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Sept. 7.-Cocks all opened before noon and turned, and finally weighed before four P. M. Hay in fine condition.

On the following plan of the field the weight of the first crop "green," and the weight of dry hay for first and second crops, is given on each plat.

The figures in italics on the two upper tiers of plats represent the first weighing of hay already referred to.

A large proportion of the crops on plats A 3, A 4, and B 4 is wild grass, the clover having been winter-killed.


Plan of Experimental Ground north of Boarding Hall.-1871.

[blocks in formation]






Dry, 185.5 1Ds.

Second Crop, 152.0 lbs.

F. 1.

Green, 706.5 lbs.

Dry, 251.5 lbs.
Dry, 175 lbs.
Second Crop,
173.5 ibe,

Green, 229 lbs.
Dry, 84 lbs.
Dry, 61 lbs.
Second Crop,
52 lbs.

E. 1.

Green, 824 lbs.
Dry, 119.5 lbs.

Dry, 88 ibs.
Second Crop,
74 lbs.

Green, 270 lbs.
Dry, 100.5 lbs.
Dry, 68.5 lbs.
Second Crop,
64.5 lbs.

D. 1.

Green, 596.5 lbs.
Dry, 211 lbs.
Dry, 151 Ibs.
Second Crop,
187.5 lbs.

Green, 111 ibs.
Dry, 41 lbs.
Dry, 80 lbs.
Second Crop,
85 ibs.

C. 1.

Green, 276.5 lbs.
Dry, 101 lbs.
Dry, 78.5 lbs.
Second Crop,
67.5 lbs.

B. 1.

Green, 488 IDs.
Dry, 165.5 lbs.
Dry, 121.
Second Crop,
100 lbs.

A. 1.
Green, 244 lbs.
Dry, 93.5 lbs.
Dry, 71 Ibs.
Second Crop,
54 lbs.

F. 2.

Green, 471.5 lbs.

Dry, 152.5 tbs. Second Crop, 121.5 lbs.

E. 2.

Green, 267 Ds.
Dry, 86 lbs.
Second Crop,
69.5 fbs.

D. 2.

Green, 466.5 lbs.
Dry, 139.5 lbs.
Second Crop,
112 lbs.

C. 2.

Green, 295 lbs.
Dry, 89 lbs.
Second Crop,

95 tbs.

B. 2.

Green, 442 lbs.
Dry, 1281bs.

Second Crop,
108 Ibs.

A. 2.

Green, 365. 5Ds.
Dry, 109 Ibs.
Second Crop,
84.5 Ibs.

F. 8.

Green, 452 lbs.
Dry, 184 lbs.
Second Crop,
121.5 lbs.

E. 3.

Green, 281.5 lbs.
Dry, 87 lbs.
Second Crop,
50 lbs.

D. 8.

Green, 464.5 lbs.
Dry, 183 tbs.
Second Crop,
108.5 lbs.

C. 8.

Green, 316.5 ds.
Dry, 98 lbs.
Second Crop,
75 Ibs.

B. 3.

A. 3.

Green, 421.5 lbs. Green, 302 Ms.
Dry, 121 Ibs.
Dry, 93.5 lbs.
Second Crop, | Second Crop,

117 tbs.

78 lbs.

F. 4.

Green, 470 lbs.
Dry, 142 lbs.
Second Crop,
110 lbs.

E. 4.

Green, 243 lbs.
Dry, 184 lbs.
Second Crop,
51 lbs.

D. 4.
Green, 461 lbs.
Dry, 128 lbs.
Second Crop,
110.5 lbs.

C. 4.

Green, 394.5 lbs.
Dry, 116 lbs.
Second Crop,
108.5 lbs.

B. 4.

Green, 462 lbs.
Dry, 143 lbs.
Second Crop,
143 Ibs.

A. 4.
Green, 403.5 Ds.
Dry, 126 lbs.
Second Crop,
100 lbs.

In Table No. 1 is given the yield per acre of first and second crops in pounds for each plat, and the total yield in pounds and in tons for each plat, together with the average yield of the plats of each series of plats represented by the same letter.

