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currency, 368; commerce, ib.; exports, 369; |
deficiency of revenue, ib.; financial state-
ment for 1846-7, 370; low state of agricul-
ture-indications of its former prosperity, ib.;
inefficiency of free colored labor, and its
causes, 372; act of Congress for encourag-
ing immigration-failed of its object, 374;
opposition to the project, ib.; religious ob-
stacles, 375; feasibility of European colon-
ization, 376; practical operation of the con-
stitution-favorable as compared with other
Spanish-American Republics, 377; obstacles
in the character of the people, ib.; instances
of unconstitutional executive acts, 378; un-
favorable influences-want of nationality in
the constitution and laws, 379; the military
system-religious bigotry, 380; loose state
of domestic relations, 381; favorable indica-
tions-general interest in the cause of edu-
cation, ib.; readiness to copy after the better
established institutions of older countries, ib.;
respect paid to energy and industry, 382;
efforts to obtain recognition from other na-
tions so far unsuccessful, ib.; prospects of
the permanence of the Republic, 383.


Editorial Notices, 437, 548.
England, the Policy of, and its Results, (Henry S.
Carey,) 34. England the largest grain-export-
ing country in the world, by converting food
into manufactured products, 34; production
retarded in proportion to the cost and labor of
exchange, ib.; English idea of free trade, viz.,
forcing her colonies and other countries into
dependence on her manufactures, 34; object
of the repeal of the corn laws-a failure, ib.;
has always looked abroad instead of at home
for her prosperity, 36; immense waste of
means in consequence, ib.;
; practical results
of the separation of producer and consumer
-neglect of agriculture at home and exhaus-
tion of foreign dependencies, 37; the earth
the sole producer-man fashions the ma-
chine of production, ib.; the less labor be-
stowed upon fashioning the products, and
the more upon the machine itself, the greater
the return for labor, 38; shown by the ex-
ample of England, while English economists
teach the reverse, ib.; effect of the nearness
of a market on the amount of production, 39;
advantages of cultivation in small farms, ib.;
slowness of the adoption of agricultural im-
provements, 40; the return for agricultural
double that for manufacturing labor in Great
Britain, ib.; yet buys her food abroad, and
starves her population in manufacturing
towns, ib.; consequent dependence upon for-
eign countries, and demoralization and an-
archy of trade and commerce, 42; falsity of
the Malthusian theory, 43; present exhaus-
tion of England, following upon that of her
dependencies, ib.

English Novelists, Remarks on, (G. F. Deane,)
21. Charles Robert Maturin, 21; The Bride
of Lammermuir, 27; Anne Radcliffe, 28;
Mrs. Inchbald, 278.


Favorite Authors, Remarks on my, (G. F.
Deane,) 464. Thomson, author of the Sea-
sons, 464; Walton and Cotton, 470; Will-
iam Shenstone, 473.
Ferdousi the Persian Poet, 54.
Foreign Miscellany, 100, 216, 334, 430, 542,

Flower found in a Chest of Tea, To a, verse,
(H. W. P..) 407.

