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Shoo-mag'in, i. W. of Russian America.
Shoomla, Schumia, or Choumla, shoom'lå;
sometimes written Shoomna.

Shoos'ter or Shu'ster; written, also, Schuster
and Chouster.

Shrewsbury, shroze'ber-e or shruze'ber-e.
Shrop'shire, or county of Sa'lop.
Shtab. See Sistova.
Shumla. See Shoomla.
Shu'nem, t. of Palestine.
Shuster. See Shooster.
Siam, si-am' or se'am'.

Siara or Seara, se-å'rå. See Ciara.

Sicily, siss'il-e.
Sidmouth, sid'muth.

SI'don. See Saïda.

Siegberg, seeG'beRG, t. of Germany.
Siegen, seeg'en, t. of Westphalia.
Si-en'na (It. Siena, se-en'a).

Sierra, se-er'rå.t

*Sierra de los Mimbres, se-er'rå då loce mim'-

Sierra Estrella, se-er'rå ês-trel'yå, mts. of

*Sierra Gorda, se-er'rå gor'då.

Si-er'ra Le-o'ne.

*Sierra Madre, se-er'rå måd'rå.

Sierra Morena, se-er'rå mo-rå'nå.
*Sierra Nevada, se-er'rå ne-vå'Då.

Sierra Nevada (Spain). See Nevada.

Si hon or Se-hon', r. of Central Asia.
Sikhs. See Seiks.

Sikokf, see kokf', Sikoke, see'koke', or Sit-
kokf, one of the Japan Is.
Silan, se lan', t. of Yucatan.

Silian or Siljan, sil'e-ån, or sil'yån, t. and 1.
of Sweden.

Silesia, si-lee'she-a (Ger. Schlesien, shlà'zeen).

Silla, t. of Soodar.


Sil'věs, or seel'vês, t. of Brazil.

Simbirsk or Sim-beersk'.

Sim'coe, l. of Canada.

Sim'e-on, tribe of Israelites.

Sim'men, r. of Switzerland.

Simmenthal, sim'mẹn-tåål`, i. e. "the valley of the Simmen."

Sim-pher-o'pol or Simferopol.

Sim'plon (Fr. pron. sâm`pĺỏx'), mt. of


Sinai, si'nd or si'nå-1, mt. of Arabia.

Sinaloa. See Cinaloa.

Sincapore. See Singapore.

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Smythe, smith.

Sneehättan or Sneehaettan, snå'het'tan (i. e.
"snow-cap"), mt. of Norway, formerly
considered the highest in the Scandinavian
Peninsula. Recent measurements, however,
have shown the Skagtols-Tind to be higher

So-cor'ro, t. of New Granada.
Swit-So-co'tra or So-co'to-ra.
Sofala, so-få lå.

Soissons, swås son' (almost swi'sÒN').
Sok'na, more properly Sook'na or Soukna, ?
of N. Africa.

Sinde, sind; called, also, Sindhia or Sindia, Soldau, sol'dow, t. of Prussia.

sin'de-a, and Sindy.

Sines, see'nes, t. of Portugal.

Sin-gan', t. of China.

Soldin, sol-deen', t. of Prussia.

Soleure, so'lUR' (Ger. Solothurn, solo-tooRN)
Solfatara, sol-få-tå':å. 1. of Italy.

Singapore, sing ga-pore', or Singapoor; for Soltau, sol'tou, t. of Hanover.

merly written Sincapore.

Sinigaglia, sin-e-gål'yå, t. of Italy.

Sinoob, Sinoub, or Sinub, se'noob' (Anc.
Sin'o-pe), t. of Asia Minor.
Sinou, se-noo', r. of Liberia.

Sintelieoo or Sin-Tcheou, sin'che-oo' or sin
chew', t. of China.

ST'on or Zion, mt. of Palestine.

Sierra is a Spanish word, originally signifying a "saw;" it is also applied to a "mountain ridge," which, from its notched appearance, when viewed from a distance, may be supposed to resemble a saw.

