From J. W. PUTNAM, Agent: Series of three Worcester's small Dictionaries. From Prof. B. PIERCE, Superintendent: Coast Survey, U. S., 1869. From the AUTHOR: Hutchinson's Resources of Kansas. From J. N. GENIN, New York city: Writings of Thomas Genin. From W. S. GEORGE, State Printer: Appeal of Michigan to People of U. S. on Boundary, 1835. From Prof. N. H. WINCHELL: Geology, etc., of Minnesota, 1872. From Messrs. HOLT & WILLIAMS: Three copies Freeman's Outlines of History. From Pres't Т. С. Аввот: Mill's Logic. From Prof. M. MILES: Catalogue of herd of Shorthorns sold by Sam'l Campbell, Sept. 10th, 1873. From Prof. R. C. KEDZIE: Transactions of State Medical Society for 1873. From Prof. A. J. Cook: Kirby & Spence's Entomology; American Bee Journal, Vols. I. and II., unbound; National Bee Journal. From Prof. W. J. BEAL: Several pamphlets. From Prof. G. T. FAIRCHILD: Taine's English Literature Condensed. The following periodicals were furnished by the publishers, unless other donors are mentioned: Prairie Farmer; Michigan Farmer; Western Farmer; Western Rural; Grand Traverse Herald; Traverse Bay Eagle; Sturgis Journal; Michigan Argus; Grand Haven Union; Grand Haven Herald; Grand Rapids Times; Ingham County News; Lansing Republican; Lansing Journal; Monroe Commercial; Wolverine Citizen; Romeo Observer; U. S. Patent Office Gazette; Adrian Weekly Times; Midland Independent; Owosso Crusader; Flint Globe; North American Bee Journal: Journal of the Farm; Boston Journal of Chemistry; Western Recorder; Educational Reporter; Christian at Work; Detroit Review of Medicine; Michigan Teacher: American Missionary; N. Y. Weekly Witness; Essex Institute Bulletin. By UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION, Boston: Christian Register; Religious Magazine. By Pres. T. C. Аввот: The Nation; The School; Popular Science Monthly; Detroit Daily Tribune. By Prof. M. MILES: The Independent. By Prof. R. C. KEDZIE: Appleton's Journal. By Prof. W. J. BEAL: Peninsular Courier; Advocate of Peace. By Prof. G. T. FAIRCHILD: The College Courant; Lorain County News; Harper's Weekly; The Literary World; The Advance. Occasional numbers of some periodicals and various catalogues, circulars, etc., are not enumerated here, though carefully preserved. The following is a brief summary of cash expenditures for the library proper: A full account of all transactions under care of the Librarian, with accom panying vouchers, has been rendered to the Secretary of the College. It will be seen that little of the appropriation of the last Legislature has as yet been expended, though some lists have been prepared, and the enlargement of the library by purchase of new books will be entered upon at the opening of the new year, while numbers of volumes are now ready for the binder. The library has been frequented by the students more than in previous years, and the disposition to read as well as consult books seems to be on the increase, a fact shown by the number and the character of books drawn. The general method of drawing by check proves satisfactory. Some care, however, is still needed, to prevent a careless return of books or a thoughtless retention. It seems desirable that, as soon as may be, the duties of Librarian should rest with some competent man whose other duties do not preclude personal attention to the every day care of the library. Respectfully, GEO. T. FAIRCHILD, Librarian. |