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and representatives of the Provisional Government (which realized its impotency and was anxious to get control of the Queen's means of defense) assured her that, if she would surrender, her case would be subsequently considered by the United States, the President has never claimed that such action constituted him an arbitrator in the technical sense, or authorized

tutional Government and the Provisional Government. You made no such claim when you acquainted that Government with the President's decision.

government by its own declared limitation was Provisional Government was created to exist only "to exist until the terms of union with the only until the islands were annexed to the United States of America have been negotiated | United States, that the Queen finally, but reluctand agreed upon," I hoped that after the assur-antly, surrendered to an armed force of this ance to the members of that government that Government illegally quartered in Honolulu, such union could not be consummated, I might compass a peaceful adjustment of the difficulty. Actuated by these desires and purposes, and not unmindful of the inherent perplexities of the situation nor of the limitations upon my power, I instructed Minister Willis to advise the Queen and her supporters of my desire to aid in the restoration of the status existing before the lawless landing of the United States forces at Hono-him to act in that capacity between the Constilulu on the 16th of January last, if such restoration could be effected upon terms providing for clemency as well as justice to all parties concerned. The conditions suggested, as the instructions show, contemplate a general amnesty to those concerned in setting up the provisional government and a recognition of all its bona fide acts and obligations. In short, they require that the past should be buried, and that the restored Government should reassume its authority as if In the note which the minister of foreign its continuity had not been interrupted. These affairs addressed to you on the 23d ultimo, it is conditions have not proved acceptable to the stated in effect that even if the Constitutional Queen, and though she has been informed that Government was subverted by the action of the they will be insisted upon, and that, unless ac- American minister and an invasion by a military ceded to, the efforts of the President to aid in the force of the United States, the President's restoration of her Government will cease, I have authority is limited to dealing with our own not thus far learned that she is willing to yield unfaithful officials, and that he can take no steps them her acquiescence. The check which my looking to the correction of the wrong done. plans have thus encountered has prevented their The President entertains a different view of his presentation to the members of the provisional responsibility and duty. The subversion of the government, while unfortunate public misrepre Hawaiian Government by an abuse of the sentations of the situation and exaggerated state-authority of the United States was in plain vioments of the sentiments of our people have obviously injured the prospects of successful Executive mediation.

I therefore submit this communication with its accompanying exhibits, embracing Mr. Blount's report, the evidence and statements taken by him at Honolulu, the instructions given to both Mr. Blount and Minister Willis, and correspondence conected with the affair in hand.

In commending this subject to the extended powers and wide discretion of the Congress, I desire to add the assurance that I shall be much gratified to cooperate in any legislative plan which may be devised for the solution of the problem before us which is consistent with American honor, integrity and morality.


The solemn assurance given to the Queen has been referred to, not as authority for the President to act as arbitrator, but as a fact material to a just determination of the President's duty in the premises.

lation of international law, and required the President to disavow and condemn the act of our offending officials, and, within the limits of his constitutional power, to endeavor to restore the lawful authority.

On the 18th ultimo the President sent a special message to Congress, communicating copies of Mr. Blount's reports and the instructions given to him and to you. On the same day, answering a resolution of the House of Representatives, he sent copies of all correspondence since March 4, 1889, on the political affairs and relations of Hawaii, withholding, for sufficient reasons, only Mr. Stevens' No. 70 of October 8, 1892, and your No. 3 of November 16, 1893. The President therein announced that the conditions of restoration suggested by him to the Queen had not proved acceptable to her, and since the instructions sent to you to insist upon those condi

Mr. Secretary Gresham to Mr. Minister tions he had not learned that the Queen was


WASHINGTON, January 12, 1894. WILLIS, Minister, Honolulu :

The President sincerely regrets that the Provisional Government refuses to acquiesce in the conclusion which his sense of right and duty and a due regard for our national honor constrained him to reach and submit as a measure of justice to the people of the Hawaiian Islands and their deposed sovereign. While it is true that the

willing to assent to them. The President thereupon submitted the subject to the more extended powers and wider discretion of Congress, adding the assurance that he would be gratified to cooperate in any legitimate plan which might be devised for a solution of the problem consistent with American honor, integrity and morality.

