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again difavowed any influence but what arofe from motives originating in his own bosom, and was confident that all parties would be ready to receive the motion without oppofition. In his confruction of the King's Meffage, it went much farther than the meafure grounded upon it: it must go farther than the mere application of a fum of money, as that could not bring the Prince any nearer the attainment of the object of his Majesty's Meffage. He was not guided in his propofition by any regard to the perfonal comfort of his Royal Highnels, for the Bill itfelf would be adequate to that; but he looked to that ftate of dignity to which the community was interefled in reftoring him: with thefe fentiments he moved, "That this House, defirous to give full effect to the recommendation in his Majefty's Meffage of the 16th February, do appoint a Select Committee to demand information concerning those incumbrances that impede his Royal Highnefs from complying with the object of the Meffage, by refuming immediately that fate and dignity to which he is entitled."

Mr. Erskine made fome remarks in anfwer to an allufion of the laft fpeaker, as to his former obfervations: he took a view of the late debates refpe&ting the Meffage, and paid fome compliments to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who, he conceived, in his fpecific propofition, had been guided by that moderation which always characterifed him. He thought the motion of Mr. C. went to afcertain the feelings of the House, and was neither a cenfure on the Meilage, nor a criticism on the Minifter. With respect to the revenues of Cornwall, the Attorney-General had argued that they had been a fund for the fuftentation of the Heir Apparent: taking this for granted, if it should appear, on balancing the accounts, that the public was not in debt to the Prince, nor the Prince to the public, then he would be in a fituation different from that of any of his prede. ceffors, by having arrived at the age of forty without having been a burthen to the people, Mr. E. then concluded with obferving, that he thought it would be advantageous to the public, and just in the Houle, to extend the grant lo as to make it effectual.

Mr. Fuller made fome remarks on the wildom of our ancestors, in keeping the Prince independent of the King; and thought the conduct of the prefent Prince, with respect to his intention of fatisfy ng

the claims of his creditors, noble and magnanimous. He afferted that the Commillioners had deducted the furplus charge of 10 per cent. above the prime coft from the different bills; and as this was only the fair profit of every tradefman, it was much to the honour of the Prince that he could not be happy till they were discharged.

Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Curwen, and Sir R. Buxton, were for the continuance of the prefent fyftem of economy, instead of laying additional burthens on the people.

Mr. Hilliard was of a contrary opinion.

Mr. Johnftone faw no difference between the prefent period and that of 1795, that could make so great an alteration. On the contrary, in 1795 there were a multitude of Jacobins in the country, to counteract whofe machinations it was neceffary for every branch of the Royal Family to attract popularity and attachment. With refpect to the Cornwall arrears, the whole fum received from the Duchy did not exceed 234,000!. against which were to be fet off 50001 per aunum for the maintenance of the Prince, from 1771 till he came of age; or 250,000l. againit 234,000l. He therefore thought it an insult to the country to be told of facrifices made on the part of the Prince.

Mr. H. Lafcelles, Sir W. Geary, and Mr. Dent, exprefied their opinions on the neceffity of fupporting the Prince in his dignity.

Mr. Tierney made many remarks on the illiberality of objecting to the increate of the income of the Prince, when Placemen, fince 1795, had mottly received an increase of one-fourth to their talaries, on account of the preffure of the times.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer defended the precipitancy with which the butinels of the Addrefs had been hurried through the Houfe: he was certain that the Prince had no knowledge of the prefent motion, and even doubted whether it was confiftent with order: in short, he thought that as much had been done as could be, with propriety; and he would relit every thing beyond it.

Mr. Fox defended the motion against the remarks of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Mr.Sheridan commented on the fpeeches of thofe who oppoled the motion, but particularly that of Mr. Johnstone: he thought it a weak thing, after we had thrown away 250,000,000l. for the fup

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port of the Thrones of Europe, in which we failed, to oppofe giving 100,000l. to maintain the dignity of our own, an object which we could not fail to accomplish.

Lord Hawkesbury oppofed the motion, as a friend to the Prince, the Parliament,

and the People: after which the House
divided:-for the previous question 184
against it 139-majority 45.

In a Committee of Supply, the fum of
356,000l. was voted to pay off Irith
Treasury Bills.


THE Moniteur of the 23d February TH contained an official VIEW OF THE PRESENT SITUATION OF THE REPUBLIC, prepared for the Legislative Body. This important and curious paper is figned by Bonaparte; and its fubftance is as follows:

It begins by complimenting the Senate on the increafing induftry of the Republic, and the union amongst its Citizens. "The execution of the Concordat, on the refult of which the enemies of public order have refted their guilty hopes, has been productive of the most happy effects. The principles of an enlightened Religion, the voice of the Sovereign Pontiff, and the Armnefs of Government have triumphed over every obftacle; mutual, facrifices have united the Minifters of Religion; and the Gallican Church revives by their unanimity."

