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lives in the wood three years or more before it attains its full growth. The moths, which come forth about the middle of July, have thick and robust bodies, broad, and thickly veined wings, two distinct feelers, and antennæ, that are furnished on the under side, in both sexes, with a double set of short teeth, rather longer in the male than in the female. The larva of this insect is said also to prey upon the wood of the black oak (Quercus tinctoria). The other insects that attack the common locust-tree, is a species of Apion, which inhabits the pods and devours the seeds; and the Eudamus tityrus, which feeds upon its foliage, as well as upon that of the Robinia viscosa.-Browne's Trees of America.


4th. Cast-iron Hard-mill, suitable for grinding all kinds of grain. Price $7.

Mott's Boiler, Fig. 82. This consists of a common box-stove, with a boiler set over it with two bottoms, which prevent the meal burning in the process of boiling. It will be seen from the cut that this boiler is fomed in the simplest possible manner, and may le attended by a child. The dimensions vary from 15 to 60 gallons; the price from $12 to $40.


I HAVE used Ichałoe guano, Shakspeare's cargo, on my meadow lands, and also on the following crops, wheat, rye, pats, barley, potatoes, Indian corn, rutabaga, comnon turnips, and sugar beets, all of which have done well, except the corn and rye. Corn planted in drills, a superabundance of Ir is a matter of great importance that many stalk, corn light; this I attribute wholly to plantkinds of food intended for domestic animals should ing too close. Rye mot well filled, but abundance be cooked. For example, that of working horses of straw. Wheat, barley, and oats, not yet threshshould be so prepared, or of such a nature, as to ed, except a few bushels of the former, which have allow them to satisfy their hunger quickly, thatį been sold at $1.37 per bushel, for seed wheat, and more hours may be allotted for rest during the time more wanted for the same purpose; the yield will given them from labor. Not being ruminating ani- probably be over 30 bushels to the acre. On my mals, their oats and corn should be boiled or meadow lands I used 200 lbs.guano and 200 lbs. of crushed, in order to avoid loss or waste by swallow-gypsum, which increased the quantity of hay per ing it raw or whole. Equal advantages may be de-acre 2,360 lbs., viz. : where no guano was used, cut rived by cooking grain and roots which are to be 1,800 lbs., and where it was used, cut 4,160 lbs. I fed to cattle, swine, and sheep. To those who have not already the conveniences for crushing and boiling the food for their animals, we take pleasure in recommending the following implements for these purposes :

60 GAL

MOTT'S BOILER.-FIG. 82. 1st. Sinclair's Corn and Cob Crusher, a cut and description of which appeared in our fourth volume, page 92. Price $30.

should recommend 300 lbs. guano and 300 lbs. gypsum, as a top-dressing, to be applied immediately after the frost leaves the ground, and just previous to a rain. On my wheat and rye I used 700 lbs. guano to the acre, 300 lbs. before sowing, 200 lbs. after it was up two inches, and 200 lbs. in the spring, with an equal quantity of gypsum each time. On other crops used 400 lbs. All my meadow lands which have been top-dressed appear like new meadows. The field where I took off my wheat and rye, the grass is very thick, and 18 inches high.

For oats or barley I consider 224 lbs. to the acre quite sufficient. E. K. COLLINS.

Mamaroneck, Oct. 2d, 1846.

PLOWING IN GREEN CROPS.-Spending a short time in New York a few days since, I was invited by Mr. J. W. Satterthwait to look at a field recently sown with wheat, in which he had turned under a very heavy crop of green corn that had been sown broadcast with the Eagle plow, No. 25. The ope ration was performed first by rolling the corn flat on the surface of the ground, and then completely covering it with the plow, after which the wheat was sown and harrowed in the usual way. Mr. S. has promised to let me know the result, when the wheat is harvested, which, if favorable, shall be sent to you for publication. A TRAVELLER

2d. Pitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, which is a new WESTPHALIA PLAN OF SMOKING HAMS. A room invention, admirably adapted for grinding corn in a garret; fire in the cellar; smoke gathered in a alone, or with the cob. Price of this complete, $45. tunnel and led to the smoke-rooms by a small pipe; 3d. The Hand or Horse-power Mill, made of by the time it gets there all the heaviest part of the burr-stone, suitable for flouring wheat and grinding pyroligneous acid has condensed, and the smoke has all sorts of threshed or shelled grain. The prices of become cool. Nothing touches the ham but a pure, these vary according to the diameter of the mill-light cool smoke, which passes off by a number of stones, say from $30 to $125. I small apertures, about as fast as it is applied.




