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be well not to hide them from the view of the house, as sheets of water seen alternately when approaching a residence have a very elegant appearance. Their extent depends of course upon the quantity of fish proposed to be raised. If there is only one pond, it should not be of less extent than five or six acres; four times this area may be desirable, especially in marshy or wet soils, which often cannot be more advantageously employed; but it is better to construct a series of ponds, the first of three acres, the next four acres, and the largest five acres. For ornamental fish-ponds, as many as five should be formed, situated between two rising grounds and separated by embankments; three, however, is the usual number; the first of which should be slightly elevated, and so situated that it may receive the drainings of a village; or at any rate it should be near a farm, as all the refuse washings from such places supply food. The ponds should be separated by a distance of at least one hundred yards; more, if possible, as each can then have the refuse washings of the neighborhood. The ponds should be connected by water courses, protected by flood-gates of sufficient depth and descent to allow the whole of the water to pass off readily. If the supply of water is even and well regulated, the depth of each pond at the centre may vary from three to five feet; if the supply is not regular, the depth may be greater by about a foot. The sudden introduction of large quantities of fresh water is to be avoided, because its temperature is generally below that of the pond, and it also stirs up the mud. The sides of the pond should shelve gradually for about six yards; this will encourage the growth of grass, in which a variety of insects, &c., will harbor and supply food to the fish. Another advantage of shelving sides is that if the shallows are protected by stakes, the pond is not so easily poached. A third advantage is the protection it offers to the brood. as will be noticed hereafter. About the sluice or flood-gate the water must be deeper for the reception of the fish when the pond is emptied for cleaning, &c. A sheet of water may sometimes be divided into two by a middle embankment to be raised about two feet below the general surface of the water when the pond is full, so as to allow a boat to pass over it thus one-half can be emptied at a time, and the fish transferred from one to the other at the time of cleaning.

Where there is only one pond it may be desirable to have several kinds of fish in it. Artificial bottoms must then be made, as different species of fish prefer different bottoms. Trout must have a gravelly bottom, and will not thrive without one; carp and tench are not so dependent on the nature of the soil, and are fond of weeds. Clay soils are not good, as they furnish no nutriment for the larvæ of insects, worms, &c., and consequently no food for the fish. Izaak Walton says: "It is observed that the best ponds to breed carps are those that be stony or sandy, and are warm and free from wind, and that are not deep, but have willow trees and grass on their sides, over which the water does sometimes flow" and again, "such pools as be large and have most gravel, and shallows where fish may sport themselves, do afford fish of the

finest taste; and note that in all pools it is best for fish to have some retiring place; as namely, hollow banks or shelves or roots of trees, to keep them from danger, and when they think fit, from the extreme heat of summer as also from the extremity of cold in winter. And note that if many trees be growing about your pond, the leaves thereof falling into the water, make it nauseous to the fish, and the fish to be so to the eater of it." New York, May 12th, 1846. D'JAY BROWNE.


UNDER this head, the article which we copy below, recently appeared in the Vermont Chronicle. Mr. D. C. Collins, the importer of these sheep, happening to be in town when we received the paper, we immediately called his attention to it. We subjoin his reply. It was written instantly after reading the said article, without the slightest premeditation, and in great haste, which will account for any little imperfections of style. We think that W. J., and all reasonable men, will be perfectly satisfied now, if they were not before, with the " unquestionable proof" here given, of the purity of blood of the sheep imported by Mr. Col. lins, from the Rambouillet flock. To those who know Mr. Collins, his word is quite sufficient, without giving any other proof, as he abundantiy has here, to verify his assertions.

As to the " unmeasured language" in which these sheep were spoken of by us in the Agricul turist, about three years since, we can only say, that every word of it is true; and if W. J., or any candid person will give themselves the trouble to visit the flock now with Mr. Bingham, they will find it so. We have seen hundreds of the early importations of Merinos from Spain, and have been familiar with sheep and wool and its manufacture for upwards of thirty years, and we profess to know something of these matters; we knew also when we wrote, that what we should say respecting the Rambouillets would excite the envy and jealousy of some flock-masters in this country, and we were particularly careful at the time to tell even less than the truth warranted us in saying in their behalf.

