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MY GOD, and is Thy table spread ?
And does Thy cup with love o'erflow?
Thither be all Thy children led,

And let them all its sweetness know.

Hail sacred feast, which Jesus makes!
Rich banquet of His flesh and blood!
Thrice happy he, who here partakes
That sacred stream, that heavenly food.

O let Thy table honour'd be,

And furnish'd well with joyful guests;
And may each soul salvation see,
That here its sacred pledges tastes.

Revive Thy dying churches, Lord,
And bid our drooping graces live;
And more that energy afford,

A. Saviour's blood alone can give.


O GOD unseen, yet ever near,
Thy presence may we feel;
And thus, inspired with holy fear,
Before Thine altar kneel.

Here may Thy faithful people know
The blessings of Thy love,

The streams that through the desert flow,
The manna from above.

We come, obedient to Thy word,
To feast on heavenly food;
Our meat, the body of the Lord;
Our drink, His precious blood.

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Thus may we all Thy words obey,
For we, O God, are Thine
And go rejoicing on our way,
Renewed with strength divine.


PARDON'D through redeeming grace, In Thy blessed Son reveal'd; Worshipping before Thy face,

Lord, to Thee ourselves we yield.

Thou the sacrifice receive,

Humbly offer'd through Thy Son; Quicken us in Him to live; Lord, in us, Thy will be done.

By the hallow'd outward sign,
By the cleansing grace within,
Seal, and make us wholly Thine;
Wash, and keep us pure from sin.

Call'd to bear the Christian name,
May our vows and life accord;
And our ev'ry deed proclaim
"Holiness unto the Lord!"


WHO is as the Christian great?

Bought and washed with sacred blood; Crowns he sees beneath his feet, Soars aloft and walks with God.

Who is as the Christian wise?

He for gold his dross hath given,
Bought the pearl of greatest price,
Nobly bartered earth for heaven.

Who is as the Christian blest ?
Praises well his lips employ;
His the calm within the breast,
Earnest of his promised joy.

Lo, he feeds on living bread,
Drinks the fountain from above,
Leans on Jesu's breast his head,
Feasts for ever on His love.

Angels here his servants are,
Spread for him their golden wings,
To his throne of glory bear,

Seat him by the King of kings.


JESUS invites His saints

To meet around His board;
Here pardon'd rebels meet, and hold
Communion with their Lord.


For food He gives His flesh,
He bids us drink His blood;
Amazing favour! matchless grace
Of our descending God!

This holy bread and wine
Maintain our fainting breath,
By union with our living Lord,
And portion in His death.

Let all our powers be join'd
His glorious Name to raise ;
Pleasure and love fill every mind,
And every voice be praise.


YE servants of the Lord,

Each in his office wait,
Observant of His heavenly word,
And watchful at His gate.

Let all your lamps be bright,
And trim the golden flame;
Gird up your loins, as in His sight,
For awful is His name.

Watch, 'tis your Lord's command;
And, while we speak, He's near;
Mark the first signal of His hand,
And ready all appear.

O happy servant he,

In such a posture found!

He shall his Lord with rapture see,
And be with honour crowned.

Christ shall the banquet spread
With His own royal hand,

And raise that faithful servant's head
Amid the angelic band.

Festivals and Holy-Days.



THE Advent of our God

Our prayers shall now employ, And we must meet Him on His road With hymns of holy joy.

The everlasting Son

Incarnate now shall be ;

He will a servant's form put on,
To make His people free.

Daughter of Zion, rise

And greet Thy lowly King; And do not faithlessly despise The peace He deigns to bring.

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