THE most reasonable way for you and the readers of the Agriculturist to account for my not reviewing your three preceding Nos. is, to believe your Reviewer to be like a skilful physician, who awaits the operation of an experimental dose of medicine, before repeating it. But some, who presume to know" who the author of Junius is," will tell you, that I have been absent "in the Mexican war" others, that I have had the "copper fever," and hence have been on a trip to Lake Superior. But, I say, that I shall say nothing, except in the way of some few short comments upon your August No.

Do not mix your Potatoes -Let me advise cultivators not to grow but one kind, except perhaps a few very early ones in the garden. I cannot see the advantage of growing all sorts, since no sort are exempt from the wide-spread disease. I have just received a letter from Indiana, which says the rot has already appeared among them, and in places never before affected.

Drying Pears.-By the French method this is too slow an operation for Yankee go-aheadativeness. If dried in a well constructed drying kiln, at an expense so small that it can hardly be counted, they are far superior to dried apples for every-day use. They need not be peeled, and, if small, only cut

in halves.

Drying Cabbage Leaves, noticed in the Farmers' Club of this city, makes my Dutch blood boil, as an innovation upon the rights and privileges of sourkrout. I would sooner die of scurvy than live upon dried cabbage leaves. Pray what is the advantage of "dried cabbage leaves" over that of sour-krout? I am sure the latter can be taken to sea, and will keep better than the former. If one of my old shipmates is still living, he could give you the history of some choice jars of it which went round the world with him.

Insects, &c.-The same letter above spoken of, tells me of a new enemy of the wheat crop in the west, that is very destructive, called the "chinchbug." My correspondent says that the fall wheat is eaten up in places by them in the fall; spring wheat and oats sadly injured, and sometimes destroyed just before getting ripe. Will the Prairie Farmer give us more information upon this part of the grain grower?

Self-Acting Machine for Raising Water.-Is this an improvement upon Montgolfier's water-ram? It does appear to me that if I had a fall of seven feet, affording eight gallons a minute, I could construct a much more effective and cheaper machine than the one described. Then, where is the improvement or advantage of this? There is a waterram in operation near West Chester, Penn., which did not cost more than two days' work of a common carpenter, or handy man with tools, and it does a better business than the one described by you.

Flax Machine.-The best kind is a good threshing machine to take off the seed, without trying to save the lint. The present price of flax will not warrant much attention to its culture, as cotton has taken its place in a great measure; but the seed always commands a remunerating price.


About Fruit Trees Running out.-The reason why many persons are led to the belief that grafts decay with the original stock, is, because so many grafts are taken from decaying trees, and carry with them the disease of the parent stock. It is also a fact that seedlings are more hardy and long-lived than grafts; but this furnishes no proof that varieties do run out in consequence of being only propagated by grafting. Still, I am a great friend to seedlings, and would recommend every farmer to continue every year to " know the tree by its fruit," and if not good, cut down the top, and insert some choice grafts. We have certainly departed too far from seedling fruit trees, in some places; while, in others, there seems to be no taste for any other kind except those that come "nateral," and of a size described by friend Greeley, as "five to the pint."

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Culture of the Grape.-Whatever comes from the pen of Nicholas Longworth is sure to be read with interest, and these extracts are particularly so. His experiments appear conclusive to me against the importation of grape-vines. I have no doubt that the cultivation of native varieties can be made more profitable upon hundreds of thousands of acres of our native soil, than any other crop. It is useless to cry out against cultivating grapes for wine, on account of our temperance principles. As well might we cry out against growing corn, because a few wicked men make stinking whiskey of it, which certainly produces more drunkenness than all the grape culture in the world. Something more from Mr. Longworth will add value to your pages.