"MESSRS. BISHOP AND TRACY:-There appeared in your paper of the 18th inst., an article under the Agricultural head, said to be extracted from the American Agriculturist, communicated by a second person, and apparently vouched for by a third, obviously written in praise of a flock of sheep formerly owned by Mr. Collins, near Hartford, in Connecticut, and stated to be since sold to a Mr. Bingham, of Williston, Vermont, purporting to be from the Rambouillet flock in France.

"Some two or three years since I saw an article praising these sheep in unmeasured language, I think in the Agriculturist, published in the city of New York; and from the high terms in which they were recommended, I was induced to make some inquiries of one or two gentlemen residing in Hartford, respecting them; but to my surprise I learned that they knew little or nothing about them. I have since inquired of several well informed men connected with the wool-growing business, but with no better success. They had seen

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them noticed and recommended in the papers, but as the "Royal Rambouillet breeding flock," the that appeared to be the extent of their information. blood of which was originally in the latter part of "In 1786 Louis the Sixteenth made a special the previous century imported from the choicest application to the King of Spain, to allow him to Trashumantes, or Travelling flocks of Old Spain, obtain a flock of Merinos. This was granted, and of the sort known in Spain as Leonese. I took perthe sheep were driven into France and put on the sonally from several of the said ewes and rams, royal estate of Rambouillet, from which they took samples of their wool, and took down a memorantheir name. In the Revolution those sheep were dum of the numbers or figures branded on the horns taken under the patronage of the Convention and of the said rams, and by which they were desig subsequent governments. In 1801, Chancellor nated, among which rams, so examined, sampled, Livingston, then minister in France, obtained four and noted by me, was the superb ram numbered from that flock, and sent them to his estate in New and branded 349, being the identical ram subseYork, and the Marquis Lafayette, on his return to quently owned by me, and extensively known in France from the dungeons of Olmutz, obtained the United States by the name of Grandee, the sire some and put on his estate of Lagrange. Those of the ram branded with a figure 3, sold by me sheep were undoubtedly well chosen, and much with the flock to Rev. Luther G. Bingham, of care has been taken of the flock since: but does it Williston, Chittenden County, Vermont. follow that the sheep of Mr. Collins were of that the spring of the succeeding year, in the month of flock? In every instance in which high bred May, 1840, I purchased at the public sale at RamMerinos or Saxonies have been imported into this bouillet, the said ram Grandee, No, 349 (I now country, they have been accompanied with a certi- still have his head and horns preserved); also, at ficate from some municipal officer or notary public, same time and place, another very fine and beautiproving the breed of the sheep, which certificate ful, but younger ram, and twenty of the most was verified by an American Consul, under his beautiful, and valuable, and desirable ewes which official seal and signature. Now, although I have could be selected from said Royal Rambouillet several times seen Mr. Collins' sheep denominated flock. The business part of the transaction was done Rambouillet, I have nowhere seen any such proof mainly with M. Bourgeois, the superintendant of of their paternity. If they are really Rambouillet, the said Royal flock, and as I understand son of the the fact is easily susceptible of unquestionable former M. Bourgeois, now deceased, so long known proof. I must, therefore, take the liberty of asking as having personal charge of said flock, and who N. L. N., who appears to have obtained the inser- is, I understand, still in charge there. tion of the article in your paper, the following questions, which, if satisfactorily answered, will place the matter beyond all doubt: 1st, In what year were those sheep purchased in France? 2d, At what port in France were those sheep shipped? 3d, On board of what vessel were they shipped, naming the vessel and the captain? 4th, Were they accompanied with any certificate of any public functionary in France, and was that certificate verified by the American Consul? 5th, Into what port of the United States were they imported, and in what month and year?

My agent, and temporary shepherd, in bidding or agreeing for price, and disbursing my funds in pay. ment of said sheep, at Rambouillet, provisioning and watching over said flock on the voyage of importation from Europe to the United States, was Monsieur C. P. Bordenave, since and lately a resident of the city of New York, where he has been favorably known as a teacher and translator of the French language, and (as I was informed) associated with Henry C. Deming, Esq., at New York, in the translation of several popular French publications.

The flock was embarked from the port of Havre, in France, in the autumn of the year 1840, on board the ship Illinois, Capt. Eveleig. Messrs. Boyd & Hincken, of this city, were part owners and agents for said ship, and with whom I made bargain and arrangements for passage of said sheep, before the ship sailed from this country for Europe.

