So far as concerns the Lampton Past and Prefent Times. To which are added two DISSERTATIONS, COLLECTION of SCRIPTURE- By WILLIAM WHISTON M. A. Professor of the Μακάριο ὁ ἀναγινώσκων, κὶ ὁι ἀκγοντες τὲς λόγες τῆς προφητείας, και τηρῶν -Illud pro certo habens, nifi in hifce talibus liberiùs paulò sentiendi, imò & errandi, venia concedatur, ad profunda illa & latentia veritatis adyta viam nunquam patefactum iri. Med. Comment. Apoc. Praf. CAMBRIDGE: Printed at the UNIVERSITY-PRESS; for B. Fooke, at the Middle-Temple-Gate, Fleet-street, London, MDCCVI. 2825 W58 |