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Drachypodium sylvaticum; Brigopyrum seculum; Bromus erectus; Bromus macrostachya; Bromus maximus; Bromus rigidus; Bromus steritilis; Bromus maderitensis; Cornucopeacea cucullatum; Corynephorus canescens; Lolium perenne; Stipa pennata; Arrhenatherum bulbosum; Agrostis pinchella; Ægilopis cylindrica; Ægilopis ovalis; Ægilopis squarrosus; Ægilopis ventricosa; Poa alpina molineve; Paspalum elegans; Trichotaena rosea; Triticum imbricatum; Triticum ciliantum; Avena hirstuta; Avena Sativa; Agrostis vulgaris; Argrostis spica venti; Panicum italicum; Panicum Colanum; Panicum crus-galli; Panicum elegans; Panicum eriogonum; Stipa juncea; Festuca rubra; Festuca elatior; Festuca Poa; Elymus europotus; Elymus caput-medusa; Elymus tenera; Danthonia nervosa; Polypogon littoralis; Phalaris cærulescens; Phalaris minor; Phalaris brachystachys; Phalaris canariensis; Pipta multiflorum; Poa Kitailuli; Holcus mollis; Hardium malritemum; Kæleria valesiaca; Milium multiflorum; Solium perenne multiflorium; Laqurus ovatus; Phalaris paradoxa; Dactylis glomerata; Koeleria glauca; Koeleria pheloides; Festuca Halleri; Festuca Bromoides; Festuca geniculata; Festuca diraricata; Festuca heterophylla; Festuca viride; Festuca glaucesens; Festuca ovina amethystina; Festuca cynosuroides.

From Dr. R. C. KEDZIE, Donations to Chemical Department:

Specular Ore from Iron Mountain; Specular Ore from Pilot Knob, 3 specimens Limenite; 1 specimen Spathic Iron Ore; 2 specimens Red Haematite; 2 specimens No. 1 Pig Iron; Sand forglass house; Carbonate of Zine; Sulphide of Zinc; Silicate of Zinc; Burate of Zinc. - All from Missouri.

From E. W. HERENDUM, Geneva, N. Y.:

One Chicago Crab Apple; 1 Marengo No.1 Crab Apple; 1 Lady Elgin Crab

From J. B. STEERE. Equador, South America:
Seeds of Wild Potato; seeds of strawberry.
From B. HATHAWAY, of Little Prairie Ronde:

Half peck Campbell's Late Rose Potatoes; sample of Potatoes; 1 sample of new Cherry; 1 dozen Strawberries, Kentucky; 1 dozen Strawberries, Michigan; 1 dozen Strawberries; 1 Gooseberry, Houghton; 1 Red Grape Currant; 2 dozen Raspberries, Mammoth Cluster; 1 dozen Raspberries, Philadelphia; 10 dozen Raspberries, Kirtland; 6 dozen Raspberries, Clark; 3 dozen Raspberries, Hybrid; 5 dozen Raspberries, A. W. Hybrid; 3 dozen Raspberries, Hamilton; 6 dozen Raspberries; 1 dozen Raspberries; 4 dozen Raspberries, Canada; 4 dozen Raspberries, Yellow Cane; 5 dozen Raspberries, Miami; 4 dozen Raspberries, Ellisdale; 12 dozen Raspberries, Seneca; 6 dozen Raspberries, Doolittle; 2 dozen Raspberries, Naomi; 6 dozen Blackberries, Wilson's Early; 4 dozen Blackberries, Triumph; 2 Roses, Queen of Prairie; 2 Roses, Purpurea.

From Prof. G. T. FAIRCHILD:

6 Early Shaw Potatoes.

From Mrs. SANFORD HOWARD, Lansing:

Oil Painting by Page, of Steer Young America.

From ESSEX INSTITUTE, by exchange:

The following specimens of Coral: Gorgoma Flabella, Pterogorgia Arceps, Manicina Areolata, Plerana Crassa, Parites Furcata, Fideastraca Radius, Muricea Muricata.

Specimens numbered 1,003 to 1,078, inclusive.
From P. H. FELKER, collected for the College :

Seven specimens Selenite, twelve specimens Sassafras Mudgii, one specimen Sassafras (?) six specimens Sassafras (?) numbered 1,093 to 1,098, inclusive; specimens of Calcite Crystals, Iron Pyrites, Sigillaria, Coal, Argenite of Silver, Silver Ore, Silver, Coral Fossil, Annnonite, Gold, Iron, and Lead; Iron Ore with worm burrows; Silver Ore numbered 1,110 and 1,111; Silver Ore, numbered 1,113, 1,114, and 1,115; Fossil Bracheopod Shells; four specimens Fossil Pish; three specimens Fossil Fish? seven specimens Fossil Fish Fins; two specimens Fossil Fish Vertebræ; Specimens of Fossil Fish; seven specimens Fossil Fishr Remains; specimen of Mossosauria; eleven specimens head of ; specimen of Fossil Bone; two specimens Coprolites; three specimens Fossil Bracheopods; specimens of remains of Fossil Fish; Spine of Shark; No. 1,129?

