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FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL NEWS. By the arrival of the steamer Caledonia, we are in receipt of our foreign journals to June 4th.

MARKETS.-Ashes were in limited request. Cotton firm. There were 780,500 bales on hand in Liverpool on the 1st of June, against 865,190 same period last year. Flour dull. Pork and Lard dull. Beef and Cheese of superior qualities much wanted. Naval Stores quiet. Rice in good demand. Tobacco steady. Wool a trifling decline.

Money is again tight.

The Weather has been very fine for the past month, and the crops were looking uncommonly well, promising an early and abundant harvest.

Last Year's Cotton Crop.-By the report of the Board of Trade, it is proved that, in 1845, 1,069,320 cwt. of cotton were imported into Great Britain; during the present year, 1,019,738 cwts. The difference in weight is thus reduced to a trifle less than 50,000 cwts., or about 14,000 bales. In other words, the falling off in weight this year, as compared with last year, is under 4 per cent., but the falling off in number of bags is above 30 per cent! The result is, that the manufacturers have little faith in the shortness of the crop, and are of opinion that there is abundance of cotton in the country to meet any demand that is likely to arise. All idea of speculation, therefore, in this article, based upon the shortness of the crop of last year, may be considered at an end.

Fatal Flowers. Recently in London, a young lady went to bed in good health, and was found the next morning dead! The physicians who were called in, declared that the sole cause of this catastrophe was the poisoning of the air by the exhalations of a quantity of lilies found in two large vases on a low table in the room. Roses, tuberoses, jasmines, and, in fact, most flowers, may, in the same way, produce effects, if not mortal, at least very injurious. Their influence acts most powerfully on nervous persons.

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Drying Plants-In drying plants for a herbarium, care must be taken not to press them so much as to crush them. Succulents, and kinds that drop their leaves, such as heaths, should be dipped in hot water before they are pressed. Each specimen should be placed between a sheet of brown paper, and between each filled sheet several empty ones should be placed; for the first day or two the pressure should be only just sufficient to prevent the leaves and flowers from shrivelling. When the papers are damp, the plants should be shifted to dry ones, increasing the pressure after every change till the specimens are perfectly dry.


Dissolving Bones in Sulphuric Acid for the Purposes of Manure.-On the publication of the first experiments by the Duke of Richmond, Mr. Geddes, Dr. Monson, and Mr. M'William, in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, and by Mr. Hannam, in his Prize Report on Special Effects of Manures to the Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland, Mr Pusey expressed his opinion that they afforded " good hope" that the discovery would enable us to realize the most important saving ever yet held out in the use of manure. For this opinion, treason as it was to the existing order of affairs, Mr. Pusey could not hope to escape the ridicule and the indignation of the prejudiced and the interested. The theory of Liebig was declared to be "far-fetched and unworthy of credit," and the experiments "evidently unfair;" and thus divested alike of theoretical and practical evidence, his suggestion was freely offered to be "taken for what it was worth

A New Fuchsia.-At a late meeting of the London Horticultural Society, the report states, that of new plants, perhaps that which excited the most interest was a fuchsia, from Messrs. Veitch & Son, of Exeter, which had been discovered by Mr. W. Lobb, near Lima, in Peru, for which was awarded a large silver medal. It proves to be a curious and rather handsome" species, entirely new to gardens, producing an abundance of long rosy pink tubes, of about four inches in length. It is entirely destitute of petals, and therefore the beauty of the flower is confined to the calyx alone.

Honor to the Introducer of Madder into France.-The city of Avignon has erected a statue to John Althen, a Persian, who, a century ago, first introduced madder into France. It now yields the nation about twentyfive millions of francs per annum.