Your reports show that on further reflection the Queen gave her unqualified assent in writing to the conditions suggested, but that the Provisional Government refuses to acquiesce in the President's decision.

The matter now being in the hands of Con

gress, the President will keep that body fully advised of the situation, and lay before it from time to time the reports received from you, in cluding your No. 3, heretofore withheld, and all instructions sent to you. In the meantime,

while keeping the Department fully informed of the course of events, you will, until further notice, consider that your special instructions upon this subject have been fully complied with. GRESHAM.




1894, February 6-The resolutions reported by Mr. MCCREARY from the Committee on Foreign Affairs were:


Resolved, first, That it is the sense of this House that the action of the United States minister in employing United States naval forces and illegally aiding in overthrowing the constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Islands in January, 1893, and in setting up in its place a Provisional Government not republican in form and in opposition to the will of a majority of the people, was contrary to the traditions of our Republic and the spirit of our Constitution, and should be and is condemned.

"Second, That we heartily approve the principle announced by the President of the United States, that interference with the domestic affairs of an independent nation is contrary to the spirit of American institutions. And it is further the sense of this House that the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to our country, or the assump. tion of a protectorate over them by our Government, is uncalled for and inexpedient; that the people of that country should have absolute freedom and independence in pursuing their own line of policy, and that foreign intervention in the political affairs of the islands will not be regarded with indifference by the Government of the United States."

Mr. HITT moved the following as a substitute: Resolved, That it is the sense of this House that the demand caused by the President of the United States by his imperative instructions to be made on the 19th of December last upon the President and officers of the Hawaiian Government, that it promptly relinquish all authority, and his proposed erection of a monarchy in its stead, was an unwarranted intervention in the affairs of a friendly recognized government, contrary to the law of nations, the policy and traditions of this Republic, and the spirit of the Constitution.

approves the recognition of the existing Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands by the last and present Administrations of this Government, and will view with satisfaction the maintenance of a policy which shall tend to consummate, in the near future, with the consent of their people, the annexation of said islands to this country, or some other political arrangement which will fully preserve and promote the mutual interests of both Hawaii and the United States."

Mr. BLAIR'S amendment was rejected-yeas 90, nays 165 (not voting 96):

YEAS-Messrs. Adams of Ky., Aitken, Aldrich, Apsley, Avery, Babcock, Baker of N. H., Bartholdt, Bingham, Blair, Boutelle, Bowers of Cal., Broderick, Bundy, Burrows, Caldwell, Chickering, Cogswell, Cooper of Wis., Cousins, Curtis of Kan., Curtis of N. Y., Dalzell, Dolliver, Doolittle, Ellis of Ore., Fletcher, Funk, Funston, Grout, Hager, Hainer of Neb., Harmer, Hartman, Haugen, Henderson of Ill., Hepburn, Hermann, Hicks, Hitt, Hull, Johnson of Ind., Joy, Kiefer, Lacey, Linton, Lucas, Mahon, Marsh, Marvin, McCall, McCleary of Minn., Meiklejohn, Mercer, Moon, Morse, Payne, Perkins, Pickler, Post, Powers, Randall, Ray, Reed, Reyburn, Robinson, Russell of Conn., Scranton, Smith, Stephenson, C. W. Stone, W. A. Stone, Storer, Strong, Sweet, Tawney, Thomas, Van Voorhis of N. Y., Van Voorhis of O., Walker, Wanger, Waugh, Wever, Wheeler of Ill., White of O., Wilson of O., Wilson of Wash., Woomer, Wright of Mass., Wright of Pa.-90.

