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so much forward, which throws the skirt upon the ground, and puts her every moment in danger of being tripped up, and having her nose broken.


With this supply of tools, a lady can trim her shrubbery, transplant and weed with great comfort to herself, and advantage to the garden. E. S.


Again, I spoke of the general unwillingness of farmers to pay schoolmasters. S. H. R. thinks that those who are qualified for the task should "receive an adequate compensation." Certainly they ought to be amply paid for imparting the knowledge they have acquired; but first, we must try to remove the stumbling-block, and make these farmers willing to open their purses. For this evil, my ingenuity can devise no remedy which would not be worse than the disease.

I honestly trust her fears are groundless, that "the irresistible effect" of the adoption of my plan "would be effectually to destroy the public schools," as I believe there are comparatively very few parents who would withdraw their children from the care of such teachers as S H. R. predicts "every district school in the State" will at no distant time be supplied with--" thoroughly impressed with the responsible duties of their station-intellectually and morally prepared for their dischargeand capable of training the expanding minds of our youth in every department of science, from the lowest to the highest."

PERMIT me to make a brief reply to the article on Country Schools, in your February number, in which your correspondent, S. H. R., having, as I think, misunderstood me, expresses her dissent from my opinions, and intimates her belief that, on more mature deliberation, I shall find reason to alter my I, however, retain my belief, that all the comviews. As she has done my communication for bined advantages of a public course of instruction December the honor to notice it at some length, it cannot compensate for the evils which must result would be discourteous not to thank her for the to the pure minds of children, from the daily controuble she has taken to correct what she thinks tact with numbers and therefore, for girls espemy errors; and to assure her, that without chang-cially, I still advise maternal care, and under parening my opinions as there expressed, I agree entirely tal inspection, a good governess. S. H. R. will also with her on most points of this very important sub-find that I did not allude to wealthy parents, when I ject. I would, however, request her to re-peruse recommended a union of two or three families to my remarks, and I think she will then see that, in- employ and pay a private teacher. Those of my stead of differing so widely as she at present appre- friends who have made the experiment most suchends, we are occupying the same ground, on cessfully, are neither able to give their children an which she proposes to take a step in advance of expensive education, nor have they the time to me in ascending the hill of science. spare from the never-ending duties of plain farmers' I spoke of the present general incompetency of wives, to attend as they fain would do, to the inthe teachers of our public schools, and the conse-struction of their little ones. quent necessity for private instruction; while your I cordially thank S. H. R., for her invitation to fair correspondent, with commendable esprit de corps, proposes that a prior step be taken, by" increasing the number of those who are now obtaining, in the Normal Schools," the desired requisites for teachers. This, at least tacitly, admits the truth of my position, that all our schools are not yet supplied with well educated teachers, and hence the necessity for increasing the number of students who are candidates for the office-in this I agree entirely with S. H. R.; and moreover, as I have great confidence in the wisdom and ability of my New York and Eastern neighbors, I am willing to have all the aspirants educated in the schools she so warmly recommends, until we, lazy Southrons, shall have public spirit enough to establish such for ourselves.

visit the Normal School of which she speaks so highly, but, alas! my crest is a snail in its shell, with the motto, "I cannot leave home." I have therefore little hope of being at liberty to indulge in such an excursive pleasure, as such a visit would afford me; but as I am, with characteristic haste, maturing a plan for casting my shell, and creeping* to the Falls of St. Anthony, exploring the Mammoth Cave, and perhaps taking some views from nature among the Rocky Mountains, I do not despair of being able so to arrange it, that I may find Albany in my route thither, or on my return. E. S. Eutawah

TO TAKE THE SMELL OF PAINT FROM ROOMS.-Let three or four broad tubs, each containing about

acid, be placed in the new painted room, near the wainscot; this water will absorb and retain the effluvia from the paint in three days, but the water should be renewed each day during that time.

