Third best pair of matched horses of all work, five years old or over, speed, size, style, and fitness for carriage or farm work to be the points; weight of each horse to be not less than 1,200 pounds.... $15 00 Best pair of four year old horses, matched in color, speed, size, style, and fitness for carriage or farm work.. 30 00 Second best pair of four year old horses, matched in color, speed, size, style, and fitness for carriage or farm work... 15 00 Third best pair of four year old horses, matched in color, speed, size, style, and fit ness for carriage or farm work.... 10 00 Best pair of matched horses, three years old.. 15 00 Second best pair of matched horses, for all work, three years old... 10 00 5 00 RULE.-All entries in this class, where weight is one of the conditions, shall be accompanied with a reliable certificate of date not exceeding one week previous to the opening of the exhibition, showing satisfactorily the weight of the animals that are entered for competition. The "horse of all work" (breeding stock) should not be less than 15t hands in height, nor less than 1,100 pounds in weight, quick, lively ears, broad between the eyes, round barrel, short loins, well up in the shoulders, deep chested, square quarters, flat legs, short between knee and pastern, hind legs well under him, speed equal to eight miles an hour on the road, and at least three miles at the plow, with sufficient blood to insure spirit, style and endurance. As in this class it is evident the mature animals are intended for breeding, they should be sound; and as the young animals must be judged on their own merits, as well as their promise for future usefulness, they also must be sound or else they cannot compete. The "horse of all work" is intended to be capable of being trained for the saddle, for harness, and to be able to go on the road or in draught, as he may chance to be broken. It may be that the "horse of all work" shall, after a few years' training, make a useful, spirited, handsome family roadster, or he may be brought up to be a good draught horse, true to pull to any load that may be put behind him. Much depends on the use he is put to. Hence the judges will note that he is not to be judged by the speed he may make for a single mile. Hence, also, it will be noted that he may be thoroughbred or he may not, and for the same reason he must have size, action and spirit, as well as constitution, if he is worthy of a premium as a breeding animal. The executive committee have decided that a mare may show as many colts as her owner desires to prove her quality as a dam, but one of these colts must be the product of the year of the exhibition. B-CLASS 12-ROADSTERS. Committee-Fred. V. Smith, Coldwater; Wm. H. Smith, Hillsdale; John Goodale, Mon tard, Allegan county. Best stallion, five years old or over.. Second best stallion, five years old or over. Third best stallion, five years old or over.. Best stallion, four years old. Second best stallion, four years old. $50 00 25 00 15 00 30 00 15 00 Third best stallion, four years old... 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 Second best stallion or gelding, two years old. 8 00 5 00 Best yearling stallion or gelding. 10 00 Second best yearling stallion or gelding. 6 00 Third best yearling stallion or gelding. 4 00 Best brood mare, four years old or over, with foal by her side. 25 00 15 00 Third best mare, four years old or over, with foal by her side. Second best mare, two years old.. Third best mare, one year old RULE.-All exhibitors in class 12 shall bring with the entry a copy of certificate of breeding, which shall be filed with the secretary, and which shall be put on record in all cases where premiums are awarded. No horse will be ruled out for want of certificate, where breeding cannot be established; but a well authenticated pedigree will be considered a favorable point, all others being equal. B-CLASS 13-GENTLEMEN'S DRIVING HORSE TO ROAD WAGONS. Committee-W. S. Wilcox, Adrian; Gen. George Spalding, Monroe; Rodney G. Hart, Lapeer. Best pair of driving horses, owned and driven by exhibitor for thirty days previous to the fair, not used for sporting purposes, to be exhibited under the direction of the superintendents in charge of department. $50 00 Second best pair of driving horses, owned and driven by exhibitor for thirty days previous to the fair, not used for sporting purposes, to be exhibited under the di rection of the superintendents in charge of departments... 30 00 Third best pair of driving horses, owned and driven by exhibitor for thirty days previous to the fair, not used for sporting purposes, to be exhibited under the direction of the superintendents in charge of department... 20 00 Best single gelding of any age, or mare, five years old or over. 30 00 Second best single gelding of any age, or mare, five years old or over.. 20 00 10 00 Best four year old single mare or gelding..... 20 00 15 00 10 00 Second best four year old single mare or gelding.. Third best four year old single mare or gelding. The committee will test all animals entered in this class, under such rules as may be deemed necessary to determine the merits of the competitors, it being understood that speed is not to be the sole test. RULE.-All horses shown in this class shall be driven by the owners, and must have been owned and driven by them for thirty days previous to the entry for exhibition, and not used for sporting purposes. NOTE. The viewing committee are to understand that it is the design of the society to make it clear that only gentlemen's roadsters can be permitted to compete, and that any twe horses that may be harnessed together for the occasion, are not a driving team in the meaning of the premium list. B-CLASS 14-DRAUGHT HORSES. Committee-Frank W. Dickey, Marshall; George Dubois, Lawton; Thomas Lester, Saginaw. Best stallion, four years old or over.... $50 00 Second best stallion, four years old or over.. 30 00 Third best stallion, four years old or over... 20 00 Best mare, four years old or over.. 50 00 Second best mare, four years old or over 30 00 Third best mare, four years old or over. 20 00 NOTE.