Freedom of Opinion, 551. Union of Church
and State impossible in a free nation, 551;
the creed of free states based upon observa-
tion of the moral necessities of men, and
hence progressive, ib.; men necessarily di-
vided in religious creeds resting upon faith-
easily united in the ideas of liberty, justice
and progress, resting upon necessity, 552;
unreality of these ideas to abstractionists and
demagogues, ib.; elevated aims and fixedness
of principle of the true republican, 553; the
triumph of obedience over the domination of
pride and will the grand idea of Milton's
works, ib.; variety of sect--its tendency to
dogmatic exclusion and intolerance, ib.; free-
dom of opinion a temporary refuge from per-
secution and the differences of creeds, 555;
never permits us to compel the adoption of
our principles by another, ib.; slavery-its
control and amelioration left by the constitu-
tion to those immediately concerned, ib.; two
sects have arisen subversive of freedom of
opinion, the one to extend, the other to de-
stroy this institution, 556; opinion usurping
and despotic when it seizes the weapons of
law to accomplish its ends, ib.; limits of the
right of opinion-slaves, criminals, children,
&c., debarred of necessity, 557; exclusive
right to political opinion conferred upon
those who are qualified to use it, ib.; freedom
of opinion a vital point of republican liberty,
558; impossible under a pure democraty, ib.;
the condition only of a free and intelligent
mind, ib.; not secured to the press in all
cases by freedom from restrictions, ib.; ten-
dency to confound liberty with license, 559;
no liberty apart from justice and truth, ib.;
the great conservative party of the Union-
freedom of opinion its fundamental doctrine,
ib.; American republicanism the golden mean
between the radicalism and despotism of Eu-
rope, 560.

French Revolution, Three Stages of the, (John
M. Mackie, A.M.,) 299. Louis Philippe the
king of the bourgeoisie, 299; definition of
this class-capitalists, small and large, 300;
overthrew Louis XVI., and alternately ad-
hered to and abandoned his successors, as


the interests of trade dictated, ib.; revolution
of 1830 made by and for the bourgeoisie,
301; Louis Philippe-his government no
improvement upon the former, ib.; main-
tained by blood and unlimited corruption
wholly directed to the aggrandizement of
his own family, 302; opposition of the bour-
geoisie aroused, ib.; miserable condition of
the workingmen-their success a moral tri-
umph over physical resources, 303; opera-
tions of the republicans-made the Revolu-
tion, but lost its benefits for want of a leader,
304; first stage-the Provisional Govern-
ment-its composition a compromise between
the higher and lower classes, 305; its imbe-
cility in the midst of discordant elements, ib.;
total derangement of the finances--want of
energy to meet the crisis, 306; magnificent
promises to the working classes-the_na-
tional workshops, 307; insurrection of June
caused by their inevitable closure, ib.; gene-
ral policy negative and time-serving, 308;
second stage-meeting of the Constituent
Assembly, a restoration of the bourgeoisie,
ib.; popular rights reduced to the old stand-
ard, ib.; the Constitution-restoration of the
inonarchy under a republican guise, 309;
concentrates the powers of the Government
in a single irresponsible Assembly, 358;
danger from the absence of local checks, ib.;
feasibility of more popular institutions—a
skeleton of them already in existence, 359;
sketch of the local jurisdictions, ib.; despotic
powers of the President and Council over
local elections, 361; Proudhon and the Social-
ists in favor of a still more consolidated gov-
ernment, ib.; third stage-restoration of the
Bonapartes, 362; signification of the election
of Louis Napoleon, ib.; its cause-enthusias-
tic recollection of Bonaparte and the Empire,
363; political effect of the election-a new
historical era, ib.; based upon the attachment
of the French peasantry-the most reliable
portion of the population, 364; probable
course of the new party--will overthrow the
Constitution lawfully or by force, ib.; want
of political convictions in France, 365; her
immediate future in the hands of her new
chief, 366; is he competent to the task? 367.


Giaffer al Barmeki, verse, 384.
Gold Hunting in California in the Sixteenth
Century, (E. G. Squier,) 84.


Hunt, Hon. Washington, sketch of his life and
services, 522.

Handel and his " Messiah," review, (G. A.
Macfarren,) 135.


Idioms and Provincialisms of the English Lan-
guage, review, 251.

Imitated from Fletcher, verse, 560.
Introductory to the Year 1849, 1.
Innocence, The Vale of, verse, (J. D. W.,) 81.