I would have the number of good schools, pri-eight gallons of water, and one ounce of vitriolic vate and public, increased until every child in the country should have the opportunity of learning everything which can make him or her shine in the sphere of life in which he or she is placed; for, in exact proportion to the increase of good schools, will be the value placed by the community upon education; and when we shall have four times the present number, all supplied with competent and conscientious teachers, then, but not till then, I shall think the necessity for private instruction materially lessened.

not railroads, except through an often-travelled coun* Aye, when I go, I mean to creep, for, truly, I love try-one might as well mount upon the wings of the wind, to fly with the next flock of wild geese or passenger pigeons, and take “ a bird's eye view" of the wonders of nature and art, as to whirl over the ground behind a huge cauldron of boiling water!


FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL NEWS. By the steam ship Hibernia, we are in receipt of our foreign journals up to March 4th.

MARKETS. Ashes were neglected. Cotton quite firm, with a speculative feeling; some fluctuations during February and March, but it had settled down to about the same rates as ruled per our last. Flour dull. an improved demand. Pork in little request. Lard has fallen. Cheese little doing. Guano advancing and in good demand. Naval stores in moderate request. Rice much wanted. Seeds have advanced. Tobacco steady. Wool the same.

Money-The rate of interest had slightly declined since our last, and the money market was considered easier.


farmer's movable property. But the generality of the farms are large, and possessed and farmed by a most respectable class of men, many of whom are men of education; and they are all distinguished for their great kindness and hospitality. The house on such farms is quite separate from the offices, and is surrounded Beef generally by an extensive garden. The offices are in the form of a square, inclosing an area in the middle for the accumulation of the manure. They consist of byre, stable, and sheep-shed, grain-shed-for all the grain is kept in houses instead of stacks-and servants' houses. The buildings are often erected according to the most approved principles for convenience and comfort to the animals. The sheep are always kept up in the winter, when they get potatoes and hay, and the greater part of the summer, when they got clover Some of these sheds are very large, capable of contain ing 1500 sheep. There is a walk made along the side of one of the walls, and the area between it and the other wall is divided into compartments, by means of railings, designed to hold a certain number of sheep; each of these divisions is furnished with a rack for the hay and clover, and troughs for ground food and a small gate leads from the side walk to each division, Prices at which Grain can be grown in England.-so the keeper can supply the different lots with food, Wheat, 4s. 10 d. the bushel, or 69s. the quarter; barley, 23. 10 d., or 22s. 10d. per quarter; and oats 2s. 31d. per bushel, or 18s. 4d. per quarter, including rent and all other charges.

The Weather was very mild throughout February, so much so as to push the wheat forward and endanger its being injured by March frosts, should they fall heavily.

The Corn Laws.-Sir Robert Peel will undoubtedly be able to get these odious laws repealed in due time. Cholera among Cattle.-A violent disease is raging among the cattle of Russia, similar in every respect to the cholera.

Indian Corn-Father Matthew and other benevolent persons are making exertions to introduce the use of Indian corn in Ireland and Great Britain, in bread, cake, and pudding, as used in the United States.

To Destroy Gooseberry Caterpillars.-I destroy these by shaking them from the trees, then by tying a piece of Cabbage-leaf around the stem of tree with a circle of gas tar upon it. This prevents the caterpillars from again ascending, and when without food they soon perish.-Far. Herald.

To Preserve Potatoes.-I am happy to state that all which were packed in charred sawdust, charred old tan, and other refuse, as well as those packed in dry turf-ashes, are as sound and free from disease as could be wished; they are dry. mealy, and fine flavored; but those that were pitted or packed in the usual way have rotted wholesale, and the effluvia arising from them is very unpleasant.-Ib.

and inspect them without much trouble or disturb. ance to the whole flock.-Journal of Ag.

Advantages of Mixing Soils.-I may mention that in improving land I found that mixing of different soils, and giving them a stimulus, is the most effectual mode of improvement. For example: after draining mossy soil, I found the ground too soft to bear the tread of horses; and a hillock of gravel being near at hand, I spread three or four inches of it over the moss, and after ploughing, gave the ground first dung, and the following year lime. The produce was great, and the land has since produced superior grass.-Scot. Far.