Watering out of Doors.-Some persons are for morning watering, and others for evening; all, however, will agree in the propriety or even necessity of a timely application of this most important element. For my own part, I like the morning as a general rule; more especially for such things as have been recently planted out, such as bedded plants in the flower garden, and young vegetables transplanted from the seed-beds in the kitchen garden. To saturate the soil in such cases is, in my opinion, highly improper, as leading to a considerable waste of the accumulated ground heat, and also as tending to exclude the genial influence of the atmosphere. With regard to young stock of this kind, frequent sprinklings are all that is required; in fact, a kind of cutting treatment, chiefly in order to prevent undue perspiration in the leaf. If this waste is prevented through the day by early morning watering, the plants may safely be left to the dews during the night. * Fine-rosed pots should at all times

A pin, a nut, a cherry-stone.' "

Mr. Pusey, however, afterwards laid before the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society, some extracts from Mr. Hannam's unpublished Essay on the Theory of the Action of Bones on the Turnip Crop, having reference to what he termed the "great discovery of the economical employment of dissolved bones;" and stated that it contained, in his opinion, not only a detailed account of the best experiment ever made in agriculture, but some points of so much importance, that he felt anxious that not a moment should be lost in communicating the facts to the members." And this is the mode in which his cause was then spoken of:-"The day of Chartist regeneration, of Johanna Southcote, of flying machines, of South Sea schemes, nay of Cæsarian Cow Cabbage, is gone, and the lion of 1845 is bones dissolved in acid.' Every season has its lions. The world of politics, of religion, of science, of speculation, and even of poor agriculture, has now and then bubbles cast upon its surface-so varied, so resplendent with glittering embellishments, that the eager hand grasps the bubble, and it bursts and dissipates in nothing but thin air.'" And then came the application of the figurative imagery of the oracle-the practical morale of the prophecy-" Will any one be found who will risk a crop upon the evidence?" In less than twelve months from the issuing of this oracular denunciation, we find the theory which was to "dissolve and dissipate into thin air," recognized as a thing clearly established-supported by the evidence of scores of crops risked in its trial, and recorded in every agricultural periodical in the kingdom. This result, we say, is agreeable to us, and to every lover of true progress, not merely because of its practical usefulness, but also because it thoroughly justifies those who have labored through such difficulties, in the search of what has now proved a scientific and practical truth.—Lond. Ag. Gaz.

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IMPORTATION OF AYRSHIRE CATTLE.-Mr. John Editor's Table. O. Colt, of Paterson, New Jersey, has just imported from Scotland, per ship Europe, one Ayrshire bull, CONTEMPLATED MISSION TO THE EAST.-From four years old, and three Ayrshire cows, three years a letter to Hon. Charles J. Ingersoll, by Aaron H. old. These animals were selected for him by Mr Palmer, Esq., of this city, it appears that a memorial John Tenant, of Shields, Ayrshire, who selected those is about to be submitted to the Senate of the United imported last fall by the Massachusetts Agricultural States, in favor of a Special Mission to be sent by our Society. They are said to be among the best that Government to the Comoro Islands, Abyssinia, Persia, could be procured, and were chosen with special reBurmah, Cochin-China, the Indian Archipelago, and ference to their dairy qualities. The bull is a prize Japan, for the purpose of making treaties, and to open animal, and cost £40 in Ayrshire. The cows cost £20 and extend our commercial intercourse with those each. Two bull calves were dropped on the voyage. countries. Mr. Palmer is favorably known to the Every one of these animals was in fine condition on public as Director of the American and Foreign landing-indeed, we never saw any brought out so Agency, at New York, and for several years has devot- well before-they have scarcely a scratch or bruise ed much attention to the resources of Japan and other about them. These animals are of medium size, and countries of the East, and we trust that if Congress very fine for the breed. The bull is the most perfect should carry out the views of the memorialists referred Ayrshire we ever saw, and in his general points would to above, no better man can be found to take charge of do credit to a Short-Horn. We trust that they will be that Mission. In speaking of the products of Abys- an improvement to the dairy stock of the country. sinia in his letter to Mr. Ingersoll, he says, that "a late scientific English traveller in that country states, that the Gondar cotton, indigenous to the elevated regions of Ethiopia, is of a fine long silky staple, of a quality equal, if not superior, to the American Seaisland. The Southern Islands of Japan teem with most of the productions of the tropics, whilst the Northern yield those of the temperate zones. The mountains abound in mineral wealth of every description, and the volcanic regions in sulphur. In agricul ture, they are very diligent and successful. whole country is highly cultivated, producing rice, esteemed the best in Asia, wheat, barley, beans of all sorts, culinary vegetables, a great variety of fruits, and flowers of the most brilliant hues and exquisite fragrance. The mulberry is reared solely for the silk



ficent fat cattle passed through this city on Saturday,
for the Boston market. They were from the farm of
All who saw
James S. Wadsworth, of Geneseo.
them agree in the opinion that they were the finest
specimens of beef cattle ever seen in this city. They
went east on the cars this morning. The Bostonians
will hold themselves in readiness for Western New
York beef.

