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The blood of Vane,
His prison pain

Who traced the path the Pilgrim trod,
And hers whose faith

Drew strength from death,

And prayed her Russell up to God!

Our hearts grow cold,

We lightly hold

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"For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever!"-PAUL.

A right which brave men died to gain; ABOVE, below, in sky and sod,

The stake, the cord,

The axe, the sword,

Grim nurses at its birth of pain.

The shadow rend,

And o'er us bend,

O martyrs, with your crowns and

Breathe through these throngs
Your battle songs,

Your scaffold prayers, and dungeon


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In leaf and spar, in star and man,

Well might the wise Athenian scan

The geometric signs of God,

The measured order of his plan.

And India's mystics sang aright
Of the One Life pervading all,
One Being's tidal rise and fall
In soul and form, in sound and sight,
Eternal outflow and recall.

God is: and man in guilt and fear
The central fact of Nature owns;
Kneels, trembling, by his altar-

And darkly dreams the ghastly smeal
Of blood appeases and atones.

Guilt shapes the Terror: deep within
The human heart the secret lies

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For the dead monster so abhorred A heart more loyal, warm, and true,

while living

In mourning garb is seen.

and tender,

Has England's turf closed o'er.

With a true sorrow God rebukes that And if there fell from out her grand


By lone Edgbaston's side

Stands a great city in the sky's sad


Bare-headed and wet-eyed!

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Silent for once the restless hive of It came from Holstein's birchen

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But Age and Sickness framed their To seek the lost, to build the old And Truth's directness, meeting each Hard by, the city of his love is swing

Of severing seas, and sow with Eng

land's daisies

tearful faces

waste places,

In the low hovel's door,

To link the hostile shores

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Straight as a line of light.


Its clamorous iron flail.

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