From B. A. NEVINS, student:

Indian Hatchet.

From Prof. BEAL:

Specimen of Recent Conglomerate, from Cayuga Lake, New York.

From J. W. PORTER, student:

Specimen of Crystalized Maple Sugar.

From J. B. STEERE, of Equador, S. A.:

Twelve packets Seeds of Grasses and Ornamental Plants.

From Н. А. АTKINS, of Locke, Ingham county:

Five specimens of Pentamerous Oblongus, in Limestone, from a boulder found in Locke, Ingham county; one specimen of Talcose Schist, from Locke, Ingham county.

From Dr. M. MILES:

One Stone Hatchet, from College grounds, found in hard-pan, one foot below the bottom of the sewer west of the College Hall; two specimens of Copper Ore, from Lake Superior region; three specimens of Silver Ore, from Lake Superior region.


Horse Shoes.




For the Year beginning Dec. 1st, 1872, and ending Nov. 30th, 1873.


To cash at sundry times from State Treasurer on account of cur

rent expenses..

cash at sundry times from State Treasurer on account of Agricultural College interest fund.

cash at sundry times from State Treasurer on account of indebtedness, 1872....

cash at sundry times from State Treasurer on account of new greenhouse.

cash at sundry times from State Treasurer on account of im provement of buildings and grounds....

cash from State Treasurer on account of library and chemical apparatus..........

cash from J. D. Smith, interest on sale of swamp land......

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Jones & Porter, insurance refunded..

Farm Department receipts....

Horticultural Department receipts.

Students, on account of board, room rent, etc.,...



$15,000 00

11,038 48

6,796 00

8,000 00

1,800 00

720 00

$38,354 48

$10 13

2,292 85

600 46

8,483 72

11,402 69

$49,757 17

$48,092 09
1,665 08

49,757 17

By caslı paid at sundry times to E. Longyear, Treasurer........ balance on hand...

NOTE. The balance on hand includes warrants amounting to $1,619 47, and checks to the amount of $43 84, which were charged to the Farm and Horticultural departments, and returned by them as receipts to balance their accounts for the year. The Treasurer's books being closed, the Secretary transfers the above amount, together with $1 77, currency on hand, as cash to the account of 1874.


For the Year beginning Dec. 1st, 1872, and ending Nov. 30, 1873,

Expenses of State Board of Agriculture....

Balaries of officers.....

Offices of President and Secretary of College, including exchanges, postage, advertising, repairs, and current expenses....

$228 18 15,319 68

856 57

Farm Department-Warrants as in account of Superintendent of Farm.....
Horticultural Department-Including tools, seeds, labor, etc........

Boarding Hall-Including new furniture, repairs, and current expenses.......
Farm House-Including provisions, furniture, and current expenses..
Chemical Laboratory-Repairing steam apparatus, chemicals, and current


Library-Books and periodicals..

Museum-Specimens, new cases, and current expenses.

Apiary-Current expenses..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

$3,235 99

[blocks in formation]

$9,672 35 1,477 95

$50,535 39

Improvement of Buildings and Grounds-(See report of Sup't of Farm).

New Buildings-Plans, $50; new privy, $9..

New Greenhouse-On account of construction.

Indebtedness of 1872-Salaries of officers.

[blocks in formation]

College General Account-Insurance, wood, repairs, and current expenses....


E. LONGYEAR, Treasurer, in account with the State Board of Agriculture. 1872.

Dec. 1.-To balance from old account......


$1,051 11


Nov. 29.-Το cash of Secretary and State Treasurer at sundry times.

48,092 09

[blocks in formation]

I certify that the above is a true copy of the report of the Treasurer of the State Board of Agriculture, and that the original report is on file in my office.


Secretary S. B. of A.


BER 1, 1873.

Farm, 676 acres @ $70..

$47,320 00

Buildings-College Hall. $15.000; Chemical Labratory, $12,000- $27,000 00

New Boarding Hall, $45,000; Old Boarding Hall,


60,000 00

[blocks in formation]

119,600 00

Farm Department-Cattle, $9,050; sheep, $728; swipe, $344 50

$10,122 50

Farm horses..

750 00

[blocks in formation]

17,806 65

Horticultural Department-Produce, $392 98; tools, etc., $561;

team, $280 90; furniture, $81 99.

Greenhouse plants.

Chemical Laboratory-Chemicals and apparatus.
Library-Books and periodicals...

Museum-Herbarium, deposits, specimens, etc.
Boarding Hall-Furniture, provisions, etc...
Farm House-Furniture, provisions, etc...

Furniture and fixtures in College Hall...

Mathematical instruments....

Apiary-Bees, hives, etc.....

$1,316 87

1,592 00

2,908 92

4,006 25

6,000 00

4,000 00

3,110 24

576 72

975 10

185 00

71 00

$206,559 78

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