NAYS-Messrs. Abbott, Alderson, Alexander, Allen, Arnold, Bailey, Baldwin, Bankhead, Barwig, Bell of Tex., Black of Ga., Black of Ill., Blanchard, Bland, Boatner, Bower of N. C., Branch, Brawley, Breckinridge of Ark., Breckinridge of Ky., Bretz, Brickner, Brookshire, Brown of Ind., Bryan, Burnes, Bynum, Cabaniss, Campbell, Cannon of Cal., Caruth, Catchings, Causey, Clark of Mo., Clarke of Ala., Cobb of Ala., Cobb of Me., Cockrell, Compton, Conn, Cooper of Fla., Cooper of Ind., Cooper of Tex., Cornish, Covert, Cox of Tenn., Crain, Crawford, Culberson, De Armond, De Forest, Dockery, Donovan, Durborow, Edmunds, English, Enloe, Epes, Erdman, Everett of Mass., Fithian, Forman, Fyan, Geissenhainer, GoldMr. BLAIR moved this as an amendment to zier, Goodnight, Gorman, Grady, Gresham, Mr. Hitt's proposed substitute: Griffin, Haines of N. Y., Hall of Minn., Hall “Resolved, That the House of Representatives | of Mo., Hammond, Hare, Hatch, Hayes, Heard,

Resolved, That the Provisional Government of Hawaii having been duly recognized, the highest international interests require that it shall pursue its own line of polity; and foreign intervention in the political affairs of these islands will be regarded as an act unfriendly to the Government of the United States."

Lane, Lapham, Lawson of Ga., Layton, Lester of Ga., Lisle, Livingston, Lockwood, Lynch, Maddox, Maguire, Mallory, Marshall, Martin, McCreary of Ky., McCulloch, McDannold, McDearmon, McEttrick, McGann, McKaig, McLaurin, McMillin, McRae, Meredith, Money, Montgomery, Moses, Neill, Oates, O'Neil of Mass., Outhwaite, Paschal, Patterson, Paynter, Pearson, Pendleton of Tex., Pendleton of W. Va., Price, Rayner, Reilly, Richards of Ohio, Richardson of Mich., Rich

Henderson of N. C., Holman, Hooker of Miss., | Houk of Ohio, Hunter, Kilgore, Kribbs, Kyle, Houk of O., Hunter, Kilgore, Kribbs, Kyle, Lane, Lapham, Latimer, Lawson of Ga., Lay. ton, Lester of Ga., Lisle, Livingston, Lockwood, Lynch, Maddox, Maguire, Mallory, Marshall, Martin, McCreary of Ky., McCulloch, Mc Dan nold, Mc Dearmon, McEttrick, McGann, McKaig, MCKEIGHAN, McLaurin, McMillin, McNagny, McRae, Meredith, Money, Montgomery, Moses, Neill, Oates, O'Neill of Mass., Outhwaite, Paschal, Patterson, Paynter, Pear son, Pendleton of Tex., Pendleton of W. Va., Price, Rayner, Reilly, Richards of O., Richard-ardson of Tenn., Ritchie, Robbins, Robertson, son of Mich., Richardson of Pa., Ritchie, Robbins, Robertson, Russell of Ga., Sayers, Shell Snodgrass, Springer, Stallings, Stevens, Stock dale, Stone of Ky., Strait, Talbert of S. C., Tal- | bot of M., Tarsney, Tate, Taylor of Ind., Terry, Tracey, Tucker, Turner of Ga, Turpin, Warner, Washington, Wells, Wheeler of Ala., Williams of Ill., Williams of Miss., Wilson of W. Va., Wise, Wolverton-165.

