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this country. They were owned by the late Wm.

I have now passed every article in the March McClure, of Philadelphia. Let us have this valu- No. of the paper under review, except the adverable work reprinted. The country needs it. [The tisements, and some of them might be commented attempt was made two or three years ago, and on with profit, but I desist. My review is already proved a failure. We would inform Reviewer that a very long one. But I hope it does not contain an a work is now in the press of Messrs. Harper of unusual amount of superfluous matter. this city, by Mr. Browne, which will not only em. My object has not been to praise or blame, or brace the substance of Michaux's work, but will pick flaws, but to write an article to do good. At also treat of the principal fruit and ornamental trees present, I prefer concealing my name. But, as a of this country, and may be bought for the reason-general rule, I think that correspondents should able sum of $5.] give theirs, with the place of residence, and even Life in California.-More annexation. No the latitude would be useful. I hope no one will objection. It is destiny. And that " representative" will come to Congress at St. Louis, upon a railroad. If this is visionary, it is a vision of futurity, which our children (if we had any, Mr. Editor) would live to see.

fear to write on account of the reviewer, for if 1 should continue to review (which is doubtful), it shall be done in a spirit of good-will to all men. The next shall be an improvement upon thisi. e., shorter, consequently better. REVIEWER.

European Agriculture, No. 5.-Have not seen it. But, upon the whole (doubtful praise), I am glad to When our correspondent criticised our article on hear you say that you "like the latter part of this the stable, May No., page 160, we wrote the folnumber better than anything which has yet appear-lowing explanation, which we intended should ed in Mr. Coleman's work." Now, the fact is, and have been inserted at the time, but there not being it ought to be spoken out boldly, this work is a flat room for it on that page, we thought proper to defer failure. It is not what the American reader ex-it till he got through with his review. pected from Mr. Coleman's pen; and it is dear at The cut made use of in March No., was intended cost. I never saw a number of this paper, that I to illustrate a method of managing a kicker, and the did not esteem of more value than any of the four rack had nothing to do with the illustration of that first numbers of Mr. Coleman's tour. I am not particular subject. The artist probably put it in alone in my opinion. And if there is not substan- for effect, and to set off his cut; why else it should tial reason for the public to "like better" the suc-appear there would puzzle us no less than Receeding numbers, there will be a very loud speak-viewer. By looking over the preceding numbers ing out. on the Stable, he will find that we have given Agricultural School. These attempts of indi-illustrations of many kinds of racks and hay viduals to do a national work, however praise-mangers, good and bad, indicating our decided preworthy, can never succeed. When the agricul- ference for low ones, as the best. And yet some turists themselves will lay aside their foolish horses must have a different kind. squabbles for "party," and send more from their own body to legislate for them, then may we expect to see agricultural schools worthy their name, and not till then.

Reviewer's method of preventing kicking by hobbles is a good one in the open fields, though it frequently disfigures, and sometimes utterly ruins, the horse; but we must take the risk of that. It is Important Discovery.-Not half so important as generally used, however, to prevent jumping or it would be to hear that an improvement had been straying away; to apply it in the stable where the made in the present manner of cultivating and pre-kicking is most dangerous, would be very hazardparing the hemp crop for market. ous. We doubt whether a hobbled horse could get up in a narrow stall after lying down to rest, and in his efforts to do so, he would be very likely to injure himself so materially as to become utterly


