expense to be defrayed by this society, there being $300 appropriated by same resolution, payable on the last day of the coming fair, to that society, to cover "all other expenses" than the printing above named. Col. Ferry subsequently submitted the following plans and specifications, which were printed upon postal cards and sent to all machinists of the State of supposed capacity to do the work. PROPOSALS SOLICITED. Solicited for furnishing power in Mechanics' Hall of the Michigan State Agricultural Fair, to be held at East Saginaw, Mich., September, 1874. Engine and boiler of suitable size to furnish from 40 to 50 horse power, with a pressure not to exceed that of fifty pounds of steam. What is usually designated as stationary machinery is deemed by the committee preferable to what is designated as portable. Shafting for one main line, 150 feet long and two and a half inches in diameter, all suitably coupled with such couplings as may be easily taken apart to receive the needed pulleys for driving machinery; the shafting to run in hangers and boxes. The posts of the building are twelve feet apart, and the hangers may be what are designated as post hangers, and the bearings for the shafting must not be over twelve feet apart. It is required that there be a bearing for the shaft on each side of the pulley which receives power from the engine, such bearings not to be over six feet apart, and to be on the first length of the shafting that forms the line. The size of the driver on the engine shaft and the driver on the main shaft must be of pulleys that will give 300 revolutions per minute to the main line of shafting. The other pulleys will be furnished by exhibitors. The above designated machinery is to be furnished and set up ready for use in the building one week before the time designated for the opening of the fair, and to be kept in good order, and run during the fair as required by the committee in charge of that department. The bids solicited are required to cover all expense of furnishing and running, setting up and taking down, and for removal of the machinery at the close of the fair. Proposals for the above may be addressed to C. F. Kimball, Secretary, at Pontiac, Mich., or Wm. M. Ferry of committee, at Grand Haven, Mich. MEETING OF THE BUSINESS COMMITTEE AT MICHIGAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, DETROIT, MARCH 6, 1874. Pursuant to notice, a majority of said committee, to-wit: Edwin Phelps, Chairman, and Col. Wm. M. Ferry, together with President Kipp, Treasurer Dean, Supt. Shoemaker, Sec. Kimball, and Committeemen J. M. Sterling, Geo. S. Wormer, met at the parlors of the Michigan Exchange, and being called to order by Chairman Phelps, at whose request President Kipp took the chair, a letter was read from E. O. Humphrey announcing his inability to be present. The first business before the committee was the investigation of the case of fraud on the part of sundry parties in entering the horse John Stewart under a fictitious name in a trial of speed, when he was not eligible, at the fair at Grand Rapids in September last. A. J. Dean of Adrian having, by order of the executive committee, investigated and accumulated evidence in reference to the matter, by request submitted a very full synopsis of the evidence in the case, including letters, affidavits, etc. Wm. B. Armstrong, one of the owners of the horse John Stewart, alias H. H. Whitehead, was presented to the committee and examined under oath as to his knowledge of the parties to the fraud. After a patient hearing of the case and a free interchange of opinions on the part of the gentlemen present, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted by the committee: WHEREAS, The horse John Stewart was entered at the State Fair at Grand Rapids Mich., held on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th of Sept., 1873, under the auspices of the Michigan State Agricultural Society, a member of th onal Association for the Promotion of the Interest of the Trotting Turf, in trial No. 2, for horses that have never beaten three minutes and owned in the State, under the name of W. H. Whitehead; and WHEREAS, A protest was rendered during said race against said horse, and whereas said horse was allowed to continue in said race, and won the same and received the first premium; and WHEREAS, The said business committee, representing the executive committee of said society, after hearing the evidence, are satisfied that such entry was fraudulent; therefore, Resolved, That Benj. S. Wright of Boston, Mass., W. R. Armstrong and W. H. Whitehead of Michigan, and the horse John Stewart, be and they are hereby expelled, under Rule 14 of the published rules and regulations to govern all trials of speed over the courses associated under the name of the National Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the American Trotting Turf," in force from and after Feb. 5th, 1873, for the fraudulent entry of said horse; also for disguising said horse with intent to conceal his identity, and for being concerned in said transaction. Resolved, That the same parties are expelled under Rule 13, for receiving a premium to which they were not entitled, and refusing to return the same. Resolved, That Reuben