The object of life for each one is to make the utmost possible of himself, physically, intellectually, morally, and religiously; and our relationship to our fellow men is such that we have to work directly for them and indirectly for ourselves. When we do well for others they recognize and reward us; and in this work and recognition we realize our own possibilities, our better selves. Let each one's motto be, work, growth, and manhood; and as he enters the great workshop of the world, it might be with the following soliloquy : "Build thee more stately mansions, O, my soul! Leave thy low-vaulted past; Let each new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from Heaven with a deme more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine out-grown shell by life's unresting sea." GENERAL CATALOGUE. A general catalogue of the officers and graduates of the College from its commencement in 1857 to 1873 was published in connection with the Annual Catalogue for 1873. As it gives information frequently inquired for, it is here inserted in full. 1861 HON. CHARLES RICH, Lapeer, 1867 1862 HON. ABRAHAM C. PRUTZMAN, Three Rivers, 1873 1863 HON. A. S. WELCH, Ypsilanti, 1866 1863 PRES'T Т. С. Аввот, еx officio, 1865 HIS EXCELLENCY HENRY H. CRAPO, ex officio, 1869 1866 HON. ORAMEL HOSFORD, Olivet, 1867 HON. S. O. KNAPP, Jackson, 1873 1869 HIS EXCELLENCY H. P. BALDWIN, ex officio, 1873 1869 HON. J. WEBSTER CHILDS, Ypsilanti, 1871 HON. GEO. W. PHILIPS, Romeo, 1873 HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN J. BAGLEY, ex officio, 1873 IION. FRANKLIN WELLS, Constantine, 1873 HON. A. S. DYCKMAN, South Haven, NOTE. Until 1861 the institution was in charge of the State Board of Education. 1859 HENRY GOADBY, (Animal and Vegetable Physiology), 1860 1861 MANLY MILES (Physiology and Zoology), 1865 1865 MANLY MILES (Physiology and Practical Agriculture), 1869 1869 A. J. Cook, (Zoology and Entomology) HISTORY AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1857 ROBERT D. WEEKS (English Literature and Farm Economy), 1858 |