Double Culture.-There is nothing new in growing two crops together and at the same time; we have in our island followed that system with success, ever since I can remember, and that is upwards of thirty years. For instance, when we grow a parsnip crop, which we find advantageous as food for our milch cows, as it makes both milk and butter, sweet, rich, and good, we dibble beans in double rows, the beans four inches apart, with an interval of six or eight feet to the next rows, after which we sow the parsnipGerman Farming-Agriculture is improving rapidly seed, harrow it, &c., and we generally reap a good crop in some districts of this part of Germany, particularly of each. The crop of beans does not seem to injure in the neighborhood of those towns which have much in the least the parsnip crop. We generally grow trade with England in grain, and the consequence is beans with our spring and late cabbage crops. In that the land is now raising in value. I know of in- every third row of cabbages we dibble beans between stances where, within the last twenty years, the value each cabbage. We often follow the same system with of land has been increased to more than double. But our crop of potatoes-dibble beans between the sets there is still great room for improvement. The land in every third row of potatoes, leaving a distance of is farmed, for the most part, by proprietors whose pro-about two yards between each bean. The beans seem perties vary from three to thousands of acres, accord- to thrive amazingly by this manner of planting, and ing to the districts in which they are situated. In the main crops are not in the least injured by it. By some localities the farms are all small, in which case this system the farmer is greatly benefited, having at the farm buildings are all collected in villages. Some- the same time an underground and top crop. times as many as seven or eight compose a village. Farms of this description are to be found near the towns, which they supply with milk. The farmhouse and offices are generally connected and under the same roof. This building is oblong, with roofs at the gables as well as at the sides. One end is devoted to the dwelling-house, before which is a patch of ground very neatly laid out as a kitchen and flower garden. The kitchen fire is often on the outside of the wall, which divides the farmer's rooms from the rest of the building, which is tenanted by the cows on the one side, and the horses on the other, and the carts and implements are placed between them; while at the end are large folding doors, which close in all the

To Ascertain the Value of Cows for the Production of Cream.-Provide a number of half-pint white glass phials, corresponding with the number of Cows in the dairy; label and number them consecutively, 1, 2, 3, &c., and the cows to correspond. Fill each phial with the first milk of the Cow bearing the same number; note down the quantity of milk each cow gives. After the milk has stood in the phials about 12 hours, the eye can readily discriminate the amount of cream that each produces, which mark down by sixteenths of inches. Pursue the same plan at the next milking about the middle of the time of milking, and again a third time at the latter end of milking. The quality may thus be easily ascertained.-Far. Herald.

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THE AMERICAN HERD BOOK.-Mr. L. F. Allen informs us, that he has the Herd Book now in press, and that it will probably be ready for delivery the last of May. It has been kept back on account of the tardiness of breeders in furnishing their pedigrees. In addition to these, it will contain a history of ShortHorns, and general remarks on the breeding and rearing of cattle. It will make a volume of about 200 pages octavo.

juriously affecting it in this country and in Europe. The work is written with no little research and ability, and comes before us opportunely. We bespeak for it an attentive perusal, for on the safety of this crop the lives of millions are dependant, and unless the disease be stayed, the consequences will be want, suffering, and death.