-Horses exhibited in the above class must weigh not less than 1,400. B-CLASS 15-CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HORSES. Committee-Dan. J. Robertson, Jackson; J. M. French, Detroit; G. H. Gale, Kalamazoo; Joseph H. Morris, Pontiac; Samuel Reed, Maple Rapids. Best pair of matched carriage horses, sixteen hands or over, and five years old or over. Second best pair of matched carriage horses, sixteen hands or over, and five years old or over. Third best pair of matched carriage horses, sixteen hands or over, and five years old or over.... Best pair of matched carriage horses, sixteen hands or over, and four years old.... Second best pair of matched carriage horses, sixteen hands or over, and four years old..... $50 00 25 00 15 00 30 00 15 00 Third best pair of matched carriage horses, sixteen hands or over, and four years old $10 00 Best pair of matched carriage horses, under sixteen hand, and four years old or over 40 00 Second best pair of matched carriage horses, under sixteen hands, and four years old or over 20 00 Third best pair of matched carriage horses, under sixteen hands, and four years old or over. 10 00 Best pair of matched carriage horses, three years old 25 00 Second best pair of matched carriage horses, three years old. 15 00 Third best pair of matched carriage horses, three years old 10 00 Best single carriage or buggy horse or mare, four years old or over. 15 00 Second best single carriage or buggy horse or mare, four years old or over. 10 00 Best single carriage or buggy horse or mare, three years old.. 10 00 Second best single carriage or buggy horse or mare, three years old. 500 RULE.-All horses in this class shall be measured by a standard on the ground, and by the committee, and speed shall not be considered the sole test of merit. The several points of form, general beauty, style, action, matching, and evenness of gait are to be considered. B-CLASS 16-JACKS AND MULES. Committee-Wm. Jones, Vandalia, Cass county; Isaac Schram, Grand Blanc; Thomas Martin, Grand Rapids. Best Spanish or Maltese Jack, which has been kept in the State for service not less than three months previous to the exhibition, and has been proved a good stock getter.... $30 00 Second best Spanish or Maltese jack, which has been kept in the State for service not less than three months previous to the exhibition, and has been proved a good stock getter.... 15 00 Best young jack, not less than one year nor more than three years old, bred in Best show of young mules, taking number and quality into consideration, bred from one jack, not less than five in number, of any age...... 20 00 DIVISION C. - SHEEP, SWINE, AND POULTRY. All ewes, three years old or over, exhibited in classes Nos. 17, 18, 19, and 20, are required to have bred a lamb during the present year, and all sheep shall be entered and compete in one class only. Pens of lambs shall consist of three in number. C-CLASS 17-MERINOS AND FINE WOOLED SHEEP. Committee-Henry Shultes, Martin, Allegan county; Alexander Hewitt, Hillsdale; J. C-CLASS 18-SOUTHDOWN AND OTHER MIDDLE WOOLED SHEEP. Committee-H. G. Holt, Cascade, Kent county; Austin N. Kimmis, West Novi, Oakland county; Warren Gilbert, Rome, Lenawee county. C-CLASS 19-COTSWOLD, LEICESTER, AND OTHER LONG-WOOLED SHEEP. Committee-Fred. Nims, Monroe, Mich.; D. Tucker, Greenfield, Wayne county; D. Hubbard, Marshall. Committee-John Moshier, Paw Paw, Van Buren county; Fred. Hubert, East Saginaw; 10 00 500 300 S. Linden, Plymouth, Wayne county. Committee-Wm. H. Cobb, Kalamazoo; Willard Lyon, Lyon's Mill, Clinton county; Henry Birge, Waterford, Oakland county. Best Berkshire sow, one year old. 10 00 Second best Berkshire sow, one year old..... 6 00 Third best Berkshire sow, one year old... Best pen of Berkshire pigs, not less than four in number, nor over ten months old. Second best pen of Berkshire pigs, not less than four in number, nor over ten months old. $3 00 10 00 600 Third best pen of Berkshire pigs, not less than four in number, nor over ten months old..... 300 Second best Essex sow, one year old. Third best Essex sow, one year old.... Best pen of Essex pigs, not less than four in number, nor over ten months old.... old... Third best pen of Essex pigs, not less than four in number, nor over ten months old.. Best Poland boar, two years old or over. Second best Poland boar, two years old or over. 6 00 300 10 00 6 00 300 10 00 5 00 Best Suffolk boar, two years old or over... 12 00 Second best Suffolk boar, two years old or over. 8 00 Third best Suffolk boar, two years old or over. 4 00 Best Suffolk boar, one year old... 10 00 Second best Suffolk boar, one year old. 6 00 Third best Suffolk boar, one year old. 3 00 Best Suffolk sow, two years old or over. 12 90 Second best Suffolk sow, two years old or over. 8 00 Third best Suffolk sow, two years old or over. 4 00 Best Suffolk sow, one year old.... 10 00 Second best Suffolk sow, one year old.... 600 Third best Suffolk sow, one year old. 300 Best pen of Suffolk pige, not less than four in number, nor less than ten months old. Second best pen of Suffolk pigs, not less than four in number, nor less than ten months old... 10 00 600 Third best pen of Suffolk pigs, not less than four in number, nor less than ten months old. The committee will note that there are some breeds not mentioned by name, which are deserving of notice if any individuals should be entered for premiums. Such are the Lancashire Whites, the Lincoln, the Yorkshire, the Neapolitan. Should any of these be offered for premiums, the exhibitor must be able to prove purity of blood and directness of descent to the satisfaction of the committee, who may award discretionary premiums. In case an award is made to a single individual of a litter, and the litter is entered for a premium, there must be four in number without the one entered for a special premium, but the pig may not be ruled out of the litter otherwise, as the sow, as a breeder, is entitled to show the whole of her progeny, no matter what the number. C-CLASS 22-POULTRY. Committee-J. D. Yerkes, Northville; Edward Woolfenden, Detroit; Alex. Ferguson, East Saginaw; L. Bidwell, Tecumsel); I. D. Allen, Schoolcraft, Calhoun county. For the best, most varied and most valuable collection of poultry, entered and owned by one exhibitor.... $25 00 |