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Now combine the two sides of fig. 2 into a stereoscopic 196 combination, either by squinting, or with the help of a stereoscope, and you will see that the white lines of the one coincide exactly with the black lines of the other, as soon as the centres of both the figures coincide, although the vertical lines of the two figures are not parallel to each other.

[graphic][merged small]

Therefore not the really vertical meridians of both fields of view correspond, as has been supposed hitherto, but the apparently

vertical meridians. On the contrary, the horizontal meridians really correspond, at least for normal eyes which are not 197 fatigued. After having kept the eyes a long time looking down at a near object, as in reading or writing, I found sometimes that the horizontal lines of fig. 2 crossed each other; but they became parallel again when I had looked for some time at distant objects.

In order to define the position of the corresponding points in both fields of vision, let us suppose the observer looking to the centres of the two sides of fig. 2, and uniting both pictures stereoscopically. Then planes may be laid through the horizontal and vertical lines of each picture and the centre of the corresponding eye. The planes laid through the different horizontal lines will include angles between them, which we may call angles of altitude; and we may consider as their zero the plane going through the fixed point and the horizontal meridian. The planes going through the vertical lines include other angles, which may be called angles of longitude, their zero coinciding also with the fixed point and with the apparently vertical meridian. Then the stereoscopic combination of those diagrams shows that those points correspond which have the same angles of altitude and the same angles of longitude; and we can use this result of the experiment as a definition of corresponding points.

We are accustomed to call Horopter the aggregate of all those points of the space which are projected on corresponding points of the retina. After having settled how to define the positions of corresponding points, the question, what is the form and situation of the Horopter, is only a geometrical question. With reference to the results I had obtained in regard to the positions of the eye belonging to different directions of the visual lines, I have calculated the form of the Horopter, and found that generally the Horopter is a line of double curvature produced by the intersection of two hyperboloids, and that in some exceptional cases this line of double curvature can be changed into a combination of two plane curves.

That is to say, when the point of convergence is situated in the middle plane of the head, the Horopter is composed of a straight line drawn through the point of convergence, and

of a conic section going through the centre of both eyes and intersecting the straight line.

When the point of convergence is situated in the plane. which contains the primary directions of both the visual lines, the Horopter is a circle going through that point and through the centres of both eyes and a straight line intersecting the circle.

When the point of convergence is situated as well in the middle plane of the head as in the plane of the primary directions of the visual lines, the Horopter is composed of the circle I have just described, and a straight line going through that point.

There is only one case in which the Horopter is really a plane, as it was supposed to be in every instance by Aguilonius, the inventor of that name, namely, when the point of convergence is situated in the middle plane of the head and at an infinite distance. Then the Horopter is a plane parallel to the visual lines, and situated beneath them, at a certain distance which depends upon the angle between the really and apparently vertical meridians, and which is nearly 198 as great as the distance of the feet of the observer from his eyes when he is standing. Therefore, when we look straight forward to a point of the horizon, the Horopter is a horizontal plane going through our feet-it is the ground upon which we are standing.

Formerly physiologists believed that the Horopter was an infinitely distant plane when we looked to an infinitely distant point. The difference of our present conclusion is consequent upon the difference between the position of the really and apparently vertical meridians, which they did not know.

When we look, not to an infinitely distant horizon, but to any point of the ground upon which we stand which is equally distant from both our eyes, the Horopter is not a plane; but the straight line which is one of its parts coincides completely with the horizontal plane upon which we are standing.

The form and situation of the Horopter is of great practical importance for the accuracy of our visual perceptions, as I have found.

Take a straight wire- a knitting-needle for instance-and bend it a little in its middle, so that its two halves form an

angle of about four degrees. Hold this wire with outstretched arm in a nearly perpendicular position before you, so that both its halves are situated in the middle plane of your head, and the wire appears to both your eyes nearly as a straight line. In this position of the wire you can distinguish whether the angle of the wire is turned towards your face or away from it, by binocular vision only, as in stereoscopic diagrams; and you will find that there is one direction of the wire in which it coincides with the straight line of the Horopter, where the inflexion of the wire is more evident than in other positions. You can test if the wire really coincides with the Horopter, when you look at a point a little more or a little less distant than the wire. Then the wire appears in double images, which are parallel when it is situated in the Horopter line, and are not when the point is not so situated.

Stick three long straight pins into two little wooden boards which can slide one along the other; two pins may be fastened in one of the boards, the third pin in the second. Bring the boards into such a position that the pins are all perpendicular and parallel to each other, and situated nearly in the same plane. Hold them before your eyes and look at them, and strive to recognize if they are really in the same plane, or if their series is bent towards you or from you. You will find that you distinguish this by binocular vision with the greatest degree of certainty and accuracy (and indeed with an astonishing degree of accuracy) when the line of the three pins coincides with the direction of the circle which is a part of the Horopter.

From these observations it follows that the forms and the distances of those objects which are situated in, or very nearly in, the Horopter, are perceived with a greater degree of accuracy than the same forms and distances would be when not situated 199 in the Horopter. If we apply this result to those cases in which the ground whereon we stand is the plane of the Horopter, it follows that, looking straight forward to the horizon we can distinguish the inequalities and the distances of different parts of the ground better than other objects of the same kind and distance.

This is actually true. We can observe it very conspicuously when we look to a plain and open country with very distant hills, at first in the natural position, and afterwards with the head inclined or inverted, looking under the arm or between our legs, as painters sometimes do in order to distinguish the colours of the landscape better. Comparing the aspect of the distant parts of the ground, you will find that we perceive very well that they are level and stretched out into a great distance in the natural position of your head, but that they seem to ascend to the horizon and to be much shorter and narrower when we look at them with the head inverted: we get the same appearance also when our head remains in its natural position, and we look to the distant objects through two rectangular prisms, the hypothenuses of which are fastened on a horizontal piece of wood, and which show inverted images of the objects. But when we invert our head, and invert at the same time also the landscape by the prisms, we have again the natural view and the accurate perception of distances as in the natural position of our head, because then the apparent situation of the ground is again the plane of the Horopter of our eyes.

The alteration of colour in the distant parts of a landscape when viewed with inverted head, or in an inverted optical image, can be explained, I think, by the defective perception of distance. The alterations of the colour of really distant objects produced by the opacity of the air, are well known to us, and appear as a natural sign of distance; but if the same alterations are found on objects apparently less distant, the alteration of colour appears unusual, and is more easily perceived.

It is evident that this very accurate perception of the form and the distances of the ground, even when viewed indirectly, is a great advantage, because by means of this arrangement of our eyes we are able to look at distant objects, without turning our eyes to the ground, when we walk.

Eine ausführliche Auseinandersetzung der hier besprochenen Verhältnisse findet sich in meinem Handbuch d. Physiolog. Optik. §§ 27, 28, 30.

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