Mr. HITT's substitute was rejected-yeas 103, nays 159, (not voting 89):

YEAS-Messrs. Adams of Ky., Aitken. Aldrich, Apsley, Avery, Babcock, BAKER of Kan., Baker of N. H., Bartholdt, Bingham, Blair, BOEN, Boutelle, Broderick, Bundy, Burrows, Caldwell, Chickering, Childs, Cogswell, Cooper of Wis., Cousins, Curtis of Kan., Curtis of N. Y., Dalzell, Daniels of N. Y., DAVIS, Dolliver, Doolittle, Ellis of Ore., Fletcher, Funk, Funston, Gear, Grout, Hager, Hainer of Neb., Harmer, HARRIS of Kan., Hartman, Haugen, Henderson of Ill., Hepburn, Hermann, Hicks, lilborn, Hitt, Hull, Johnson of Ind., Joy, KEM, Kiefer, Lacey, Linton, Loud, Lucas, Mahon, Marsh, Marvin, McCall, McCleary of Minn., MCKEIGHAN, Meiklejohn, Mercer, Moon, Morse, Payne, PENCE, Perkins, Pickler, Post, Powers, Randall, Reed, Reyburn, Robinson, Russell of Conn., Scranton, Shaw, SIMPSON, Smith, Stephenson, C. W. Stone, W. A. Stone, Storer, Strong, Sweet, Tawney, Thomas, Upde graff, Van Voorhis of N. Y., Van Voorhis of Ohio, Walker, Wagner, Waugh, Wever, Wheeler of Ill., White of Ohio, Wilson of Ohio, Wilson of Wash., Woomer, Wright of Mass., Wright of Pa.-103.

NAYS-Messrs. Abbott, Alderson, Alexander, Allen, Arnold, Bailey, Baldwin, Bankhead, Barwig, Bell of Tex., Bettzhoover, Black of Ga., Black of Ill., Blanchard, Bland, Boatner, Bower of N. C., Branch, Brawley, Breckinridge of Ark., Breckinridge of Ky., Bretz, Brickner, Brookshire, Brown of Ind., Bryan, D. D. Burnes, Bynum, Cabaniss, Campbell, Cannon of Cal., Caruth, Catchings, Causey, Clark of Mo., Clarke of Ala., Cobb of Ala., Cobb of Mo., Cockrell, Compton, Cooper of Fla., Cooper of Ind., Cooper of Tex., Cornish, Covert, Cox of Tenn., Crain, Crawford, Culberson, De Armond, De Forest, Dockery, Donovan, Durborow, Edmunds, English. Enloe, Epès, Erdman, Everett of Mass., Fithian, Forman, Fyan, Geissenhainer, Goldzier, Goodnight, Gorman, Grady, Gresham, Griffin, Hall of Minn., Hall of Mo., Hammond, Hare, Hatch, Hayes, Heard, Henderson of N. C., Holman, Hooker of Miss,

Russell of Ga., Sayers, Shell, Snodgrass, Springer, Stallings, Stevens, Stockdale, Stone of Ky., Talbert of S. C., Talbott of Md., Tarsney, Tate, Taylor of Ind., Terry, Tracey, Tucker, Turner of Ga., Turpin, Warner, Washington, Wells, Wheeler of Ala., Williams of Ill., Williams of Miss., Wilson of W. Va., Wolverton-159.

Mr. REED moved to recommit the report of the committee with the accompanying resolutions with instructions to investigate all the assertions of fact contained in the resolutions offered by the committee and now pending before the House, giving full opportunity of crossexamination by members of the committee as to testimony relating to any person accused by the resolution of crime or misconduct in office or otherwise.

Which was rejected-yeas 98, nays 161, (not voting 92):

YEAS-Messrs. Adams of Ky., Aitken, Aldrich, Apsley, Avery, Babcock, Baker of N. H., Bartholdt, Bingham, Blair, BOEN, Boutelle, Broderick, Bundy, Burrows, Caldwell, Chickering, Childs, Cogswell, Cooper of Wis., Cousins, Cummings, Curtis of Kans., Curtis of N. Y., Dalzell, Daniels of N. Y., Dolliver, Doolittle, Ellis of Ore., Fletcher, Funk, Funston, Gear, Grout, Hager, Hainer of Neb., Harmer, Hartman, Haugen, Henderson of Ill., Hepburn, Hermann, Hicks, Hilborn, Hitt, Hull, Johnson of Ind., Joy, Kiefer, Lacey, Linton, Loud, Lucas, Mahon, Marsh, Marvin, McCall, McCleary of Minn., Meiklejohn, Mercer, Moon, Morse, Payne, PENCE, Perkins, Pickler, Post, Powers, Randall, Ray, Reed, Reyburn, Robinson, Russell of Conn., Scranton, Shaw, Smith, Stephenson, C. W. Stone, W. A. Stone, Storer, Strong, Sweet, Thomas, Updegraff, Van Voorhis of N. Y., Van Voorhis of Ohio, Walker, Wanger, Waugh, Wever, Wheeler of Ill., White of Ohio, Wilson of Ohio, Wilson of Wash., Woomer, Wright of Mass., Wright of Pa.-98.