Sol'way Frith, between England and Scotland Somaulies or Somolis, so`mo'leez', a people of E. Africa.

Somerset, sum'er-set.
Somme, somm.

Sondershausen, son'ders-how'zen, t. of Ger

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Bookhona, Soukhona, or Sukhona, soo-xo'nå, r. of Russia.

Soolimana or Soulimana, soo-le-må'nå, kingdom of W. Africa. Sooloo'.

Sooltaneeyeh or Sultanieh, sool-tå-nee'a. Soongaree or Soungari, soong'gå'ree', r. of

Central Asia.

Soongaria or Soungaria, soong'gå're-å; written, also, Dzoongaria or Dzoungaria, country of Central Asia.

Soor or Sour. See Tyre.

Soora, Soura, or Sura, soo'rå, r. of Russia. Soorabaya or Surabaya, soo-ra-bi'a. Soorakarta, Sourakarta, or Surakarta, soo-rakar'tą; written, also, Soorakerta or Sourakerta, t. of Java.

Soorgoot, Sourgout, or Surgut, soor-goot', sometimes called Soor'goo'toi' or Surgutoi, t. of W. Siberia.

Soormool, Sourmoul, or Surmul, soor-mool', t. of Persia.

Soos, Sous, or Sus, soos, r. and prov. of Mo


Sootcheoo or Soutcheou, soo`che-oo' or soochew'; sometimes written Sootchow, t. of China.

Sophia, so-fee'a, or Triaditza, tre-a-dit'są.
Soprony, sho`proñ'. See Edenburg.
Sorata, so-rå'ta.

Sorelle or Sorel, sō-rell'. See Chambly.
So-rel'lo, cape near the S. W. point of Sicily.(?)
Soria, so're-a.

Soröe, so'ro or so'rö-eh, almost so'rüh'yeh, i. of Norway.


Soudan. See Soodan.

Soueyra or Suira.

See Mogadore.

Soukhona. See Sookhona.
Souli. See Suli.

Soungari. See Soongaree.
Sour or Soor. See Tyre.
Sourabaya. See Soorabaya.
Sourakarta. See Soorakarta.
Sourmoul. See Soormool.
Sous. See Soos.

Sousam or Soosam. See Samos.
Southampton, SuтH-hamp'tun.
Soutcheou. See Sootcheoo.
Southwark (London), suтH'erk.
Southwark (Philadelphia), south'würk.
Souzel, soo-zel' or sô-zel', t. of Brazil.
Spa, spaw (Fr. and Flem. pron. spå).
Spain (Sp. España, es-pån'yå).
Spalatro, spå-lå'tro.

Spandau, spån'dow.

Sparta, t. of Greece.


Spar-ti-ven'to, cape of Italy.
Specia. See Spezia.
Spey, spå.

Speyer, pronounced, and often written, Spire.
Spezia, sped'ze-å; sometimes written Specia.
Spiez, speetz, t. of Switzerland.
Spire. See Speyer.

Splügen, splu'ghen or splü'ghen, v. of Switzerland, at the foot of a mi. of the same


Spokains, or, more properly, Spo-kans', Indians of Oregon, dwelling near the Spokan' R.

Spoleto, spo-la'to.

Spree, spra, r. of Germany.


St. See Saint.

Stabroek, stå'brook. See Georgetown.

Stampalia, ståm-på-lee'a, i. of Greece.
Stan'o-voy' or Stanovoi, mts. of E. Siberia
Stantz or Stanz, stånts, t. of Switzerland.
Stargard, stax'gart.

Staubbach, stoub'båk, a small stream of Switzerland, with a perpendicular fall of nine hundred feet.

Staunton (Va.), stấn'tun.

Staunton (England), stån'tun or stân'tun.
Stavanger, stav-ång'gher.

