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not our extensive flock-masters appropriate this I Do not know a better grazing district than the broad region to themselves? It only requires their southern tier of counties of New York, and more capital and their sheep to make it one of the richest and most productive of our wool-producing particularly the western portions of them. Owing counties. to the mistaken policy of the Holland Land ComLong wool is rapidly becoming an pany, who were the original proprietors of many its production requires little labor; close attention, article of extensive consumption in our factories; millions of acres, in holding them at high prices on long credits, and for which most of the lands were care, and experience, are only demanded. Its revetaken up in small farms by actual settlers, and nues are liberal; its expenditures small; and we more or less improved and cleared; and the subse- hesitate not to say, that after the wide prairies and quent opening of the immense government tracts at the ridgy openings of the farWest are all examined, the West at low rates, and the easy communication thousands will return to the green and health-givthereto, thousands of these hardy pioneers, finding ing hills of New York, and plant their flocks on themselves with a large debt and its years of accumulated interest on their shoulders, from which immediate extrication seemed impossible, sold out for a mere song, and, in frequent instances, availed themselves of what personal property they possessed, and then emigrated to the great western "Dorado."

Some years since, the Holland Land Company sold out to different parties all its remaining land possessions, together with an immense amount of expired land contracts, at low prices, many of which had already reverted to them, and ever since have continued to revert, as the circumstances of the contending parties in possession, and the demands of the wholesale purchasing parties, have proved unsatisfactory. The consequence of all this is, that in the counties of Wyoming, Allegany, the southern portion of Erie, Cattaraugus, and Chautauque, are thousands of farms, portions of which, from one to two-thirds, are cleared up, and can now be purchased at from $5 to $10 an acre, which are penetrated by good roads, and in the neighborhood of mills, schools, churches, and near to railroads and water communications; abundantly supplied with clear, sparkling streams; delicious springs; a mcst healthful atmosphere, and delightful scenery; and for the growth of grass, oats, all the root crops, and the hardy fruits, it cannot be surpassed. I have stood on the rich wheat farms of the low country, which cannot be purchased for less than $40 to $50 per acre, and looked out upon those green and vigorous hills, only a few miles distant, where thousands of acres, with quite comfortable buildings, in an humble way, can be bought at $6 to $8 per acre, and wondered why they were not bedotted with flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle, which can nowhere thrive better than on the sweet grasses of those elevated grounds. I have visited them often, and nowhere have I ever seen fatter or healthier cattle, nor better and more highly conditioned sheep, or with heavier fleeces. Whether the finest kinds of Merino or Saxony will thrive as well on those moist hill sides and elevations, or in the deep sheltered valleys, as on the more gravelly and dier low grounds of other regions, I cannot say; but so far as tried, they are equally healthy. And for long-woolled sheep, I know, from abundant evidence of their trial, that no country can exceed it. The soil is strong (lacking only in lime), and the grass in the greatest abundance. I have seen hay produced in the meadows of a whole farm at the rate of two tons per acre; corn forty to fifty bushels; oats thirty to forty; and rutabaga and carrots a thousand bushels per acre. Why should

their surface.

I do not hesitate here to put it on record, that the "sequesteral counties," as they have so often been termed, of this great State, now that they are Erie railroad, which is forthwith to be prosecuted certain to be penetrated by that immense work, the by the vigorous enterprise of our great commercial city, will, at no distant day, become the favorite wool and dairy region of the North.

I may at some fitting time resume this subject, and speak of the more eastern counties lying on the same great lines, prefacing my suggestions, however, with the remark, that I hold neither lands, railroad shares, nor a particle of any interest whatever connected therewith, other than what appertains to the prosperity and growth of the great agricultural welfare of our community. WESTERN.


THE Canada thistle (Cnicus arvensis) is one of the most pestiferous weeds that are found amongst us, and has, of late years, increased so rapidly as to become an object of considerable alarm among our farmers. It springs up among the grain crops, and its sharp spines are so formidable as to cause great difficulty in reaping grain in which the thistle is growing. It spreads rapidly, too, in grass lands. If suffered to ripen, its downy seeds are borne by the winds in clouds, in every direction; and as they readily take root, and as the plant likewise is perennialrooted, that is, springs from the old root it is difficult to keep it down. Much might be done, however, if farmers were unanimous, but the plant is in many cases permitted to grow and ripen by the sides of the roads, whence the seeds are scattered over the fields. Repeated mowings in summer will cause the roots to wither and die; and if each one would take the trouble to cut off the flowering heads of those that grow in the roads of his own farm, the plant would be prevented from seeding (a).