THE NATURALIST, and Journal of Agriculture, Horticulture, Education, and Literature, conducted by I. N. Loomis, J. Eichbaum, J. S. Fowler, and T. Fanning. At Franklin College, Tennessee. In monthly numbers of 48 pages, octavo. Price $2 a year in adTHE FARMER'S DICTIONARY. A Vocabulary of vance. This periodical is the successor of the Tentechnical terms, and Compendium of Practical Farm-nessee Agriculturist, and we hail the issue of it with ing. Edited by D. P.Gardner, M.D. Pp. 876, and some great pleasure. It is conducted by the President and 400 wood cuts, for $1.50. Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff Professors of the Agricultural College at Franklin. Street. It gives us much pleasure to find that this use- Its papers treat of the science and practice of agricul ful book is at last published; nearly two years ago we ture, and are written with clearness, simplicity, and alluded to the undertaking as calculated to be of great ability. We have faith to believe that this work will service. Dr. G. has devoted great pains to this favor- ultimately exercise a happy influence in the great ite engagement, and is at once a theoretical and prac- Mississippi valley, and we trust it will immediately tical farmer. This work consists of two parts.-A find a generous support. A specimen number can be Dictionary of the scientific terms, as ammonia, nitro- seen at our office in Water Street, where we will gen, eremacausis, &c., which we plain farmers find so gladly receive subscriptions and forward them to the plentifully besprinkled in modern essays, and which publishers. being new words, are sometimes rather awkward to THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HENRY CLAY. By Calvin get over. The other part is made up of practical Colton. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co., 51 John essays on the cultivation of crops. In this division we Street, N.Y. Two volumes, octavo. Price $5. Howsee with great pleasure that the staples of the Medi-ever much people may differ in regard to the character terranean, such as olives, madder, liquorice, poppies, of Mr. Clay as an orator and politician, none will deny &c., are treated of, and also tea, rhubarb for the drug- that he is an eminent farmer, and has ever been foregist, and numerous important products, which can most in promoting the interests of the great agricul certainly be cultivated in the extent of our territory,tural class. Few have done more for the introduction reaching, as it does, to the Rio Grande and Pacific. and growth of hemp in the West than Mr. Clay; and These essays are from the very best authorities, as it is now not only extensively consumed at home in Rham, Low, Loudon, and the great authors of Agriculture. In Veterinary matters and Grazing, as well as Horticulture, we find the most satisfactory matter. These two parts are not kept separate, but mixed in the dictionary form.

There is a peculiar feature in the book, altogether new, and we believe important. After each plant, the editor has placed the best account of the composition of the ashes, and made some observations on the particular manures suited to the crop. Now this is the peculiarity of the new or Chemical Agriculture, by an examination of the ash of plants, to discover the means of applying the proper manure at the least expense. So, if we find that lime or common salt is all important to a certain crop, we use it, and are saved the great expense of adding a compost containing every fertilizer. This part of the book is very worthy of study, and from our knowledge of the author and his scientific reputation, we do not hesitate to say it is well done. It seems to us that the work is one which will be very valuable to the practical man, from the numerous practical suggestions it contains; to the theoretical farmer, because it is full of information on manures, saline bodies, organic matters, &c.; and also to the general reader, because it presents a fund of information on Agriculture and Horticulture, in a compact form, which cannot otherwise be procured without the use of a large library. Few books we believe have ever been published in Agriculture so useful and so well adapted to the particular wants of the community. It is a handsome volume, printed in clear brevier type, and marvellously cheap. Every farmer should get it, to place on the same shelf with his Agriculturist. We have it for sale at our warehouse.

the different manufactures of bale rope, cotton bagging, cordage, &c., but has at length become quite an article of export to Great Britain. He has also been equally efficient in the importation and the improvement of the various breeds of domestic animals, as we had the pleasure of seeing for ourselves, when we visited his beautiful estate at Ashland-and this, by the way, we found a pattern farm under a high state of cultivation. These volumes are embellished with a spirited portrait of Mr. Clay, and an engraving of the humble log school-house at the Slashes of Hanover, where he received the first rudiments of his education. It is a pretty delicate thing to write the biography of a living man; yet, so far as we can judge, Mr. Colton has done it with great fairness, and in his usual attractive and condensed style. We dismiss these elegant volumes, by agreeing with him when he says: "The man who leaves his impress on a great nation, and imparts character to the age in which he lives, not only merits the regard of contemporaries, but will be a study for future generations. That Henry Clay occupies this position in the social state of mankind, by a consideration of the past, and in the prospects of the future, will scarcely be questioned. His name, character, and history, are identified with the history of his country; and the student who makes himself acquainted with his life, private, professional, and public, will not be ignorant of the career of the United States of North America, as one of the family of nations."