Macaulay's Essays, review, 499.
Martineau, Miss, on Education, review, 604.
Middle-Asiatic Theology, (J. D. W.,) 71. Im-
perfect development of the arts and sciences
in India, 71; Hindoo writings, 72; systems
of philosophy, ib. ; analysis, 73; doctrine of
the Buddhists--all things begin and end in
nothing, 74; gross idolatry resulting from
this notion, ib.; opposing system of Gau-
tama-distinguishes between soul and body,
ib.; recognizes the true idea of Divinity,
75; theological system, called Vedanta-the
Supreme pure essence-nature an appear-
ance, or delusion, ib. ; the Vedanta Sara-its
idea of salvation-absorption in contempla-
tion of the Ineffable, ib.; mixture of actual
vice and apparent piety in their sacred books,
76; the Divinity one with life, ib. ; opposed
to the orthodox doctrine, ib.; three different
notions of divinity held by Hindoos, the na-
tural, the pantheistic, and the ideal, 77;
fatalism of the Hindoos, 78; the eternal war
between Siva and Vishnu, or death and life,
ib.; worship of the two principles, ib.; the Mi-
mansa, or method of interperting mysteries,
79; the Hindoo mythology, ib.; idolatry a
corruption of Brahminism, 80; heathenism
-its various forms, resulting from as many
false philosophies, ib.

Mozart, review, (G. A. Macfarren,) 44.


National Finance, a Plan for Improving the,
(Ammiel J. Willard, Esq.,) 193. Disas-
trous condition of our financial interests,
brought about by radical theorists, 193; the
sub-treasury--its origin-acts as a depletive
when a restorative is needed, 194; the rem-
edy proposed-establishment of a sound na-
tional currency, ib. ; the Free Banking sys-
tem of New York-the best yet devised for
the security of the bill-holder-outline of its
organization, 195; application of the prin-
ciple to the finances of the general govern-
ment, 196; would not materially alter the
present organization of the Treasury de-
partment, ib.; advantages to the govern-
ment and the community at large, 197;
anarchy of business, caused by the hoarding
of specie in the sub-treasury, ib.; produces
sudden contractions and expansions, 198;
makes the interests of government hostile to
those of private individuals, 199; want of a

national currency-an unobjectionable one
offered by the plan proposed, ib.; safety of
this system, 200; would retain specie in its
legitimate channels, 201.


Ohio Legislature, Organization of the, 290.
A new apportionment required by the Consti-
tution every four years, 290; no difficulty
arising from this until 1836, ib.; the gerry-
mandering system introduced in that year
by the Democracy, ib.; the House carried
by the Whigs in 1843, and a just apportion-
ment partially restored, 291; apportionment
of 1848-passes the Senate in the form of a
compromise-amended in the House-with-
drawal of Democratic senators to prevent a
quorum to act upon the amendments, ib. ; the
House recedes from its amendments, and the
bill becomes a law, 292; the Democracy
declare the action unconstitutional-call a
State Convention, and pass resolutions deny-
ing the existence of any apportionment law,
&c., ib. ; election in Hamilton county-the
law set aside by the Democracy, 293; their
candidates returned by a minority of the
canvassers, 294; meeting of the House-
double organization, ib.; constitutionality of
the law acknowledged by the Democratic
members taking their seats, 295; argument
for, ib.; anarchical course of the Democracy
in preventing a legal decision of the ques-
tion, 297; their revolutionary purposes, ib.
Origin of the Two Parties: Contrast of their
Doctrine-Speech of Mr. John P. Kennedy,
at Hagarstown, Md., September 27, 1848, 6;
Every power in a state must be represented
in its government-hence, "universal suf-
frage" among a free people, a growth of
necessity, 6; the Whig Party-its general
principles, ib.; needs no new platform every
fourth year, 7; owes its origin to the early
contests in England for popular rights, ib.;
the Declaration of Independence its mani-
festo in the same quarrel in this country, ib. ;
the veto supposed to have been suppressed
by the establishment of our independence-
only allowed in the Constitution as its "ex-
treme medicine," 8; the Whig party re-em-
bodied by its abuse, ib.; the old Democratic
and Federal parties-the question of Ex-
excutive prerogative the ground of their
division, 9; the doctrine of Jefferson that of
the modern Whigs, ib.; Locofocoism a step
beyond Federalism, ib.; the Baltimore plat-
form-opposition to a national bank, to inter-
nal improvements, to protection of home in-
dustry, 10; radically antagonistic to the old
Democratic party on all these points, ib.;
internal improvements and the protective
policy recommended and sustained by Jef-
ferson, ib.; the entire Democratic party
united in favor of the bank under Madison,

