1238 RELIGIOUS, HISTORICAL, AND SENTIMENTAL, BY A SOLITARY TRAVELLER. ; " I, by the union of all kinds of misfortunes, was to be an ROUSSEAU. DUBLIN: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY THOMAS COURTNEY, THE TENNIS BALL. On Earth's inclement shore was cast, And now by virtue of its art, : And all the scenery within, 'The motley pictures, Reader see, BMJ 566688 TO THE SUBSCRIBER. It is with the utmost sincerity of regret, that the Author presents this volume to the Subscriber at so late a period He is also concerned that it is not in his power to press into the present publication, his travels in the prosecution of this work up to Christmas 1811, which with the anecdotes and reflections connected, might have proved intereresting to some of his Readers: but as these (considering that they occupy a space of between one and two hundred pages) could not be inserted here, without omitting subjects of a weightier character; he has adopted the resolution of publishing his travels with other manuscripts in a second volume-Those who approve of the first, will have the goodness to interest themselves in promoting subscriptions for the publication of the second and for a second edition of the first, as there is not a single book of the present edition undisposed of. Any exertions of the Author's friends to promote this work will be gratefully acknowledged; and any letters (post-paid) addressed to A. Atkinson, General Post-office Dublin, on this subject, shall meet with respectful attention. The Author thinks it necessary to apologize for requesting his Correspondents to post-pay their letters to Dublin (the expence of which he wishes to be deducted from the subscriptions in their hands) - it is for the purpose of preventing or at least diminishing unnecessary anonymous communications that he has adopted this plan-All therefore which are not post-paid after this advertisement, may be justly considered by him as of the latter description. The second edition of this volume, will be printed on 4 the same conditions as the first-price half-a-guinea in boards-one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the other on delivery of the work It is expected also that the second edition, will have the advantage of being delivered to the Subscriber in a more perfect state The second volume (yet to be published) may possibly be comprized in about 300 pages octavo, in which case the price to Subscribers will be Seven British Shillings only-but should the manuscripts to be published compose a volume of 400 pages or upwards, the price will be half-a-guinea in either case the Subscriber paying Five Shillings in advance and the remainder on delivery. Such Ladies and Gentlemen as approve of the Author's pieces, and feel engaged from principle to promote their circulation, but whom the Author may not have an opportunity of visiting in person, are respectfully solicited to transmit as above, the names and residence of such Subscribers as they may procure, together with the number of copies subscribed for by each-and whether of the first or second volume or both. When 500 copies of either volume are subscribed for, it is the Author's intention to put the edition of that volume to press. : He shall conclude his address to the Subscriber, by noticing, that if he wishes to do justice to the Author and himself in the perusal of this work, he will begin by reading with attention, that portion of the Preface which belongs to him. : SUBSCRIBERS, &c. TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF THIS WORK. N. B. All the Streets, &c. noticed in this Catalogue, are in the LADY Ashtown Lady Ash Mrs. John Adamson, Moate. Capt. Armstrong, Leitrim, Granard Mr. John Aston, Meath-street Mr. Wm. Andrews, Castle-street B Col. Lord Brooke, Warwick militia Mrs. Bowen, Portarlington do. do. |