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Treas. with

ments under contract by Sec. Chas. Villar, shall receive patents on cer

tain conditions. Act of March 3, 1817, ch. 61.

became entitled, under the contract entered into on the eighth day of January eighteen hundred and nineteen, by the Secretary of the Treasury, on the part of the United States, and Charles Villar, agent of the Tombecbee Assocation, in pursuance of "An act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive," approved third March, eighteen hundred and seventeen, to an allotment or share of the four sections of land reserved for the small allotments, and designated as sections, seven, eighteen, nineteen, and thirty in township eighteen, range three east, their heirs, devisees, or assigns, who shall have complied with the conditions of settlement and cultivation on such allotment, as required by said contract, or shall have been in the actual settlement and cultivation of his or her allotment within said four sections, or a part thereof, before or on the thirty-first day of October eighteen hundred and thirty-two, as provided by the act of the nineteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, shall, on producing to the register and receiver 19, 1833, ch. 30. of the land district in which said lands are situated, satisfactory evidence of title to such allotment, and of settlement and cultivation on the same as aforesaid, and paying one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the land, receive a patent for the same: Provided, Such proof Proviso. shall be filed and payment made within six months from the passage of this act: And provided further, That the expense of surveying any such allotment shall be defrayed by the person or persons claiming the viso.


SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That any remainder of said four sections not disposed of by the first section of this act shall be subject to entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, by the trustees of the Demopolis Female Academy, in trust for the use and benefit of said institution.

APPROVED, March 2, 1837.

Act of Feb.

Further pro

Remainder for use of Desubject to entry, mopolis Female Academy.


CHAP. XXX.—An Act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year March 3, 1837. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be appropriated for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, in addition to the unexpended balances of former appropriations, to wit:

For pay of commissioned, warrant and petty officers, and of seamen, two million four hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and eightysix dollars;

To enable the President, provided he should deem it necessary, to offer a bounty for the purpose of promoting the enlistment of seamen, seventy-two thousand dollars;


Pay of navy.

Bounty for enlistments.

Pay of super

For pay of superintendents, naval constructors, and all the civil establishments at the several yards, sixty-nine thousand four hundred intendents, &c. and seventy dollars;

For provisions, seven hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and sixty-five dollars;

For repairs of vessels in ordinary, and the repairs and wear and tear of vessels in commission, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars;

For medicines and surgical instruments, hospital stores, and other expenses, on account of the sick, thirty-nine thousand dollars; For improvements and necessary repairs of the navy yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, forty-seven thousand seven hundred dollars; For improvements and necessary repairs of the navy yard at Charlestown, Massachusetts, one hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars;

at yards.


Repairs of ves

sels, &c.

Medicines and surgical instruments, &c. Portsmouth navy yard.

Charlestown navy yard.

[blocks in formation]

For improvement and necessary repairs of the navy yard at Brooklyn, New York, sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars;

For improvement and necessary repairs of the navy yard at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, thirty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; For improvement and necessary repairs of the navy yard at Washington, fifty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars;

For improvement and necessary repairs of the navy yard at Gosport, Virginia, one hundred and forty thousand five hundred dollars;

For improvement and necessary repairs of the navy yard near Pensacola, seventy-eight thousand dollars;

For ordnance and ordnance stores, seventy-two thousand dollars; For defraying the expenses that may accrue for the following purposes, to wit; for the freight and transportation of materials and stores of every description; for wharfage and dockage; storage and rent; travelling expenses of officers and transportation of seamen; house rent for pursers when attached to yards and stations where no house is provided; for funeral expenses, for commissions, clerk hire, office rent, stationery, and fuel, to navy agents; for premiums and incidental expenses of recruiting; for apprehending deserters; for compensation to judge advocates; for per diem allowance to persons attending courts martial and courts of inquiry; for printing and stationery of every description, and for working the lithographic press, and for books, maps, charts, mathematical and nautical instruments, chronometers, models, and drawings; for the purchase and repair of fire engines and machinery, and for the repair of steam engines; for the purchase and maintenance of oxen and horses, and for carts, timber wheels, and workmen's tools of every description; for postage of letters on public service; for pilotage and towing ships of war; for cabin furniture of vessels in commission; taxes and assessments on public property; for assistance rendered to vessels in distress; for incidental labor at navy yards, not applicable to any other appropriation; for coal and other fuel; and for candles and oil; for repairs of magazines or powder houses; for preparing moulds for ships to be built, and for no other purpose whatever, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand six hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses for objects not hereinbefore enumerated, three thousand dollars;

For pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, and subsistence of the officers of the marine corps, one hundred and sixty-three thousand and nineteen dollars and sixty cents;

For the provisions for the non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, serving on shore, servants, and washerwomen, thirty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-eight dollars and eighty cents;

