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THIS bird derives its name in consequence of wanting feathers in its tail, and should therefore be denominated a tailless rather than a rumpless fowl. However odd it may be in appearance, we know from experience that it is an excellent breed of fowls, having kept them for years. We found them Shardy, good layers and nurses. They are of medium size and of various colors, though the golden brown speckled predominate. It is destitute of the gland on the rump, which we believe is found in every other variety of the domestic fowl. A tail is as useless an appendage on fowls as horns are on cattle, and if the boys wish to cultivate a profitable breed of fowls there is nothing equal to the humble rumpless.

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"Everything well done." "Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well," was the motto of a man who performed a most incredible amount of labor, and was one of the greatest men of his age. die And it is precisely the doing things well, or the Now, boys, is the time for active work. This is botching them up anyhow for the present, because just as important in its place as are the schools and they are in a hurry, that makes some men rich and studies of winter. Not that I would have you ne-respected, and others poor and despised. The forglect your books altogether, even though you can- mer always have time at their command. The latnot attend school. By no means; you must give ter are always in a hurry, and always losing from many leisure hours to study and reading during the the effects of their poorly done work. The former summer. But with most of the boys who read the have good fences, good buildings, good fields, good Agriculturist, this is the season when labor takes everything. The latter have poor fences, unruly the lead, as study does during the cold winter cattle, leaky barns, damaged crops, poor everything. months. You have had a fine time for the latter: The former always have "good luck.". The latter now, for the former. You need to begin right are always fretting at their ill luck," in part their here as in everything else. own shiftlessness. Learn to do everything well. But I must stop right here.. Ohio, April, 1846.

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"Everything in its season." You have often heard that if a man loses an hour in the morning, he may toil hard all day and cannot overtake it. So it is with the year. This is the time for fitting the EXPERIMENTS.-Well, boys, what do you proground and planting the seeds. Now is just the pose doing the coming summer? Can any of you best time for doing this. It is early in the spring, tell? Will you let the season pass negatively away? just when the trees and the plants all about you are or will you make some experiments in gardening or putting forth their leaves and flowers. This is na- farming with a view of testing certain principles? ture's time. If this be passed in idleness, you will For example: do any of you expect a favorite calf? get no good crops this year. Just as when youth If so, will you weigh it when first dropped from the is passed in idleness and vice, it can never be re-cow; then learn it to drink milk from the pail, and covered in after life. heel and dider

Now, then, for a few weeks, is the season. Everything for the year depends on it. If you would see the flowers of summer and the golden

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By the steam-ship Caledonia we are in receipt of our foreign journals up to April 4th.

quantities of guano this year, with marked success in all kinds of crops. It is the best and most manageable manure yet discovered.-Simmond's Mag.

Deep Drains.-We notice that several writers in the MARKETS.-Ashes had declined and were in limited late volume of the English Agricultural Society demand. Cotton was more firm and had recovered the Journal, contend strongly that drains in a very suff fall of d. per lb., which took place early in the soil are much more effectual from three to four feet month. Stock on hand at Liverpool on the 1st of deep from the surface, than when made more shallow, April, 788,000 bales, against 809,000 same time last Another advantage is, that they may be placed twice year. Flour quite stagnant, in consequence of the agi-as far apart as the shallow drains. Thus the expense tation of the Corn laws in Parliament. Beef in fair re- of deep draining is very little more than that of shallow quest. Pork very dull. Lard and Cheese the same. Rice draining. little doing. Tobacco slow of sale. Wool in good request, with a slight fall in the lower qualities.

Money is tight and difficult to be had, except on the first class paper.

Benefits of Irrigation.-The same journal above asserts that the water meadows at Audley End yield from 6 to 8 tons of hay per acre, at three to four eattings during the season. We will add for ourselves that such hay cannot be as sweet and nutritious as that grown on dry meadows. The Italian rye-grass is considered especially suitable for irrigation.