"It must be obvious to every sensible and reflecting man, that any individual who would take the trouble and go to the expense of obtaining Rambouillet sheep from France, would be especially careful to obtain the necessary certificates, proving the purity of their blood. If these questions are not satisfactorily answered, the public have a right to conclude, that Rambouillet is a The flock was landed at New York in the nomme de guerre,' a borrowed name, in order to autumn of that year (1840), I think in the month assist the sale of the flock, and may be placed side of October, without the loss of a single sheep. by side with the Paular, the Guadaloupes, and the Young Mr. Olmsted (then a lad of twelve or Infantadas, under which name several flocks have fifteen years), second son of John Olmsted, found a much more current sale than they possibly Esq., of Hartford, Conn., was a passenger in could have done from their own intrinsic merit. the said ship Illinois, in care of M. Bordenave, Apropos of the Infantado flock: the Duke del In- with the said flock from France, to the United fantado joined the patriot side in the Peninsula con- States, and can, if needed by Mr. Bingham, verify test, and his flock was not confiscated or sold, nor the fact of the said importation, as herein stated, did any part of it ever come to this country. W J." Whether M. Bordenave is still in this country, At New York, April 7th, 1846, I, D. C. Collins, or whether he has lately returned to France, If he is still in the United of Hartford, Conn., hereby certify, that in the I am not aware. autumn of the year 1839 (I think in the month of States he can verify and make oath to all the October), I personally visited the ancient Park of foregoing. Rambouillet, in France, and there examined the celebrated Merino flock of rams and ewes, known

The said flock, with the exception of some of the young lambs, was never parted with, or sold by



me, till late last fall, when I sold the entire remain-from the Cortes, at the time Ferdinand was detaining flock, for a valuable and satisfactory considera- ed in France, and returned to Cadiz when that city tion, to Rev. Luther G. Bingham, of Williston, was in a state of siege. There I was introduced to Chittenden County, State of Vermont, since which the Duke, by the United States ambassador, Mr. time I have had no pecuniary interest whatever in Ewing. His flocks, he informed me, were in posithe sheep. The youngest imported buck, together tions of safety from the contending armies, in with several of the young rams, and one or two of various parts of Spain-some of them in Andalusia. the imported ewes, were killed by dogs in my yard The result of my interview was, a purchase from at Hartford, in the winter of 1841-2. Most of the the Duke, of a flock of 400 sheep, by myself and original ewes imported by me were rather old, as I associates, which were shipped to Virginia, conchose to select such in preference to young ewes; signed to Messrs. Brown & Rives, at Richmond. of course most of the old ewes are now dead and Subsequently there were obtained from the Duke gone. Some of the said old ewes bred but once or 2,000 more sheep, having his mark (a brand of Y twice after reaching this country. That was the upon the side of the face of the sheep), which were case with the dam of Mr. Bingham's present shipped to New York and Philadelphia, for acchoice stock buck, branded on the horn with the count of Commodore Charles Stewart, Consul figure 3. I raised but that one ram lamb from her | Richard S. Hackley, myself, and others. Of one of before she died. She was one of the best pure the cargoes, Chancellor Livingston had a large lot Merino ewes I ever saw-distinguished for fine-of my Infantado sheep, which he purchased of my ness and softness, as well as great closeness and agent, Mr. Henry Ward; and I think in some of weight of fleece, very yolky, but not at all gummy. his writings he speaks of the high estimation in Superior judges of sheep and wool expressed the which he held the flock of the above-named Duke. opinion that in her prime, in her younger and best The invoices of these sheep, and the result of the days, she must have cut a fleece of probably seven shipments, I have among my papers, and will select pounds of washed wool. She was a sheep with a them out hereafter for the inspection of Mr. Allen. large, thick-looking, muffled neck, with some conCHAS. HENRY HALL. siderable loose skin on the body, with decidedly SHORT legs, well woolled all over, legs included. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND GEOUntil I sold the flock to Mr. Bingham last fall, I never sold any ewes, old or young, to any person, save one or two old ones which had long ceased breeding, and went to the butcher not known as being from my flock.

I never took the trouble, nor did I deem it needful, to procure any certificate of consuls, as to the genuineness or authenticity of my imported Merino flock. Such things are, of course, easily and cheaply obtained by those who need, or feel the need of them.

