE, Lines to,' 381, 382.
Caroline, Queen of England, 574. 658. 670. 718.
Carr, Sir John, 14. 390. 436. Carrer, Improvvisatore, 230. Carthage, 690.
Cary, Rev. Henry Francis, his transla- tion of Dante, 497. 499. 505, 506. Carysfort (John Joshua Proby), first Earl of, his Poems and Tragedies,' 451.
Cash, potency of, 720.
Casimir, John, King of Poland, 154.
Castelnau, his Histoire de la Nouvelle Russie,' 666.
Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart, Marquis of Londonderry), 531. 574. 589. 701. 709. EPIGRAMS on,' 574. 'EPITAPH on,' 574.
Charles V. of Spain, 461.
Charles XII. of Sweden, his obstinacy at Bender, 694.
Charlotte, Princess of Wales, Lines to,
552. Reflections on her death, 718. 'STANZAS on her death,' 59. Charlotte, Queen, 516.
Chase, the English, 733. Chateaubriand, Viscount, 533. Chatham, first Earl of, 726. Chatterton, Thomas, 726. Chaucer, 445.
Chaworth, Mary Anne (afterwards Mrs. Musters), 384. FRAGMENT written shortly after her marriage,' 384. 'STANZAS to, Oh! had my fate,' 415. 'FAREWELL to,' 537. STANZAS to, on the author's leaving England,' 542. Cheltenham, 166.
Cheops, King, his pyramid, 610. Chesterfield, Earl of, his speech on the play-house bill, 444. His remark on hunting, 138.
![[blocks in formation]](,1149,300,263)
'CHURCHILL'S GRAVE,' 564. Cicero, a punster, 440. Cicesbeo, 148.
Cid, 528. 530. Cigars, 168. Cincinnatus, 532.
Cintra, 6. Convention of, 7. Circassians, 671.
Circus at Rome, 56. Maximus, 783. Citharon, Mount, 764.
Cities, overthrow of great, 690. Civilisation, 690.
Clare (John Fitzgibbon), Earl of, 406. 'LINES on,' 406. STANZAS to,' 413. Clarens, 39.
Clarke, Dr. Edward Daniel, 17. 27. 648. 650.
Clarke, Hewson, 435. 437.
Classics, too early study of, 50.
Claudian, his Old Man of Verona,' 530.
Cleonice and Pausanias, story of, 183. Cleopatra, 748.
Coligny, 38.
Coliseum, 55. 57. 190.
College education, advantages of a, 596. College Examination, Thoughts sug- gested by,' 397. Collini, Signora, 430.
Colman, George, jun., 430. Cologne, 709.
Colonna, Cape, 26. 761. Colton, Rev. Caleb, 584. Columbia, 52.
Columbus, 501. 745. 751.
Comboloio, or Turkish rosary, 83. 102. Comedy, the day of, gone by, 734. Common Lot, answer to a beautiful poem, entitled the, 409. Commonwealth, 213. 481. Condorcet, Marquis de, 591. Congreve, 194.
Congreve rockets, 602,
'CONQUEST, the,' a fragment, 574.
Conscience, 67. 163. 178. 187. 599. 605. 628.
Constantinople, 25. Slave market at, described, 652.
Conversationists, 734.
Cookery, science of, 748.
Copyright, sums paid by Mr. Murray to Lord Byron for, 424. Coquette, 724.
'Cornelian,' the, 398.
Cornelian heart which was broken, 'Lines on,' 552.
Cornwall, Barry (Bryan Walter Proc-
tor), 716.
Coron, bay of, 96.
'CORSAIR, the, a Tale,' 89.
"Cortejo,' 148. 604.
Cottle, Joseph, his Alfred,' and 'Fall of Columbia,' 427. His Expostula-
tory Epistle to Lord Byron,' 582.
'Could I remount the river of my years,' 565.
'Could love for ever,' 572.
Coumourgi, Ali, 122.
Country and town, discrepancies be- tween, 758.
Cowley, his imitation of Claudian's Old Man of Verona,' 530. Cowper, 433. Coxcomb, 648.
Coxe, Archdeacon, his Life of Marl- borough,' 638. 655. His 'Life of Sir Robert Walpole,' 655.
Crabbe, Rev. George, though Na- ture's sternest painter, yet the best,' 434.; the first in point of power and genius,' 434.; 'the first of living poets,' 804.
Crashaw, Richard, 636. Cowley's lines on, 636.
Creation, 326.
Cribb, Tom, pugilist, 455.
Critic, Sheridan's, too good for a farce, 474.
Croker, Crofton, his Fairy Legends,' 754.
Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson, his query concerning the Bride of Aby- dos,' 77.
Croly, Rev. Dr. George, 716. His 'Letter of Cato to Lord Byron,' 585. Cromwell, Oliver, the sagest of usurp- ers,' 51.