The vile plant, however, of which I have just been speaking, is not so bad as the burrweed (Galeopsis tetrahit) that is spreading over our fields and ruining our farms. This is a vigorous plant, growing from a creeping root, which is, I believe, perennial; though the stalk is annual. It has a tall branchy stem, with leaves like those of a nettle; it bears a pretty white labiate flower, succeeded by large burrs or seed vessels, covered, when ripe, with hard, sharp prickles, defying the touch. It produces seeds in most prolific abundance, which are unfortunately scattered before our grain is cut; and as it spreads from the root as well as the seed,





there appears to be no way to eradicate it but pull-up their revenge for years, until an opportunity ing up every plant. But in doing this, the root offers to gratify it. They are called obstinate by often breaks, and leaves a part in the ground, to mulish drivers, and by none else. No opinion is become the progenitor of a new stock of weeds. more erroneous than that mules can thrive on Besides this, wherever this spinous weed grows brambles and briars. They may live, but cannot with wheat or other grain, a great deal of the latter thrive. A mule requires one-third less of nutritive is obliged to be wasted, as it cannot be reaped; for substance than a horse, but his quantum he must no man can put his hand into a bed of burrweed have, or, like other animals, he will starve; and with impunity. In short, though unknown among though not so much of an epicure or glutton as us a few years ago, it is now spreading with alarm-man, he is as much opposed to scanty doses in ing rapidity, and laughs at our efforts to control it. feeding as his master. JAMES BOYLE. Another pernicious weed is likewise becoming Annapolis, Md. an object of some attention; though it has not yet attained the notoriety of the former. I allude to spurry (Spergula arvensis), so abhorred by some of our farmers, that they have given it the name of Method of Fastening Horses.--Very sensible, "devil's gut." It has a long, but very slender S. Y.,-short and to the point; I like such articles. stem, trailing on the ground, with nodules, about But I don't like your big heavy headstall and blindan inch apart, at each of which the stem forms an ers and check reins. Check reins are wicked; angle. The leaves and flowers are inconspicuous; blinds are useless; and breeching too, nine times the seed vessels are numerous, globular, and about out of ten; and in fact the least possible quantity as large as peas; the stems trail a long way from of leather about a harness is the best-and Mr. the root, and twine and entangle one with another. Editor, I am not convinced by your argument in It chiefly infests new land; but I suppose the seed has been imported with other seeds from Europe. There, I have understood, it is sometimes sown for the sake of its herbage, which affords an abundant and nutritious food for cattle (b). These three are the worst weeds that infest our crops. We have many others; but they do not spread so rapidly as these, and can in some measure be kept under. CANADIAN NATURALIST.

Compton, Canada East.

(a) As the Canada thistle abounds in fertilizing salts it may be advantageously plowed in after the manner of clover, buckwheat, and other green crops. (b) In Germany and Belgium, the seeds of spurry are sown in fields of stubble after the grain has been harvested, to supply a tender bite for sheep during winter. It may be sown and reaped in eight weeks either in autumn or spring. It is said to enrich the milk of cows so much as to render the butter more excellent; and the mutton fed upon it is preferable to that fed on turnips. It is greedily eaten by hens, dry or green, and is supposed to cause them to lay a greater number of eggs. In the United States, however, it is doubtful whether it would pay the expense of cultivation.


In your last No., page 187, in an article signed Gaston, the writer complains that his mules die of colic. I will merely say to him, that mules are but little subject to disease, except by inflammation of the intestines, caused by the grossest exposure to cold and wet, and excessive drinking of cold water after severe labor, and while in a high state of perspiration. Crushed corn and cob is the best food for them; neither rye nor wheat straw should be given them while working, as it renders them unfit for labor, but in times of rest it is a good food. They have been lost by feeding on cut straw and corn meal.