NAYS-Messrs. Abbott, Alderson, Alexander, Allen, Arnold, Bailey, Baldwin, Bankhead, Barwig, Bell of Tex., Beltzhoover, Black of Ga., Black of Ill., Blanchard, Bland, Boatner, Bower of N. C., Branch, Brawley, Breckinridge of Ark., Breckinridge of Ky., Bretz, Brickner, Brookshire, Brown of Ind., Bryan, D. D. Burnes, Bynum, Cabaniss, Campbell, Cannon of Cal., Caruth, Catchings, Causey, Clark of Mo., Clarke of Ala, Cobb of Ala., Cobb of Mo., Cockrell, Compton, Cooper of Fla., Cooper of Ind., Cooper of Tex., Cornish, Covert, Cox of Tenn., Crain, Crawford, Culberson, De Ar

mond, De Forest, Dockery, Donovan, Durborow, | ford, Culberson, De Armond, De Forest, DenEdmunds, English, Enloe, Epes, Erdman, son, Dockery, Donovan, Dunn, Durborow, EdEverett of Mass., Fithian, Forman, Fyan, munds, English, Enloe, Epes, Erdman, Everett Geary, Geissenhainer, Goldzier, Goodnight, of Mass., Fithian, Forman, Fyan, GeissenGorman, Grady, Gresham, Griffin, Haines of hainer, Goldzier, Goodnight, Gorman, Grady, N. Y., Hall of Minn., Hall of Mo., Hammond, Gresham, Griffin, Haines of N. Y., Hall of Hare, Hatch, Hayes, Heard, Henderson of N. Minn., Hall of Mo., Hammond, Hare, Hatch, C., Holman, Hooker of Miss., Hunter, Kilgore, Hayes, Hard, Henderson of N. C., Holman, Kribbs, Kyle, Lane, Lapham, Lawson of Ga, Hooker of Miss., Houk of O., Hunter, KEM, Layton, Lester of Ga, Lisle, Livingston, Lock- Kilgore, Kribbs, Kyle, Lane, Lapham, Latimer, wood, Lynch, Maddox, Maguire, Mallory, Lawson of Ga., Layton, Lester of Ga., Lisle, Marshall, Martin, McCreary of Ky., McCul- Livingston, Lockwood, Lynch, Maddox, Maloch, McDannold, McDearmon, McEttrick, guire, Mallory, Marshall, Martin, McAleer, McGann, McKaig, McLaurin, McMillin, Mc McCreary of Ky., McCulloch, McDannold, McRae, Meredith, Money, Montgomery, Moses, Dearmon, McEttrick, McGann, McKaig, McNeill, Oates, O'Neil of Mass., Outhwaite, Pas- Laurin, McMillin, McNagny, McRae, Merechal, Patterson, Paynter, Pearson, Pendleton dith, Money, Montgomery, Moses, H. Mutchler, of Tex., Pendleton of W. Va., Price, Rayner, | Neill, Oates, O'Neil of Mass., Outhwaite, Reilly, Richards of Ohio, Richardson of Mich., | Paschal, Patterson, Paynter, Pearson, PendleRichardson of Tenn., Ritchie, Robbins, Robertson, Russell of Ga., Sayers, Shell, Snodgrass, Springer, Stallings, Stevens, Stockdale, Stone of Ky., Talbert of S. C., Talbott of Md., Tarsney, Tate, Taylor of Ind., Terry, Tracey, Tucker, Turner of Ga., Turpin, Warner, Washington, Wells, Wheeler of Ala., Williams of Ill., Williams of Miss., Wilson of W. Va., Wise, Wolvert‹ n-161.