Value of Burnt Clay-Experiments with burnt clay as a top-dressing to wheat lands, last year, added 25

Indian Corn in Great Britain.—This article continues to arrive in great quantities in the principal ports of this country, and is already becoming one of great consumption. In Liverpool we have several four dealers and bakers who put forth Indian corn, Indian flour, and bread made of Indian flour, as the prominent per cent. to the crop. article of sale; and amongst the higher classes of so- Culture of Italian Rye Grass.-I am quite satisfied ciety it is used with English or American flour in of its being the most valuable plant I know of, especi making bread. At a meeting of the Horticultural So-ally for early spring feed; it comes to perfection for ciety, held in London, last week, there were distribut-feed quite as early as rye, and the comparison between ed to the members a large quantity of packets of seeds the two for feeding qualities is as 10 to 1 in favor of of the early sort of Indian corn, the earliest and most the Italian rye-grass.-English Ag. Soc. Journal. prolific variety, and the most suitable for cultivation in this country, which had been sent over from New York to ascertain whether its growth would not in

troduce a fresh article of food here.

Potato Murrain.-This disease has now appeared in carrots and onions in England, and it is feared it may ultimately pervade all the root crops.

A Startling Anticipation.-Unless a succession of bad harvests intervene to check prosperity, the year 1850 will behold the extinction of horses as a moving power in England, for the purposes of pecuniary gain, in the public transportation of passengers and goods. Every new street, every village, every farm will have its railway.

Cotton in India.-At a recent meeting of the Royal | Asiatic Society, a communication was read from Professor Royle, the botanist of the East India Company, detailing some further results of the experimental trials for the culture of cotton in India. Since the last report of Dr. White, 30,000 acres had been put into cultivation; from one acre alone the produce was 700 pounds, and more was to be expected. All now required to make East India Cotton a most valuable export commodity, he said, is the employment of European agents in the India markets, to select the best qualities.

Number of Horned Cattle in Europe :·


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Analysis of Indian Corn.-Dr. Playfair has recently analyzed specimens of American growth in London, and finds its composition as follows: Protein,.. Fatty matter,. Starch,. Water,


... 76

100 parts.

One pound of Indian meal will absorb five pints of water in making it into mush or pudding, and when sufficiently boiled the mush will weigh 4 1-2 lbs.

It will be seen from this analysis that it contains less protein, or nutritive matter, than wheat, oats, or barley, but more than either rice or potatoes. It con tains, in fact, three and a half times the quantity of nutritive matter that is found in potatoes, and a very much larger quantity of starch, and less water. It also possesses more fatty matter than any of those, which is an important consideration where the mere fattening of animals is considered. It will be thus found, as an article of diet, both for man and beast, superior to potatoes and rice, but inferior to wheat, oats, and barley.-Gar. Chron.

A Mode of Illustrating the Injury done to Manure by being repeatedly Flooded with Rain Water-Suppose that any of the married men in this company was to get hold of his wife's teapot, after she had done with it, and was to dry up the leaves carefully, and bring them to her for her tea the next morning, I would just ask you, whether she would be likely to find out the trick or not? I imagine she would not be long in discovering the cheat; and I might venture to guess he would find out to his cost that, if that was the way he was to keep her in tea, she would soon find a way to keep him in hot water. Now, if the wife would feel so indignant at being supplied with tea that had been wet two or three times, how ought the farmer to feel that was supplied with manure that had been wet two or three hundred times? It is true the farm cannot fight its own battle as well as the mistress; but there is such a thing as passive resistance, and you may depend on it, that in the harvest, the farmer will be made to feel, that in cheating his land, by giving it manure which has lost all its strength, he has been, in fact, cheating himself, and that this may have a worse result even than cheating his wife.-Speech of Mr. Blacker.

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Editor's Table.

kind. The price is only $2 a year. We shall think it a disgrace to the country if this work is not well sustained.