favor of attaching a weight to the halter. The truth is, I like that "Southern barn," where a horse can "take his ease" in his own stable," with none to make him afraid." [So do we; and our correspondent will find box and stalls, as in the Southern barn, often recommended in our paper; but all cannot have them, and therefore we give the most comfortable method we know of, to fasten horses in their stables.] It is but too true, that most of our fashionable usage of this most noble of domestic animals, is but a refined kind of cruelty. halter round our necks, but it is not comfortable. suppose we might get used to sleeping with a The Southern plan, if put to vote among the horses, would be the one adopted as best.


wish, Mr. Editor, that it was ours, and that we had Farm and Villa of Mr. Donaldson.-Don't we the wherewithal to enjoy that same? And yet I covet it not. It is in good hands, and blithe may it ever be to its present owner. If many of our city millionaires would go and do likewise, it would be better for them and the world in general. These descriptive views of yours are always read with pleasure and profit. They are calculated to make improvement duly and honorably appreciated, and the owners feel justly proud to see their labors of are well calculated to induce thousands of city dwellers who have the time and means to enable them to enjoy rural life, to go out upon some ill cultivated or desolate and barren spot, and make it blossom like the rose, as Mr. Donaldson has done. To my mind there is no enjoyment for a man of wealth, equal to that of creating a little world of comfort and beauty for and around his own household. I hope you will continue your visits and descriptions, till every similar house is described, and that you will thereby create a taste, that will cause them to be erected faster than you can give us an account of them.

Machine for Cleaning Gravel Walks.-Will that machine answer in the southern latitude for a "cotton scraper?" Let them that know, speak. It In breaking them, they should be mated with a looks to me as though it would take the place of swift walking horse, and if treated kindly, will be" the sweep," in the hands of a white man; with a gentle; but if treated inhumanly, they will treasure negro, doubtful.



Scraps from my Note Book, No. 2.-Pretty fair, many objections to this imported wool, which but not quite so good as No. 1. These " jottings require an article of too great length for us to write down by the way-side" are generally interesting at present.] The sale of every other product beand instructive. I hope the author will continue sides wool, depends much upon the manner in them. which it is prepared for market. There is great want of reform upon this point. I would instance the article of butter. If properly prepared, it is better at six months old than six days. And cheese should never be eaten till a year old; but then it must first be properly prepared to keep, as well as send to market.

Peach and Nectarine Trees on Plum Stocks.-I cannot see the object of this kind of grafting in this fruitful country, where the land is not yet so dear as to require dwarfing to save room. We graft too much. Who raises native fruit now? Is it in consequence of forcing nature that trees are so short-lived, and that there are so many failures of fruit?

Stump Machine-Is this the "latest and best?" It strikes me that I saw a failure of one of these machines at Utica, at the fair. The cotton press seen upon every plantation is similar in principle, but far more powerful.

Buckwheat Cakes.-Another thing, if "properly prepared," which affords most excellent eating; but unfortunately, these proper preparations are few and far between. And your preparation with soda and acid, and salæratus, and vinegar, may do very well for them that cannot do better. You say truly that your vinegar cakes will not be so good as Analysis of Marl on the Hudson.-A valuable when raised by good hop yeast, and you might have kind of tables that should be more extended. In said that they would only be barely eatable. Substisome parts of the West, where there is no lime-tute buttermilk for acid and vinegar, and then see stone, quick lime is made of similar marl-it being what the advantage is of living where milk is moulded into brick and burned in a kiln in the same ever flowing. manner that bricks are. This hint may be useful in many other districts where there is similar marl and no limestone. The vegetable matter will burn out, and the water dry out, while all else that remains besides the lime, of iron and earthy matter, will not injure the lime for the use of the mason in the least. If there is much iron, the lime will be darkcolored, and not so white and nice for plastering, that is all.

Castration of Calves." Put nothing in the wound," is common sense, and using salt, ashes, &c., is only a refinement of cruelty. But, about cording. When I was a boy, I witnessed an operation called "turning," by which the testicle was inverted, and by a cord, apparently without pain to the animal, kept in that position for a few days, when the cord was removed, and the whole seemed to wither up and decay without danger and but little Experiments with Corn.-Here is another useful trouble. Who knows anything of this practice table. But why is it anonymous? Do give your now? Somebody, surely, and somebody else names, gentlemen, that your reviewer may know would like to. Let us hear from somebody. [This who will bear hard words best. The "home-amounts to the same thing as cording; castration is made" manure in this experiment, must be awarded better, and less painful, depend upon it.] the first premium, as all home-made things upon the farm always should stand first in the affection of the farmer. It is time enough to look abroad to supply his wants, when they can no longer be supplied at home.