Review of the Market.-As farmers, what have we to complain of these prices current? But we can, if we will, learn a useful lesson. For instance, here is a difference of fifty per cent, in the useless. price of butter. All cwing to the manner of pre- As to smooth shoeing, we contend that it is best paring it for market. Cheese varies 100 per cent., in all countries during the dry or summer months and ought to vary a thousand, for the same reason. in the winter or muddy months, Southern horses The variation of cotton from 6 to 10 cents is partly would require corks to their shoes, as well as those owing to natural quality; but there is an immense at the North, otherwise they would slip badly, and loss upon the same quality of this crop to the plant- the fatigue of travelling consequently be greatly er, which is entirely owing to the slovenly manner of preparing it for market. One mill per pound upon this crop in the United States makes a great IMPORTANT FACT.-From experiments made in sum of money. The same remarks will apply to England some time since, by Dr. Anderson, it was almost every article of produce. In noticing the ascertained that 1 bushel of wheat measured in a cattle market, we are impressed with the fact that vessel 11 inches deep, weighed 56 lbs. 63 oz.; and we are enormous consumers of meat. Is it the that a bushel of the same kind of wheat, measured most healthy or most economical diet?... In the in another vessel 8 inches deep, weighed 56 lbs. premium list of the State Ag. Society, shall we find 0 oz., making a difference of rather more than one a premium of $100 to the society of that county bushel in 144-a loss of some moment when large that furnishes evidence of taking the greatest num-quantities are delivered. The same principle will ber of agricultural papers? They could not offer a apply to rye, oats, barley, and many other subbetter one. stances sold by measure.



TRANSPLANTING AND GRAFTING TREES. against negligent treatment, and the most withering drought. In looking over agricultural journals and other Whether there is anything in a southern climate, publications during the last year, I have observed or in accidental circumstances, to account for these numerous articles upon the planting of fruit and things, I do not pretend to say. Possibly attempts ornamental trees. These almost without excep- may be made to explain them in some such way. tion differ so widely from my own experience, that To me it appears anything but unreasonable to rethough averse to obtruding my thoughts and opi- gard them as facts founded in nature. A tree renions upon the public, I am induced in the present moved when entirely destitute of sap, has nothing instance to address a few lines to you with the to sustain it against the blighting influences natuhope of offering some useful suggestions. The rally consequent upon such a change of condition. general strain of teaching on this subject is that Its whole system receives a shock at the outset by almost all trees, whether for fruit or ornament, the breaking of its roots; and it shrinks and should be transplanted before the close of February withers from other causes before new roots can put at the latest, and, in fact, it seems to be an estab-forth to sustain it. But, on the contrary, if removed lished axiom, that a tree is never to be removed after after the circulation has commenced, it has sufficient the sap has begun to circulate. As far as my own to live upon while the rootlets or fibres, which experience extends, this rule, which, if I am not mis- always protrude simultaneously with the leaves and taken, is to be found in almost so many words in branchlets, are shooting out in search of new supone of the numbers of the Agriculturist for 1845, is plies of nourishment (a). wholly wrong; and if we would save ourselves The same view of the case will serve to explain much trouble and expense in this most interesting another fact, viz., that grafts take much better if and important department of our rural affairs, it cut after the sap has begun to flow. At least such should be exactly reversed in all cases, except has been the result of my own observations the where trees are to be transported so far as to occa-present season. Of a large number taken from the sion their being kept long out of the ground. In tree just as the buds were beginning to swell, only other words, never remove a tree, where you have one of my own has failed; and a neighbor, who the opportunity of replanting it immediately, till after the sap has not only started, but begun to circulate freely. If this appears to be a strange and unreasonable doctrine, it can only be said in reply, "one fact is worth a thousand theories; and there are more things in this world than are dreamed of in our philosophy."

used largely from the same lot, has lost not one. In
this case, however, the stocks were in leaf into
which the grafts were inserted, and this, it would
seem but reasonable should always be the case.
Of my grafts which were cut this year in January
and February, and inserted with equal care, not one
half succeeded.
T. S. W. MOTT.

Belvoir, N. C., May 21, 1846.

It is now eight or twelve years since I first began to improve a small place in the western part of North Carolina. I commenced setting out a very (a) Much has been written respecting the proper considerable number of trees of various kinds, season for transplanting trees-summer and autumn among which, however, were a large proportion of for evergreens, and spring or mild weather in winthe common locust. This was done during the ter for deciduous trees. The principle which justimonths of January and February, according to fies these practices is, that all plants whatever, rule; but to my great disappointment, not a dozen with few exceptions, are most safely removed when of the whole collection took root. The year fol- they are in a comparatively dormant state, and when lowing the effort was renewed with similar results, the weather is temperate, and the air moist and and so matters went on for several seasons in suc-still, rather than dry and in motion. As it is cession. At tast, accidental circumstances prevent-known that the greatest degree of torpidity in any ed my obtaining trees till it was so late that I had plant exists a short time before it begins to grow or little or no expectation of their living. About 20 push out shoots, late in winter or early in spring, locusts were procured just as the leaves were burst-is regarded as the best time for transplanting. The ing into view, and of these only one failed to live chief difference to be regarded between evergreens and flourish. At the same time a number of young and deciduous trees, is that, from the circumstance apple trees were transplanted, on which the leaves of the former being at no time, whatever, in a comwere fully out. They had been carried several pletely dormant state, they may be removed at any miles in the hot sun, without protection to the time in winter, spring, or autumn, when the wearoots; yet of these only two perished. ther will least affect their fibrous roots and leaves