THE publishers of the American Agriculturist, with AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY: this number, send bills to all who are in arrears, and Comprising such subjects as are most immediately will expect them to remit the small amount promptly. connected with housekeeping; as the construction of It will be remembered that our terms are in advance; Domestic Edifices, with the modes of warming, venand at the first of the year we requested all who did tilating, and lighting them; a description of the varinot wish the paper to return the first number, and ous articles of Furniture; a general account of the those who have not done so are considered as regular Animal and Vegetable substances used as Food, and subscribers. The publishers are highly gratified at the methods of preserving and preparing them by the promptness of subscribers in forwarding their sub-cooking; making Bread; materials employed in Dress scriptions, and trust that the few who are still in ar- and the Toilet; business of the Laundry; description rears will find it convenient to remit at once by mail, of the various Wheel-carriages, preservation of that we may thus have clean books and renewed faci- Health, Domestic Medicines, &c., &c. By Thomas lities of improving our Journal. Should any error Webster. Illustrated with nearly One Thousand arise in sending bills please inform us. Engravings; pp. 1238, octavo. Price $4. Harper & AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE.-We neglected at the Brothers, 82 Cliff Street, N. Y. In presenting this su time to call attention to the advertisement of this In-perb and highly useful work to the public, the Messrs. stitute in our last number. We are personally ac- Harper have done the country a great service. We quainted with the gentlemen concerned in it, and can consider it indispensable to the housekeeper, as it recommend them with all confidence to the public. treats in a condensed and perspicuous manner of We like their plan of instruction accompanied with everything relating thereto. The ladies would do manual labor, and think it must be highly successful well to place it in their libraries for daily consultation. with their pupils. See Advertisement, page 167. The knowledge it contains will not only be found CORTLAND COUNTY AG. SOCIETY.-Henry S. Ran-eminently useful to them in their household avocadall, President; James S. Leach, Sec. We have received the premium list of this Society, and find it embraces a large number of prizes. The Show takes place at Cortland Village on the 23d and 24th of September next. It will doubtless be a highly spirited affair, and we hope it may be in our power to attend. MOWING MACHINE.-We are anxious to obtain one of these machines, and shall be obliged if any of our readers know of any which work well, that they will give us full information on the subject.

CHINA TREE, DUTTON, EARLY CANADA, AND SWEET CORN.-Can any one inform us where we can purchase a first-rate rate quality for seed, at a moderate price, of these varieties of corn? We should like some in the ear and some shelled.

MUNIFICENT DONATIONS.-Messrs. Sam'l Appleton & J. A. Lowell, of Boston, have each given One Thousand Dollars to the Massachusetts Horticultural Soc'y. When shall we have a Horticultural Society in this great emporium? and will our wealthy citizens come forward and endow it as liberally as the Bostonians have that of their city?

TO PREVENT THE POTATO ROT.-Take salt, lime, and charcoal or ashes, mix them equally together, and apply about a gill of this mixture to each potato hill at the time of planting, or double the quantity round the stalks after the first time hoeing, and it will almost infallibly protect the crop from the rot.

SHEEP FARMS AND HUSBANDRY IN MISSOURIHenry A. Ancrum, Esq., of Ashley, Pike Co., Missouri, informs us that he has a large tract of the finest kind of rolling prairie land, suitable for sheep pastures, and would be glad to make an arrangement with flock masters to occupy it. Ashley is 80 miles from St. Louis. For further particulars please address Mr. Ancrum, who will be happy to give full information upon the subject.

tions, but of historical and general scientific interest. There are thousands of facts here we are sure it will greatly enlarge and enlighten their minds to be the possessors of, and the acquisition of which will add no little to their pleasures and usefulness.