The following are their weights :-
One ox seven years old.
Two ditto six years..
Two steers, three years old.
Two ditto four years.

One single steer.
One ditto, white.
One cow......


-Rochester Dem.

2,465 lbs. 4,865




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The principal object of cultivation next to rice, is the tea plant; tea being the universal beverage of all classes, as in China. Their gardeners possess the skill of dwarfing and gigantifying trees and shrubs. The rivers, lakes, and seas, abound in a great variety THE BOOK OF GOOD EXAMPLES.-Drawn from of fish, which is the principal food of the inhabitants. authentic History and Biography; designed to illus"Mons. Isidore Hedde, an attaché of the late French trate the beneficial effects of virtuous conduct. By Mission to China, who was sent out to make re- John Frost. D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. Pp. searches in the silk department regarding mulberries, 288, with engravings. Price $1. This is an excellent silkworms, and the manufacture of silks, has atten- work to be placed in families, abounding, as it does, tively observed the mode of cultivation, seeding, with exemplary matter, designed to exercise a salutary planting, and grafting those interesting trees; and ex-influence on all who may peruse its contents. amined at the different establishments the ingenious THE FRUIT CULTURIST.-Adapted to the climate apparatus for avoiding double cocoons; the simple of the Northern States; containing directions for process for reeling the peculiar fine white silk, and raising young trees in the Nursery, and for the manthe well-known seven-cocoon thread; and the several agement of the Orchard and Fruit Garden. By John processes of dyeing silk, and weaving, painting, em-J. Thomas. Mark H. Newman, publisher, 199 Broadbroidery, and sewing, of the singularly woven figured silk, exhibiting figures of men, flowers, gardens, &c., peculiar to Suchau, the Lyons of Eastern China. Mons. Hedde has also made a collection of silkworms' eggs, mulberry trees, and the ma plant, from which the fine grass cloth is made, together with drawings and pictures, apparatus,and looms. He intends to publish an account of his interesting excursion, and give translations of the different Chinese works on mulberry trees, the rearing of silkworms, and weaving of silk, on his return to France.

"Robert Fortune, Esq., the English Naturalist, who was sent out to China about three years since, by the Horticultural Society of London, has been eminently successful, and has already sent to the Society about 90 cases of living plants, besides a large collection of dried specimens of plants and animals."

way, N. Y. Pp. 220, 12mo. Price 62 cents. The author of the above little work has long been known to the public as one of our best writers upon agricul ture generally, and the culture of fruits more particularly. In the Culturist he has embodied the results of many years of practical experience in his own nursery and garden; we can therefore recommend it with more confidence than we should otherwise be disposed to do. In running our eye over the contents, we noticed a few errors, but these are of so trivial a kind as not to detract from the general merits of the work. We keep the book on our shelves, and trust it may have an extensive sale. We should have noticed it earlier, but have only just received a presentation copy.

BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY-By James Arlington Bennet. For sale by Saxton & Miles, 205 Broadway. Price $1,50. This is a good system of bookSTRAWBERRIES.-The editors of the Annapolis Re-keeping for the farmer, being more easily comprehendpublican have received some strawberries weighing ed than that by double entry. The work abounds 40 to the pound, from Mrs. Jefferson Dorsey, of Arun- with familiar examples, thus enabling every person del county. Can any of our fair readers show larger to be his own teacher in this system of keeping

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JULY MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE graphic and picturesque than Mr. Headley in his
OF THE N.Y. STATE AG. SOCIETY.-To the gentlemen descriptions.
composing the Executive Committee of the New York
State Agricultural Society :-


At the coming meeting on the second Thursday in July, much important business will be brought before you, and I hope that every member of the Committee will make it convenient to attend at that time, for it is very desirable there should be as full an attendance as possible. J. M. SHERWOOD, President.

Auburn, June 16th, 1846.

