Best brood mare four years old or over, without colt, E. Harwood, Leslie.. 2d do., John W. Turner, Matteson.. $15.00 12 00 CLASS 11-HORSES OF ALL WORK. Best stallion four years old or over, J. Guy, Nashville.. 2d do., M. V. Wagner, Marshall. 3d do., E. J. Carter, Schoolcraft. Best stallion three years old, M. Cook, Otsego. 2d do., A. S. Perrin, Parkville.. 3d do., Nelson T. Parker, Hastings. J. W. PARKHURST, Judges. $25 00 20 00 15 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 12.00 10 00 8.00 10.00 8.00 Best stallion, two years old, Door Prairie Live Stock Association, Door Village, Ind.. 2d do.. A. S. Perrin, Parkville. 3d do., A. G. Fellows, Schoolcraft Best stallion one year old, Samuel S. Butter, Matteson. 2d do., Samuel Douglass, Texas.. Best stallion colt, M. V. Wagner, Marshall. Best brood mare four years old or over, with foal by her side, George W. 2d do., Daniel McGregor, Kendall. 3d do., M. V. Wagner, Marshall. Best mare four years old or over, without colt, M. V. Wagner, Marshall. 20 do., W. R. Walker, Athens.. Best mare three years old, A. S. Perrin, Parkville. Best mare two years old, D. R. Stuart, Schoolcraft2d do., Thomas Maxwell, Stanton... Best mare one year old, A. N. Millspaugh, Richland. 2d do., Thomas Maxwell, Stanton.. 8 00 20.00 15 00 10 00 12.00 8.00 10 00 8. 00 5 00 7.00 5 00 3d do., W. U. W. Adams, Jackson. Best filly colt, Daniel McGregor, Kendall. 5 00 2d do., George W. Judson, Schoolcraft. 3 00 Best gelding five years old or over, James R. Deyo, Jackson.. 15 00 2d do., Samuel S. Butter, Matteson.. 10 00 Best gelding four years old, James R. Deyo, Jackson. Best gelding three years old, Knappen Bros. & Co., Richland. 12.00 10 00 Best matched horses five years old or over, weight of each horse to be not less than 1,100 pounds, Phineas Farren, Lawton. CLASS 12-ROADSTERS. Best stallion, five years old or over, S. A. Brown & Co., Kalamazoo.. 2d do., H. S. Wixon, Union City.. 3d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo 8. 00 5 00 3.00 30 00 R. W. COYKENDALL, Judges. $30 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 6. 00 Best stallion four years old, second premium, F. Messenger, Hillsdale. 3d do., T. C. Ives, Coldwater... Best stallion three years old, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo. 2d do., Ray Warner, Coldwater.. 3d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo.. Best gelding five years old or over, Ray Warner, Coldwater. 2d do., H. F. Badger, Kalamazoo. Best gelding four years old, James R. Deyo, Jackson. Best gelding, three years old, Samuel Cross, Centreville. 2d do., H. M. Williams, Mason... Best mare four years old and over, without colt, Abram S. CLASS 13-BREEDERS'S STOCK. Best stallion two years old, Wm. H. Schantz, Hastings. 2d do., Jacob B. Peters, Colon.. 3d do., D. Adams, Reed City. Best stallion one year old, F. Messenger, Hillsdale. 2d do., F. Messenger, Hillsdale.. Best stallion colt, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo. 2d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo.. 3d do., J. Garman, Parkville. Best gelding two years old, Daniel Shea, Kalamazoo. Best brood mare four years old or over, with foal by her side, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo. 2d do, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo . 3d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo Best mare two years old, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo 2d do., S. A. Browne, Kalamazoo. 3d do., H. S. Wixon, Union City. Best mare one year old, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo. 2d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo.. 3d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo.. Best mare colt, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo $12.00 8 00 500 10 00 6.00 7.00 5.00 3 00 8. 