It is ftated, that in all the Depart ments which were vifited by the First Conful, he every where received complete teftimonies of a return to thofe principles which form the strength and happiness of fociety.

Several Departments in which particular obfervations on the fubject of religion, &c. were made, are specified. The Report then takes a view of the different Inftitutions for Public Instruction; fuch as the Military School, the National Inftitution, &c.; and fubjoins remarks on their feveral and relative degrees of importance. The next point is, the incomplete organization of the Senate, and the effects produced by the Senatus Confultum, which gave the People the exercife of thofe rights that had been admitted by the Conftituent Affembly: it concludes with remarking "That if Inftitutions are to be judged of by their effects, none ever had a more favourable refult than the Organic Senatus Confultum in queftion; as from that period there only remained to the Enemies of the Country an impotent hatred."

After fome remarks on the ceffion of Elba to France, by which the acquired a mild and induftrious people, two beautiful ports, and a valuable mine, it mentions the reafons why that Island fhould not be fubject to the fame laws which apply to the Continent. With refpect to Piedmont, it contains the fol lowing paffage: "The abdication of the Sovereign, the wish of the people, and exiting circumstances, had placed Piedmont in the power of France. Amidit the nations with which that kingdom was furrounded, and the different fentiments that prevailed amongst her inhabitants, he could neither fupport her own independence, nor the expences of a Monarchy; but united to France, he will enjoy both fecurity and grandeur, while her laborious and enlightened Citizens will extend their talents and industry in the midst of the arts and of peace.'

A view is now taken of the internal fituation of France, the object of which is to praife the vigilance of the Magif trates, for their attention to justice; the Military, for their rigid difcipline; and the Gendarmerie, for their activity in the fuppreffion of popular diforders. With refpect to the Agriculture of the Republic, it is ftated to have attained a degree of perfection beyond that of the molt boalted fyftems in Europe. The Veterinary Art has also been encou raged by premiums; and attempts every where made to improve the quality of wool, by the introduction of foreign flocks. Manufactures of every kind are in a progreffive state of increafe; and nothing is wanting to their fuccefs, but a more extensive employment of capital, which is, however, rapidly withdrawing from hazardous fpeculations in the tocks to this more profitable and patriotic occupation. Laftly, it is ftated, that upwards of 20,000 French manufacturers, who were difperfed throughout Europe, have, by the protection and benevo

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fence of the Government, returned to purfue their refpective vocations in the Republic. The manufactures of Lyons and Compiegne are particularly noticed for their rapid approximation to their former opulence.

In the repair of the public roads, it is obferved, that 24,000,000 livres have been expended, and fourteen of which were produced by the toll-duty. Amongst the new roads juft completed, are, the Simplon, Mont Cenis, and Mont Genevre: thofe in a state of forwardnefs are a large road from Genoa to Marseilles, and another, which is to run from Saint Efprit to Gap. Many new establishments are building at Pontivy; and, amongit other improvements, there will be a Grand Canal. The operations carrying on for the improvement of the Canal for uniting the navigation of the Seine, the Saone, the Doubs, and the Rhine, are alfo mentioned; and the funds for carrying on thefe works are stated to be equal to their completion. In different canals and dykes to which improve ments have been extended, the owners of boats and barges, instead of oppofing the measures, have contributed to their fuccefs.

After taking a furvey of various measures of defence completed along the coaft, the report adverts to the fituation of the Colonies in the West Indies. The islands of Martinique, Tobago, and St. Lucia, are stated to have been furrendered in the height of profperity; Guadaloupe is in a good ftate of cultivation; and Guiana is rapidly rising from its obfcurity. "St. Domingo," lays the Report, "had fubmitted, and the author of its troubles was in the power of France: every thing, in fhort, announced the return of its profperity, when, by a horrid difeafe, it was devoted to renewed calamity: but the plague that defolated our army has now ceafed its ravages; and the forces that remain in the Colony, together with thofe which will fpeedily arrive, tannot fail to restore it to peace and profperity."

Amongst other branches of Commerce, it appears that the utility of the Fisheries has not been overlooked while more important commercial expeditions are either projected or completed for the Western Colonies, the Itle of France, and the Indies. Some remarks are inade on the judicious choice of Officers for the Chambers of

Commerce that are established in the different parts of the Republic.

