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To College Treasurer, cash on warrants in excess of disburse

To deposits of students.

By College Treasurer, E. Longyear, cash deposits.

M. L. Coleman,
By balance, cash on hand October 1, 1885.

188 41 1,779 00

$21,137 10


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65,854 07 468 46


$87,459 63 $87,459 63

E. Longyear in account with Agricultural College.

To balance October 1, 1884.

Amounts received from State Treasurer and Secretary State
Board of Agriculture, Oct. 1, 1884, to Feb. 27, 1885.
By warrants paid from Oct. 1, 1884, to Feb. 27, 1885.
Balance transferred to M. L. Coleman..

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The above is a correct summary of my report to the State Board of Agriculture.

E. LONGYEAR, Treasurer.

M. L. Coleman in account with Agricultural College.

To amount transferred from E. Longyear, Feb. 27, 1885. Amount received from State Treasurer and Secretary Board of Agriculture, from Feb. 27 to Oct. 1, 1885.

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By warrants paid from Feb. 27 to Oct. 1, 1885.
Balance to new account, Oct. 1, 1885..

$54,252 98 19,319 04 $73,572 02 $73,572 02

The above is a correct summary of my report to the State Board of Agriculture.

M. L. COLEMAN, Treasurer.

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Farm, buildings, and equipments, as per above inventory
Agricultural College trust fund from sale of lands of United States grant,
Balances due on purchase money
125,073.82 acres @ $5 per acre yet unsold

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of swamp land grant

$382,422 48

284,788 27

142,999 62

625,369 10

4,600 00


$1,440,179 47

The present amount of the trust fund, is taken from the last line (that for 1885) of the fifth column of Table No. 2, page 13.

The balance due on purchase money is reported by the Commissioner of the State Land Office, and consists of the total amount for which the College lands have been sold up to the present time, i. e.:

The total of the tenth column in Table No. 1..

$459,113 37

Less the payments made on these sales, constituting the trust fund

284,788 27

$174,325 10

And less balances due on abandoned descriptions which have reverted to the State by forfeiture for non-payment of interest, as shown in column eleven of Table No. 1..

31,325 48

$142,999 62

The 125,073.82 acres yet vacant of the U. S. land grant are given in detail as located in the different counties in Table No. 6.

The 920 acres of swamp land is what still remains unsold of a grant from the State to the College of swamp lands located in the townships of Lansing and Meridian in Ingham county, and Bath and De Witt in Clinton county.

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