A TREATISE ON DOMESTIC ECONOMY. For the use of young ladies at Home and at School. By Miss Catharine Beecher. A newly revised edition, with numerous illustrative engravings, pp. 369, octavo. OBSERVATIONS ON THE POTATO, AND A REMEDY Price 75 cents. Harper & Brothers. This is a highly FOR THE POTATO PLAGUE-This is an elegant octavo useful work, as it has been written expressly for pamphlet of 110 pages, by Charles P. Besson. Pub- American ladies by one of the most eminent of their lished by E. L. Pratt, Boston, Price 25 cents. It own sex. We wish they would study it faithfully, for contains a history of the Potato, its Cultivation, and it is calculated alike to improve them, mentally and Uses, as well as a Treatise on the late malady, so in-physically. Of the latter point there is great need.


New York State Agricultural Society.

Cattle Show and Fair for 1846, to be held at Auburn,
Sept. 15, 16, and 17.



For the best cultivated farm of not less than 50 acres, exclusive of woodland, regard being had to the quantity of produce, the manner and expense of cultivation, and the profits: First premium.... $50 Second do.,............ $30 Third do.,... $20 The persons making application for these premiums, must submit written answers to a series of questions, printed copies of which may be obtained on application to J. B. Nott, Secretary.


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Third best yoke,....Vol. Trans.
Best 10 yoke of oxen from

any one town,...........
Second best,............. 20
Third best,..... Colman's Tour.

$10 | Second best,..
Third best, Diploma.


Best team of 10 yoke from any one county,....$15.
To boys between the ages of 16 and 20 inclusive, who shall ex-
hibit the best broke yoke of 3 year old steers, of their own
training, Colman's Tour.

Second best do.,......Diploma. | Third best do...... Transactions

Best yoke,....

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$10 Second best,.... Colman's Tour. Third best, Vol. Trans.

To boys under 16 years of age who shall exhibit the best broke yoke of 2 year old steers of their own training, Col. Tour. Second best,...

..Diploma. | Third best,..


Vol. Trans.

$8 | Second best,.... Colman's Tour. Third best, Vol. Trans.

For the most satisfactory experiment of stall feeding cattle,
with a full detail of all the circumstances,.....
For the most satisfactory experiment in converting green
crops or other vegetable matters into manure, with full
details, &c...



Best yoke,.....



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on the improvement of


10 To boys under 16 years of age who shaii exhibit the best broke yoke of yearling steers of their own training, Colman's Tour. Second best,,........ Diploma. | Third best,......... Vol. Trans. In awarding the premiums on working oxen and steers, the single teams will be subjected to a trial on a loaded cart or wagon, under the direction of the committee; and particular reference will be had to the matching, training, and docility of the animals, as well as their general appearance.

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seed wheat, by culture and propagation,....


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Best heifer, 2 years old,.... 810 | Second best,.... Colman's Tour. Best, over 4 years old,......$10 Third best,........... Diploma

Best yearling heifer,.......$10 | Second best,.. ....Colman's Tour.

Best heifer calf, Colman's Tour. | Second best,..

Third best, Diploma.

Third best, Diploma.

Third best, Diploma.


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Best, over 4 years old,.. $10 Third best,........... Diploma.
Second best,...................................... 5 Fourth best,........ Vol. Trans.

................. Diploma. Best 3 years old stallion,...$10 | Third best,........... .Diploma.
Second best,..•••••

10 Second best.....

Best bull, between 1 and 3 | Best heifer, hetween 1 and 3
years old,.
10 years old,..

Second best,......... Diploma. Second best,.



Best gelding,...


..Diploma. Best pair,

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5 Fourth best,........ Voi. Trans. GELDINGS:

.85 | Second best,........Vol. Trans.


$10 | Second,..

Third best, 2 Vols. Trans.