SHOW OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONG ISLAND. The first Show of flowers, fruits, and vegetables, of this Society, for this year, was held at Flushing, on the 11th and 12th of last month. Owing to the lateness of the season, the exhibition was not so large and varied as last year; but such things as were brought forward were choice of their kind, and gave general satisfaction to the numerous visitors present. Messrs. Valk & Co. exhibited a choice collection of green-house plants, roses, &c., and some sweet-water grapes; Messrs. Parsons & Co., Winter & Co., and Prince & Co., each, a large collection of roses, among which we noticed la Reine, and other superb French varieties-also other flowers in abundance; Mr. Joseph Bloodgood, Jr., a pretty assortment of fuchsias, mostly new varieties, also some early vegetables; Messrs. Thorburn & Co., exotic plants; Mr. Russel, seedling pelargoniums, roses, and cinerarias; Mr. A. C. Smith, lemon trees, loaded with fruit; Mr. Huntsman, a varied and delicious assortment of large strawberries; Judge Strong, choice winter pears, &c.; Messrs. John A. King and Wm. H. Schermerhorn, sovereign potatoes of a superior early kind, and other vegetables. Many other persons, whose names we did not learn, showed more or less vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

The next exhibition of the Society will take place in Brooklyn early in September next. We shall look for a superb show then, and have no doubt it will be numerously attended. We wish a New York Horticultural Society could be formed to hold three annual exhibitions in this city; one the last of March for green-house plants; one in June for summer fruits and flowers; and one early in September for such as perfect in autumn. Such a Society properly got up and conducted, might be as instruinental for good in the Middle States, as the Massachusetts Society is to those at the North.

THE AMERICAN FLORA.-By A. B. Strong, M. D.| Published by Strong & Bidwell, 162 Nassau Street, New York. Price $3 a year, or 25 cents a number. This is a monthly publication, the first four numbers of which have been issued, each containing five beautifully colored engravings, executed in a manner creditable to the author, and cannot fail in securing an extensive circulation.

DICK'S WORKS.-Eight volumes in four, making 3,035 pages. E. C. Price $2.50 for the whole work. & J. Biddle, Philadelphia. We hail with great pleasure the reprint of these valuable works by one of the most eminent moral philosophers of the age. All the subjects of these volumes are illustrated by science, and treated in a style so simple and familiar, as to make them easily comprehended by the plainest understanding. The peculiar trait of Dr. Dick's mind is benevolence, and this he shows to be the design of the Deity in all his works; if anything runs contrary to this, it is obviously the fault of the created, and not of the Creator.

THE STANDARD PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES: in two Parts. Part I. French and English. Part II. English and French. The First Part comprehending Words in common use; Terms connected with Science; Terms belonging to the Fine Arts; 4,000 Historical Names; 4,000 Geographical Names; 11,000 Terms lately published. With the Pronunciation of every Word, according to the French Academy and the most Eminent Lexicographers and Grammarians; together with 750 Critical Remarks, in which the various Methods of Pronouncing employed by Different Authors are investigated, and compared with_each other. The Second Part containing a Copious Vocabulary of English Words and Expressions, with the Pronunciation according to Walker. The whole preceded by a Practical and Comprehensive System of French Pronunciation. By Gabriel Surenne, French Teacher in Edinburgh; Corresponding Member of the French Grammatical Society, &c., &c., &c. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. Pp. 834, 12mo. Price $1.50. No Dictionary of the French Language has ever been issued from the American press, which will bear a comparison with this excellent, and we may truly say, classical work of M. Surenne. It appears to be well got up; and, as we understand, is printed from the original stereotype plates.

OHIO WINE. From an elaborate Report, presented to the Horticultural Society of Cincinnati by Dr. Flagg, it appears that there are seventy-eight vineyards in Hamilton county, Ohio, of which more than fifty are cultivated by Germans. About 200 acres are planted with the grape, of which 100 are in bearing order. The amount of wine made last year exceeded 22,000 gallons, notwithstanding more than one-half the crop was cut off by the frost and rot, and many of the vineyards are but just coming into fruit. The average yield of wine per acre, for five years in succession, is estimated at 450 to 500 gallons, which sells quick at $1 to $1.50 per gallon. There will be at least one hundred acres more put down to grapes this spring, making three hundred in all, in Hamilton county. There are also eight or ten vineyards in Kentucky, within a dozen miles of this city. The varieties of grape generally cultivated are the Catawba and the Cape; the latter is called at the East, the Schuylkill Muscadel, and furnishes the red wine. That from the Catawba is white, and sells the highThe Isabella, so popular at the East, is universally thrown up here, as unsuited to the climate.— Cincinnati Gazette.