For clothing, thirty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars; For fuel, fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty-nine dollars; For keeping the present barracks in repair until new ones can be erected, and for the repairs of barracks at head-quarters and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, ten thousand dollars;

For the transportation of officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, and expenses of recruiting, six thousand dollars;

For medicines, hospital stores, surgical instruments, and pay of matron, four thousand one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twentynine cents;

For contingent expenses of said corps, freight, ferriage, toll, wharfage, and cartage, per diem allowance for attending courts of inquiry, compensation to judge advocates, house rent where there are no public quarters assigned, incidental labor in the quartermaster's department, expenses of burying deceased persons belonging to the marine corps, printing, stationery, forage, postage on public letters, expenses in pur

suing deserters, candles and oil for the different stations, straw for the men, barrack furniture, bed sacks, spades, axes, shovels, picks, and carpenter's tools, seventeen thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven dollars and ninety-three cents;

For military stores, pay of armorers, keeping arms in repair, drums, fifes, flags, accoutrements, and ordnance stores, two thousand dollars; For launching and securing the ship of the line Penusylvania, one hundred thousand dollars;

For building and equipping two sloops of war, from frames already provided under former appropriations, two hundred and eighty thousand dollars; and also six vessels of war, if not less than ten, nor more than eighteen guns, four hundred thousand dollars, in addition to any materials on hand;

[blocks in formation]


For erecting and furnishing a new hospital building, and for a dwell- Hospital near ing for an assistant surgeon; for the repairs of the present building, and for all expenses upon their dependencies near Pensacola, forty-seven thousand five hundred dollars;


For erecting a sea-wall to protect the shore; for enclosing the hospital Hospital near grounds, for completing the basement of south wing; for repairing damages sustained from a recent gale, and for all other expenses upon the dependencies of the hospital near Norfolk, eighteen thousand dollars; For graduating and enclosing the grounds about the naval asylum near Philadelphia, and for all other expenses upon the building and its dependencies, ten thousand four hundred and sixty dollars; Towards an extension of the hospital building near Brooklyn, New York, for enclosing the grounds, and for all other expenses upon its dependencies, sixty-six thousand dollars;

For the completion of the present hospital building near Boston, and for all expenses upon its dependencies, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

For the repair of the enclosure, and for the sea-wall of the magazine upon Ellis's island, in the harbor of New York, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;

For the completion of the enclosure of the magazine near Boston, the wharf and other dependencies, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;

For the purchase of that portion of land, belonging to the town of Portsmouth, Virginia, enclosed by the walls of the navy yard at Gosport, four thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars; To defray any additional expense that may be incurred in making an examination and survey of the harbors of Beaufort and Wilmington, in North Carolina, with a view to determine the respective facilities and advantages of the establishment of a navy yard, fifteen hundred dollars; For the survey of May river, from Tybee bar to the Hunting island, fifteen hundred dollars, for a similar object;

For payment to Thomas J. Harris of his proportion of the sum of two thousand dollars, appropriated by Congress, for the capture of a piratical felucca, in eighteen hundred and twenty-three, twenty-nine dollars and sixteen cents;

To defray the expense of examining the shoals of George's Bank, for the purpose of determining upon the practicability of erecting a lighthouse upon the same, (in aid of the general appropriations for the navy,) five thousand dollars.

Naval asylum near Philadel phia.

Hospital near Brooklyn.

Hospital near


Magazine upon Ellis's Island.

Magazine near Boston.

Gosport navy


Examination, &c., of Beaufort and Wilbors. Survey of May

mington har


Payment to Thomas J. Harris.

Examining the shoals of George's Bank.

Money re-ap

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums being the unexpended balances of former appropriations, which have been propriated. carried to the account of the surplus fund, be, and the same are hereby re-appropriated, to be paid out of any money unappropriated in the treasury, viz:

For carrying into effect the acts for the suppression of the slave trade, Suppression

of the slave trade, &c.

Prize-money to officers, &c. of brig General Armstrong. Secretary of the Treasury to

distribute residue of prize

money belong
ing to crews of

Bon Homme
Richard and

Enclosure of navy yard at Pensacola.

President to purchase articles of a durable nature for vessels.

STATUTE II. March 3, 1837.


Pay of superintendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis, &c. Pay of subagents.

Pay of interpreters.

Presents to Indians.

Provisions for Indians.

Buildings at the agencies. Postages, rents, &c. of Indian Depart


Salary of clerk

in office of Gov. of Wisconsin. Clerk of acting sup'dt W. Territory. Six Nations of New York.

including their support in the United States and for a term not exceeding six months after their arrival in Africa, of all persons removed from the United States under the said acts, eleven thousand four hundred and thirteen dollars and fifty-seven cents;

For payment of prize-money to the officers and crew of the late private armed brig General Armstrong, and the legal representatives of such as may be dead, two thousand dollars.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to distribute the residue of the prize-money heretofore deposited in the treasury, belonging to the crews of the men-of-war Bon Homme Richard and Alliance, commanded by John Paul Jones, in the revolutionary war, among the several persons entitled thereto, and to pay them the sums respectively due, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sum appropriated at the last session for the erection of a brick enclosure of the navy yard at Pensacola, shall be erected to suit the present plan of the yard, and in such manner as the Navy Commissioners shall direct.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That under the laws providing for the gradual improvement of the navy, the President be authorized to cause articles of a durable character to be purchased for the armament and equipment, as well as for the building of vessels.