Oneida County Ag. Society.-Crops worthy of the premiums. And why should they not be, and why should not the society be a flourishing one, in so fertile and rich a county? But, to my mind, there is need of something beside big crops in this county, Stingless Bees-A very interesting article, but for there is now and then a specimen of as poor not half full enough. If you please, Mr. Editor, farming as I wish to look at. The Editor of the just step into the book store of your publishers, Tribune says they cultivate large quantities of Messrs. Saxton & Miles, and get a little work en-apples there, of that interesting variety known as titled the " Honey Bee," by Edward Bevan, and " five to the pint." And I say that if there is not a look on page 76, for a history of the genus apis, greater spirit of liberality towards the friends of whose proper name is the "tropical bee," for they are not exclusively Mexican. They are common more to Asia and America within the tropics. You may make a very interesting extract from the work alluded to, upon the subject of these honey gatherers. The same ship that brings the Alpacas can also bring a few swarms of stingless bees.

Growing Wool.-I often hear this term of "growing wool" objected to. I insist that it is not only right, but ought to be as universally adopted as "growing turnips." It expresses the meaning much better than "raising wool," " raising sheep," or" feeding mutton." But, Mr. G., what if you cannot get such a fine gravelly stream? What, then? Will the plan described by Solon Robinson, in his " Sheep on the Prairies, No. 3," answer as a substitute? You say we shall export wool. What! while we import a half blood Merino quality as we do now (unwashed it is true), for seven cents a pound, duty free? [Yes, certainly, for there are

agricultural improvement than was manifested at Utica last September, those gentlemen composing the Oneida Agricultural Society have some hard cases to deal with, and will need a great deal of patience and perseverance on their part before they work a thorough reform. Let me suggest that they offer a premium of $10 to the man who will procure the greatest number of subscribers to an agricultural paper in that county, as the most likely means of producing the desired reform.

Cattle of Texas.-Allow me to differ with your opinion so confidently expressed, Gov. Houston. There are several good reasons why blooded cattle and horses should not do well in Texas, if proper care be taken of them the first year." Because you will not take proper care of them the next year, and therefore on the next they will be beyond care. The fact is, choice stock needs the watchful care of the owner. And one kind of stock will take but sorry care of another. Texas


is a land of negroes, flies, musquitoes, gnats, ticks, | tions.


But from such a land as you describe,

garapatas; and very hot and very changeable people have no occasion to emigrate, for they can weather, which more than overbalances the advan-live and be comfortable, contented and happy, and tages of the eternal verdure. The thin-skinned, rich too, in dollars, if they will. high-bred Durham cannot exist in such a country, Seedling Potatoes.-What is meant by the term? where the only care they will get is an annual [It is a new variety of potatoes grown from seed.] "marking and branding." But let me assure you, Is it those which have grown from the balls the first Governor, you have already adapted to your coun- year after planting? This writer, like many try, a better breed for your use, than any Durham, others, is too indefinite upon this point. Evidently in the native cattle. I have seen many of them, he refers back to another article. But every numand think I can judge. Go on with your improve-ber of a paper of this kind should be as near perfect ment of cattle already acclimated and fitted by na- in itself as possible. That is, what information of ture or long residence to your country, and let one subject or one branch is given, be so worded those breed the higher qualities who have a more that it would be complete. Without looking back favorable country for that purpose. Improve the to the other article, it would appear that this writer stock you have-you cannot better it, taking all has made one of the most important discoveries of things into consideration. [Mr. Reviewer, we do the age, and under that title, a short, concise recipe not agree with you here at all.] should have been given to enable all the rest of the world to partake of the benefit. What is the prevention of rot? Is it the drying of seed or topdressing of lime? If the lime is also requisite, there are many places where the disease prevails that the medicine would cost more than the crop would be worth. Is it objectionable to plant whole seed when there is no disease? What is your soil? Will everybody know where Rockland County is? You name no State. [It is in New York.] Soil and locality should be definitely given. Your remarks upon liquid manure, and manner of applying it, I approve. Much of the most valuable part of manure is lost in the waste of liquids in town and country. The wisdom of the Chinese I have before referred to. They have learned how to save the enormous tax upon industry in the shape of fence, and that enables them to devote more time than we can to the saving and applying manure. I am not so sure that it is the best way though to apply it in the liquid state in this country, unless done in a very dry time. Notwithstanding that bones are such valuable manure, not one farmer in ten that saves them. Even a dead horse is hauled off to feed the dogs, instead of being used to feed vegetation.