Subsequent experience has fully sustained the by evaporation. This is in perfect accordance idea thus suggested. Of nearly 200 trees trans-with the practice of the best gardeners; and it has planted lately at my present residence, not one was been laid down as the most judicious mode founded removed till late in the spring-all after the sap had on experience. As the apple tree and the common begun to flow, and many after the leaves, had at-locust are both very tenacious of life, they may tained a considerable size. Of these scarcely any both be propagated when kept moist, with great are dead, and without exception were such as were facility, at almost any season, by cuttings of the taken up earliest in the season, and in the most roots, or by suckers, which are often thrown up in backward state. The same has been found the case with evergreens. Pines, and other trees of the same family, when transplanted in winter, have rarely done well; whereas those set out late in the spring, have been found to contend successfully

great numbers around the trunks; but if our correspondent were to attempt to cultivate the walnut, and many other trees, by his mode of transplanting, we think he would be sorely disappointed. 'Tis true, we believe, as he intimates, that the mildness

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of the climate in the Southern States has a strong rinos " belong" to what he is pleased to call a tendency to accelerate the propagation of trees; for," family of Vermont Merinos,"" the most comit appears that, in the north of France, and in cold countries generally, some trees do not readily bud nor graft by any mode; but, in the south of France, and north of Italy, they may be budded or grafted by different modes, with success.

We have so little experience individually in Southern agriculture, that we are unprepared to give any but a general opinion on the subject of transplanting, and shall therefore be quite obliged if Mr. Mott will continue his experiments, extending them to the different kinds of trees grown in his climate, and inform us of the results. With the increased culture of fruits, and a more prevailing disposition to beautify and adorn the country, the subject of transplanting is becoming of increased importance to our Southern friends, and it would certainly be a great desideratum to know the best time of the year to perform the operation.


I HAVE but a few words to say in reply to your anonymous correspondent," L." I intend to send my fleeces from the Rambouillet flock, to Mr. Samuel Lawrence, Middlesex Mills, Lowell, Mass.; and if any friend of his will keep back the coarsest fleeces of his flock, and send an equal number of his finest American Merino fleeces, and it is found on stapling, scouring, and selling, that his are finer, heavier, and sell for more than my 36 Rambouillet fleeces, then, and not till then, will I believe that there are American Merino flocks that equal them in value. For my own part, I feel no interest in this comparison-confident as I am of the high value of this race of sheep-and not disposed to call in question the merits of other flocks, or enter into controversy with any one on the subject of comparative value. I rejoice in all real improvement, and will hold on the "even tenor" of my way, not deeming it any interference with my duty or the rights of others, to endeavor to promote general improvement by what I judge to be the best means.

mon one claiming purity of blood, with heavy car-
cases, and heavy medium quality, and rather un-
even fleeces," he leads his readers to a wrong con-
clusion. My American Merinos were selected
mostly from flocks out of the State, and the best
that could be found, though no better than can be
found here. The best American Merinos are
somewhat alike-very much alike--and for this
reason, I supposed mine were like Col. R.'s, not
meaning to disparage his in the least. Yet I am
free to acknowledge, that I have nothing in this
last named race that will for a moment compare ad-
vantageously with the Rambouillets. If Col. Ran-
dall has, I shall heartily rejoice in his good fortune.
I have the opinion, however, that neither he nor
any other flock-master in the country can rejoice in
so good fortune as this at present, and that nothing
can be shown equal to the Rambouillets, of the
pure Merino race, until another importation is made
from the Royal Flock in France. And so well is
that more than one importation will be made within
the country convinced of this, that I am persuaded
a year from this date. Meantime I must decline for
the future all controversy and all challenges on
the subject.
Williston, Vermont, June, 10, 1846.