There is no shadow of doubt as to the authenticity or purity of the breeding of the flock, since it arrived in this country from Europe, up to the time when I disposed of it, as herein stated, to Rev. Mr. Bingham. Further this deponent saith not at present, though he has no reasonable doubt that the purity of the breeding of said flock will hereafter be carefully watched over by the present owner, whose character and qualifications, I believe, entitle him to great confidence. Mr. Burnham, Melancthon Hudson's farmer, at Oakland (or Hockavum Bridge), near Hartford, Conn., came to New York, in my employment, and took the said imported Merino flock from the ship Illinois, in the fall of 1840, and delivered the sheep at my yard at Hartford. DAVID C. COLLINS.

Witness, A. Longett.

LOGY.-No 6.

Q. Of what substances do the different kinds of grain usually consist?

A. They consist chiefly of three substances, starch, gluten, and oil or fat.

Q. What proportion of each of these usually exists in wheat?

A. 100 lbs. of wheat flour contain about 50 lbs. of starch, 10 lbs. of gluten, and 2 or 3 lbs. of oil. Q. In what proportion do they exist in oats? A. 100 lbs. of oats contain about 60 lbs. of starch, 18 lbs. of gluten, and 6 lbs. of oil.

Q. What do potatoes and turnips principally consist of?

A. Their principal constituent is water. Q. How much water is contained in 100 lbs. of potatoes?

A. 100 lbs. of potatoes contain about 75 lbs. of


Q. How much water is contained in 100 lbs. of turnips?

A. 100 lbs. of turnips contain about 80 lbs. of


Q. What quantity of starch do potatoes contain? of starch. A. 100 lbs. of potatoes contain from 15 to 20 lbs

Q. Are these proportions of starch, gluten, &c., always the same in the same grain or root?

A. No. Some varieties of wheat contain more gluten than others, some varieties of oats more oil than others, and some varieties of potatoes more starch than others.

W. J. asserts in his article above, that no part of the flock of the Duke del Infantado ever came to this country-meaning the United States. To show that he is entirely mistaken in this matter, Q. Have the soil and climate any influence upon we addressed Mr. Charles Henry Hall, of Harlem, the proportion of these ingredients?

N. Y., for a corroboration in writing of what he A. Yes; the wheat of warm climates is said to had frequently told us in conversation. We sub-contain more gluten, and the potatoes and barley join his reply: grown upon light or well drained land, more starch. The Duke del Infantado, it is true, joined the Q. When grain or potatoes are burned, do they patriot cause, and went ambassador to England | leave any inorganic matter or ash?



A. Yes, they all leave a small quantity of ash and had a large portion of decayed tubers among when burned.

Q. Of what does this ash consist?

A. It consists of the phosphates of potash, soda, lime and magnesia, of common salt, and other saline substances.-Professor Johnston.


them at the time they were dug up, and the damage was such as to excite much apprehension that they would not keep, and, in consequence, 70 bushels were sold.

And further, that early in the fall of 1845, four bushels from the limed, and twenty-one and a half from the dunged land, were each made quite dry, Chinese Tree Berries poisonous to Pigs.-I have by being spread and turned about on the barn floor; just had the misfortune to lose five of my finest that in this process of drying, there was among Berkshire pigs in twelve hours, by eating the ber- the dunged parcel a large portion which had be ries of the Chinese trees (a), which are now drop-come rotten and worthless, but of those from lime ping. They were two months old at the time, and not one was discovered unsound; that when thus had not been where the berries grew, before the dried, they were placed in piles, and as they were day they died. thus placed, they were sprinkled (so as to whiten Orchard.-I have just finished pruning my every tuber) with air slacked lime, and covered, orchard, which contains 40 kinds of the best first with rye straw, and then with earth in the northern and southern apples; 30 kinds of peach- usual way; that in April, 1846, the piles or heaps es; 12 kinds of pears; 6 kinds of plums; 4 kinds were opened, and from the 4 bushels of those grown of cherries; 2 kinds of apricots; 2 kinds of necta-on lime, 21 tubers only were found to be unsound, while from the 21 bushels from the manured land rines; and 2 kinds of grapes. Corn Bread.-I send you a receipt for making nearly 2 pecks were in a decayed state; and, furcorn bread, such as is used at every meal at my ther, that at the time the above named were piled house. I have stopped at nearly all the fashionable and buried, one barrel of the dunged crop was set hotels in the Union, and never have found anything away in a coal cellar, and without being sprinkled that has equalled it. It should be tried by every with lime, and in the spring, that is to say, in the one who wishes to have a superior bread. month of April, upon examination there were found to be about the same proportion of decayed tubers as in the other part of the same crop.