Armstrong of Romeo, Mich., is hereby expelled under Rule 13 for fraudulently or through error obtaining a premium and refus g to return the same. In the alleged case of fraud upon the society by J. C. Deyo, of Jackson, Mich., in entering the horse Dominion Boy under the fictitious name of Membrino, also in entering said horse in trial No. 8 for stallions four years old and over that have made the present season in the State, after receiving the statement of A. J. Dean, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : WHEREAS, It appears by the statement of A. J. Dean that J. C. Deyo, of Jackson, Mich., entered the stallion Dominion Boy, under a fictitious name, and in trial No. 8, for stallions four years old and over that have made the season of 1873 in the State, and was not entitled to be therein entered; and WHEREAS, It appears by the record of the society that said horse was protested during said trial at the State fair of 1873, and under the usual oath of J. C. Deyo was permitted to continue in the race; AND WHEREAS, Said protest was sustained by the executive committee of the State Agricultural society at its meeting at Eaton Rapids in December last; therefore, Resolved, That J. C. Deyo, of Jackson, Mich., and the horse Dominion Boy, be and they are hereby expelled under Rule 14, -rules of the American Trotting Turf, -for the fraudulent entry of said horse. On motion of Mr. Phelps, it was resolved that the Secretary be instructed to communicate the above action of the business committee of the Michigan State Agricultural Society to the officers of the National Association for the promotion of the interests of the American Trotting Turf. A portion of the evidence in the above case, or such part thereof as may be deemed necessary, was ordered placed in the hands of Mr. A. J. Dean for future reference, and hence does not appear upon this record. On motion, Col. Shoemaker, a member of the executive committee, was instructed to represent the State Agricultural Society before the court of appeals of the National Turf Association aforesaid, provided the above cases of expulsion should be appealed to that body, with authority to take evidence and secure such assistance and the attendance of such witnesses as, in his judgment, may be deemed necessary. Adjourned. C. F. KIMBALL, Secretary. At a meeting of the business committee at Grand Rapids, Mich., April 6, 1874, present: Col. Ferry, Mr. Phelps, and Messrs. Kipp and Avery. The minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting of March 6, at Detroit, were read, and, on motion, unanimously approved. C. F. KIMBALL, Secretary. BUSINESS COMMITTEE MEETING. LUMBERMAN'S EXCHANGE, Messrs. Phelps, Humphrey, and Ferry, business committee, with the President, Secretary, and Superintendent, and Messrs. Whitney, Wormer, Allison, and Wolverton of the Executive Committee. Called to order by Chairman Phelps. A communication was received from Mr. Clarke of Jackson, who was present, and came well recommended, in regard to a base-ball tournament on the fair grounds during the fair. Mr. Clarke was introduced and addressed the committee, assuring them that no expense would necessarily be incurred outside of the premiums offered. After remarks by those present, Col. Ferry moved that the following premiums be recommended to be offered, as follows, for the most successful baseball playing during the fair: For senior clubs-First premium, $100 and gold medal; 2d premium, $50. For junior clubs-First premium, $75 and a silver badge; 2d premium, $35. Entrance fee of ten per cent to be charged; playing under the ruling of the National Base-Ball Association. Which was adopted, and a committee consisting of Messrs. Kipp, Shoemaker, and Wormer appointed to take charge of the matter. After carefully inspecting the progress of the work upon the buildings, and making such suggestions as the exigencies of the business demanded, to and at the request of the citizens' building committee, proceeded to open the bids for furnishing power for machinery hall, and finding Messrs. Weeks Bros. of East Saginaw the lowest responsible bidders, awarded the contract to them$475 for furnishing, setting up, and running power. Prof. Gardner's Flint Band was contracted with to furnish music during the fair, the band paying its own expenses, for $450. A copy of rules and regulations for trials of plows and other farm implements was submitted to the committee, and referred for revision to Sup't Hanford of Farm Implement department, and is here appended as revised. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING TRIALS OF PLOWS AND OTHER FARM IMPLEMENTS AT THE STATE FAIR AT EAST SAGINAW, SEPT. 14 ΤΟ 19, 1874. First, A list of the plows and other implements entered for trial shall be given to the judges before the trial commences. Second, The representative of any plow or implement entered for trial shall have the right to adjust it to suit the various kinds of ground it may be made to plow or work in, and when so adjusted shall be given into the hands of the judges without further interference. Third, A majority of the judges shall decide all points relative to the merits and demerits of the plows and other implements entered for trial. Fourth, Quality of the whole work and capacity of plows and other implements shall be considered and decided while testing draft. Fifth, The draft test for plows shall be conducted as follows: A. Four stakes shall be driven sixteen feet apart on a line with the furrows to be turned. B. The plow to be tested shall enter, and after turning not less than two furrows the draft shall be taken by the judges on passing each stake. After taking each draft the plow shall be stopped and the width and breadth of the furrow, opposite each stake, shall be measured. The width and depth of furrow to be calculated in estimating draft. C. Where jointers, colters, or other fixtures are attached for use they must be adjusted to work deep and wide enough to accomplish the object for which they are used. D. The clevices or hooks used to attach the dynamometer to the plows must fit loose enough to permit the correct working of the scale. E. The furrow on which draft is being tested must be of the same depth as the furrow into which it is being turned. F. The board used to assist in measuring furrows must be laid level and even with the top of the ground on the land side in measuring depth, and at right angles with furrow when measuring width of same. NOTE. The most convenient and suitable size for this board is thirty-six inches long, three inches wide, and one inch thick. Sixth, The judges shall announce the draft, width and depth of furrows after each measurement. Seventh, The draft shall be tested in plowing each kind of soil. Eighth, Competing plows shall be drawn by the same team and run on the same land while testing draft. Ninth, Competing plows shall run without any one to hold them, while testing draft. H. O. HANFORD, Plymouth, MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. LUMBERMAN'S EXCHANGE, East Saginaw, Sept. 15, 1874. } Met, quorum present, President Kipp in the chair. Moved by J. M. Sterling and adopted, that S. O. Knapp, Superintendent of the Pomological Society's Exhibition, be granted the same privileges in furnishing attendants tickets as is exercised by superintendents of the State Agricultural Society. It coming to the knowledge of the committee that some apprehension existed regarding the safety of the engine boiler, furnished by Messrs. Weeks Bros., power contractors, on motion a committee was appointed, consisting of Wm. W. Ferry and Geo. S. Wormer, to investigate and report at the earliest moment. Moved by C. W. Greene, and adopted, that additional premiums be added in class 16, for saddle horses, as follows: First premium Second premium. Third premium... $20 00 15 00 10 00 $45 00 Moved by C. W. Greene that additional premiums be added in class 15, draft horses, as follows: Two-year-old stallions and mares; Yearling stallions and mares. Which motion, after much discussion, was laid upon the table. Adjourned. C. F. KIMBALL, Secretary. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. COUNCIL ROOM, East Saginaw, Called to order by President Kipp. } On motion, time of receiving entries was extended at the discretion of the Secretary till 12 o'clock M. Wednesday. On motion of Mr. Childs the teachers and pupils of the schools of East Saginaw and Saginaw city, of the primary and intermediate grades, were invited to visit the fair on Friday at 10 A. M. for the sum of ten cents each. Col. Ferry, from the committee to investigate the condition of the engine furnished by Weeks Bros., reported unanimously from the committee that the engine and boiler more than filled the specification, furnished ample power, and were safe beyond peradventure; which report was unanimously accepted and adopted. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday evening to meet at Lumberman's Exchange. ANNUAL MEETING. } COUNCIL ROOM, East Saginaw, Thursday Evening, Sept. 17, 1874. Pursuant to resolution of the board, adopted at Grand Rapids September 18, 1873, the members of the Michigan State Agricultural Society assembled in convention at 7 o'clock, and were called to order by President Kipp. On motion, proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, with the following result: For President-Hon. E. O. Humphrey of Kalamazoo. On motion, proceeded to the election of ten members of the executive committee, to serve for two years, as follows: George W. Phillips of Romeo, E. W. Rising of Davidson Station, J. м. Sterling of Monroe, C. W. Greene of Farmington, Wm. M. Ferry of Grand Haven, N. L. Avery of Grand Rapids, A. O. Hyde of Marshall, C. S. Whitney of Muskegon, J. M. French of Detroit, J. G. Ramsdell of Traverse City. D. A. Blodgett of Hersey was elected to fill vacancy occurring by the election of Mr. Humphrey to the presidency. On motion, adjourned. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Quorum present. President Kipp in the chair. COUNCIL ROOM, East Saginaw, The following resolution of the common council of East Saginaw was read by the society and ordered spread upon the records: Resolved, That the executive committee of the State Agricultural Society are hereby allowed the use of the council room for the present week for the purpose of holding their meetings. Very respectfully yours, ASHEL CHASE, City Clerk. On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: |