Crowe, Rev. William, his strictures on English Bards, and Scotch Review- ers' 427.
Cruscan school of poetry, annihilated by Gifford, 804.
Culloden, battle of, 401.
Cumberland, Duke of, hero of Cullo- den, 590.
Cumberland, Richard, 430.'
Curran, Right Hon. John Philpot, 718. Currie, Dr., his Life of Burns, 638. 'CURSE OF MINERVA,' 453. Curtis, Sir William, 533. 711. Cuvier, Baron, 318.700. Cyanometer, described, 651. Cyclades, 622. 647.
Daru, M., his picture of Venetian so- ciety and manners, 789. Darwin, Erasmus, his' pompous chime,' 434. His Botanic Garden,' 434. Put down by a poem in the Anti-Jacobin, 804.
Dates, a sort of post-house, where the Fates change horses,' 600. David, King, 605. His harp, 463. His hymns characterised, 463. Davy, Sir Humphry, 511. 602.
Dead, features of the, 63. Belief that the souls of, inhabit the forms of birds, 89.
'DEAR DOCTOR, I have read your play,
'DEAR OBJECT of defeated care,' 546. Death, 27. 38. 55. 73. 328. 481. 565. 639. 641. 647.650. 656. 658.698. 705. Shuns the wretched, 607. Advantages of an early, 641.701. The sovereign's sove- reign,' 706. A reformer, 706. 'Dun- nest of all duns,' 744. A gaunt gour- mand,' 744.
Death and the Lady, 630.
'Death of Calmar and Orla,' 41.
De Foix, Gaston, his tomb at Ravenna, 650.
'Dictionnaire de Trévoux,' its defini-
'Difficile est propriè,' &c. of Horace, disputes on the meaning of, 440. Dinner, a man's happiness dependent on, 754.
Dinner-bell, the tocsin of the soul,' 657.
Diogenes, 749. 754. Dirce, fountain of, 764.
Discontents, progress of popular, 689. Disdar Aga, 763.
D'Israeli, J., esq., 'Dedication to him of Observations upon an Article in Blackwood's Magazine,' 800. 'Dives, LINES to,' 548. Dolce, Carlo, 243. 732. Don, Brig of, 705. 'DON JUAN,' 578. Preface, 578. Tes- timonies of Authors, 578. Letter to the Editor of My Grandmother's Review,' 798. 'Observations upon an Article in Blackwood's Magazine,' 800. Dedication of Don Juan' to Robert Southey, esq. 588. Preface to Cantos VI. VII. VIII., 666.
Don Quixote, a too true tale,' 727. Delight of reading, in the original, 743.
Doomsday-book, 707.
Dorotheus of Mitylene, 792.
Dorset (Thomas Sackville), Earl of, 'called the drama forth,' 384. Dorset (Charles Sackville), Earl of, his character, 384. Dorset (George-John Frederick), fourth Duke of, 384. LINES Occasioned by the death of,' 560.
Deformity, an incentive to distinction, Doubt, 698. 711.
De Quincey, Mr., his Confessions of Dubois, Edward, esq., his satire, en- an Opium Eater, 642.
De Retz, Cardinal, his account of a shipwreck in the Gulf of Lyons, 615.
Dervish Tahiri, Lord Byron's Arnaout
titled 'My Pocket Book,' 436. Dubost, M., painter, his Beauty and the Beast,' 438. Duelling, 644.
'DUET between Campbell and Bowles,
Duff, Miss Mary (afterwards Mrs. Robert Cockburn), Lord Byron's boyish attachment for, 416. Dumourier, 590.
Duppa, Richard, esq., his Life of Michael Angelo,' 502, 503. Dwarfs, 660.
DEVIL'S DRIVE; an unfinished Rhap-Dying Gladiator,' 56.
Devotion, 319. 639.670.
Dibdin, Thomas, success of his 'Mother
Eddleston (Cambridge chorister), 398. 'LINES on a cornelian given to Lord Byron by,' 398.
Edgworth, Maria, 592.
Edinburgh Review, 419. Its Critique on
'Hours of Idleness,' 419. Strictures on its remarks on the literature of modern Greece, 766.
Edward the Black Prince, his tomb, 710. Egeria, 54. 782. Fountain of, 54. Grotto of, 54.782.
Egripo (the Negropont), 81. Ehrenbreitstein, 34.
Ekenhead, Mr., 129. 545. 620. Elba, Isle of, 462. 528.
Eldon, Earl of, his judgment in the case of Cain,' 317. His impartiality, 750. 'ELEGY on Newstead Abbey,' 402. Elgin, Lord, 17. 436. 453. 455. Elgin marbles, 453. 455.
ELIZA, Lines to,' 400.
Elizabeth, Queen, her avarice, 704,
'ELLEN, Lines to,' imitated from Ca- tullus, 379.