Take one egg well beaten, a half pint of thick cream, Indian meal sufficient to form a thick batter, a small quantity of salt; add half a teaspoonful of salæratus, dissolved in a small quantity of water; after mixing thoroughly, put it into the pans or E. J. CAPELL. oven, and bake immediately.

Centreville, Miss., April 15, 1846.

(a) These trees we presume are what are commonly called the "Pride of China" at the South, and Azedarach" throughout Europe.




AGRICULTURAL PUBLICATIONS. SINCE January I have received the Agriculturist for 1846, regularly. I am so much pleased with it that I feel disposed to be one among its patrons. Its contents are so much of the common every day order of things, that they may be deemed not only practical, but very useful and instructive. Such should be the works devoted to agriculture; as our callings are adapted to the most useful, practical and the earliest method to suit the purposes we are WE have frequently recommended the applica- engaged. Anything mysterious, complicated, or tion of lime to the potato crop, as a preventive of extravagant, does not suit the farmers of our country. the disease so destructive at present to this valuable We are yet in our infancy in our occupations; as root. A correspondent sends us the following re- such, we stand in need of plain instruction. Step port at a meeting of the Brooklyn Institute, from by step we must learn, and not be tutored too rathe Star, of its application to a crop of potatoes, pidly, for fear of too sudden advancement, not raised by Mr. Charles Nadansky, of North Hempsted, knowing the grounds we have passed over. Long Island, which is so conclusive of the good and useful instruction we need, so that when we effect of shell lime, that we give it in full for the read we can understand; and if we endeavor to When agricultural works benefit of our readers, trusting that they will profit carry the lessons into the field, let it be such as can from the example of an intelligent practical farmer. be profitably bestowed. are aiming at the mysterious, and remote sciences, That the piece of land planted is about one acre; and was planted in the spring of 1845; that all of they at once lose their usefulness to the common it except about one fifth was manured at the time of planter; for in our day and time, we are neither planting in the usual way, with farm yard dung in prepared nor competent to carry them into executhe hills; that a strip in the middle of the piece, tion; it is "as pearls cast before swine." The being about a fifth of the whole, was left without instruction we most need, is the most easy and dung, and in place thereof about one pint of slacked ready modes of carrying out our practical duties to shell lime was used to each hill; that the yield of the most advantage and profit. The mechanic arts the whole was about one hundred bushels; that the are of value to us; the time and manner of procurproduce of those grown on lime was estimated at ing green timber for seasoning for use; the kinds one third less than those grown on dunged land, but best adapted for certain purposes; those most durable and best to be applied for wet or dry places; of a quality very superior, being all sound, very regular as to size, fair, without a diseased or de-all such lessons are useful, as they are constantly cayed tuber in them at the time of digging up, needed. The stock department, and hints on domestic and rural economy, are highly necessary. JNO. H. DENT. whereas those grown on the manured part were Eufaula, Ala. very irregular as to size, of an ill shape, watery,




We found several other things here well worthy THIS superb garden is at Nahant, a rough, with stones and different kinds of substance, such of record: for example, Mr. Tudor's contrivances rocky, narrow peninsula, three or four miles long, jutting boldly into the sea, from the low sandy the soil being excessively dry. This garden is as peat, forest leaves, &c., to retain moisture there, beach of Lynn, seven miles northeast of Boston. well worthy of the visit of amateurs; for, taking it Being open to every ocean breeze, and with supe- all in all, it is quite unique, and an object of no litrior bathing and fishing ground, it is a delightful the curiosity. We have never met with anything summer retreat for the citizens of the adjacent like it on so extensive a scale, either in this countowns, and has long been quite a fashionable water

AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. THIS Institution held its regular meeting on Wednesday evening, May 6th. Although the number in attendance was small, the subjects discussed were not deficient in interest.