AMERICAN NATURAL HISTORY.-By John D. Godman, M. D., to which is added his last work, the Rambles of a Naturalist, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author. In two volumes. Third Edition. Philadelphia: Uriah Hunt & Son. Price $4 00. is a beautiful edition of one of the most agreeable and useful books in the English language. The illustrations are numerous and exceedingly faithful to nature. We can never cease to regret the premature death of Dr. Godman; but as it was, he ran a brilliant career, and during his short life added much to the records of American Natural History.

MEMOIRS OF THE PRETENDERS AND THEIR ADHERENTS. By John Heneage Jesse. In two volumes. Philadelphia: J. W. Moore. This beautifully printed work forms Nos. 1 and 2 of Moore's Select Library. It combines in its truthful narrative the adventures of the wildest romance, and is particularly calculated to interest the youthful student of history.

JOURNEY TO ARARAT. By Dr. Friedrich Parrot. With Map and Wood cuts. Translated by W. D. Cooley, pp. 389, 12mo. Price 50 cents. Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff Street, N. Y. It is a great misfortune that a taste for the lighter productions of the European press in this country has generally forbidden the republication of scientific voyages and travels, which are occasionally sent forth by eminently learned men abroad, and foreign governments. Among such is the work of Dr. Parrot's journey to Mount Ararat; which, from its being the resting place of the ark, after the subsiding of the awful flood that deluged the world, and its own intrinsic grandeur and importance, in what QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND may yet become a highly civilized and populous region, SCIENCE. We are glad to hail the appearance of this must ever be an object of interest to the biblical stuable and high toned journal again, for we feared it dent, the general historian, and the man of science. might not be continued another year. It abounds Ararat rises 17,230 feet above the level of the sea. Its with valuable articles, both agricultural and scientific, top is covered with eternal snow, from the height of and we earnestly commend it to the attention of our readers as worthy of their support. It is conducted by Dr. E. Eminons, State Geologist, and A. Osborn, Esq., Albany, N. Y. The present No. has a beautiful steel-engraved portrait of Governor Wright, and several other embellishments. It contains 160 pages, and is as well got up as the best European journals of the

12,750 feet, and all around is grand and magnificent in the extreme. May it be our privilege one day to wander, at least, at its base! The Messrs. Harper have issued this work in a style similar to English publications, the print being very clear and distinct, and the paper of a firm velvety softness, that makes it a pleasure to touch.

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The Weather has been very fine, though rather too dry thus far this spring. Copious showers, however, have set in lately. We hear good accounts of the crops at the South; and winter rye and wheat are looking uncommonly well at the North.

To CORRESPONDENTS.-L. T. Talbot, Henry M. Waite, T. N.A. Hallister, Solon Robinson, M. W. Philips, Alexander McDonald, Lert, An Old Grazier, are received. The excellent article, Rotation of Crops, by S. Y., will be inserted in our next.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-A pamphlet on the cultivation of the Grape and inanufacture of Wine, also character and habits of the Strawberry, by N. Longworth, of Ohio; Report of the Committee on Agriculture of the New York State Assembly, with a valuable Appendix on the use of Salt as a Manure: Oration before the Burk County Ag. Soc., S C., by M. C. M. Hammond; Address before the Hamilton County Ag. Soc., Ohio, by John Caldwell; Proceedings of the Agriculturist's and Mechanic's Association of Louisiana; and a Letter upon the Application of Mari addressed to the Agricultural Society of Jefferson County, Georgia, by J. H. Hammond,

Just Published.


A System of Book-keeping, as applied in practice to the business of Jobbing Merchants, City Retail Merchants and Country Merchants, with a concise plan of accounts, for all persons, in one book, suited to Mechanics, Farmers, and Professional men; being a self-instructor, and for the use of schools. By James Arlington Bennett, LL.D., author of the American Practical System of Book-keeping, by double entry, &c. SAXTON & MILES, Publishers, No. 205 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, 187 WATER STREET.

The Subscriber has just received a large assortment of Sampson's snaths, and Tower's hoes. Pope's, Partridge's, and Hopkins' celebrated Hay forks.