NOT VOTING-Messrs. Adams of Pa., BAKER of Kans., Barnes, Bartlett, Belden, BELL of Colo., Berry, Bowers of Cal, Brattan, Brosius, Bunn, Cadmus, Caminetti, Cannon of Ill., Capehart, Clancy, Cockran, Coffeen, Conn, Coombs, Davey, DAVIS, Denson, Dingley, Dinsmore, Draper, Dunn, Dunphy, Ellis of Ky., Fielder, Gardner, Gillet of N. Y., Gillett of Mass, Graham, Grosvenor, HARRIS of Kan., Harter, Heiner of Pa., Henderson of la., Hendrix, Hines of Pa., Hooker of N. Y., Hopkins of Ill., Hopkins of Pa., Houk of Ohio, Houk of Tenn., HUDSON, Hulick, Hutcheson, Ikirt, Johnson of N. Dak., Johnson of Ohio, Jones, KEM, Latimer, Lefever, Loudenslager, Magner, McAleer, McDowell, McKEIGHAN, McNagny, Meyer, Milliken, Morgan, Murray, H. Mutchler, NEWLANDS, Northway, Page, Phillips, Pigott, Rusk, Ryan, Schermerhorn, Settle, Sherman, Sibley, Sickles, SIMPSON, Sipe, Somers, Sperry, Strait, Swanson, Tawney, Taylor of Tenn., Tyler, Wadsworth, Weadock, Whiting, Woodard-92. A vote on agreeing to Mr. MCCREARY'S resolutions resulted-yeas 160, nays 2, (not voting 189)—no quorum.

February 7-The resolutions reported by Mr. MCCREARY were adopted-yeas 177, nays 76, (not voting 98):

YEAS-Messrs. Abbott, Alderson, Alexander, Allen, Arnold, Bailey, BAKER of Kan., Baldwin, Bankhead, Barwig, Bell of Tex., Beltzhoover, Black of Ga., Black of Ill., Blanchard, Bland, Boatner, Branch, Brawley, Breckinridge of Ark., Breckinridge of Ky., Bretz, Brickner, Brockshire, Brown of Ind., Bryan, Bynum, Cabaniss, Cadmus, Campbell, Cannon of Cal., Caruth, Catchings, Causey, Clark of Mo,, Clarke of Ala., Cobb of Ala., Cobb of Mo., Cockran, Cockrell, Compton, Conn, Coombs, Cooper of Fla., Cooper of Ind., Cooper of Tex., Cornish, Covert, Cox of Tenn., Crain, Craw

ton of Tex., Pendleton of W. Va., Pigott, Price, Rayner, Reilly, Richards of O., Richardson of Mich., Richardson of Tenn., Ritchie, Robbins, Robertson, Rusk, Russell of Ga., Ryan, Sayers, Shell, Sibley, Snodgrass, Springer, Stallings, Stevens, Stockdale, Stone of Ky., Swanson, Talbert of S. C,, Talbott of Md., Tarsney, Tate, Taylor of Ind., Terry, Tracey, Tucker, Turner of Ga., Turpin, Tyler, Warner, Washington, Wells, Wheeler of Ala., Williams of Ill., Williams of Miss., Wilson of W. Va., Wise, Wolverton-177.