ing place for the public at large. Several spacious try or in Europe; and we are informed that its hotels crown the dark cliffs of the south end of opulent owner, with great liberality, allows all reNahant, while picturesque cottages are scattered spectable applicants to walk over it at their leisure. here and there, occasionally varied by groups of farm buildings, pleasing for their tidiness, or the reverse, according to the means and tastes of their several occupants. The surface of this peninsula is composed mostly of rocks, or hard, dry gravel; profitable gardening, therefore, much less farming, is nearly out of the question. In addition to the want of a good soil, the night and mornings are cold; and in the storms on the coast, the wind sweeps across the peninsula with great violence, loading the air and saturating the earth with salt spray from the sea. Under these circumstances, few shrubs and trees, and these of a peculiar kind only, can be reared here without strong, high shelter, while growing vegetables and grain are precarious. But there are so many persons at present residing at Nahant during the summer season, that gardens have become quite a desideratum.

Various schemes have been devised for a more successful growth of fruits and vegetables here, but nothing has been found to answer so well as ample protection. Among those who have adopted this most extensively and successfully, is Mr. Frederic Tudor. His garden comprises about four acres, and is filled with nearly every delicacy of flower, fruit, and vegetable, which it is possible to grow in the climate of Nahant. His method of protection consists of a series of fences. The outside line is 16 feet high, made of large cedar posts, deeply sunk and braced in the ground, connecting with joists 3 by 5 inches, to which slats or pickets, 3 inches wide and one inch thick, of the same length as the posts, are nailed in an upright position 2 inches apart. To this fence espaliers of the hardiest kinds of fruit trees are trained. A second fence of the same fashion and materials, but not quite so high, is run round the garden a short distance from the first. Then comes a third fence, with others to the number of nearly one hundred, short and long, running off at different angles from the first line, making a complete labyrinth of the garden. To these shorter fences are trained apricots, nectarines, peaches, grapes, and other delicate fruit. In another part of the garden is a peachery by itself, of 300 trees, grown by the sides of short slatted fences, a few feet apart, protected in front by a thick hedge of dwarf willow. One would be surprised to find what a difference these fences make between the atmosphere of the garden and that surrounding it. Although it was in the month of July when we visited the garden, without, the air was chilly and blustering, within, bland and warm. Several kinds of fruits were in season, all of which we tasted, and found them as delicious as those grown in

much milder climate.


Alpaca Fund.-Mr. Moses Barran, of Mount Morris, N. Y., announced through the Treasurer of the Association, that he had subscribed $200 towards the enterprise of introducing the Alpaca into the United States.

Syrian Millet.-S. B. Parsons, who had recently returned from the South, stated that the Syrian millet (Sorghum halepense) is successfully cultivated in Carolina and Georgia, from seeds procured from the banks of the Nile. This species of grass, he said, has a tuberous, perennial root, with a succu lent top, and has grown five feet high on the dry, pine-barrens of North Carolina, and promises to afford a valuable forage for cattle, on the poorest soils of the South, without manure.

Egyptian Horse Beans.-Capt. Luther T. Wilson, recently from Egypt, invited the attention of the Society to a few bushels of beans which he had brought from that country, and had deposited for seed in the warehouse of Mr. A. B. Allen, at 187 Water Street, N. Y. He said that these beans grow all over Egypt, but principally in the upper part, and that they are much exported to England as food for horses. He remarked that they brought, at Cairo, seventy cents per bushel, by the cargo, and that the annual amount carried to Europe, he had understood, was 600,000 bushels.

Mr. Amb. Stevens explained the difference be tween the properties of Egyptian and other beans, and Indian corn, with reference to the feeding of horses, and pointed out the importance of obtaining a kind of bean that is not too stimulating to them, which can be cultivated in the United States as a field crop. He recommended that experiments be made in different parts of the country, with the Egyptian horse bean, both as regards its culture, and applicability as food for horses and other ani mals; upon which, a committee was appointed, consisting of himself and the chemist of the Association, to analyze and report upon this vegetable, forthwith, through the columns of some of the leading agricultural journals of the day. Mr. Hammersley offered specimens, procured by himself, of the strata of the banks of the Nile, for examination or analysis by the committee.

The Association held a special meeting on Wednesday evening, May 20th, from which they ad journed until the first Wednesday of October of the present year.

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