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OUR known zeal for the caufe in


the defence of which this work is composed is my motive for prefixing your name to it. It is a great and important question that is now in agitation, and it is but justice that pofterity should, if posfible, be made acquainted with the names of those zealous advocates of truth, whofe exertions

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exertions, though not in the character of writers, have yet, in various other ways, contributed to its fuccefsful fpread. In this honourable clafs I know of few that are intitled to ftand before that of Mrs. Rayner.

Such is our focial nature, that thofe who are actuated by the pureft love of truth, and whofe views are the most fingle, feel, and therefore, in fome degree, want the additional motive which arifes from the concurrence of others, in a caufe in which the world in general is against them. But a very few, united in a love of truth, of the importance of which they are deeply fenfible, will easily bear up against any combination. Numbers, power, wealth, long establishment, fashion, intereft, and every other advantage on-the


fide of error, infpire no fear or diftruft, but rather give courage to the small band that fight under the banners of truth and right. The conteft itself is glorious, and their confidence of final fuccefs makes them easy, and even joyful, under all oppofition.

Believing, as I am perfuaded that you, Madam, as well as myfelf, do, that a wife Providence fuper-intends all events, guiding the thoughts and pursuits of every individual to the moft proper object, and in the most proper time, we rejoice in feeing every question of great moment, and especially those relating to theology, become the subject of interefting difcuffion; well knowing that it is a prelude to the enlargement of the minds of men, the detection of error, and the propaga

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tion of truth, with which the well being of mankind, here and hereafter, is always, more or lefs, connected.

You, Madam, have fufficiently fhewn a mind fuperior to every thing that this world can hold out in oppofition to the claims of reafon and confcience; and the knowledge that I have of your enlarged views, and your noble intrepidity in following truth wherever you apprehend it to lead you, and in overlooking all obftacles that would oppose right conduct, will always, I hope, increase my own zeal and firmness in the fame cause. Such ex

amples are ever prefent to my mind; and it is impoffible that they should be contemplated without fome beneficial influence.


Society, like yours, and that of our common and excellent friend Mr. Lindsey (without, however, excluding many others who think differently from us with respect to the object of this work, but whose christian spirit I revere, and, I hope, emulate) is one chief fource of my happiness here. And I have no greater with than to rejoin fuch friends hereafter, and share in their pursuits in a future world, as I have done in the prefent; not doubting but that we shall find proper objects for the exercise of that ardent love of truth, and that zeal and activity in promoting it (as well as for the principles of piety and benevolence in general) which have been formed here.

Wishing that your fun may fet with ferenity, in the pleafing profpect of the fuccefsful

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