Dairy Cows." Almost ashamed to mention the subject," are you, because you have so often endeavored to persuade us of the truth, which we heed not? I think I have read of one before who

Let me

denied the truth; but when the cock crowed it waked him up to a sense of his duty. crow and wake you up, not to be ashamed to continue to urge upon the notice of all your readers the great importance of improving the quality of their milch cows. I think the article describing Mr. Baker's cows jumps at conclusions rather too much. Because a cow gives 214 pounds of milk at one milking, it is not certain that she will give 42 lbs. each day; nor because Mr. Baker had made 7 or 8,000 lbs. of cheese, is it at all certain that he will make 12 or 13,000 lbs. more. If Mr. Baker, at the close of the season, will give us an exact table of the amount of cheese made-number of cows--how long milked--ages-breed-how kept, &c., &c., it will be very interesting and useful to your readers.

Glass Milk Pans.-These may be most excellent, and "with careful usage last a thousand years;" but, with common usage, such as they would surely meet with upon almost every farm, they will "Better be found to cost more than they come to. let them be," and use really good tin ones.

Disease of Fowls.-This is an article well worth the cost of the volume to every person that even keeps a hen. If any of your readers have passed it over without notice, I beg them to refer back to it, and learn the true cause of much of the disease of fowls.



Sheep Husbandry.-Now, whoever knows Jacob | fire-place and great stone oven; the old settle and N. Blakeslee as well as I do, will bear witness, that long oak table; the great pewter platter and ditto he need not squirm because John Brown treads on plates; and ditto, too, the old cider mug, while just some folks' toes. No one will accuse friend Jacob by the back-door hung

hung in the well.”

with puffing up a spurious article, because we« The old oaken bucket, the moss-covered bucket that know that he has a good flock, and his practice shows that he knows how to improve them. But he is quite mistaken in supposing that three-fourths All of which comforts and conveniences of a of the lambs will partake of the quality of the farm-house kitchen have given way to the little 7 fleece of the buck in all cases. In my opinion the by 9 room and despisable cook-stove; the cut glass quality of the fleece of the lamb will depend much and china dishes upon a costly mahogany table; upon the vigor of the buck at the period of coition. and other et ceteras of modern life; none of which If the buck is in low condition, or old, or sickly, show "the beauty of propriety" in a farm-house. or lacking vigor from any cause, which is often the In fact there is the greatest departure from propriety case from over-working, the fleeces of the progeny in a very large portion of all modern building, and will deteriorate from their sire. I am a strong ad- even in Mr. Downing's figures (59 and 61) in this vocate of cross-breeding; yet I must own that I article, it is not fully visible to my eye. Fig. 61. have seen some good flocks that never had enjoyed in particular, lacks elevation from the ground, and that advantage; and I very much doubt whether both are represented too low in the stories, while the mere relationship between the male and female the windows have too much of a prison-like apis so deleterious, as the breeding together male and pearance. If some person, who is fully capable, female too nearly allied in form, and of a weak would publish a small work of designs, plans, deconstitution. scription, and expense of farm buildings, it would Gardening, No. 6.-Mr. Talbot says that "cot- become as popular as "Cottage Residences." I tages and palaces are as much natural objects as don't believe, however, that the talented author of the nests of birds," which is a new idea, and at first that work is the man for the author of the "New seemed an absurd one; but, upon reflection, I am Farm-house Companion." Several designs already constrained to coincide with him in opinion. I have heard arguments against improvements in the art and science of agriculture, as "contrary to nature." Now, in fact, this cannot be, for man, in a healthy state of body and mind, is an improving animal; and it is just as much instinct for him to build beautiful houses, as it is for birds to build beautiful nests. But there is a difference in men as well as in birds, and there are some turkey buzzards in both classes. The closing line of this article upon gardening, is a text upon which I could write a long sermon. Reader, I pray you look to it, on page 247.

published might be embodied. Who shall do it?