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CLASS VI-NATIVE CATTLE. CLASS I-LONG WOOLLED. Best cow, over 3 years old,. $15 | Third best, 2 year old heifer,.85 Second best,... 10 Best yearling heifer,......... 5 Best buck,................. 88 | Best 5 ewes,..... Third best,......... Vol. Trans. Second best,.... Colman's Tour Second best,...Colman's Tour. Second best,....Colman's Tour. Best heifer, 2 years old,.... 15 Third best,.. Vol. Trans. Third best,. ...Diploma. Third best,... ...Diploma. Second best,. Best heifer calf, Colman's Tour. Best pen 5 lambs, $5.





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CLASS IV.-Saxons and their Grades.
Best buck,...
$8 | Best five ewes,....
Second best,... Colman's Tour. Second best,.... Colman's Tour.
Third best,... ..Diploma. Third best,.. ....Diploma.
Best pen 5 lambs, $5.
This class includes all those generally denominated Saxons,
whether of pure or mixed blood.

Compliance with the following rules will be strictly required of those who compete for these premiums, viz.: The cows to be fed on pasture, green corn-stalk fodder, or grass cut for the purpose, only. No grain, roots or slops of any description, to be fed dur ing the trial, nor for fifteen days preceding the trial. The cows to be owned by the competitors previous to the 1st day of Febr., 1846. The milk drawn from the cows on some one day during the trial to be accurately weighed and measured, and the result stated. A sample of at least 25 lbs, of the butter so made to be exhibited at the fair at Auburn, for the inspection of the examin ing committee. The particular breed of the cows to be stated, if known, and the method of making and preserving the butter. A certificate signed by the owners of the cows, and at least one other person who assisted in milking and making the butter, de tailing the above particulars, will be required.

The executive committee believe that few, if any, premiums of fered on neat cattle will result in greater benefit to the farming interest, than those on the products of the dairy, providing fixed rules, requiring uniformity of feed, be faithfully enforced. The increased list of premiums is offered with the hope it will induce extensive competition throughout the State. Let this object be accomplished, and an opinion approximating to accuracy may be formed by the public which of the several breeds of cows are the best for dairy purposes, and from those that prove the best, furBest boar, over 10 months,.$10 | Best sow,.. $10 ther improvement may be made. Second best,... Colman's Tour. Second best,.... Colman's Tour. Third best,..........Diploma. Third best,...........Diploma. Best lot of pigs under 10 months, not less than four in number, Colman's Tour. Second best, Diploma.


In awarding premiums on hogs, reference will be had not merely to size or present condition, but to that proportion between bone and meat which promises the greatest value from the least amount of feed.


For the best lot of Dorking fowls, not less than 3, one cock and two hens,....


For the best lot of Black Poland, not less than three,.......... 3
For the best lot of large fowls, not less than three,.
For the best pair of ducks,..$3 | For the best pair of turkeys,.. 3
For the best pair of geese,...

For the best and greatest variety of barn yard fowls owned by
the exhibitor,.................................... ·





Best 25 lbs. made in June,..$10 | Second best,...Colman's Tour.
Second best,.... Colman'sTour. Third best,.......Silver Medal.
Third best,.. Vol. Transactions. Fourth best,.........Diploma.
Best 50 lbs. made at any time | Fifth best,...Vol. Transactions.

The claimants for premiums must state in writing the time
when it was made; the number of cows kept on the farm; the
mode of keeping; the treatment of the cream and milk before
churning; the mode of churning winter and summer; the method
of freeing the butter from the milk; the quantity and kind of salt
used; whether saltpetre or any other substances have been em-
The butter offered for premiums must be presented in butter
tubs, jars, or firkins.


Silver Medal.

Fifth do., Vol. Transactions. Those who present cheese for the premiums offered, must state in writing the time when it was made; the number of cows kept; whether the cheese was made from one, two, or more milkings; whether any addition is made of cream; the quantity of rennet used, and the mode of preparing it; the mode of pressure, and the treatment of cheese afterwards.