We hope, now, that this matter may be closed by Mr. Randall meeting Mr. Bingham at Lowell, with his fleeces. In the Review of our April No., just received, and for which we regret to say we shall not have room this month, the writer so briefly expresses our own opinion, and we suspect that also of the public generally, that we give the para-` graph in advance of his article:

"Rambouillet Merinos.-Too much controversy Mr. Bingham's flock do average 5 lbs. per head of on this subject to be profitable to your readers. If real Merino wool, then it is a good flock. If Mr. Randall's average more, and better wool, then his flock is better; to prove which, send the whole to I saw from the last paper of your worthy corres- Mr. Lawrence, of Lowell, and publish his certifi pondent, "L.," that he has never seen the Ram-cate of the relative value of their respective fleeces, bouillet Merinos, and that he is consequently and let us hear no more of this uninteresting diswriting just as much in the dark about them, as I pute of which is best." should be in writing about Herefords, having never seen any thorough bred cattle but Short-Horns. take it for granted that a man must be supposed to know very little about a race of sheep, or a particular flock of that race, which he has never seen.

We expect an American gentleman, now in France, celebrated for his knowledge of sheep and wool, will arrive here next month with a choice selected lot of Rambouillets, for his own particular breeding; ; arrangements also are made for another I object to comparing "samples"-for the reason, select lot to follow these next spring, so that by that they are no true test of the value of the fleece. another year, these, together with Mr. Bingham's Very good samples may be taken from very poor, superb flock, will give the public a good opportuuneven fleeces. The great excellence of the Ram-nity of judging for themselves how Rambouillet bouillets, as a flock, consists, not only in the fineness sheep compare with our native Merinos.

but also in the evenness of the fleece-running so nearly alike over every part of the woolly surface WEATHER RULES.-If the moon looks pale and -and in this respect, differing widely from all such dim, we may expect rain; if it be red, look out for American Merinos as I have seen-though I have wind; and if its color be of a natural, white, the seen of these last very good sheep, as individuals, weather will be fair. in this respect: but as flocks they are always defective, so far as my knowledge extends.

I have but one word more. "L." writes with courtesy and as a gentleman, intending no injustice. Yet when he "supposes" that my American Me

HOW TO DRIVE AWAY MOSQUITOES.-Fumigate the room containing them, by burning brown sugar on a shovel or pan of coals.


Ladies' Department.



could not have been stronger had he desired the post of hangman. These things ought not so to be, and yet a change cannot speedily be effected until our farmers become less what they now are, a peculiar people. True, agriculture is making "There is a frequent complaint among farmers, rapid progress, and fast becoming what it should that their sons early manifest a distaste for agricul- be, a science and a profession; but it cannot reach ture, that as soon as they are of an age to be useful, the high point among the sciences and professions they seek other employments."-Stone's Address, 1845. which it is most worthy to occupy, until the "sons In the choice of business pursuits for our chil- of the soil" more generally acknowledge for themdren, it is undoubtedly the wisest plan to conform selves and families an intellectual as well as a as far as practicable to the natural inclination, or physical existence; until they combine with handas it is familiarly called, suit the turn of mind; for work, head-work, with the rough labor necessary all are not alike, and he who would make a mise- for subsistence, the polish and refinement which rable mechanic, may rise to eminence as a lawyer; gild the humblest home. I would not be underwhile he who would find himself totally unable to stood one moment as an advocate for the follies of defend a cause either for plaintiff or defendant, may fashionable boarding-schools or expensive dress, be admirably fitted to be judge, jury, and whole but I would contend for my hardly tasked country. witness box, when rotation of crops, culture of women, that they be allowed books to study, time roots, and subsoil plowing, are under consideration. for daily mental culture, even for the accomplishBut, unfortunately, there is too good reason for the ments (if they have a taste for them) which might frequent complaint that the sons, and daughters have been attended to before marriage, that in their also, of farmers, who by mind and taste are consti- dress, but here I must pause for a question or two. tuted for country life and labor, no sooner arrive at An English writer in some excellent advice to an age when they imagine themselves independent, his daughters says:-" It is a good rule, to follow than they turn their backs upon the farm, perhaps the fashion in dress just so far that you shall not with scorn at the idea of following the honorable be marked as singular;" and as no woman who employment of their fathers. Among the many sufficiently respects herself, can wish to be consireasons assigned for this lamentable fact, I would dered singular (unless for her goodness), I would now notice one, which may be expressed in a sen-ask, if there is not as much reason in wearing our tence, as the want of refinement among farmers' dresses as far in conformity with the prevailing wives. fashion as modesty and good taste will allow, as It may seem, at first sight, that here is no obvi- there is in making it questionable whether we have ous connection between cause and effect; but I will adopted the costume of the ark? Or if, in purendeavor to prove that there is, not so much to up-chasing our garments, there is not as much economy hold the children, as to convince the parents that in procuring a pretty and becoming article, as in remedy for the evil is in their possession. selecting one intolerably ugly, both being the same price and texture? And as outward appearance, by conventional rules, is in some degree a standard of the station we fill, if it is not better to give a few minutes more to the duties of the toilet, or adopt some little distinction, whereby a stranger may not feel in perplexity whether he is addressing himself to mistress or maid? The answer to these queries I must leave to wiser heads than mine, as there may be some good, unknown reasons for that love of the obsolete which prevails so extensively among a certain class of females.

