HYMN XXI. MY GOD, and is Thy table spread ? And let them all its sweetness know. Hail sacred feast, which Jesus makes! O let Thy table honour'd be, And furnish'd well with joyful guests; Revive Thy dying churches, Lord, A. Saviour's blood alone can give. HYMN XXII. O GOD unseen, yet ever near, Here may Thy faithful people know The streams that through the desert flow, We come, obedient to Thy word, Thus may we all Thy words obey, HYMN XXIII. PARDON'D through redeeming grace, In Thy blessed Son reveal'd; Worshipping before Thy face, Lord, to Thee ourselves we yield. Thou the sacrifice receive, Humbly offer'd through Thy Son; Quicken us in Him to live; Lord, in us, Thy will be done. By the hallow'd outward sign, Call'd to bear the Christian name, HYMN XXIV. WHO is as the Christian great? Bought and washed with sacred blood; Crowns he sees beneath his feet, Soars aloft and walks with God. Who is as the Christian wise? He for gold his dross hath given, Who is as the Christian blest ? Lo, he feeds on living bread, Angels here his servants are, Seat him by the King of kings. HYMN XXV. JESUS invites His saints To meet around His board; H For food He gives His flesh, This holy bread and wine Let all our powers be join'd HYMN XXVI. YE servants of the Lord, Each in his office wait, Let all your lamps be bright, Watch, 'tis your Lord's command; O happy servant he, In such a posture found! He shall his Lord with rapture see, Christ shall the banquet spread And raise that faithful servant's head Festivals and Holy-Days. Advent. HYMN XXVII. THE Advent of our God Our prayers shall now employ, And we must meet Him on His road With hymns of holy joy. The everlasting Son Incarnate now shall be ; He will a servant's form put on, Daughter of Zion, rise And greet Thy lowly King; And do not faithlessly despise The peace He deigns to bring. |