Pig No. 10 was the same as No. 12 of the experiments of 1870. 1 Pig No. 14 was the same as No. 10 of the experiments of 1870. but made their increase in weight in bone and muscle." 1 "At the termination of the experiment (1870), as they were only in fair store condition, they were turned out of the pens, and kept for experiment when they were a year older." Pigs Nos. 7 and 9 were purchased with the same lot as Nos. 10, 14, and 16. They were all large-framed, coarse hogs, with a cross apparently of Chester White. Pigs Nos. 11, 4, 6, 8 were finer boned and better formed, with less heads and legs. They were apparently a grade of Suffolk, or some other small variety. "As in the previous experiments, the pigs were weighed at the beginning of each week, before feeding, and their ration of unbolted corn meal (their exclusive feed) was weighed out at the time of feeding. Care was also taken to give each pig all the meal it would readily consume, ume, the amount of each feed being regulated by the appetite of the animal, so that no waste could take place by leaving a portion of the ration in the trough." The weight of each pig, at the beginning of the experiment and at the close of each week, together with the total gain and total gain per cent., is given in Table No. 1. The weights in all of the Tables are given in pounds and decimals of a pound. : : TABLE No. 1. Weight of each Pig at the Beginning of the Experiment, and at the close of each week, together with the total gain and total gain per cent. DATE. WEEK OF EXPERIM'T. PEN 1. PEN 3. PEN 5. PEN 7. PEN 9. PEN 11. PEN 4. PEN 6. PEN 8. PEN 10. PEN 14. PEN 16. Total gain...... 52.50 136.50 117.00 197.50 203.00 Total gain per cent. 185.50 201.00 171.50 212.00 192.50 204.50 198.00 87.50 120.00 98.31 59.84 87.30 107.84 96.86 77.07 108.43 82.61 95.33 73.60 In Table No. 2 will be found the amount of meal consumed in each pen for each week, the total amount of meal consumed in each pen, and the amount of feed required on the average to produce one pound of increase of live weight. TABLE No. 2. Amount of Meal consumed in cash Pen for each Week, the To'al Meal consumed, and the Average Amount of Meal consumed to produce one Pound of Increase. WEEK. PEN 1. PEN 3. PEN 5. PEN 7. PEN 9. PEN 11. PEN 4. PEN 6. PEN 8. PEN 10. PEN 14. PEN 16. 2d 11.00 35.00 34.75 42.00 40.75 40 75 40.50 40 75 37 50 40.75 41.75 41.75 1st week. 14 50 21.50 21.50 82.00 32.00 33.00 32.00 32.00 29.00 32.00 82.00 32.00 9th “ 27.50 55 75 39.75 63.75 63.00 59.75 63.00 63.00 63.00 63.00 64.00 64 00 10th 27.00 46 50 38.50 60.75 63.00 63.00 63.00 47.50 63 00 60 25 64.00 64.00 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 60 28.25 27.75 63.50 59.25 55.00 61.25 29.75 62.00 53.50 57.00 55.00 Total. 297.87 652.85 577.25 938.00 908.50 838.75 877.00 796.00 885 00 877 25 907.25 925.50 Aver. am't of meal to 1tb in. 5.67 4.78 4.93 4.74 4.47 4.52 4 36 4.64 4.17 4.55 4.43 4.66 In Table No. 3 is given the average weight of each pig for each week of the experiment. |