Ambition is inherent in our natures, and we are all inclined to opinions that will advance or retard what we consider our best interests. If then we allow our children to draw comparisons manifestly to our disadvantage, we must expect they will shun a calling, the pursuit of which makes, in their estimation, such vast difference between ourselves and others. There is no doubt, that many a farmer's son, who loves the toil of seed-time and harvest, enters a store or studies a profession, because he thinks no woman of intellect and polish would become his wife, were he to remain a farmer; while his sister, with her whole soul yearning for the beauties of nature, refuses a home among them, and condemns herself to an unhealthy existence in the close and crowded city, because she cannot consent to become, what she considers a farmer's wife must be, a mere animal drudge. So universal are these opinions, that when a merchant's daughter has left her father's house, where she had been accustomed to comparative luxury and refinement, to become the mistress of a farm, I have heard her sorrowed for, as if she had sacrificed every earthly comfort and enjoyment. "She, a farmer's wife! What a pity that one so fitted to shine in the best circles, should, as it were, bury herself alive!" Again, when the son of a wealthy man, clinging perhaps to the recollection of boyhood's happiness in country visits, has manifested a desire to follow the plow for a maintenance, I have heard arguments and entreaties used to dissuade him from it, that

If we are "never too old to learn," we are certainly never too old to amend; and I call upon my sisters of the craft, who have been induced by many cares and duties to lay aside the little refinements that characterize the lady, to shut up their books, and in losing the key of the library, lose the intellectual woman-I call upon them, though long wedded to mechanical habits, to rouse themselves for their children's sake, to look for that lost key and those departed graces, and resolve to do all that in them lies, towards making the farmer's profession what it was intended to be, in the eyes of their children and the world, the noblest, the happiest. And let those just commencing, remember that, while they should consider no labor derogatory, it is yet possible to cultivate polished manners while attending upon necessary household affairs, and that no one is so thoroughly accomplished, as she who adds to the attainment of learning, complete practical knowledge of all domestic duties.

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without perceiving this scent; for the gypsum lays hold of the ammonia and obliges it to make a very curious interchange-a sort of cross marriage; for the sulphur leaves the lime and unites with the ammonia, and becomes sulphate of ammo nia, and the carbonate, abandoned by the ammonia. consoles the deserted lime, and becomes carbonate

they resolve in the beginning that their occupations shall be so arranged as to give time for all they wish, and strive to impress upon their husbands the justice of a division of labor within doors as well as out, they will doubtless succeed in becoming not only intelligent companions, but excellent housewives; for as a clever female writer has remarked, "other things being equal, the woman of the high- of lime, commonly called chalk! And thus gyp est mental endowments will always be the best housekeeper, for domestic economy is a science that brings into action the qualities of the mind as well as the graces of the heart."