About Manures.-I beg your pardon, Judge Beatty, but you have got the cart before the horse in the very first sentence of your valuable article ; and if said cart were loaded with stone at the creek in front of your house, you never could back up the hill. You say "there is nothing so importan in the art of agriculture as the restoration and preservation of the fertility of the soil." Now what I object to is, that you should give the word “restoration" the precedence, when, in fact, if the word " preservation" had been kept in view, such a soil as that of " Prospect Hill" would never need the On the same page is another article from Mr. restorative power of manure. And so it is with all Longworth, upon his favorite theory-practice, the new soil of the wide west. No thought of prerather--a practice, however much it may be scouted serving its natural fertility by a rational system of by theorists, that has furnished the city of Cincin-culture is ever exercised, until at length it falls into nati with a greater abundance of delicious straw-the hands of some one who perceives the necessity berries than any other city in the world. And this of resorting to a foreign author, and perhaps imis owing to the influence of one active mind, and goes to show what influence for good, one good man, and particularly with the aid of a good paper, can effect in agricultural improvement.

ported manures, to learn how to restore that which never should have been lost. This is too much like our city system of licensing dens of dissipation, vice, and misery, to preserve the morals of our The recipe to "make water cool," would be youth in, and then restoring them at Blackwell's more useful if equally applicable to make the wea-Island, Sing Sing, or Auburn. Our whole governther cool. We would wrap the whole city in mental land system is conducted upon the same coarse cotton if it would carry off the heat from principle. It holds out inducements for "squatters" the inside.

to spread over the domain, and skim a little here
and there, and then press forward towards the bor-
ders of civilisation, leaving behind them their broad
tracks of deteriorated soil for some after comer to
restore to its pristine value, by a system of artificial
manuring, that makes such communications as this
of your worthy old friend highly valuable.
Butter-making.-A few short answers to a few
plain short questions.

Hints on the Construction of Farm-Houses.-This is one of the most sensible articles of its popular and prolific author. "It seems to us worthy of the attention of every one who would render our country life expressive of its true usefulness and beauty." I think, too, that a farm-house should be "unmistakeably a farm-house," not only in its exterior, but in its internal arrangement, which I consider of far more consequence than outward appearance; and the point upon which modern houses show the greatest lack of common sense in the builder. I am wedded to the old-fashioned New England and then churn, farm-house kitchen, and can never forget the big 5th. Sometimes. But don't use too much.

1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th.-If you have any other than man, or rather woman power, to drive the churn, let the milk sour til just beginning to grow thick,


6th.-Yes, most decidedly, and better. 7th.-65 degrees.

8th.-Not at all important

To make Bacon.-All right, except the direction to "smoke continually in damp weather," and that is all wrong. At such times the hams will be covered with drops of moisture, which, if smoked in, will give the meat an acrid taste. In packing away, first put the ham in a cheap cotton bag, and then charcoal is better than ashes.

New York State Ag. Show.-I have but one comment to make. "The arrangements made by the citizens of Auburn are ample and satisfactory. There is room, and a hearty welcome for all." A similar announcement was made last year. The result proved that strangers, from different portions of our country, walked the streets of Utica in a cold frosty night, for want of shelter, while others paid the most exorbitant tavern bills (increased 100 per cent. for the occasion), while the fare could not well be worse. I hope the Auburn welcome will

be less frosty-that is all.


is a lady, and single withal, Solus is bound to quit his bachelor's life, and go where he can get his stockings knit at home. If he don't I am sure 1 shall. I agree with (Miss, of course) E. L. that knitting for farmers' boys would be far better than idleness; but I must say, that I do not believe she will live to see such a specimen of universal industry in America. While it is the fashion for farmers' girls to murder music, and daub paper with many colors (calling them pictures), and spin ten times as much street yarn as they knit stocking yarn, and while the store" gives credit, and sells "so cheap," she must never expect to see the boys patiently devoting their time to "knitting work."

