But, Lord, to Thee I still direct My supplicating eyes;
O leave not destitute my soul, Whose trust on Thee relies!
LORD, hear my pray'r, and to my cry Thy wonted audience lend; In Thy accustom'd faith and truth, A gracious answer send.
Nor at Thy strict tribunal bring Thy servant to be tried; For in Thy sight no living man Can e'er be justified.
I call to mind the days of old, And wonders Thou hast wrought; My former dangers and escapes Employ my musing thought.
To Thee my hands in humble pray'r I fervently stretch out;
My soul for Thy refreshment thirsts, Like land oppress'd with drought.
Thy kindness early let me hear, Whose trust on Thee depends; Teach me the way where I should go ; My soul to Thee ascends.
Thou art my God, Thy righteous will, Instruct me to obey;
Let Thy good Spirit lead and keep My soul in Thy right way.
THEE I'll extol, my God and King, Thy endless praise proclaim; This tribute daily I will bring, And ever bless Thy Name.
Thou, Lord, beyond compare art great, And highly to be prais'd; Thy majesty, with boundless height, Above our knowledge rais'd.
Renown'd for mighty acts, Thy fame To future times extends; From age to age Thy glorious Name Successively descends.
Whilst I Thy glory and renown,
And wondrous works express; The world with me Thy might shall own, And Thy great pow'r confess.
The praise, that to Thy love belongs, They shall with joy proclaim; Thy truth of all their grateful songs Shall be the constant theme.
THE Lord is good; fresh acts of grace His pity still supplies;
His anger moves with slowest pace, His willing mercy flies.
Thy love through earth extends its fame, To all Thy works express'd;
These show Thy praise, whilst Thy great Name Is by Thy servants bless'd.
They, with the glorious prospect fir'd, Shall of Thy kingdom speak; And Thy great pow'r, by all admir'd, Their lofty subject make.
Thy steadfast throne, from changes free, Shall stand for ever fast;
Thy boundless sway no end shall see, But time itself outlast.
How holy is the Lord! how just, How righteous all His ways; How nigh to him, who with firm trust For His assistance prays!
He grants the full desires of those, Who Him with fear adore;
And will their troubles soon compose, When they His aid implore.
The Lord preserves all those with care, Whom grateful love employs ; But sinners, who His vengeance dare, With furious rage destroys.
My time to come, in praises spent Shall still advance His fame; And all mankind, with one consent, For ever bless His name.
O PRAISE the Lord, and thou, my soul, For ever bless His name;
His wondrous love, while life shall last, My constant praise shall claim.
Then happy he, who Jacob's God For his protector takes ;
Who still with living hope the Lord His constant refuge makes.
The Lord, who made both heaven and earth, And all that they contain,
Will never quit His steadfast truth, Nor make His promise vain.
The God, that does in Sion dwell,
Is our eternal King;
From age to age His reign endures; Let all His praises sing.
YE boundless realms of joy, Exalt your Maker's fame; His praise your song employ, Above the starry frame; Your voices raise, Ye cherubim, And seraphim, To sing His praise.
Thou moon, that rul'st the night, And sun, that guid'st the day; Ye glitt'ring stars of light, To Him your homage pay; His praise declare,
Ye heav'ns above,
And clouds that move In liquid air.
Let them adore the Lord, And praise His holy name, By whose Almighty word They all from nothing came; And all shall last
From changes free; His firm decree
Stands ever fast.
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