One year old and over. Best 100 lbs.,.. $15 | Third best,....... Second best,... Colman's Tour. Fourth do.... Best plow,*.......Silver Medal | 2d best straw cutter,..Diploma. Fifth do., Vol. Transactions. Second do.,.. Diploma. Third do...... Vol. Transactions. Less than one year old. Third do.,.. Vol. Trans. Best corn and cob crusher,..$10 Best 100 lbs.,. $15 Third best,.......Silver Medal. Best subsoil plow, Silver Medal Second do.,. ....Diploma. Second best,...Colman's Tour. Fourth do..... .....Diploma. Second do...... .Diploma. Third do.,... Vol. Transactions. Third do.,...Vol. Transactions. Best clover machine,.......$10 Best farm wagon, Silver Medal. Second do.,.... .......Diploma. Second do.,.• ..........Diploma. Third do.,... Vol. Transactions. Third do.,....Vol. Transactions. Best flax and hemp dresser,. $10 Best harrow,.....Silver Medal. Second do.,....... ....Diploma. Best cultivator,...Silver Medal. Third do.,... Vol. Transactions. Best fanning mill, Silver Medal. Best horse cart,....... Diploma. Second do...... Diploma. Best ox cart,............................ .do.... Third do.....Vol. Transactions. Best horse rake, For the best cheese dairy,..$50 Second best,...... Best horse power,. Silver Medal. Best ox yoke,. Second do... .Diploma. Best farm harness, Third do.,... Vol. Transactions. Best saddle,... .do Best corn stalk cutter, Sil. Med. Best grain cradle,...... 110 Second do.,.... ..Diploma. Best six hand rakes,.....dc.... Third do........... Vol. Trans. Best six hay forks,...... do.... Best threshing machine, Best six grass scythes, Silver Medal. Best six cradle scythes, Second do....... ..Diploma. Best six dung forks, Third do.....Vol. Transactions. Best six axes,.. Best drill barrow,..... Diploma. Best six hoes,.. Best straw cutter,. Silver Medal. Best hay rigging... * The trial of plows will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 15th. For the best and most numerous collection of agricultural implements,.....

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One-fourth of an acre will be required to be plowed within an hour and a quarter, with 15 minutes for rest-the furrow slice to be not over 12 inches wide, nor less than 8 inches in depth. The plowman to drive his own team, and the furrow slice to remain as left by the plow.


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B. P. JOHNSON, of Rome, Oneida county, Chairman. For the best butter dairy, $25 | Second do...$15 | Third do... $10 ZADOC PRATT, of Prattsville, Chairman. The competitors for the above premiums must comply with the following regulations. They must state the actual product of the cheese or butter dairy; the locality of such dairy in latitude; the composition of the soil as near as may be where the dairy farm is situated; the kind of grass used for pasture and for hay; the quantity, in pounds, of milk per cow on the average and in the aggregate; the quantity of cheese or butter to the hundred pounds of milk produced; the gross quantity of milk and cheese, or butter, produced; the quality of the cheese or butter; the method of making; the breed of cows composing the dairy; and all such other details produced as shall determine the most profitable mode of conducting the cheese or butter dairy business.

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Best specimen manufactured] Best specimen sewing silk, not (woven into cloth or rib- less than one pound, of dobons) ........$15 mestic growth,...... ..$10 Second best, 10 Second best,................ 5 Third best,.. • Colman's Tour. Third best,.. .Diploma. Fourth best,....... Vol. Trans. Fourth best,........ Vol. Trans. Best specimen not less than Best one-half bushel cocoons, one pound reeled silk......$5 1846,.. $10 Second best,..........Diploma. Second best,... Colman's Tour. •$10' Third best,.........Vol. Trans. Third best,............................. Diploma

For the best lot (quality as well as quantity considered) made
from five cows, in 30 successive days-25 lbs of the butter to be
exhibited, $25.
Becond best,.......

.$15 | Third best,.............


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