00 20 00 15.00 10 00 8.00 5 00 3 00 7.00 5.00 3 00 5 00 2d do., S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamozoo.. 3d do., M. V. Wagner, Marshall.... 3 00 2.00 R. W. COYKENDALL, Judges. CLASS 14-GENTS' DRIVING HORSES TO ROAD WAGON. Best pair of driving horses not kept for sporting purposes, James C. Deyo, $30 00 2d do., William Fogg, Jonesville. 3d do., D. C. Reed, Kalamazoo.... 20 00 10 00 Best single mare or gelding five years old or over, W. N. Adams, Jackson. 2d do., Charles Clement, Colon.. 30 00 20 00 3d do., S. A. Brown & Co., Kalamazoo. Best single gelding or mare four years old, A. J. Barber, Mason. 2d do., Frank Dentler, Parkville.. 10 00 20 00 15.00 WM. S. WILCOX, Judges. CLASS 15-CLYDESDALE AND ENGLISH DRAFT HORSES. Best stallion four years old or over, James M. Turner, Lansing. 2d do., James Burnett, Battle Creek. $30 00 20 00 3d do., L. G. Bragg, Kalamazoo.. 10 00 Best stallion three years old, Eli T. Konkey, Woods Corners. 20.00 2d do., Door Prairie Live Stock Association, Door Village, Ind. 12.00 Best stallion two years old, Door Prairie Live Stock Association, Door Village. 2d do., Door Prairie Live Stock Association.. 10.00 6.00 8 00 Best stallion one year old, Door Prairie Live Stock Association, Door Village.. Best mare four years old or over, James M. Turner, Lansing. 2d do., James M. Turner, Lansing. 3d do., James M. Turner, Lansing Best mare or gelding two years old, L. G. Bragg, Kalamazoo. 2d do., L. G. Bragg, Kalamazoo.. Best filly colt, James M. Turner, Lansing. 2d do., L. G. Bragg, Kalamazoo 5.00 20 00 12.00 8 00 10 00 8.00 5 00 3.00 R. W. COYKENDALL, Judges. CLASS 16-NORMAN, PERCHERON AND FRENCH DRAFT HORSES. Best stallion four years old or over, Savage & Farnum, Detroit. 2d do., Savage & Farnum, Detroit... $30.00 20.00 3d do., W. H. Smith & Bros., Hillsdale. 10.00 In this class were two stallions exhibited by Geo. McGarvin, from Chatham, Canada, worthy of mention, very fine horses, too late for entry. Best stallion three years old, Savage & Farnum, Detroit. 2d do., Savage & Farnum, Detroit. 3d do., Savage & Farnum, Detroit Best stallion two years old, John Schipper, Oversee.. Best mare four years old or over, Savage & Farnum, Detroit 2d do., Savage & Farnum, Detroit.. Best mare three years old, Savage & Farnum, Detroit Best mare or gelding two years old, Savage & Farnum, Detroit 2d do., Savage & Farnum, Detroit... Best mare or gelding one year old, Savage and Farnum, Detroit. 2d do., Savage & Farnum, Detroit.. $20.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 5.00 Best mare four years old or over, J. M. Turner, Lansing. 2d do., Riverside Truck Co., Detroit Best mare or gelding two years old, W. D. Smith, Kalamazoo. 2d do., W. D. Smith, Kalamazoo.. $20.00 12.00 10.00 6.00 JAMES DAVIDSON, CLASS 18-CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HORSES, GELDING OR MARE. Best pair of matched horses sixteen hands or over, five years old or over, F. B. $30 00 Best pair matched horses under sixteen hands, four years old, E. H. Van 25.00 2d do., Anson Pase, Homer. 15.00 3d do., John den Bleyker, Kalam: 00. 10.00 Best pair of matched horses, three years old, D. C. Smith, Oshtemo 20.00 2d do., A. S. Perrine, Parkville.. 12.00 Best single carriage or buggy horse four years old or over, James C. Deyo, 12.00 2d do., M. V. Wagner, Marshall. 3d do., John Campbell, Williams. 8.00 4.00 Best single carriage or buggy horse or mare three years old, James C. Deyo, CLASS 19-MICHIGAN HORSES, ROADSTER STALLIONS. Best stallion five years old or over, A. S. Perrine, Parkville Best stallion four years old, Farrell & Godfrey, Parma. Best stallion two years old, James C. Deyo, Jackson $100 00 50 00 75.00 30 00 20.00 10.00 20 00 J. W. PARKHURST, CLASS 20-MICHIGAN HORSES, STANDARD BRED MARES AND GELDINGS. Best mare or gelding five years or over, Thos. McGee, Detroit.. 