Staveren, stå'ver-en, t. of Holland.
Stein, stine, t. of Germany.
Steinach, sti'nåx, t. and r of Germany.
Steinau, sti'now, t. of Germany
Steinbach, stīne båk, t. of Germany.
Steinfurt, stine'fŏŏkt, t. of Germany.
Steinheim, stine'hime, t. of Germany.
Stellenbosch, stellen-bosh', a settlement in
Cape Colony.

Stern'berg (Ger. pron. st&Rn'bêRG), t. of Bo

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Stor'na-way, cap. of Lewis I., Scotland. Storsion or Storsjön, stor'se-un or stors'yun, 1. of Sweden.

Stourbridge, stür'brij.

Strabane, stra-ban'.

Stralsund, strål'soond.

Stranraer, stran-rawr'.

Strasbourg, stras'burg (Fr. pron. stråss'boor'; Ger. Strassburg, stråss'bŏŏRG).

Strath-ha'ven, t. of Scotland.

Straubing, strou'bing, t. of Bavaria.

Strel'itz, cap. of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

Stromboli, strom'bo-le, one of the Lipari Is.

Stromöe, stro'mo, or stro'mo-eh, almost
stro'můh yeh, one of the Faroe Is.
*Stroud, strowd.

Stru'ma (Anc. Stry'mon), r. of Turkey.
Stry, stree, t. of Austrian Galicia.
Stuhlweissenburg, stool-ŵI'cen-bŎŎRG

Stura, stoo'rå, r. of N. Italy.


Stutgart or Stutgard (Ger. pron. stŏŏt'gart). *Stuyvesant, sti'ves-ant.

Styria or Stiria, stir'e-a (Ger. Steyermark, sti'er-mark).

Suabia or Swabia, swå'be-a.
Suakem, soo-å'kem, t. of Nubia.

| Sublettes, sub'lets, 1. of Missouri Territory.

Su-det'ic Mts., a chain in the interior of Ger-
many, comprising the Fichtelgebirge, Erz-
gebirge, and Riesengebirge.
Sudan. See Soodan.

Su'der-ma'ni-a or su-der-må'ne-a; called,
also, Su'der-mann-land', former prov. of

Suderöe, soo'der- or soo'der-ö`eh, almost
soo'der-uh yeh, one of the Faroe Is.
Suez, soo'ez (Arab. pron. soo-ez' or soo-aiz');
written, also, Souez and Soueys.
Suffolk, suf'fok.

Suigutoi, a misspelling of Surgutoi.

Suir, shure.

Suira, swee'rå

See Mogadore.

Ta'bor, t. of Palestine.

Tabreez or Tabriz, tab-reez'; sometimes called Tau'ris.

Tabs. See Tubbus.

Tacazze, tå-kåt'så; sometimes writter Ta

katze and Takatz. Tacna, tåk'nå, t. of Peru.

Tacoary, tå-qua-ree', written, also, Taqaary, r. of Brazil.

Tad'cas-ter, t. of England.

Taf-i-let' or Taf-i-lelt', t., r. and kingdom of

See Tag'an-rog' or Tag-an-rock'.

Tagliamento, tål-ya-men'to, r. of N. Italy.
Taglio, tål'yo, r. of N. Italy.

Tagus (Sp. Tajo, tå'Ho: Port. Tejo, tá'zho).

Suli, Sulli, or Soul., soo'le, district and t. of Tahiti, tå-hee'te; formerly written Otaheite.



Sulmona, sool-mo'nå, t. of Italy.

Sultania or Sultanieh. See Sooltaneeyeh.

Sumatra, soo-må'trå.


Sunbury, sun'ber-e.



Surat, soo-rat'.

Sunds wall, soonds'wåll, t. of Sweden.

Taiwan, ti-wân'. See Formosa.
Ta-Kiang. See Yang-tse-Kiang.
Takht-i-Souleiman. See Tukhte Soliman.
Talavera de la Reyna, tå-lå-vå'rå då lå rả’-

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Surhood' or Sourhoud, soor'hood', t. of Be- Talla-poo'sa.

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*Tamaqua, tam-au'qua.