12; the first high protective tariff passed by
that party and signed by Mr. Madison, ib.;
Cumberland road and other internal improve-
ments warmly supported by his Administra-
tion, ib.; change of Constitutional principles
involves necessarily a change of political
faith, 13; did all the most distinguished men
of the country change their faith on the ac-
cession of Jackson? 14; Jackson's cabinet
composed of Federalists, 15; all the powers
of the executive exerted for the overthrow of
measures of the Democratic party, ib.; that
party revived under the name of Whig-that
of Democrat assumed by the Jackson party
under Van Buren, ib.; miraculous meta-
morphoses wrought thereby, ib.; the new
Democracy in a perplexity to find their prin-
ciples, ib.; persistent and boastful in their
support of the veto power, 16; that power
used by them twenty-three times in eighteen
years, and always for party purposes, ib. ;
most important measures carried by Exec-
utive dictation, ib.; the people intend to be
right, ib.; summary-necessity of every real
power in the State being represented in the
Central Power, 17; presidential power-
placed by the one above the legislative, as
the head of the party-considered by the
other as the head of the ascertained will of
the people, ib.; rights of conquest incom-
patible with a free government, 18; protec-
tion a silent war against a foreign monopoly
of our markets, ib.; its effects beneficial to
other nations as well as to ourselves, ib.;
importance of extending facilities for internal
commerce, 19; policy of England, founded
by Cromwell, the basis of her wealth and
freedom, ib.; uses every effort to keep us in
dependence upon her commerce and manu-
factures, ib.; immense production of raw
material in this country, 20; our ad valorem
duties go up or down as the wires are
pulled by foreign capitalists, ib.; impover-
ishment of our farmers the necessary conse-
quence, ib.


Passion, verse, (H. W. P.,) 452.
Philosophical System of Leibnitz, (from the
French of Maine de Birau,) 575.
Plan for Improving the National Finance,
(Ammiel J. Willard, Esq.,) 193.
POETRY.-The Vale of Innocence, (J. D. W.,)
81; To
99; Sonnet, 207; The Con-
vict, (Anna Maria Wells,) 310; Sonnets,
312; Sonnet to a Bas-Bleu, 367; Giaffer al
Barmeki, 384; To a Flower found in a
Chest of Tea, (H. W. P.,) 407; Passion,
(H. W. P.,) 452; The Shadow, (H. W. P.,)
487; The Child and the Aurora Borealis,
(A. M. W.,) 498; The Death of Shelley-A
Vision, (H. W. P.,) 530; Imitated from
Fletcher, 560; The Birth of Freedom, (J.

