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Birth of Freedom, The, verse, (J. D. W.) 561.


Algonquins, Historical and Mythological Traditions of the, with a translation of the WalumOlum, or Bark Records of the Linni-Lenape, (E. G. Squier,) 273.* Aborigines of America, as found by the first explorers, 273; uncertainty of the early accounts, 274; importance of investigating their religious dogmas and practices, ib.; the Walum-Olum, 275; extent and mode of picture-writing, 276; Song I.-The Creation, (interlinear translation,) 177; idea of a Supreme Unity prevalent among the Algonquins, 181; general traditions of the deluge, ib.; Song II.The Deluge, (ibid,) 182; Song III.-Migrations, 185; Song IV. -The Chronicle, 186; Song V. The Chronicle continued, 187; Song VI. The Modern Chronicle, 189; probable authenticity of these records, 190; confirmed by the account of Heckewelder, 191; by the traditions of other tribes, 192. American Ethnology, (E. G. Squier,) 385. Comprehensive character of the science, 385; eminently an American science, 386; results of Dr. Morton's craniological investigations-essential homogeneousness of the American race, 387; apparent diversities but | Cheese of Vif, from the French of Marie Ay

superficial-uniformity of general characteristics, 388; concurrent testimony of other writers, 389; conflicting hypotheses, 390; philological researches their languages sui generis, and alike in their general structure, ibid; their religious conceptions-general | similarity among all primitive races, resulting from common causes, 392; paucity of results from psychological nquiries, 395; peculiar moral and intellectual traits of the Indian character, ib.; views of Dr. Von Martius-evidences of distinct psychological character of the American race, 396; unsoundness of his conclusions in respect to their moral and intellectual capacity, 398. American Indians, The, (Ka-ge-ga-gah-bowh, a chief of the Ojibway nation,) 631.


Battle for Life or Death, from the German of
Auerbach, (Mrs. St. Simon,) 265.


* See Erratum, p. 220.


California, 331. Significance of our acquisitions on the Pacific-a new centralization of the nations of the earth, 331; reasons for their remaining an integral part of the nation--rapid communication by railroad and telegraph, similitude of character, &c., 332; will change the commercial relations of the globe, 333; America destined to become the centre of the world, physically and morally, 334; the Divine idea in history-disciplinary education of the human race, ib.; grand portents of the coming age, 335; Christianity the hope of the world, ib.; must become an organic moral power in its historical life, 336; futility of all other schemes of social perfection, demonstrated by the "age of reason," ib.; such a scene can never be re-enacted, 337; the worldly, selfwilled spirit of the age, the grand obstacle for Christianity to contend against, 338. Carlyle's Heroes, (Joseph H. Barrett,) 339. Charlotte Smith, sketch of, and review of her works, (G. F. Deane,) 619.

card, (Mrs. St. Simon,) 408. Child, The, and the Aurora Borealis, verse, (A. M. W.,) 498.

Collamer, Hon. Jacob, of the House of Representatives, biographical sketch of, 202. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. - Meeting of Congress-death of Hon. Dixon H. Lewis-Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 208; Slavery in New Mexico, 210; Railroad across the Isthmus of Panama, 211, 319; cession of the Everglades of Florida, 214, 420; the Southern Convention, 313; Government of the New Territories, 318; the Mexican Treaty-the Protocol, 320; Postal Convention between Great Britain and the United States, 323; Drainage of swamp lands, 421; case of a New York Santa Fé trader, 422; a new Department of the Government, ib.; Civil and nd Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, 423; Slavery in the New Territories-debate in the House of Representatives, 424; the Bill relating to California, 427; President Taylor's Inaugural Address, 428; List of the new Cabinet, 429; Called

session of the Senate-eligibility of General
Shields, 533; Prohibition of foreign immi-
grants to work the mines of California, 539;
Col. Fremont's Expedition, 540; Reception

of the Diplomatic Corps by the President, ib.
Convict, The, verse, (Anna Maria Wells,) 310.
CRITICAL NOTICES. - The American. Almanac