Tamatave, tå må tåv', t. of Madagascar, where
the French formerly had a settlement.
*Tamdulipas, tầm-ow-leepas.

Tambobamba, tåm-bo-båm'bå, t. of Peru.

Su'są or Shoosh, an ancient city of Persia, of Tambof, Tambov, or Tambow, tẩm-bof'.

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Sutledge, sut'lej; written, also, Setledge and Tananarivoo or Tananarivou, tån-ån-år`re

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Switz'er-land (Ger. Schweitz, shwits, Fr. Tapajós. See Topayos.

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Syll or Syl. See Schyl.

Syltöe, sil'to or sül'to-ch, i of Denmark.

Syra, see'rå (Anc. Sey'ros), i. of Greece.
Syr'a-cuse (It. Siricasa, se-re-kå ́så).

Szabadka, söhbŏd'koh'. See Theresianopel.
Szalva, sål'voh, t. of Transylvania.
Szarvas, sŎR'vosh.

Szegedin, såg'ed'een' or sêgêd'in'.


Taptay, tåp-ti', t. of S. Brazil.

Taptee' or Tapty, r. of Hindostan.
Tara, tå'rå, t. of Siberia.

Tarakai, tar-a-ki', or Sag-hal-en.

Taramandi, tå-rå-mån'de, i. of Brazil. (??)
Taranto, tår'an-to.
Tarascon, tå rås`kon'.
Tarazona, tå-rå-tho'nå.

Tarbagtai, tar bag`ti', or Tarbagatai, tar-båg-
a-ti', t. of Central Asia.

Szigeth, see gher, sometimes written Ziget, Tarbes, tarb t. of Hungary.


Taanach, ta'a-nak, t. of Palestine.
Tabareeyeh or Tabaria, tab`a-ree'a.
*Tabasco, tå-bås'ko.

Tabatinga, tå-bå-ting'gå, t. of Brazil.
Tabor, ta'bor, t. of Bohemia.

Tarma, tar'må, t. of Peru.
Tarn, takn.

Tarifa, tä-ree'få, t. of Spain, on a bay of its

own name.

Tarija, tå-ree'nå, t. of Bolivia.

Taro, ta'ro, r. of N. Italy.

Taroodant, Tarudant, or Taroudant, tå'roodant', t. of Morocco.

Tarragona, tår-rå-go'nå.

Tar'soos'; written, also, Tarsous and Tarsus. | Teneriffe, ten'er-iff' (Sp. Tenerife, tå-nå



Tashkend, tåsh'kend', or Tashkent, t. of In-Ten'nes-see'.

dependent Tartary.


Tat'ta, t. of Hindostan.

Tauai, tou'T', the same as Atooi.
Tauber, tou'ber, r. of Germany.
Taudeny, Toudeny, or Taoudyny, tou'de-nee'
(the first syllable rhyming with now), t. of
Africa on the Great Desert, noted for its salt-


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Tcherkask, cher'kåsk'.

Tchernigof or Czernigow, chêR-ne-gof". Tchernowitz, cher'no-vits. See Czernowice. Tcheskaya or Tcheskaia, ches-ki'a, gulf in the N. of Russia.

Tching-Kiang, ching'-ke-ang', t. of China. Tching-tcheoo (or -tcheou), ching'-che-oo', t. of China.

Tchingtoo (or -tou), ching'too', t. of China.
Tchoodskoe, Tchoudskoe, or Tschudskoe,
chood'sko-e. See Peipus.
Tching-ting, ching ting', t. of China.
Tchooktchees, Tchouktchis, Tehuktchis, or
Tschuktschis, chook'cheez`, a people of E.

Tchoolkova or Tchoulkova, chool'ko'vå, t. of Siberia.

Tchouktchis or Tchuktchis. See Tchooktchees.

Tchoulkova. See Tchoolkova.

Teche, tesh.

Tecino. See Ticino.

Tecso, tå'cho', t. of Hungary.


Teem'boo', t. of W. Africa.