D. W.,) 561; Sentiment, 574; To Miss
with a Hyacinth, 587; Sonnets, 594.
Policy of England and its Results, 34.
Political Proscription, 439. A perfect theo-
ry requisite to a perfect practice, 439; im-
propriety of urging a partisan employment
of authority on the new government, ib. ;
reasons of those who do so-right of the
majority to office, 440; such a right not in-
herent in any individuals, but conferred solely
by election or appointment, ib.; men in power
bound in honor to carry out the measures of
the majority they represent, ib. ; the jealousy
of the majority not to be extended to every
petty office, 441; illustration-case of John
Smith and John Brown, ib.; necessity that
all offices of political influence should be
filled by the prevailing party, 442; this prin-
ciple independent of the doctrine of rotation
in office, 443; analysis of that doctrine-
views offices in the light of pensions or an-
nuities, ib.; absurdities resulting from this
-impossibility of a genuine rotation-leaves
no remedy for malversation, ib.; argument
from party expediency-views offices as in-
centives to and rewards for party services,
444; political organization of office-holders
-its necessity doubtful, ib.; influences most
operative in effecting a change of public
opinion first, the desire of the great in-
terests of the country to secure a govern-
ment that will protect and sustain them, ib. ;
second, the interest of office-nearly every
elector bribed with an office under Louis
Philippe, ib.; third, popular ideas and schemes
of reform, &c., ib.; unnatural force acquired
by these when united with the two former
influences-ultimate instability of popular
enthusiasm, ib.; physical interests the in-
struments of the skilful party leader, ib.;
means to be employed by the far-sighted
politician--general diffusion of a knowledge
of the common interests, ib.; success of the
Whigs attributable solely to a conviction of
the ruinous policy of the late administration
-imminent danger of relying upon any other
means for its permanence, ib.

Porter, Hon. Benjamin F., sketch of, 447.
Pupils of the Guard, from the French of St.
Hilaire, (Mrs. St. Simon,) 490.
Principles of Rhetoric, 597.


Republic, The, (H. W. Warner,) No. I., 399.
General prevalence of a blind trust in the
inherent stability of our institutions, 399;
no power in mere forms to perpetuate them-
selves, ib.; fearful departure from the patri-
archal platform, 400; propensity to tamper-
ing with the mechanism of our institutions,
ib.; constant making and repairing of State
Constitutions, upon slight or no occasion,

401; fundamental principles unprogressive,
ib.; politics but a particular department of
ethics-duty its paramount principle, 402;
pent-up indignation at foreign abuses vented
in torturing our own institutions, ib.; no
fundamental principle improved or made
securer after all the patching, 403; facility
of the original construction of our institu-
tions--the foundation already laid in our
colonial freedom--the times favorable, ib.;
as perfect at first as they are ever likely to
be-why attempt to reform them? 404;
these revisions said to concern secondary
matters only, ib.; why then pull down and
reconstruct the whole fabric ? 405; too much
concerned to have our rights look well upon
paper, ib.; important matters mistaken for
trifles, 406.

No. II.-General Aspect of the Govern-
ment, and of the difficulties attending its Con-
struction, 476. Impracticability of pure
Democracy as a form of government, 476;
how should our fathers act to form a govern-
ment securing its benefits without its dan-
gers? 477; the English government-its
House of Commons presented the germ of a
new form of political organization, ib.; con-
fusion of ideas as to the character of our
economy, 478; an agency government--the
people acting upon its men but not its meas-
ures, ib.; the peculiarity of this, ib; pre-
eminently a republic, 479; views of the
fathers Jefferson--Democracy not a word
in his vocabulary, ib.; Madison-distinction
between a republic and a democracy, 480;
difficulties of adjusting our system-all de-
pended upon structural contrivance, 481;
proneness of free governments to change,
ib.; division of the sovereignty between the
people and their delegates, 482; has its dis-
advantages as well as its advantages, 483;
natural yearning of officials for undivided
power, ib.; frequency of election, ib.; not a
reliable check, but tends to demagoguism,
484; the electoral sovereignty-danger of
its felt incompleteness goading its possessors
to trench too far upon the liberty of its
agents, 484; complicated mechanism of our
system-difficulties in arranging it, 485;
proper division of legislative, executive, and
judicial powers, ib.; the elective franchise--
how to be adjusted and guarded, 486.
REVIEWS.-Mozart, (G. A. Macfarren,) 44;
Sartor Resartus, (Joseph Hartwell Barrett,)
121; Handel and his "Messiah," (G. A.
Macfarren,) 135; Whipple's Essays and
Reviews, 148; Idioms and Provincialisms
of the English Language, 251; Carlyle's
Heroes, (J. H. Barrett,) 339; Macaulay's
Essays, 499; Philosophical system of Leib-
nitz, 575; Miss Martineau on Education,

Rhetoric, The Principles of, Hon. B. F. Porter,


Sartor Resartus, review, (J. H. Barrett,) 121.
Sentiment, versc, 574.