NAYS-Messrs. Adams of Ky., Adams of Pa., Aitken, Apsley, Avery, Baker of N. H., Bartholdt, BELL of Colo., Bingham, BOEN, Boutelle, Broderick, Bundy, Bunn, Caldwell, Cannon of, Ill., Chickering, Cogswell, Cousins, Cummings, Curtis of Kan., Curtis of N. Y., Dalzell, DAVIS, Dolliver, Doolittle, Ellis of Ore., Fletcher, Gear, Harmer, HARRIS of Kan., Hartman, Haugen, Heiner of Pa., Henderson of Ill., Hepburn, Hermann, Hitt, Hulick, Johnson of N. Dak., Joy, Kiefer, Lacey, Linton, Loud, Lucas, Marvin, McCleary of Minn., McDowell, Meiklejohn, Mercer, Morse, PENCE, Powers, Reed, Reyburn, Scranton, Shaw, Sickles, Simpson, Smith, C. W. Stone, W. A. Stone, Strong, Sweet, Thomas, Updegraff, Van Voorhis of Ohio, Walker, Wanger, Waugh, Wheeler of Ill., White of Ohio, Wilson of Ohio, Wilson of Wash., Woomer-76. A resolution offered some weeks before by Mr. BOUTELLE was then read, as follows:

"Whereas the Executive communications to this House clearly disclose that the rights and dignity of the House of Representatives, as a co-ordinate branch of the Congress of the United States, have been invaded by the executive department, in furnishing secret instructions to a minister plenipotentiary of the United States to conspire with the representatives of a deposed and discredited monarchy for the subversion and overthrow of the established republican government to which he was accredited, and to which his public instructions pledged the good faith and sympathy of the President, the Government, and the people of the United States; therefore,

"Resolved, That it is the sense of this House that any intervention by the Executive of the United States, its civil or military representatives, without authority of Congress, in the internal


affairs of a friendly recognized government, to of Miss., Wilson of W. Va., Wise, Wolverdisturb or overthrow it, and to aid or abet the ton-158. substitution or restoration of a monarchy therefor, is contrary to the policy and traditions of the Republic and the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and can not be too promptly or emphatically reprobated."

It was rejected-yeas 93, nays 158, (not voting 100):

YEAS-Messrs. Adams of Ky., Adams of Pa., Aitken, Aldrich, Apsley, Avery, Babcock, Baker of N. H., Bartholdt, Bingham, Blair, BOEN, Boutelle, Broderick, Bundy, Burrows, Caldwell, Cannon of Ill., Chickering, Cogswell, Cooper of Wis., Cousins, Curtis of Kan., Curtis of N. Y., Dalzell, Dolliver, Doolittle, Ellis of Ore., Fletcher, Funk, Funston, Gear, Hager, Hainer of Neb., Harmer, Hartman, Haugen, Heiner of Pa., Henderson of Ill., Hepburn, Hicks, Hilborn, Hitt, Hopkins of Ill., Hulick, Hull, Johnson of N. Dak., Joy, KEM, Kiefer, Lacey, Linton, Loud, Lucas, Mahon, Marsh, Marvin, McCall, McCleary of Minn., McDowell, Meiklejohn, Mercer, Moon, Murse, PENCE, Perkins, Pickler, Post, Powers, Randall, Reed, Reyburn, Russell of Conn., Scranton, Shaw, SIMPSON, Smith, C. W. Stone, Strong, Sweet, Tawney, Thomas, Updegraff, Van Voorhis of N. Y., Van Voorhis of Ohio, Walker, Wanger, Waugh, Wever, Wheeler of Ala., Wilson of Wash., Woomer, Wright of Mass.-93.

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May 28-Mr. KYLE moved to proceed to the consideration of this resolution submitted by him on the 23d inst.:


Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that the Government of the United States will not attempt to restore to the throne the deposed Queen of the Sandwich Islands; that the Provisional Government having been duly recognized, the highest international interests require that it must be allowed to pursue its own line of polity without interference on the part of the United States; that intervention in the political affairs of these islands by other governments will be regarded as an act unfriendly to the Government of the United States."

Which was agreed to-yeas 37, nays 11, (not voting 37):

YEAS Messrs. ALLEN, Allison, Bate, Call, Cameron, Cockrell, Coke, Cullom, Davis, Frye, Hale, Harris, Hawley, Higgins, Hoar, Irby, Jones of Ark., KYLE, Lodge, Manderson, Martin, Morgan, Morrill, Patton, PEFFER, Perkins of Cal., Platt, Power, Proctor, Pugh, Sherman, Shoup, Teller, Turpie, Voorhees, Washburn, White of Cal.—37.