Ten'ter-den, t. of England.
*Tepic, tep-ik" or tå-peek'.
*Tepozcolula, tå-pos-ko-loo'lå.
Teramo, têr'å-mo.
Terceira, têR-så'e-rå.

Tercero, têR-så'ro, r. of La Plata.
Termini, ter'me-ne.

Termoli, ter'mo-le, t. of Naples.
Termonde. See Dendermonde.
Ternate, ter nåt', one of the Molucca Is.
Terni, ter'ne.

Ter-no'va, t. of Turkey.

Ter'ra del Fu-e'go or Tierra del Fuego, te. er'rå del fwà'go.

Terra di Lavoro, ter'rå de lå-vo'ro, prov. of Naples.

Terra di Otranto, ter'rå de o-trån'to, prov. of

Terracina, ter-rå-chee'nå.
Terre-Bonne, terr-bonn';

nounced tar bone.

usually pro

*Terre-Haute (Fr. pron. terr-hōte' or terr`-
ōte'). [See Pronouncing Gazetteer, p. v.
and vi., of the 3d and subsequent editions.]
Ter Schelling, ter skel'ling, i. of Holland.
Teschen, tesh'en, t. of Austria and Silesia.
Tesino. See Ticino.
Tessel. See Texel.

Tessin, tes'sân'. See Ticino.
Tete, ta'tà, t. of E. Africa.

Teton, têt'on, r. of Missouri Territory. Tetooan, Tetuan, or Tetouan, têt'oo'ân', t. of Morocco.

Teulada, too-lå'då (It. pron. tẻh'oo-lå'då), cape of Sardinia.

Tevere, tà'va-rå. See Tiber.
Teverone, tà-và-ro'nå (Anc. An'ï-o), r. of

Teviot, tiv'e-ot, r. of Scotland.
Tewksbury, tukes'ber-e, t. of England.

Tex'el or Tes'sel.

Tezcuco, tês-koo'ko, t. of Mexico. Thad'e-us, St., cape of Asia. Thaleain. See Salwin.

Thames, temz.


Than-Lyeng or Than-Lweng. See Salwin.
Thaso, tha'so, or Tha'sos, i. of Greece.

Teen-tseen or Tin-tsin, teent'seen', t. of Thaya, ti'å, r. of Moravia.


Teffe, tef'få, r. (and t.?) of Brazil.

Teflis. See Tiflis.

Theaki or Thiaki, the-å'ke, or Ith'a-ca. Thebes, theebz; called Thebai, the'vå, by the modern Greeks.

Tehran or Teheran, teh-hrån'; written, also, Theiss, tice (Hun. Tisza, tee-sŏh).


*Tehuacan, tả-wả bản.

*Tehuantepec, ta-wan-ta-pek'.

Teignmouth, tin'muth.

Tejuco, ta-zhoo'ko, t. of Brazil.

Te-ko'a, t. of Palestine.


Temes, tem'esh'; written, also, Temesch, r. of Hungary.

Temesvár, tem-esh-våår'; written, also, Temeschwar.

Tem-is'ca-ming', 1. of Canada.

Temiscouata, tem'is-koo-å'tå or tem'is-quå'ta, 1. of Canada.

Tem'pel-burg or tem'pel-bŏŏRG`, t. of Prussia.
Ten'e-dos, i. of Greece.

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Thionville, te'on'vill' or -veel'.


Tholen or Tolen, to'lẹn, t. and i. of Nether- Tocantins, to-kån-teens'.

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Thuner-See, toon'er-så'.

Thur, tooR, r. of Switzerland.

Thurgau, tooR'gow (Fr. Thurgovie, ve').

Tocat or Tokat, to`kåt'.

Tocaya, to-ki'å, t. of Brazil.

Tocayma or Tocaima, to-ki'må, t. of New


Toenningen. See Tönningen.
Toeplitz. See Töplitz.
Tokat. See Tocat.

To-kay' (Hun. pron. to-koi').
Tolen. See Tholen.