sum, though not a manure itself, becomes the basis of two manures-sulphate of ammonia, which is an organic manure, and carbonate of lime, which is an inorganic manure. But the master says we must not speak of inorganic manures, because it leads to confusion; and it is better to call inorganic substances applied to the soil

And if better companions and wives, then better mothers also, for the higher the cultivation of their own minds and manners, the more fitted will they be to control the minds and manners of others; and | ́ alteratives,' for the sake of distinction. And he when their children see them moving in polished circles abroad, or presiding over the little group at home, with equal grace and dignity, suffering nothing in a comparison with the most highly intelligent, then will their father's occupation become honored for the parent's sake, and if not chosen as their own, yet not rejected because degrading. Lynn, Mass., June 3d, 1846.

Boys' Department.

E. M. C.


says that if powdered gypsum be spread occasion. ally over the stables and the farm-yard, it will take up all the ammonia that now goes off in smell, and by the same process above-mentioned, will increase the quantity and value of the manure prodigiously."

Query, Which is the better agriculturist, that boy or his father? The one is an experienced and "practical farmer," the other, a stripling just But dipped in the first rudiments of "theory." what is theory? The condensed result of the whole history of former practice, arranged and classified, enlightened and explained, by reference ONE afternoon, in the month of July, immediately to the eternal and immutable principles of scientific after a smart thunder-storm, as Mr. Merryman was truth. He who despises theory despises the prac taking a walk over his farm, with his son George, tice of every man that was born before himself in a dab of a school-boy, at his side, their nostrils the world. He who commences practice with the were regaled by a delicious and peculiar odor which knowledge of theory, commences business with a was rising from the ground. mind lit up by the recorded experience of all who went before him.

George looked up knowingly into his father's face, and said, “Papa, do you know where that sweet scent comes from ?”

"To be sure, child!" said Mr. Merryman. "From the ground."

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Yes," said George, "but what makes it come from the ground?"

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Why, the rain," answered his father. "But what makes the rain bring it from the ground?" continued the boy.

Mr. Merryman looked puzzled, and stood in silence; whilst George, who had just entered the junior class in agricultural chemistry, strongly came out with his first lesson.

But how is it with the "practical farmer," as he is too often called? He leaves the rich, vegetable deposits of the valley of the Mohawk, where he had been accustomed from his boyhood to use plaster with the utmost advantage, and settles on the sandy plains of Long Island, where he is laughed at by one of his "practical" neighbors for attempting to benefit his crops by applying plaster to a soil nearly or quite destitute of vegetable mould. His neighbor, in return, is laughed at by a visitor from abroad, for mixing large quantities of quick lime with his peat before spreading it on his field, while the latter is no less absurdly employed in galvanizing a living pig with the belief that he is causing an increase of growth. But our “young theorist" who just gave us the lesson about ammonia, when he will have arrived at the end of his course, will leave the school equally well prepared for any soil you may plant him in, and will be master of the whole art of Agriculture. If he learns every lesson as well as his first, he will be able to turn the laugh upon the "laughers" at the "But how can they prove it, boy?" inquired the end of one course, without being bound down to disbelieving parent. the details of practice, whether we place him "Why, in this way," answered George. "They among the sands of Long Island, the clays of say that although the carbonate of ammonia, which Western New York, the granitic soils of New smells so deliciously, is a volatile gas, the sul- Hampshire, or the rich vegetable bottoms of the phate of ammonia is a fixed and visible body; Ohio.

"It comes from the ammonia brought down in the rain more rapidly than the earth can absorb it, and which, being a highly volatile gas, is rising again into

the air as soon as the storm is over"

"Nonsense, child!" said the perplexed, though good-natured farmer.

"But Professor Liebig and Dr. Playfair, and all the great chemists say that it is so," rejoined the young tyro.

and if you spread finely powdered gypsum, or


plaster, which is sulphate of lime, upon a grass He who takes a fish out of the water finds a field, you may walk over it after a thunder-shower piece of money.-Dr. Franklin.

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