-Law of Debtor and Creditor in the United
States and Canada, 104; Half Hours with
the Best Authors-Duff's North American
Accountant, 105; Calaynos, a Tragedy--
Image of his Father, and Model Men-Rob-
ert Burns--Duties of Attorneys and Solicit-
ors-Friday Christian--Whipple's Essays
and Reviews-Irving's Works--Wayland's
University Sermons--Read's Lays and Bal-
lads, 106; Child of the Sea, and other Po-
ems-History of Charles the First--Grey-
slaer-Minstrel Pilgrim-History of Con-
gress-Cowper's Poems-Gothic Architec-
ture, applied to Modern Residences, 107;
The Forgery--Romance of Yachting, 108;
Classical Works, 109; Music and the Dra-
ma, ib.; Sacred Poets of England-Whit-
tier's Poems, 220; The Gorgias of Plato,
327; Labor and other Capital-Legends of
Montauk-Chalmers' Posthumous Works-
Life and Landscape, by Rev. Ralph Hoyt,
328; Elementary Treatise on Mechanics-
Rhymes of Travel, &c., by Bayard Taylor,
329; Industrial Exchanges and Social Rem-
edies-Lord Mahon's History of England -
Macaulay's ditto-Guizot's Democracy in
France, 330; Poems, by William Thompson
Bacon, 434; Outlines of English Litera-
ture, 435; Noel's Essay on the Union of
Church and State-Gold Seeker's Manual-
California and Oregon Trail-Louis Napoleon
Bonaparte-Oregon and California in 1848-
God in Christ, 436; Catechism of the Steam
Engine-Theophany, 437; The Spy; a Tale
of the Neutral Ground-Dahcotah; or Life
and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snell-
ing, 648; Living Orators in America-The
Shakspearian Reader, 649; Adventures in
the Lybian Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter
Ammon, 650.


Dangers and Safeguards of the Union, 111.
Elements which tend to union: 1st, unity
of language, 111; secures the general dif-
fusion and perpetuation of the ideas upon
which our institutions rest, 112; 2d, unity of
civilization-Americans everywhere almost
identical in manners and habits of thought
upon topics of common interest, ib.; 3d, unity
of interest-found in the closest and freest
intercourse of trade between the remotest
sections, ib.; 4th, unity of government-the
confederation of '78 not a government, but
simply a league, 113; it acted upon States,
while the Constitution acts directly upon the

people, ib.; State sovereignties indispensable
to the permanence of the Constitution-con-
trast of Russia, 114. Elements supposed to
tend to disunion: 1st, excess of party spirit,
115; party spirit itself the living principle of
our being and growth, ib.; excess of it but
temporary, passing off with the excitement
of the question producing it, ib.; 2d, nullifi-
cation, 116; the power of the majority a
sufficient corrective, ib; the rule of com-
pensation for inevitable local evils arising
from general measures, ib.; 3d, enlargement
of our territorial limits, 117; its evils gene-
rally obviated by the subdivision of sove-
reignties, ib.; conditions upon which new
territories may be safely added, ib.; public
opinion will not permit a repetition of the
infraction of those cond conditions, ib.; 4th, sla-

very, ib.; the institution a local disease-not
vital to the general system, 118; does not
politically and directly affect the North, ib.;
should be approached with the law of kind-
ness, ib.; 5th, universal suffrage, 119; evils
arising from the injudicious exercise of the
right but temporary, and finally counteracted
by its moral effect in elevating the character
of its possessors, ib.

Dayton, Hon. William L., U. S. Senator from
New Jersey, biographical sketch of, 68.
Death of Shelley--a Vision, verse, (H. W. P.)

Dominican Republic in the Island of St. Do-
mingo, (S. A. Kendall,) No. I., 235. General
ignorance in relation to the Dominican Re-
public, 235; opportunities of the writer for
obtaining information, ib.; early history of
the city of St. Domingo, 236; its position,
ib.; remains of ancient edifices, 237; French
possession of the west end of the island, 238;
revolt of the blacks there in 1791-did not
extend to the eastern or Spanish portion, ib.;
the latter ceded to the French, and these
again expelled by the inhabitants in 1809,
ib.; independent government established in
1821, ib.; annexed to Hayti in the following
year, 239; compact of annexation violated
by the Haytiens, ib.; government overthrown
in 1843, 240; Constitution published Nov.
24th, 1844, 241; description of the country,
ib.; inhabitants, 242; general amalgamation
of the races, and its causes, ib.; creoles of
pure blood predominant in influence, 243;
rural population indolent, ignorant, and bigot-
ed, 244; mercantile more liberal and intelli-
gent, ib.; leading features of the Constitution,
ibid; citizenship--naturalization - political
rights--gratuitous public instruction--Cath-
olic religion, 245; Congress-its constitution
and powers, 2463; executive power--mod-
elled upon that of the United States, 247;
the ministry, ib.; judiciary, 248; electoral
law, 249; imposts, ib.; jurisprudence, 250.

No. II., 368. Difficulties of the new gov-
ernment-emission and depreciation of paper

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