The Army and the Marines are stated to be making the most rapid progress in their respective tactics; while, in confequence of the expofure of the frauds of contractors, together with an improved fyftem of economy, the fol dier is better fed and cloathed, and the favings which he is enabled to make from his pay, attach him as ftrongly to his colours as to his family.

With respect to the Finances, their fources are every where increasing. In the 6th year it was fuppofed that the contributions, &c. amounted to 50,000,000, part of which were three or four years in arrear; at present there is not a deficiency of 3,000,000. Every branch of Administration becomes more productive; and that of the Registry, from its abundance, is a proof of the rapid circulation of capital, and the increase of tommerce. Several alterations in the different Offices of Government are stated, in the Report, to have been proposed, but delayed from the maxim that every change is injurious. The Executive, however, exprefies its intention to pay the most profound confideration to the hints it has received.

Although the excess of Revenue has been very confiderable, yet there have been unforeseen and extraordinary expences: thefe arofe out of the neceffity of re-conquering two Colonies, and of re-establishing the power and organization of the Metropolis: but, notwithftanding thefe extenfive operations, the refources that remain are fufficient to fecure the Capital from a return of penury, and to defeat monopolizing combinations. The Report then refers to the contents of the different accounts belonging to the Departments of Finance and Public Treasure, and urges the neceffity of giving to France the Civil Code which has been fo long promifed, and fo anxiously expected. The projects of Laws have been formed under the infpection of the Govern ment, and the fame principles, as formerly, continue to prevail amongst the Legislators, by which the wisdom of the regulations they may adopt will be infured.

In giving a sketch of the repofe and tranquillity of the Continent, the Italian Republic, the Report afferts, is ftrengthened by the unanimity of its inhabitants, while the judicious pro


ceedings of its Administration, together with its military force, have already given it the character and appearance of a long etablished State; and if the fame wildom continues to prevail, its destiny will be still more profperous.

"Liguria, placed under a mixed Conftitution, beholds at its head, and in its authority, thofe Citizens who are moft diftinguished by their virtues, their fortune, and their intellects.

"Batavia is gradually regaining poffeffion of the Colonies restored to her by the peace; but he ought never to forget, that France can be to her only the most useful friend, or the most dangerous ene


"In Germany the laft ftipulations of the Treaty of Luneville are near their completion.

"Pruffia, Bavaria, and all the Secular Princes, who had poffeffions on the left bank of the Rhine, have obtained, on the oppofite bank, adequate indemnification.

"The Houfe of Auftria, in the Bishoprics of Saltzbourg, Aichdett, Trent, and Brixen, as well as in mot parts of Palau, finds an equivalent for what it has loft in Tuscany.

"Thus, by the happy concurrence of France and Ruffia, every permanent interest is confulted; and, from the midit of that storm which appeared to be pregnant with deftruction, the Germanic Empire, that Empire fo neceflary to the equilibrium and the repofe of Europe, arifes with greater ftrength, by being compofed of elements more homogenous, and better combined and adapted to the circumstances and ideas of the prefent age.

"A French Ambaffador is at Conftantinople, who is authorized to ftrengthen the ties that attach us to a Power which feems to waver, but whom it is our intereft to fupport and confolidate.

"Some British troops ftill remain in Alexandria and Malta: of this our Government had a right to complain, but it has learned that the fhips defined to convey them to Europe are in the Mediterra


"The Government fecures to the People the Peace of the Continent, and it may be permitted to hope for the continuation of a Maritime Peace: this Peace is required and withed for by all parties; and to preferve it, the Government will do whatever is com.


patible with national honour, and effentially connected with the strict execution of treaties. But in England two parties difpute for power: One bas concluded the Peace, and is decidedly inclined to maintain it; while the other has worn an implacable batred to France: bence arifes that fluctuation in opinions, and in the Senate that attitude which is at once pacific and threatening. As long as this contest of parties continues, there are certain prudential mcafures neceljary on the part of the Republic. FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN muft and will be ready to defend and avenge it. What a trange neceflity is impoled, by miferable paffions, upon two nations whofe attachment arifes from an equal intereft and a general inclination.

"But whatever may be the fuccefs of intrigue in London, the parties will not fucceed in forming new alliances with other Powers; and our Government tells them, with well-founded pride, that ENGLAND ALONE CANNOT NOW ENCOUNTER FRANCE! But let us entertain better hopes, and rather believe that in the British Cabinet there will, in future, be heard only the counfels of wifdom, and the voice of humanity.

"Yes, without doubt, the peace will be confolidated, and the connection between the two Governments will affume that character of benevolence fo congenial to their mutual interefts. A happy repofe will caufe the long calamities of a difaftrous war to be buried in oblivion; and France and England, by contributing to their reciprocal happinefs, will merit the app obation of the univerfe.