WANDERINGS UNDER THE SHADOW OF MONT BLANC AND THE JUNGFRAU. By George B. Cheever, forming Nos. VI. and XI. of the Library of American books, published by Wiley & Putnam, 161 Broadway. Price 50 cents each. Anything from the pen of Mr. Cheever is sure to command attention, as he has a pleasing and original way of treating all sub-est. jects on which he writes. These delightful volumes have interested us more than any others we have yet seen, from his ready pen. Perhaps it was the subject and the scenes which lent their charms throughout the perusal.

THE ALPS AND THE RHINE.-By J. T. Headley, being No. X. of Wiley & Putnam's Library of American Books. Price 50 cents. Everything touched by this writer has so much spirit and life infused into it, that he is sure to carry the reader away with him. wander where he will. No traveller can be more

PREVENTION OF THE BEE-MOTH.-The bee-moth may be effectually destroyed by placing, during their active season, near the hives, a few basins of honey and water (made weak) after night-fall, and removing early in the morning. They are attracted to it and drowned.

THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS, FOR 1845, has been received, and will be particularly considered in our next number.

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REMARKS.-Ashes steady. Cotton fair sales. Flour dull. Grain of all kinds in good demand. Hay is plenty. Molasses of a prime quality scarce. Naval Stores nominal. Provisions little inquiry. Seeds inactive. Sugar lower prices, rule. Tobacco considerable sales. Wool little doing at this moment. Money tolerably easy.

Stocks in fair demand.

The Weather has been warm and fine mostly the past month, At the South and crops generally are looking extremely well. the wheat harvest is over, and proves a good one. Corn there Cotton is rather backward, but a good never promised better. Of other crops in that quarter we stand generally shows itself. hear favorable accounts. The haying season has commenced at the North, and the yield of grass has not been so heavy for years. Wheat is suffering partially from the fly, but on the whole promises a good yield. The other crops here are looking well; though corn, owing to the abundant rains and cold weather late Fruit is fairly in May and early in June, is rather backward. abundant.

TO CORRESPONDENTS.-Jacob N. Blakeslee, E. L., Lert, S., Henry W. Edwards, B. Franklin Clark, A Young Farmer, and Reviewer, are received.

THE AMERICAN HERD BOOK.-Containing Pedigrees of ShortHorn Cattle. To which is prefixed a Concise History of English and American Short-Horns, compiled from the best Authorities. By Lewis F. Allen. From the press of Jewett, Thomas & Co., Buffalo. Pp. 240. Price $3.00. The late hour at which this long-expected work came to hand, renders it impossible for us to give more than a brief notice of it. It contains the pedigree of one hundred and thirty-seven bulls, and two hundred and forty cows, and is prefaced with the best and most valuable history of the Short-Horns ever yet published; correcting the egregious errors of Mr. Youatt in his work on British Cattle, and all his followers. This Herd Book being the first of the kind ever attempted to be 28 published in America, it has been a very laborious task to Mr. Allen to get the materials together for it. The first step having now been taken, it is to be hoped succeeding volumes may be written with less difficulty. It is as handsomely got up as the English Herd Book, and does both the author and publishers much credit. Subscribers can have it by calling either at our office 187 Water Street, or at Saxton & Miles, 205 Broadway. It may also be had at Saxton & Kelts, Boston; James M. Campbell, Philadelphia; McCarter & Allen, Charleston, S. C.; D. Baker & Co., New Orleans; Nafis, Cornish & Co., St. Louis; Morton & Griswold, Louisville; W. H. Moore, & Co.. Cincinnati; Whiting & Huntington, Columbus, Ohio; and




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BEESWAX, Am. Yellow,



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A full blooded Narragansett, entire horse. This breed has been in the family of the late Governor Jay, for the last century. They are rackers, and not pacers. He is 8 years old, and the only entire horse of the breed which is left. He is very fast, will rack his mile within 3 minutes. Horses of this breed are highly esteemed as saddle horses for ladies and gentlemen, and bring a very high price. Apply to James R. Dey, No. 51 Liberty Street, New York.