Shadow, The, verse, (H. W. P.,) 487.
Shelley, The Death of-A Vision, (H. W. P.,)

Sonnets, 207, 312, 596.

Sonnet to a Bas-Bleu, 367.

an attitude of hostility towards the North,
ib.; by what motives are they impelled ?—
not mercenary, 228; the territories not pos-
sessed by the States as sovereignties, but by
the people as an indivisible nation, ib.; the
prohibition of slaves in the new territories
not an unequal restriction, ib. ; a country oc-
cupied mostly by negroes doomed to semi-
barbarism, 229; Congress bound to act for
the best interests of the new territories, ib. ;
the Wilmot Proviso-its absurdities as origi-
nally proposed, 230; slavery the sole wide-
world disease in the system of American soci-
ety, 231; struggles of the patient to preseve
and extend the disease, ib. ; Mr. Calhoun's ad-
dress calculated to increase the difficulty of
reclaiming fugitive slaves, ib. ; the "domes-
tic" institution-all the North looks to is,
that it be not converted into a national one,
232; slave traffic in the District of Colum-
bia, ib.; the Manifesto's history of the Mis-
souri Compromise, 233; misrepresents its
spirit, as the great extension of our South-
ern boundary was not anticipated, ib.; what
the South desires, 234; powers of the gen-
eral government over its territory, ib.
State Policy, Remarks on, 563.

Southern Caucus, Remarks on the Resolutions
and Manifesto of the, 221. Conservatism
and radicalism of the two parties respective-
ly displayed in the Manifestoes of Mr. Ber-
rien and Mr. Calhoun, 221; paramount
importance of the Union maintained by
Whigs both of the North and South, ib.;
the radical party of the two sections at dag-
ger's points on the question of slavery, ib.;
meeting of Southern members of Congress:
their resolutions, 222; express devotion to
the Constitution, but bounded by their own
interests, 223; attachment to the union of
the States, ib.; momentous conclusions de-
pendent on these words-citizenship not de-
rived from the States, but from the nation,
ib.; mutual obligations of citizens, 224; the
nation bound to protect each against all, ib.;
government of the United States one of del-
egated powers-all others reserved by ex-
press terms to the States, ib.; no such ex-
press terms in the Constitution-the power
of the nation derived from the people, not
from the States, ib. ; the sphere of the na-
tion superior to that of the States, 225; the
unity of society based upon an unwritten
inviolable contract-its essence nationality,
ib.; power of Congress over slave property,
and its transfer from one place to another,
226; no impropriety in its declaring contra-
band in the new territories any species of
property injurious to their interests, ib.; ob-
ject of the Caucus to introduce there a spe-
cies of property which must exclude almost Vale of Innocence, The, verse, (J. D. W.,) 81.

every other species, ib.; republican slavery
the most exclusive form of aristocracy, ib.;


Three Stages of the French Revolution, (J.
M. Mackie, A. M.,) 299, 358.


To a flower found in a Chest of Tea, (H. W.
P.,) 407.
with a Hyacinth, 587.
Theology, Middle-Asiatic, (J. D. W.,) 71.
Travelling Tutor, (Leicester F. A. Bucking-
ham,) 345, 453.

To Miss



its control as compared with some other Wanderer, The: A Tale, (G. W. Peck,) 89.

Southern slavery not wholly intolerable,

forms, 227; wisely committed to the State

Sovereignties, 227; the North unjustly charg-

ed with despotic encroachments upon the

South, ib.; folly of the Caucus in assuming Zephyr's Fancy, 588.

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