"The First Conful,*

(Signed) "BONAPARTE. "By order of the Firft Conful, "The Secretary of State,

(Signed) "H. B. MARET." The Moniteur of the 3d notices the late trial of M. Peltier, and denies that the profecution was inftituted at the requeft, or with the knowledge, of the Firit Conful:-The whole proceeding is treated with contempt by the writer in queftion; who afferts, that any foreigner in this country muft lay down his pen on an intimation from Lord Pelham's Under-Secretaries, or be fent out of the kingdom. In fact, Mininters are condemned for making a parade and oftentation about a circumftance which the First Conful, it is faid, would never have thought worthyof his notice.



Much has been faid refpe&ting conver fations between Bonaparte and Lord Whitworth, that cannot poffibly be believed. Letters, however, from good authority affert, that the Conful put fo little restraint on his conduct on Sunday the 13th, at Madame's Drawing-room, which was crowded with strangers, that fomething very like the following converfation was audible to numbers who atterded in the promifcuous affemblage:


engagements and the duties of good faith? (Lord Whitworth was about to reply. Bonaparte made a fign with his hand, and continued in a less elevated tone)-My Lord, your Lady is indifpofed. may probably breathe her native air rather fooner than you or I expected. I with mot ardently for peace; but if my juft demand be not inftantly complied with, then war muft follow, and God will decide. If treaties are not fufficient to bind to peace, then the vanquished must not be left in a condition to offer injury."

Bonaparte entered, with an unufcal alertnels of manner; and, after faluting the company, he addreffed himself to Lord Whitworth, in a tone fufficiently Here this unexpected converfation terJoud to be heard by all who were prefent minated, if that term be allowed, where ~“ You know, my Lord, that a terrible the difcourfe was almoft wholly on one fide. form has ariten between England and The following is a copy of a letFrance." ter from the Society of Agriculture Lord WHITWORTH.-Yes,General of the Department of the Seine [Paris], Conful; but it is to be hoped that this fterm will be diffipated without any dericus confequences."

BONAPARTE "It will be diffipated when England thali have evacuated Malta. If not, the cloud will burft, and the bolt muft fall. The King of England has promiled by Treaty, to evacuate that place; and who is to viclate the faith of

treaties ?"

Lord WHITWORTH (surprised on finding himself queftioned in this manner, and before jo many perfons)" But you know, General Conful, the circumftances which have hitherto delayed the evacuation of Malta. The intention of my Sovereign is to fulfil the Treaty of Amiens; and you alfo know

BONAPARTE." You know (with impetuofity) that the French have carried on the war for ten years, and you cannot doubt but that they are in a condition to wage it again. Inform your Court, that if, on the receipt of your dispatches, orders are not iffued for the immediate furrender of Malta, then War is declared. I declare my firm refolution is, to fee the Treaty carried into effect; and I leave it to the Ambaladors et the feveral Powers that are prefent, to fay who is in the wrong. You flattered yourselves that France would not dare to fhew her refentment whilt her fquadrons were at St. Domingo. I am happy thus publicly to undeceive you on that head."

Lord WHITWORTH." But, GeneTal, the Negociation is not yet broken; and there is even reafon to believe

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BONAPARTE.“ Of what negociation does your Lordhip fpeck? Is it necefiary to negociate what is conceded by treaty to negociate the fulfilment of

to William Marshall, Efq. in London; the well-known Author of feveral interefting volumes on the Rural Economy of England:

"" SIR,


"THE Agricultural Society of Paris, ever fince their inftallation, have been defirous to give you a proof of the very high esteem with which they regard your uleful labours. But the war, which fo long feparated two Nations, formed to appreciate and aflit each other, had broken the chain which unites the affections of men, of whatever clime, whole exclufive employments are the improvements of the ufeful arts, and who devote their study and experience to increate the happiness and profperity of their native country. And the Society of Paris, now availing themfelves of the general Peace which permits that pleafing bord to be renewed, haften to enrich the lift of their fellow-labourers with the name of a man of fcience who is dear to Agriculture, and whofe important labours will form an epoch in the History of Rural Economy.

"The Society have defired me to announce to you, that they have appointed you to the first rank among their foreign affociates; and to beg your acceptance of

this mark of their esteem.

"I am alfo directed to tranfmit to you the volumes which they have published, fince Peace has permitted them to unite their labours for the common good.

"The Society further hope that you will have the goodnefs to keep up a correspondence with them, and to communicate the refult of your refearches and experience.Health and respect,

SILVESTRE, Secretary."

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