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section of an electrolytic conductor we have always equivalent electrical and chemical motion. The same definite quantity of either positive or negative electricity moves always with 290 each univalent ion, or with every unit of affinity of a multivalent ion, and accompanies it during all its motions through the interior of the electrolytic fluid. This quantity we may call the electric charge of the atom.

I beg to remark that hitherto we have spoken only of phenomena. The motion of electricity can be observed and measured. Independently of this, the motion of the chemical constituents can also be measured. Equivalents of chemical elements and equivalent quantities of electricity are numbers which express real relations of natural objects and actions. That the equivalent relation of chemical elements depends on the pre-existence of atoms may be hypothetical; but we have not yet any theory sufficiently developed which can explain all the facts of chemistry as simply and as consistently as the atomic theory developed in modern chemistry.

Now the most startling result of Faraday's law is perhaps this. If we accept the hypothesis that the elementary substances are composed of atoms, we cannot avoid concluding that electricity also, positive as well as negative, is divided into definite elementary portions, which bebave like atoms of electricity. As long as it moves about in the electrolytic liquid, each ion remains united with its electric equivalent or equivalents. At the surface of the electrodes decomposition can take place if there is sufficient electromotive force, and then the ions give off their electric charges and become electrically neutral.

The same atom can be charged in different compounds with equivalents of positive or of negative electricity. Faraday pointed out sulphur as being an element which can act either as anion or as kation.. It is anion in sulphide of silver, a kation perhaps in strong sulphuric acid. Afterwards he suspected that the deposition of sulphur from sulphuric acid might be a secondary result. The kation may be hydrogen, which combines with the oxygen of the acid, and drives out the sulphur. But if this is the case, hydrogen recombined with oxygen to

form water must retain its positive charge, and it is the sulphur, which in our case must give off positive equivalents to the kathode. Therefore this sulphur of sulphuric acid must be charged with positive equivalents of electricity. The same may be applied to a great many other instances. Any atom or group of atoms which can be substituted by secondary decomposition for an ion must be capable of giving off the corresponding equivalent of electricity.

When the positively charged atoms of hydrogen or any other kation are liberated from their combination and evolved as gas, the gas becomes electrically neutral; that is, according to the language of the dualistic theory, it contains equal quantities of positive and negative electricity; either every single atom is electrically neutralised, or one atom, remaining posi291 tive, combines with another charged negatively. This latter assumption agrees with the inference from Avogadro's law, that the molecule of free hydrogen is really composed of

two atoms.

Now arises the question: Are all these relations between electricity and chemical combination limited to that class of bodies which we know as electrolytes. In order to produce a current of sufficient strength to collect enough of the products of decomposition without producing too much heat in the electrolyte, the substance which we try to decompose ought not to offer too much resistance to the current. But this resistance may be very great, and the motion of the ions may be very slow, so slow indeed that we should need to allow it to go on for hundreds of years before we should be able to collect even traces of the products of decomposition; nevertheless all the essential attributes of the process of electrolysis could subsist. In fact we find the most various degrees of conducting power in various liquids. For a great number of them, down to distilled water and pure alcohol, we can observe the passage of the current with a sensitive galvanometer. But if we turn to oil of turpentine, benzene, and similar substances, the galvanometer becomes silent. Nevertheless these fluids also are not without a certain degree of conducting power. If you connect an electrified conductor with one of

the electrodes of a cell filled with oil of turpentine, the other with the earth, you will find that the electricity of the conductor is discharged unmistakably more rapidly through the oil of turpentine than if you take it away and fill the cell only with air.

We may in this case also observe polarisation of the electrodes as a symptom of previous electrolysis. Connect the two pieces of platinum in oil of turpentine with a battery of eight Daniells, let it stay 24 hours, then take away the battery, and connect the electrodes with a quadrant electrometer; it will indicate that the two surfaces of platinum, which were homogeneous before, produce an electromotive force which deflects the needle of the electrometer. The electromotive force of this polarisation has been determined in some instances by Mr. Picker in the Laboratory of the University of Berlin; he has found that the polarisation of alcohol decreases with the proportion of water which it contains, and that that of the purest alcohol, ether, and oil of turpentine, is about 0·3, that of benzene 0.8 of a Daniell's element.

Another sign of electrolytic conduction is, that liquids placed between two different metals produce an electromotive force. This is never done by metals of equal temperature, or by other conductors which, like metals, let electricity pass without being decomposed. The production of an electromotive force is observed even with a great many rigid bodies, although very few of them allow us to observe electrolytic conduction with the galvanometer, and even these only at tem- 292 peratures near their melting points. I remind you of the galvanic pile of Zamboni, in which pieces of dry paper are intercalated between thin leaves of metal. If the connection lasts long enough, even glass, resin, shellac, paraffin, sulphurthe best insulators we known-do the same. It is nearly impossible to prevent the quadrants of a delicate electrometer from being charged by the insulating bodies by which they are supported.

In all the cases which I have quoted, one might suspect that traces of humidity absorbed by the substance or adhering to their surface were the electrolytes. I show you, therefore,

this little Daniell's cell, Fig. 4, constructed by my former assistant, Dr. Giese, in which a solution of sulphate of copper with a platinum wire, a, as an electrode, is enclosed in a bulb of glass hermetically sealed. This is surrounded by a second cavity, sealed in the same way, which contains a solution of zinc sulphate and some amalgam of zinc, to which a second

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platinum wire, b, enters through the glass. The tubes c and d have served to introduce the liquids, and have been sealed afterwards. It is, therefore, like a Daniell's cell, in which the porous septum has been replaced by a thin stratum of glass. Externally all is symmetrical at the two poles; there is nothing in contact with the air but a closed surface of glass, through which two wires of platinum penetrate. The whole 298 charges the electrometer exactly like a Daniell's cell of very great resistance, and this it would not do if the septum of glass did not behave like an electrolyte: for a metallic conductor would completely destroy the action of the cell by its polarisation.

All these facts show that electrolytic conduction is not at all limited to solutions of acids or salts. It will, however, be rather a difficult problem to find out how far the electrolytic conduction is extended, and I am not yet prepared to give a positive answer. What I intended to remind you of was only that the faculty to be decomposed by electric motion is not necessarily connected with a small resistance to the current. It is easier for us to study the cases of small resistance, but the illustration which they give us about the connection of electric and chemical force is not at all limited to the acid and saline solutions usually employed.

Hitherto we have studied the motions of ponderable matter as well as of electricity, going on in an electrolyte. Let us now study the forces which are able to produce these motions. It has always appeared somewhat startling to everybody who knows the mighty power of chemical forces, and the enormous quantity of heat and mechanical work which they are able to produce, how exceedingly small is the electric attraction at the poles of a battery of two Daniell's cells, which nevertheless is able to decompose water. 1 gram of water, produced by burning hydrogen with oxygen, develops so much heat, that this heat transformed by a steam engine into mechanical work would raise the same weight to a height of 1,600,000 metres. And on the contrary we require to use the most delicate contrivances to show that a gold leaf or a little piece of aluminium hanging on a silk fibre can be at all moved by the electric attraction of the battery. The solution of this riddle is found if we look at the quantities of electricity with which the atoms appear to be charged.

The quantity of electricity which can be conveyed by a very small quantity of hydrogen, when measured by its electrostatic forces, is exceedingly great. Faraday saw this, and endeavoured in various ways to give at least an approximate determination. He ascertained that even the most powerful batteries of Leyden jars, discharged through a voltameter, give scarcely any visible traces of gases. At present we can give definite numbers. The electrochemical equivalent of the electromagnetic unit of the galvanic current has been deter

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