By reference to the report of 1869, already quoted, it will be seen that manure was applied in 1869 to the F, D, and B plats, the effects of which will be readily seen in the averages for those letters in the table.

[blocks in formation]


3,710 3,040 6,750


F. 1..

3,500 3,470 6,970


F. 2...

3,050 2,430 5,480


F. 3....

2,680 2.430 5,110


F. 4.

2,840 2,200 5,040



3,156 2,714 5,870

2.94 39.07

In the following table (No. 2) the results of the experiment for each of the four years are brought together for convenience of comparison. The cornstalks and oat straw are omitted from the table.

In 1869 the crop was a failure on account of the excessive rainfall, the experiment being conducted on land not underdrained. On plats A. 3, A. 4, and C., the plants were entirely drowned out early in the season. (See Report of Secretary of Board of Agriculture for 1869, pp. 87–8.)

The only value of the results of 1869 consist in the indications in regard to the importance of drainage in wet seasons, and they are included in this summary simply because they are a part of the record.

TABLE No. 2.

Showing the Yield per Acre for each plat, for each year of the experiment.

[blocks in formation]


13 14



E. 1.





E. 2.


11.00 24.06


E. 3.





E. 4.

49.46 16.86

29 06



45.65 13.29



[blocks in formation]

"In 1868, 32 plats, each two rods square, were staked out in Field No. 3, for experiments with special fertilizers. On the A plats, common salt, at the rate of 300 pounds per acre, was applied. Berry's superphosphate of lime, at the rate of 300 pounds per acre, was applied to the C plats. Baugh's superphosphate of lime was applied, at the rate of 300 pounds per acre, to the E plats. Baugh's Chicago blood manure, at the rate of 300 pounds per acre, was applied to the G. plats. All the other plats received no dressing of special fertilizers. The plats indicated by letters were separated by a narrow strip that was kept cultivated. Those indicated by figures were separated by a wire, so that a division of plats could be readily made in harvesting.

"In 1868 a root crop was grown on the plats. (See Report of Secretary of State Board of Agriculture for 1868, pp. 109-16. In 1869 an oat crop was grown on the plats. (See Report of Secretary of State Board of Agriculture for 1869, pp. 81-86.)"

In 1870 winter wheat was grown on the plats. (For results see Report of Secretary of State Board of Agriculture for 1870, pp. 28-32.

In the spring of 1870 grass seed was sown, at the rate of ten pounds of clover and one peck of timothy per acre.

1871, June 28. - The 1 and 2 tiers of plats were cut before noon, and the 3 and 4 tiers of plats were cut after noon, and all were cocked and capped before night.

June 29th.-Hay opened and stirred thoroughly, and again cocked and capped towards night.

June 30. Hay dry and in prime condition. Finished weighing at half-past twelve. Weather cool and cloudy for three days past.

For convenience of reference, the weight of first and second crops of hay in pounds, for each plat, is given on the following plan of the experiment:

Plan of Experiments in Field No. 3 for 1871, with yield of 1st and 2d Crops of Hay, in Pounds, marked on each plat.

[blocks in formation]

2d Crop, 20.5. 2d Crop, 24.5. 2d Crop, 31.5. 2d Crop, 35.5.

2d Crop, 45.

A. 1.

1st Crop, 93.

2d Crop, 38.

H. 1.

G. 1.

1st Crop, 51.

2d Crop, 30.

1st Crop, 46.
2d Crop, 21.

[blocks in formation]

average yield per acre of each series of plats of the same letter. In Table No. 3 is given the yield per acre of each plat, together with the

H. 3.

1st Crop, 91.

2d Crop, 41.5.

G. 3.
1st Crop, 22.
2d Crop, 43.

1st Crop, 48.
2d Crop, 22.5

E. 3.
1st Crop, 56.
2d Crop, 20.

D. 3.
1st Crop, 50.
2d Crop, 21.5

C. 8.
B. 3.
1st Crop. 82.5. 1st Crop, 88.
2d Crop, 32.5. 2d Crop, 35.5.

A. 3.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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