Also, a large assortment of Stevens', Sinclair's, and Thorn's Cutters, for cutting Hay, Straw, and Stalks.

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For sale, a collection of fine Apple Trees, comprising 50 choicest sorts; also upwards of 200 distinct varieties of Pear trees; also Cherries, Apricots, and Plums.

When the order comprises 100 TREES, the prices will be for 7 apples, 15 cents; for pears on free stocks for standards, 30 cents; 4 ditto on quince stocks for dwarfs, 20 cents. For any less number than 100 trees in an order-Apples, 20 cts.; pears, 37 cts.; ditto 10 on quince, 25 cts.; apricots, 50 cts.; plums, 37 cts.; cherries, 37 cents. Apply (by letter post-paid) at the Fruit Plantation of Lloyd N. Rogers, near Baltimore, to THOS. TURNER, Manager.


35 The subscriber has just received a lot of the above plows manufactured by B. Meyer, Newark, N. J.

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, N.Y.

TO GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN. Cast-iron Tallies or Naming Sticks for Sale. This is a recent invention, and is so constructed as to receive the name of any

37 50 seed, plant, or tree, under a glass cover, thus keeping it safe and always distinct to be seen. They will last half a century, and are very cheap, costing only 50 cents to $1.50 per dozen.


A few barrels of these superior oats can be had of the sub

པ 35 scriber. Price $4 per barrel, or 1.50 per bushel.

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, N;Y.

Just Published,


A TREATISE ON MILCH COWS, Whereby the quality and quantity of milk which any cow will give may be accurately determined by observing Natural Marks or External Indications alone; the length of time she will continue to give milk, &c., &c. By M. Francis Guenon, of Liborne, France. Translated for the Farmers' Library from the French, by N. P. Trist, Esq., late U. S. Consul at Havana. With Introductory Remarks and Observations on the COW AND THE DAIRY. By John S. Skinner, Editor of the Farmers' Library. Illustrated with numerous engravings.

Price for single copies, neatly done up in paper covers, 37 1-2 cents. Full bound in cloth and lettered, 02 1-2 cents. The usual discount to bookseliers, agents, country merchants and peddlers. Farmers throughout the United States may receive the work through the mails. The postage on each copy will be about 7 cents. By remitting $2 free of postage we will send seven copies of the work done up in paper covers; or Country Merchants visiting any of the cities will procure the work for those who may wish to obtain it. Please send on your orders. Address

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GREELEY & MCELRATH, Tribune Buildings, New York.


I. T. Grant & Co. still continue to manufacture the celebrated Improved Patent Fan Mills, at the old stand, Junction, Rensselaer Co., New York. These mills have taken the first premium at three of the New York State Agricultural Shows, at the Fair of the Mechanics' Institute, N.Y., and at the last State Shows in Pennsylvania and Maryland. It is the only mill that has ever been produced that will chaff and screen wheat perfectly clean in one operation; and for cleaning all kinds of grain and seeds, it surpasses anything of the kind ever offered in market. It will also clean rice faster and better than any mill ever got up for that purpose.

We also manufacture Grain Cradles of the very best quality, which have taken the first premium at the New York State Fair. Our Mills and Cradles are for sale at factory prices, at the following places:

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, New York;
EZRA WHITMAN, 55 Light Street, Baltimore;
E. COMSTOCK & Co., 23 Dean Street, Albany;

H. WARREN, Troy, New York.

All orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. All goods delivered at Troy, N. Y., free of charge. 1. T. GRANT & CO., Junction, P. O., Rensselaer Co., N.Y., April, 1846.

AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE. Orange County Scientific and Practical Agricultural Institute. The design of this Institute is to afford the most efficient means for the acquisition of a combined scientific and practical knowledge of Agriculture.

A number of farmers residing in the same neighborhood, in the town of Montgomery, from 7 to 9 miles west of Newburgh, having united, under a written contract, one with the other, to become instructors to such pupils as may be committed to their care, through the undersigned, their officers, present the Institution to the attention of the public.