IMPORTATION OF ALPACAS. DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. Societies, or individuals, contributing funds for the importation Not having sufficient use for him, the subscriber offers for sale of the Alpaca from Peru into the United States, will be entitled his thorough bred imported ball, Prince Albert. His sire was the to such share of the animals on their arrival as will correspond celebrated ball, Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his pedigree can be seen, proportionately with the sums of money which shall or may in the British Herd book, Vol. 4, page 382. He is five years old, have been invested by them. In case such fractions shall exista red roan, of medium size, and of quiet temper. If not previously as will not allow an equitable division of the Alpacas to be disposed of, he will be offered for sale at the next show of the made, a requisite number of the animals will be sold at public New York State Agricultural Society. auction, and the net proceeds be divided among the contributors in proportion to the original amounts paid in.

All persons disposed to encourage this enterprise, are invited to forward the amount of their subscription to A. P. Halsey, Cashier of the Bank of New York, and Treasurer of the American Agricultural Association, at 48 Wall Street, N. Y. EDWARD CLARK, June 22, 1846. Chairman of Committee for Importation.

PATENT SYRINGES AND GARDEN ENGINES. Manufactured and improved by M. Pool, and sold at the New York Agricultural Warehouse. Price of Syringes from $4 to $6. Garden Engine from $25 to $30. A. B. ALLEN, No. 187 Water Street, N.Y.

# NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. Farmers, Planters, and Gardeners, will find the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE assortment of Agricultural Implements of all kinds, at this Establishment, ever offered in the New York Mar ket. Most of these Implements are of new and highly improved patterns, warranted to be made of the best materials, put together in the strongest manner, of a very superior finish, and offered at the lowest cash prices.

Among these implements are upwards of FIFTY different kinds of Plows manufactured by Ruggles, Nourse & Mason, of Worcester, Mass., also in New York-for the South as well as for the North; Harrows of different patterns and sizes; Rollers of wood and cast-iron on a new principle; Seed Sowers for all kinds of seeds, a recent invention; Cultivators, with different kinds of teeth; Horse powers of wood or of cast-iron, very strong and superior; Grain Threshers; Fanning Mills; Mills for grinding corn, &c., a new invention; Corn Sheller for hand or horse power, the latter shelling 200 bushels of ears per hour; Vegetable Cutters, will cut a bushel of roots for cattle in two minutes; Hay, Straw, and Corn-stalk Cutters; Scythes, Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Hoes-indeed, Field and Garden tools of all kinds.

Castings for the various kind of Plows manufactured in Worcester and New York.

Letters on the subject can be addressed to the subscriber at Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York, where the bull may be seen. ROBERT DONALDSON.

THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. Published Monthly, by SAXTON & MILES, 205 Broadway, New York, containing 32 pages, royal octavo.

TERMS-One Dollar per year in advance; three copies for Two Dollars; eight copies for Five Dollars.

When Agricultural Societies order the work for distribution, among the members, the price will be only FIFTY CENTS a year, for the Monthly Numbers, and SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS per copy for bound volumes. It will be expected that these orders come officially, and be signed by the President or Secretary of the Society. The object in putting our periodical at this very low rate is, to benefit the farming community more extensively than it could otherwise be done. We hope, henceforth, to see the Agriculturist in the hands of every Farmer and Planter in the country.

Each number of the Agriculturist contains but One sheet, and is transported by mail under the same regulations as newspapers, viz.: free any distance not over 30 miles from its place of publication; over this and within 100 miles, or to any town in the State of New York, one cent postage on each number, and one and a half cents if over 100 miles, without the State.

Back Volumes of THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, with tables of contents complete, for sale at $1.00 each; elegantly and uniformly bound in cloth, $1.25. These are handsome, tasteful books, and make very desirable premiums for distribution with Agricultural Societies, and should also find place, in all our District School Libraries. They constitute the best and most complete treatise on American Farming, Stock-Breeding and Horticulture, extant. When several copies are ordered, a liberal discount will be made.