Ellis, George, esq., 65
Eloisa, 173.
'Eloisa and Abelard,' Pope's, 806.
Eloquence, power of, 744.
'EMMA, Lines to,' 381.
Endor, witch of, 183. 465.
Endorsement to Deed of Separation,'
ERS,' 420.
English look, 653.
English women, 725.
Ennui, the best of friends and opiate draughts,' 638. A growth of English root,' 734.
Enthusiasm, a moral inebriety, 729. Envy, 662,
Epaminondas, his disinterestedness, 608, Epic poem, definition of an, 608. EPIGRAM on Moore's Operatic Farce, or Farcical Opera, 548. From the French of Rulhières, 552. 572. On my Wedding Day, 573. On Cobbett's digging up Tom Paine's Bones, 573. The world is a bundle of hay,' 573, On my Wedding, 574. On the Bra- ziers' Company having resolved to present an Address to Queen Caro- line, 574. On Lord Castlereagh, 574. Epistle, a female, described, 795. Epistle to a friend, in answer to some Lines exhorting the author to banish care, 548.
'EPISTLE to Augusta,' 470. EPITAPH on a friend, 377. On Virgil and Tibullus, by Demetrius Marsus, translated, 379. On John Adams, of Southwell, a carrier, who died of drunkenness, 537. Substitute for an, 546. My own, 546. For Joseph Blackett, late poet and shoemaker,
Eros and Anteros, 182.
Erse language, 687. Erskine, Lord, 734.
Etiquette, 661. 664. Etna, 56. 620.
Eugene of Savoy, 501.
Euphues (Barry Cornwall), 685. 716. Euripides, translation from his Medea, • Έρωτες ύπερ, 396.
Eustace's Classical Tour in Italy,' strictures on, 785.
'EUTHANASIA, When Time, or soon or late,' 550.
Eutropius, the cunuch, and minister of Arcadius, character of, 589. Euxine, or Black Sea, description of, 653.
Evening described, 45, 182. 639. Evil, 332. Origin of, 332.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Sonnet an the repeal of his forfeiture,' 572. Fitzgerald, William Thomas, poetaster,
Fletcher, William (Lord Byron's faith- ful valet), 5. 543. Florence, 47. 498.
'Florence' (Mrs. Spencer Smith), 19. Stanzas to, 543. Foppery, 807.
Forsyth, Joseph, esq., his Italy,' 57. Fortitude, 32. 44. 98. 100. 742. Fortune, 32. 51. 150. 225. 645. 654. 807. Forty-parson power, 707.
'FOSCARI, the Two; au Historical Tra- gedy,' 277.
Foscolo, Ugo, 479. His account of Pul- ci's Morgante,' 482.
Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, 473, 474. 531. Lines on the death of,' 399. Saying of, 526. His grave, 526. Fox hunt, an English, 738. 'Fragment,' 378.
'Fragment, written shortly after the
marriage of Miss Chaworth,' 384. France, 528.
ferno of Dante, 505.
Francis, Sir Philip, the probable author of Junius,' 522.
Franciscan Convent at Athens, 437. 453.546.
Galt, John, esq., his character of Don Juan, 586.
Gamba, Count Pietro, 639.
Game of Goose, 724.
Gamesters, 736. 739. Gaming, 719. 736.
Gandia, Duke of, interesting particu- lars of his death, 118. Garcilasso de la Vega, 599. Garrick, 430. 552.
Gay, his Beggar's Opera, 444. Gayton, dancer, 430.
Gazelle, the, 2. 67.
Gell, Sir William, 436.
Gemma, the wife of Dante, 499.
Geneva, Lake of, 35, 36. 131. 138. 768. Genevra, Sonnets to, 557.
Genlis, Madame de, 459. Gentlemen farmers, 700.
George the Third, 457. 515. 718. George the Fourth, 558. 560. 575, 576. 583.695. 700. 718. 726. SONNET to, on the repeal of Lord Edward Fitz- gerald's forfeiture, 572.
Georgians, beauty of the, 671. Geramb, Baron, Campbell's, 513. 'Gertrude of Wyoming,' Campbell's, 448.
Gesner, his 'Death of Abel, 318. Ghibellines, 497.499. 780.
Ghost, the Newstead, 753.
Ghosts, 750, 751.753.760.
Giaffar, Pacha of Argyro Castro, his fate, 84.
Giant's Grave, visit to, 653. 'GIAOUR, The; a Fragment of a Turk- ish Tale; 62.
Gibbon, Edward, esq., his character, 40. His opinion on the advantages of a public education, 596. Gibraltar, straits of, 18.
Giffard, Lees, esq., LL.D., 579. Gifford, William, esq., 422. 433. 451. 460. 804. Gin, 709.
Gingo, St., 768. Giorgione, 146.
'Girl of Cadiz,' 14. Glaciers, 50.
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