Indian Cakes.-True to the letter. But you should have said don't grind the corn too fine. No kind of grain is actually spoiled by grinding too fine, except corn; though wheat is injured. But good corn bread, cakes, or mush, cannot be made of fine meal; neither can corn meal be cooked in a hurry. It may be heated and swallowed half raw -fit food for a hog-certainly not for a man. White corn, of the gourd-seed variety, ground coarse, and baked in the ashes, southern negro fashion, does make sweet, good, rich, healthy, palatable bread.

The Grass Lands of Western New York.-Time will bring about the same results over a vast part of that great wheat-growing country, west of the Lakes, that you describe, notwithstanding so many of our citizens are so anxious to locate themselves upon "an inexhaustible wheat soil." They will be disappointed, just as the first settlers were, upon the lands you mention. And" strange whims and conceits" will continue to exist. Why is it, that men adhere so pertinaciously to wheat, as though there was no other crop that could be cultivated to any advantage? A new country, whatever else its advantages may be, whenever a new settler comes Ladies' Department.-Insects, No. 2.-What! into it, his first inquiry is, " is it good for wheat?" ladies writing about bugs and beetles, woodpeckers and if not, he passes on; though this depends and worms, and going out in the storm to search partly upon where he comes from; for, if from the into the operations of nature, wrapped up in a thin South, he will be just as anxious as the Eastern coat and hood! I don't believe it. Oh, I beg man to know whether the new land is good for pardon. I see now, it is from the Diary of an Old corn; if not, he passes on. Few, if any, seek for Lady. It is no wonder she sought employment. a grass country. If land can be bought as cheap as This kind of information is not taught our "latter you say, many persons who seek new homes might day" young ladies, who get an education (do they go farther and fare worse. It is a great error ofis it a real education) in a "fashionable boardpeople in this part of the country, that they only ing-school," where they are taught to think it count wealth by dollars in cash. ... In England, would be a disgrace to visit a meat room, and land is wealth. In the Southern States, a man's looking for bugs and moths, and would faint if the wealth is estimated by the number of his slaves. It name of "a red-headed woodpecker" should be is a common expression in speaking of the marriage spoken in their presence. And these are farmers' of a young man, to say, "Mr. A. has married fifty girls of our day. Verily this writer must be an old negroes." Heavens what a bride! On the south-woman, indeed. And with her generation the race ern part of this continent, a man is estimated by his of such will disappear, I am afraid. I only hope cattle. All this shows that something is yet want- that this "diary" is voluminous, and that you have ing to your grass lands of Western New York; free access to it. If any of your readers have negthat something is, intelligence, information, im-lected to read this article, because it comes from an provement, and that wealth does not consist in old lady, let them hasten to correct their error, and dollars, acres, negroes, nor hoofs and horns; but in retrieve their loss.

[ocr errors]

the greatest amount of human happiness. That The Garden.-This article is calculated for the country is the best where this exists in the greatest meridian of New York. The writer forgets that in abundance, no matter what are the staple produc- several of the states, corn is planted in the previous



month, and garden vegetables are being eaten in how we are to make the custom-house officers beMarch. It is very difficult to calculate an agricul-lieve that mutton hams are not hams, is past my untural or horticultural article to suit the wide-spread derstanding. "More gammon." There are a great varied climate of this nation. [But this was done many sheep in the United States that ought to be in the Northern and Southern Calendars, in our muttoned, but I hope Mr. Rotch will bring us some third volume; and these, by the way, have been from Spain that ought not to be... The prize that the regular plunder of every Almanac maker and Mr. Norton has won, shows that the Highland Sowriter of Calendars since their publication.] ciety think that there are other objects worthy of a prize besides big bulls and boars. When shall we witness the same spirit here?

Hints to Ladies.-Should have been hints to the carpenter who builds the stairs, to carefully round off the corners, and then the paper may be dispensed with.

To prevent the Return of Disease in Potatoes.More gammon. The truth is, the disease has shown itself in isolated places upon the ground prairie of Illinois, within a year past, where it was utterly impossible that it could have been by contagion with diseased seed. The military cordons of Europe never stopped the cholera, nor will it prevent the spread of the potato disease.