2d do., James C. Deyo, Jackson.. 3d do., H. S. Wixon, Union City Best mare or gelding four years old, John H. McNames, Marshall 2d do., N. N. Marantette, Mendon. 3d do., Samuel Cross, Centreville. Judges. $100 00 75.00 50 00 75.00 50.00 25.00 Best mare or gelding, three years old, Nixon Bros., Cassopolis. Best mare or gelding two years old, Ray Warner, Coldwater. $30 00 20.00 10 00 20 00 Best mare or gelding any age over three years, Will Fury, Constantine. 2d do., T. S. Millson, Battle Creek. 25 00 50 00 30 00 3d do., B. L. Cristall, Constantine. 20 00 JAMES DAVIDSON, Judges. CLASS 22-SWEEPSTAKES STALLIONS. Best thoroughbred stallion with six of his get, W. R. Walker, Athens. Best roadster stallion with six of his get, S. A. Browne & Co., Kalamazoo.. $25.00 25 00 20 00 25 00 20 00 CLASS 23-THOROUGHBRED AMERICAN MERINOS. Best ram three years old or over, L. C. Nelson, Olivet.. 2d do., F. Č. Wood, Saline... 3d do., L. W. & O. Barnes, Byron. Best ram two years old, A. T. Short, Coldwater. 2d do., C. Hibbard & Son, Bennington.. 3d do., A. A. Wood, Saline.. Best ram one year old, A. T. Short, Coldwater. 2d do., L. W. & O. Barnes, Byron. 3d do., F. C. Wood, Saline. Best pen ewes three years old or over, A. A. Wood, Saline. Best pen ewes two years old, F. C. Wood, Saline. 2d do., F. C. Wood, Saline.. 3d do., H. L. Doane, South Lyon.. Best pen ewes one year old, F. C. Wood, Saline. Best pen ewe lambs, A. A. Wood, Saline. 10 00 15.00 12 00 8.00 12.00 10 00 5.00 CHAS. E. SOUTHWELL, A. K. WARREN, Judges. CLASS 24-THOROUGHBRED AMERICAN MERINOS, BRED AND OWNED IN MICHIGAN. Best ram two years old or over, L. W. & O. Barnes, Byron.. 2d do., A. A. Wood, Saline.... 3d do., A. T. Short, Coldwater. $20.00 15.00 10.00 Best pen ewes two years old or over, A. T. Short, Coldwater. 20 00 2d do., H. L. Doane, South Lyon.. 15 00 CLASS 25-FINE WOOL GRADES. Best pen ewes three years old or over, L. W. & O. Barnes.. 2d do., Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids. 3d do., Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids. Best pen ewes two years old, L. W. & O. Barnes, Byron.. 2d do., L. W. & O. Barnes, Byron... 3d do., Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids.. Best pen ewes one year old, Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids. 2d do., Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids.. 3d do., G. W. Inman, Saline.. Best pen ewe lambs, Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids. 2d do., Nelson Brewer, Grand Rapids. 3d do., L. W. & O. Barnes, Byron.. CLASS 26-SOUTHDOWNS. Best ram two years old or over, W. D. & L. C. Anderson, Anderson. 2d do., J. F. Rundell, Birmingham. 3d do., Mrs. Ann Newton, Pontiac. Best ram one year old, W. D. & L. C. Anderson, Anderson. Best ram lamb, W. B. Mason, Marshall.. 2d do., W. D. & L. C. Anderson, Anderson... 3d do., J. F. Rundel, Birmingham. Best pen ewes two years old or over, W. D. & L. C. Anderson, Anderson. 2d do., John Lessiter, Jersey. 3d do., J. F. Rundel, Birmingham. Best pen ewes one year old, W. D. & L. C. Anderson, Anderson. 2d do., John Lessiter, Jersey. Best pen ewe lambs, John Lessiter. 2d do., W. D. & L. C. Anderson. 3d do., J. F. Rundel, Birmingham. $15 00 10 00 6.00 12.00 10 00 6.00 4 00 15 00 10 00 6. 00 12 00 10 00 8.00 6.00 4.00 GEORGE D. BOYCE, Judges. CLASS 27-MIDDLE WOOL SHEEP (EXCEPT SOUTHDOWNS). Best ram two years old or over, J. F. Rundel, Birmingham. 2d do., John Lessiter, Jersey. 3d do., Aaron Bordwell, Corfu, N. Y. Best ram one year old, J. F. Rundel, Birmingham. $15 00 10 00 6 00 12 00 8 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 4.00 |