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Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the Year ending December 1, 1873.

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on account of buildings (special appropriation).

on account of improvem't of grounds (special appropriat'n)

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$2,765 85 1,115 22 798 01 813 31

$44 84
5 04

168 09

39 56

7 94

50 01

315 48

$113 75

75 29


1 50

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101 92

Mower, harrows, etc.....

131 70

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Pump, old farm-house

8 00

43 60

$11,485 48 $11,485 48 Lumber.

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Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of all kinds for the Year Ending December 1, 1873.

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Labor of students..

Wagon shed (construction):

1,611 32
2,292 35

$6,669 52

$484 64
26 20

510 84

$103 61
273 18
39 51

416 30

$44 84
42 60

33 08

7 00

127 52

$5 04
10 06

15 10

Labor of students....

Labor of men and teams.

$39 56

1 30

13 88

54 74 24 65

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Stove (exchanged).

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Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of, for the Year ending Dec. 1, 1873.

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Labor of men and teams, care of stock, @ $3 00---

$647 21
913 42

$1,560 63

$436 27

930 82

1,367 09

$2,927 72

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