APPROVED, March 3, 1837.

CHAP. XXXI.—An Act making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, for the purpose of paying the current expenses of the Indian Department, and of fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated; that is to say;

For the pay of the superintendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis, and the several Indian agents, as provided by the act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, twelve thousand dollars;

For the pay of sub-agents, authorized by the same act, ten thousand dollars;

For the pay of interpreters, as authorized by the same act, eight thousand seven hundred dollars;

For presents to Indians, authorized by the same act, five thousand dollars;

For the purchase of provisions for Indians, at the distribution of annuities, while on visits of business with the superintendents and agents, and when assembled on public business, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars;

For the necessary buildings required at the several agencies, and repairs thereof, two thousand dollars;

For postages, rents, stationery, fuel for offices, and other contingencies of the Indian Department, seven thousand dollars;

For the salary of one clerk in the office of the Governor of Wisconsin Territory, who is ex officio superintendent of Indian affairs, eight hundred dollars;

For the salary of one clerk in the office of the acting superintendent of the Western Territory, one thousand dollars;

For the Six Nations of New York, four thousand five hundred dollars;

For the Senecas of New York, six thousand dollars;
For the Ottawas, four thousand three hundred dollars;

For the Wyandots, six thousand eight hundred and forty dollars;
For the Wyandots, Munsees, and Delawares, one thousand dollars;
For the Christian Indians, four hundred dollars;

Senecas of N.
Munsees, and
Christian In-
Eel Rivers.

For the Miamies, thirty thousand one hundred and ten dollars; For the Eel Rivers, one thousand one hundred dollars; For the Pottawatamies, twenty thousand eight hundred dollars; For the Pottawatamies of Huron, four hundred dollars; For the Pottawatamies of the Prairie, sixteen thousand dollars; For the Pottawatamies of the Wabash, twenty thousand dollars; For the Pottawatamies of Indiana, seventeen thousand dollars; For the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies, thirty-four thousand of the Prairie. two hundred and ninety dollars;

For the Winnebagoes, thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-five dollars;

For the Menomonies, thirteen thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars;

For the Chippewas, six thousand seven hundred and forty dollars; For the Chippewas, Menomonies, Winnebagoes, and New York Indians, fifteen hundred dollars;

For the Sioux of Mississippi, three thousand six hundred and forty dollars;

For the Yancton and Santie band of Sioux, four thousand three hundred and forty dollars;

For the Omahas, three thousand nine hundred and forty dollars; For the Sacs of Missouri, one thousand six hundred and forty dollars;

For the Sacs, three thousand dollars;

For the Foxes, three thousand dollars;

For the Ioways, five thousand one hundred and forty dollars;

For the Sacs and Foxes, twenty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars;

For the Sacs, Foxes, and Ioways, three thousand dollars;

For the Ottoes and Missourias, five thousand six hundred and forty dollars;


of Huron. Pottawatamies Pottawatamies of the Wabash. Pottawatamies of Indiana. Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies. Winnebagoes. Menomonies. Chippewas. Menomonies,



Sioux of Mississippi. Yancton and Santie bands of Sioux. Omahas.

Sacs of Missouri.


Sacs and


Ottoes and Missourias.

For the Kanzas, six thousand and forty dollars;

For the Osages, eleven thousand and forty dollars;

For the Kickapoos, six thousand five hundred dollars;

For the Kaskaskias and Peorias, three thousand dollars;





For the Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Piankeshaws, nine hundred and Peorias.

and forty dollars;

For the Piankeshaws, thirteen hundred dollars;

For the Weas, three thousand dollars;

For the Delawares, ten thousand two hundred and forty dollars;

For the Shawnees, six thousand nine hundred and forty dollars;
For the Shawnees and Delawares, five hundred dollars;

Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Piankeshaws. Weas. Delawares. Shawnees.

Shawnees and

For the Shawnees and Senecas of Lewistown, one thousand nine Delawares. hundred and forty dollars;

For the Senecas of Lewistown, two thousand five hundred and forty Senecas of dollars;

For the Choctaws, fifty-four thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars;

For the Chickasaws, six thousand dollars;

For the Creeks, forty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars;
For the Quapaws, four thousand five hundred and forty dollars;
For the Florida Indians, nine thousand six hundred and ten dollars;
For the Pawnees, twelve thousand dollars;

For the Cherokees, west, six thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars;



Florida In-



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