To-le'do (Sp. pron. to-là'Do).
Tolentino, to-lên-tee'no, t. of Italy.

tür`go-To-lo'sa, t. of Spain.
Toluca, to-loo'kå.

Thuringia, thu-rin'je-a (Ger. Thüringen, tü'- Tom-big'bee or Tom-beck'be. ring-en).

Thurles, thurlz.

Thur'so, t. of Scotland.

Tombuctoo. See Timbuctoo. Tom'kins.

Tonbridge. See Tunbridge.

Tibboos or Tibbous, tib'booz', a people of N. Ton'don', t. of Mantchooria.

Tiber (It. Tevere, tå'vå-rå).

*Ton-e-wân'da or Tonewanta. Tong'a (Is.), a group of Polynesia.

Tibesti or Tibesty, tee'bes'lee', t. and oasis Tongataboo or Tongatabu, tong'a-tå'boo, i. of N. Africa.

Tibet or Tibbet. See Thibet.

Tiburon, te-boo-rone', i. in the Gulf of California.

Ticino, te-chee'no, improperly written Tesi-
no or Tecino (Fr. Tessin, iês'sâN').
Tidore, te-dore', one of the Molucca Is.
Tiete, te-a'tà, or Auhembi, ån-yem-bee', r. of

Tiflis' or Teflis (native pron. tif`leece').
Tigré, tee'grå.


Tilapa, te-lå på, t. of Mexico.

Til-la-to'ba, cap. of Tallahatchee Co., Ala. Tilburg.


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of the above group.

Tongo, tong go', written, also, Taungoo, t. of

Tongres, toxgr (Flem. Tongern, tong'ern of
tong'hern), t. of Belgium.
Tongooses. See Toongooses.
Tonkin or Tonquin, ton-keen'.
Tonnerre, ton`nair', t. of France.
Tön'ning-en, t. of Denmark.
Tonquin. See Tonkin.

Tooareeks, Tuariks, Touariks, or Touaryks, tooå reeks' or too'å'riks', a people of Africa. Tooat, Touat, Tuat, or Tawat, tooat' or tå-wåt', oasis of N. Africa.

Tooggoort or Tuggurt, toog'goort', t. of N. Africa.

Toongooses, Toungouses or Tunguses, toong. goo'sez, a people of Siberia.

Toongooska, Toungouska or Tunguska, toong. goos'kå, r. of Siberia.

Toonkat, Tounkat or Tunkat, toong`kåt', t. of Independent Tartary.

Toorfan, Tourfan, or Turfan, toor'fån', t. of
Chin. Tartary.

Too'la; written, also, Taula and Tula.
Toorkistan or Turkistan, tooR`kis-tån'.
Toorkomans or Turkomans, toor'ko-manz'.
Toorookhansk, Touroukhansk, or Turu-
khansk, too-roo-kånsk', t. of Siberia.
Top, top, l. of Russia.

Topayos, to-pi'yoce; written, also, Tapajos, tå-på'zhoce or tå-på'hoce.

Töplitz, Teplitz, or Toeplitz, tep'lits.

Torgau, tor'gow.

Torneå; pronounced, and sometimes writter,


Tornya, torn'yõh, t. of Hungary. To'ro, t. of Spain.


Torrenante, tor-rå-nån'tà, t. of Mexico. Tor'shok' or Torjok, tor'zhok'.

*Tlamet or Tlamath, tlåm'et; called, also, Tor-to'la. Klam'et.

Tlascala, tlås-kålå, t. of Mexico.

Tlemsan, tlem sån', or Tlemecen, tlem'eh

sen'; written, also, Tremecen, t. of Algeria. Tobago, to-bå'go.

Tobique, to beek', r. of New Brunswick.
To-bol', of Siberia.

[ocr errors]

Tor-to'na or toR-to'nå, t. of Italy.

Tortuga, tor-too'ga, i. of the W. Indies.
Tortugas, tor-too'gas, is. or shoals near Flori-
da, at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico.
Toscana. See Tuscany.

Tot'ness; written, also, Totnes.

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