Editors of newspapers noticing the numbers of this work monthly, or advertising it, will be furnished a copy gratis, upon sending such notice to this office.


the balance of the ship Shakspeare's cargo, the only direct imThe Subscribers offer for sale, on very accommodating terms,

Seeds for the Farmer and Gardener.-A choice assortment of the various kinds. such as Improved Winter and Spring Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Beans, Peas, Rutabaga, Turnip, Cabbage, Beet, Carrot, Parsnip, Clover and Grass Seeds, and improved va-portation into this port from Ichaboe. Much guano from other rieties of Potatoes. parts of Africa has been sold as Ichaboe, which on trial has produced unfavorable results. To prevent the loss of ammonia, this cargo has been put in air-tight casks. Apply to Feb. 6, 1846. E. K. COLLINS & CO., 56 South St.

Wire-Cloths and Sieves.-Different kinds and sizes constantly

on hand.

Fertilizers.-Peruvian and African Guano, Bone-dust, Lime, Plaster of Paris, &c.

Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.-Orders taken for these, and executed from a choice of the best Nurseries, Gardens, and Conservatories in the United States.

Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Swine.-Orders executed for Stock of all kinds, to the best advantage.

A Descriptive Catalogue.-This will be sent to any one gratis, upon application, post-paid, to the subscriber. It comprises 80 pages, and is illustrated with a great variety of wood cuts. The American Agriculturist Almanac.-32 pages, with wood cuts. Price $15 per thousand.

Agricultural Books.-A general assortment of all kinds.
A liberal discount made to dealers.

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, N.Y.

DURHAM STOCK FOR SALE. The Subscriber has on his farm near this city, more stock than he needs, and will sell two, two-year old, and two yearling heifers, one yearling bull, and four spring calves. The price of the latter will be from $50 to $75, when about 3 months old, and the price of the yearlings and two-year olds will be from $100 to $125. This young stock was got by the bulls Duke of Wellington and the prize bull Meteor, both possessing the blood of the herd of the celebrated breeder, Thomas Bates, Esq., of Yorkshire, England. This stock is out of first-rate milking Durham cows, and will carry its own recommendation. GEO. VAIL. Troy, June 1st, 1846. 2t


The Lodi Manufacturing Company offer Poudrette for sale at the following prices. At the Factory on the Hackensack River, 4 miles from New York in bulk, 35 cents per bushel, and $1.63 cts. per barrel. Delivered in New York from 1 to 6 bbls., $200 per bbl.; 7 bbls. and over, $1.75 per bbl. Apply to the office of the Company, 51 Liberty Street, or to A. B. Allen, 187 Water Street, where printed directions and other information may be obtained. May, 2t

CONTENTS OF JULY NUMBER. Economical Mode of Preserving Cherries National Fair; Sexes in the Strawberry Plant Cylindrical Churn; Agriculture in China Friction Rollers applied to Grindstones Imported Saxon Sheep



New York Farmers' Club; The Revolving Hay-Rake. ... 203
Culture of Strawberries; Foreign Cattle................................ 204
Lime Applied to Vegetable Matter.....
.... 205
Canada Gypsum; Dissolving Bones in Sulphuric Acid...... 206
Properties of Indian Corn, from Dr. Jackson..
of Cooking Maize, An Old Traveller
Cherokee Rose Hedge, M. W. Philips....
New Compost Manure; Scraps from my Note
Book, No. 3, Solon Robinson
Remedy for the Weevil in Wheat, X
Management of Honey Bees, No. 1, T. B. Miner
Domestic Fish Ponds, No. 2, D'Jay Browne....
The Alpaca, No. 2....



909 ...... 210


.. 213





[blocks in formation]

A Good Grazing District, Western; Canada Thistle,
Burrweed, and Spurry, Canadian Naturalist
Colic in Mules; A Review of the March No. of
the Agriculturist, No. 3, Reviewer
Important Fact.....

Transplanting and Grafting Trees, T. S. W. Mott..
Rambouillet Merinos, L. G. Bingham; Items....
LADIES' DEPARTMENT: Choice of Business
Boys' DEPARTMENT: Agricultural Education, *W*.
Pursuits for Children, E. M. C.
Editor's Table; Contemplated Mission to Japan; Importa-
Foreign Agricultural News....
tion of Ayrshire Cattle; Executive Meeting for July of
the N. Y. State Ag. Soc.; Show of the Long Island
Review of the Market.....
Horticultural Society; Review of New Works, &c.

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