NAYS-Messrs. Berry, Blackburn, Butler, Caffery, Gray, Lindsay, McLaurin, Palmer, Pasco, Vest, Vilas-11.

Mr. GRAY moved to amend by striking out all after the word "Resolved," and inserting the following:

"That from the facts and papers laid before the Senate it is unwise and inexpedient, under existing conditions, to consider at this time any project of annexation of the Hawaiian Territory to the United States; that the Provisional Government therein having been duly recognized, the highest interuational interests require that it shall pursue its own line of polity. Foreign intervention in the political affairs of these islands will be regarded as an act unfriendly to the Government of the United States."

May 29-Mr. KYLE moved that the Senate take up this resolution, reported by Mr. TURPIE from the Committee on Foreign Relations Jan

NAYS-Messrs. Abbott, Alderson, Alexander,
Allen, Arnold, Bailey, Baldwin, Bankhead,
Barwig, Bell of Tex., Beltzhoover, Black of
Ga., Black of Ill., Blanchard, Bland, Branch,
Breckinridge of Ark., Bretz, Brickner, Brook-
shire, Brown of Ind., Bryan, Bynum, Cabaniss,
Cadmus, Campbell, Cannon of Cal., Caruth,
Catchings, Causey, Clark of Mo., Clarke of
Ala., Cobb of Ala., Cobb of Mo., Cockrell, Conn,
Coombs, Cooper of Fla., Cooper of Ind., Cooper
of Tex., Covert, Cox of Tenn., Crain, Crawford,
Culberson, De Armond, De Forest, Denson,
Dockery, Donovan, Durborow, Edmunds,
English, Enloe, Epes, Erdman, Everett of
Mass., Fithian, Forman, Fyan, Geary, Geissen-
hainer, Goodnight, Gorman, Grady, Gresham,
Griffin, Haines of N. Y., Hall of Minn., Hall
of Mo., Hammond, Hare, Hatch, Hayes, Heard,
Henderson of N. C., Hooker of Miss., Hunter,uary 23, 1894:
Kilgore, Kribbs, Kyle, Lane, Lapham, Lawson
of Ga., Layton, Lester of Ga., Lisle, Livingston,
Lockwood, Lynch, Maddox, Maguire, Mallory,
Marshall, Martin, McCreary of Ky., McCul-
loch, McDannold, Mc Dearmon, McEttrick,
McKaig, McLaurin, McMillin, McNagny,
McRae, Meredith, Money, Morgan, Moses,
H. Mutchler, Neill, Oates, O'Neil of Mass.,
Outhwaite, Paschal, Patterson, Paynter, Pear
son, Pendleton of Tex., Pendleton of W. Va.,
Pigott, Price, Reilly, Richards of Ohio, Rich-
ardson of Mich., Richardson of Tenn., Ritchie,
Robbins, Robertson, Russell of Ga., Ryan,
Savers, Sibley, Snodgrass, Springer, Stallings,
Stockdale, Stone of Ky., Swanson, Talbert of
S. C., Talbott of Md., Tarsney, Tate, Taylor
of Ind., Terry, Tracey, Turner of Ga.,
Turpin, Tyler, Warner, Washington, Wells,
Wheeler of Ala., Williams of Ill., Williams

"Resolved, That from the facts and papers laid before the Senate it is unwise and inexpedient, under existing conditions, to consider at this time any project of annexation of the Hawaiian Territory to the United States; that the Provisional Government therein having been duly recognized, the highest international interests require that it shall pursue its own line of polity. Foreign intervention in the political affairs of these islands will be regarded as an act unfriendly to the Government of the United States."

Mr. KYLE stated that he waived for the present his resolution above, and asked for a vote on Mr. TURPIE's reported resolution.

Mr. PEFFER moved to strike out all after the word "Resolved," and insert as follows:

"That the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands having been duly recognized,

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