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For reference and greater convenience, I have condensed the information most desirable in the foregoing statement of premiums offered and premiums awarded, which is here presented in tabular form as follows:

A. Cattle.

B. Horses.

C. Sheep, Swine,

and Poultry.


1 Short-horns




Alderneys and Galloways.

6 Grade and Native cattle..

7 Working oxen and steers.

$366 00

366 00

866 00

126 00

252 00

65 00

148 00

8 Fat cattle..

9 Herds....

10 Thoroughbreds......

267 00

175 00

345 00

11 Horses of all work......

12 Roadsters.....

18 Gentlemen's driving horses....

14 Draught Horses.....

565 00

406 00

205 00

200 00

15 Carriage and buggy horses...

305 00

16 Jacks and mules...

104 00

17 Merinos and fine wool sheep...

188 00

18 Southdown and other middle wool sheep..

147 00


19 Cotswold, Leicester, and other long wool sheep.

175 00

20 Fat sheep......

81 00

21 Swine.

357 00

22 Poultry..

358 00

27 Machinery for prep. of crops for market and for stock.

28 Wagons and carriages.....

170 00

29 Barnyard articles...

80 Dairy and household articles...

81 Stoves, iron, and concrete work..

89 00

32 Grain, flour, and seeds........

125 00

83 Roots and vegetables.....

187 00

E. Field and Gar- (

den Produce, F. Dairy and

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

19 271

[blocks in formation]

27 178 210 $5,502 00 27 210 3,028


$5,502 00 150 00

(84 Butter and cheese....

85 Sugar, honey, and bee-hives.. Household Man- 36 Bread, preserves, and pickles...


165 00 89 00

48 00

87 Tobacco, toilet articles, etc.....

88 Home-made domestic articles........

119 00

G. Domestic

89 Factory-made articles......

101 00

40 Articles of dress..

45 00


41 Articles of leather and india-rubber.

42 Articles of furniture......

Sewing Machines.. 48 Sewing machines...

44 Painting, statuary, photographs, etc......

205 00

H. Fine Arts and

45 Musical instruments......


46 Clocks, jewelry, etc.......

27 00

47 Needle and other fancy work..

170 00

48 Miscellaneous

125 00

I. Miscellaneous.

49 Models and small miscellaneous machinery.

50 Railroad rolling stock.....

51 Printing and stationery...


Speed premiums......

Military premiums........

6,000 00
850 00

Total premiums.....

Ordinary premiums awarded and paid.........
Less Class 5, withheld.......

Speed premiums awarded...
Less protests in No. 8 race...

Military awards paid...........

Total paid to December 12, 1878...


The disbursements of the society, previous to my assuming the duties of secretary, and after the report of my predecessor was submitted for 1872, owing to the burning of the records in Mr. Johnstone's office, are unknown to me at this time, but a supplementary statement will be hereafter submitted, based upon a comparison of the stubs in the order book, with the paid checks in the hands of the treasurer. The following is a schedule of expenditures for ordinary purposes from February 7 to December 12, 1873, as per orders issued: On indebtedness of 1872

indebtedness of Northern Michigan Agricultural and Mechanical Society.... executive committee expense account.

locating committee expense account..

$459 75

649 22

1,518 83

22 95

printing, stationery, distributing bills and circulars.

930 34

packing and shipping books from Detroit...

32 60

postage account...

159 80

express, freight, and drayage..

51 63


23 56

mailing expense of agricultural books.

21 89


118 25

membership fee National Trotting Association.

25 00

borrowed money account...

4,000 00

interest account..

253 15

secretary's salary.

1,000 00

lumber and nails for mach. hall, store hall, carriage and other buildings on

[blocks in formation]


The ordinary and special premium orders issued as per award of committees at Grand Rapids, amount to $5,702, assigned to classes and divisions as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


The speed premium orders issued as per award of judges amount to $5,300,

assigned as follows to the several trials:

Trial 1. Trotting-First premium.

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$100 00

75 00

175 00

250 00

150 00


150 00




100 00

60 00

40 00

350 00

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8. Trotting-First and second premiums held under protest.

Protest waived in third and paid.

Protest waived in fourth and paid.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

$250 00

150 00

100 00

50 00

$550 00

130 00

80 00

40 00

250 00

150 00

100 00

50 00

300 00

250 00

150 00

100 00

50 00

550 00

100 00

50 00

150 00

200 00

150 00

350 00

250 00

150 00

400 00

1,000 00

500 00

225 00

100 00 1,825 00

$5,300 00

$3,237 50

160 50

763 00

$4,161 00

The receipts of the secretary's office during the fair were as follows:

From percentage on speed entries.

From sweepstakes entries....

From sale of membership tickets.


Which amount was paid the treasurer and his receipt taken therefor.


Michigan State Agricultural Society in account with A. J. Dean, Treasurer.

[blocks in formation]

Sept. 22.

From Hon. H. Fralick for lumber.

25 00


* Of this amount $1,819 00 was received at the Grand Stand for sale of tickets.

* $41,724 00

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