Boys' Department.-Useful Amusements.-I object to the positive term of the first line. It should have read, "the care of young stock should belong to the women and boys." But when you know what you know, you will not say, "on most farms it does," &c., because on most farms, except where linger a few of the ancients, like your old Increase of Stock in New South Wales.-Why lady of the Diary, the women pay but little atten- cannot we have an annual census of stock taken by tion to the stock. And some of our boys are more the assessors in our country, to show that we grow inclined to become acquainted with a stock of dry some too? In regard to sheep, particularly, such goods, than a stock of cattle. And far too many tables would be useful. [Reviewer will find these know more about sucking the bottle, than sucking matters in the census returns of this State, taken the calves. The same remarks of kind treatment last year.] should apply to every domestic animal upon the farm. Be gentle, and they will be gentle.

Steep for Seed Wheat.-Very rational, and plainly stated. Something of a job to prepare the seed of some of the western wheat farms-and costly, but it might pay cost, and make profit.

Another Poultry Account.-Here we have a kind of Peter Parley poulterer, who understands what but very few writers do," the art of writing for Potatoes." No great loss without some small boys." They must be amused while being instruct- gain," if the diseased tubers will fatten the pigs ed. He is willing to tell his errors, which but few faster than sound ones. But I fear that in this acare. Evident from the quantity of lice, that you count there is more " gammon." We have a disdid not use whitewash, ashes, and lime enough, in ease in this country that don't stop after it starts, the hen-house. Ought to have burnt that brush till the whole potatoe is "as rotten as a potato." heap that harbored that rat. Ought not to feed so Do they plant potatoes in England, in autumn ? high, and ought to have used cheaper feed. Ought [Yes, in the South of England; and have them ripe to have put one grain of strychnia in a piece of in May, to supply the London market. The winter meat, or ínside a little lump of lard on a chip, and there is seldom colder than the month of November, put that in the way of their dogs. It is very in latitude 40°, in the United States. It is usually wholesome medicine for night-prowling dogs; it much more rainy, however.] I know it is done in entirely cures them of the propensity. Some of Mississippi, but did not know it was so in England. these figures in some places upon both sides, will | But “live and learn" is an old and true proverb. look rather large, but perhaps are all right, except Editor's Table.-Now, my dear reader, here is the feathers. They are quoted "above the market."" more gammon." The editor of the American Friend L., will you tell the boys how that pond is Agriculturist is a bachelor, and, as a matter of made, artificially, to hold water all summer? There are many places where such ponds are needed.


course, has not got any table; though his personal appearance certainly indicates that he is fond of a good table, and yet I know few men more absteForeign Agricultural News.-Will those reduc- mious. But as he has had the advantage often of tions of the British tariff so greatly benefit this sitting at a good table, he ought now to be able to country as is anticipated, if met by a "similar set a good one for us. I have now shown up his spirit at Washington," upon the free-trade prin- "bill of fare" for one month, and what do you say ciple? The discrimination between "bacon" and to it? Does he furnish forth a good table to feed "horns," of 7s. on the cwt., shows very plainly our intellectual appetites, and gratify our hunger that the British cabinet never were in the city of after a knowledge of an improved state of agricul Porkopolis." It is all " gammon." To save ture? Who votes in the affirmative? His subthe Times the trouble of sending us a recipe to scription list will tell. Who votes in the negative? cure the "dainty dish" of bacon, I will give one It is no libel, I suppose, to say not one. "free of postage." Use 6 lbs. of salt and 3 oz. of The Illustrated Botany. Of all the valuable new saltpetre, to 100 lbs. of pork, and never touch works noticed in the editor's table, this may be water to it, or use a cask-salt it on a bench where made the most interesting. Whether this is so or all the bloody matter can drain off. When the salt not I cannot say, not having seen it. While upon is absorbed, put it to smoke where the fire will not this subject, I will offer my opinion, that if some of heat it, and where there is a good ventilation, and use hickory or maple wood-don't smoke too fast, and my word for it, the bacon will be as good as was ever eaten by Englishmen. If hams pay duty,

our publishers would issue a cheap edition of Michaux's North American Sylva, it would meet with a ready sale, and would prove a most valuable work for all agricultural readers. The plates are in

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