Each pupil will be under the practical instruction of the mem ber of the association with whom he may reside.

The scientific instruction will be under the care of Mr. James Darrach, a graduate of Yale College, a gentleman of scientific attainments, and, in common with his associates, the holder of his own plow.

This part of the Institution will embrace most of the Academic Studie, Natural History, and principles of Agricultural Economy. The peculiarity of this Institute which recommends it to parents is, that the practical instruction will be given by practical farmers, whose duty and interest compel them to attend to the economy as well as the general management of a farm.

It presents also the following features: Family Discipline and Care; constant companionship with the instructors; varied hus. bandry and soil, which the pupils will be constantly directed to observe and compare. In the neighborhood are places of worship within convenient distance for all to attend, Episcopalian, Pres. byterian, Reformed Dutch, Scotch Presbyterian, and Methodist. Terms-$125 per annum, for tuition and board, payable semiannually in advance.

Mail and other stages that pass over the Newburgh and Cochecton turnpike, connect our places daily with Newburgh.

The Institute will open for the reception of pupils on the 1st of April.

Inquiries and applications may be addressed to either of the undersigned at Coldenham, Orange County, N.Y.

LINDLEY MURRAY FERRIS, President, Samuel Wait, Jr., Secretary. References-Frederick J. Betts, Esq., President of the Orange County Agricultural Society; John Caldwell, Esq., Salisbury, Orange County; A. B. Allen, Esq., Editor of the American Agriculturist; Wm. Partridge, merchant, New York; Peter H. Schenck, Esq., New York; Hon. Morris Franklin, New York; and the officers of the American Institute.


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Not having sufficient use for him, the subscriber offers for sale his thorough bred imported bull, Prince Albert. His sire was the celebrated bull, Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his pedigree can be seen, in the British Herd book, Vol. 4, page 382. He is five years old, a red roan, of medium size, and of quiet temper. If not previously disposed of, he will be offered for sale at the next show of the New York State Agricultural Society.

Letters on the subject can be addressed to the subscriber at Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York, where the bull may be seen. ROBERT DONALDSON.


The Subscribers offer for sale, on very accommodating terms, the balance of the ship Shakspeare's cargo, the only direct importation into this port from Ichaboe. Much guano from other parts of Africa has been sold as Ichaboe, which on trial has produced unfavorable results. To prevent the loss of ammonia, this cargo has been put in air-tight casks. Apply to Feb. 6, 1846.

E. K. COLLINS & CO., 56 South St.


The Lodi Manufacturing Company offer Poudrette for sale at the following prices. At the Factory on the Hackensack river, 4 miles from New York in bulk, 35 cents per bushel, and $1.63 cts. per barrel. Delivered in New York from 1 to 6 bbls., $2.00 per bbl.; 7 bbls, and over, $1.75 per bbl. Apply to the office of the Company, 51 Liberty Street, or to A. B. Allen, 187 Water Street, where printed directions and other information may be obtained. May, 2t


A full blooded Narragansett, entire horse. This breed has been in the family of the late Governor Jay, for the last century. They are rackers, and not pacers. He is 8 years old, and the only entire horse of the breed which is left. He is very fast, will rack his mile within 3 minutes. Horses of this breed are highly esteemed as saddle horses for ladies and gentlemen, and bring a very high price. Apply to James R. Dey, No. 51 Liberty Street, New York.

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This Guano is packed in bags weighing from 120 to 150 lbs.; barrels, from 220 to 250 lbs.; half barrels from 115 to 130 lbs; kegs about 60 lbs. each. When a larger quantity than one ton is taken, it is expected it will be in bags. No allowance for tare, and no charge for packages. Cartage extra.

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, N. Y. HOVEY'S SEEDLING STRAWBERRY. Price $1.50 per hundred plants, and $10 per thousand. A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, N. Y

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