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Boys' Department.-Good Tools.-Most heartily and earnestly do I join in the appeal of" Lert" for good tools for the boys. But while I see men themselves so destitute of judgment, as to continually use the very poorest possible kind of tools, How can I hope to see the boys provided with such as they ought to use? Why, Mr. Editor, I have seen men doing an extensive haying this very month, that don't own a rake nor pitchfork (except a forked stick) in the world. One of my near neighbors has borrowed and kept all this summer, for the use of one of his boys, an old hoe of mine, so poor that I won't use it myself. How can we ever reach such farmers, or effect a reform for the benefit of the boys, while men pursue a course towards them

Pennock's Grain Planter.-I have seen it work, and it is what it is recommended to be, except that it will not "work so well on hilly and rough land, as smooth." But it would work well on the western prairie land; and in connection with a harvesting machine, which cuts, threshes, winnows, and bags the wheat, what an immense business could be done. The letter heretofore alluded to, from selves so erroneous? However, let us never Indiana, informs me that "Mr. Davis, of Au Sable Grove, near Oswego, Illinois," had such a machine in operation upon his farm this season. Will you, my dear Major, give us a detailed account of size, cost, motive power, amount of wheat harvested per day, and if it really works satisfactorily. Don't hesitate; the request comes from an Auld Lang Syne friend, and the information is much needed, We have theory enough of such machines; we want the practice.

despair, while we have such good tools as our good pens and types; but keep steadily at work, and be assured that if we cannot induce the present generation of men to furnish good tools for their boys, we may so enlighten the minds of the boys to the wrong practised towards themselves, that, when they become men, they will be sure to furnish their boys with Good tools"

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And here I must close my review of the present month, without being able after jumping over several articles, to reach the "Editor's Table." It is my object to write with a free pen, but not a cavilling or caustic one. I wish my comments to be useful, and to induce further communications, and not deter any one through fear of criticism. I am not a critic-a fault finder. I seek information, and am willing to impart what I possess. If I differ in opinion with those I comment upon, I pray them to reply in the same courteous and pleasant mood that I now feel towards them.

May it be for mutual good that I should continue a REVIEWER.

Management of Bees.-The remarks of Mr. Miner upon this subject seem well calculated to do good. Since I saw "Bevan on the Honey Bee" recommended by some correspondent of this paper, I have bought one, and I much like the hive described by him. As you appear to be a practical man, neighbor Miner, will you tell us if you have any objection to his hives. But if it is required by nature that bees should have a hive no deeper than wide, How does it happen that they flourish so well in a hollow tree? I once saw while on a journey to what was known twenty years ago only as "the West," a hollow beech tree completely filled twenty feet, while the cavity was not over A READY RULE FOR FARMERS.-We have been eight inches diameter. There was evidently no frequently asked to explain the difference between sparseness of working bees" in this natural hive. the price of wheat per quarter and per barrel The When" doctors disagree" so much as they do simple rule is this. Multiply the price per quarter about the right way to manage bees, it is very diffi- by 7, and divide by 12; the result will give the cult for us ignorant mortals to tell which is the amount per barrel. Thus 56s. per quarter multiright way. I fully agree with you in opinion that plied by 7 and divided by 12, gives 32s. 8d. per many of the patent hives are only patent novelties. barrel.-Quebec Gazette. Hives, with drawers, like those of Mr. Weeks' patent (from which yours seem to be copied), are very convenient when it is desired to sell the honey in the comb, as the drawers are of a convenient size for retailing.

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TO PREVENT THE RAVAGES OF THE CLOTHES MOTH.-You have nothing to do but to place shallow boxes in your drawers, with a little spirit of turpentine in them; and as the turpentine evaporates and Ladies' Department.-Knitting.-This is a very penetrates the cloth, the larvæ will protrude, and pleasant and well-written article; and if the author be found dead on the surface.




WILL you permit me the use of your columns, whilst I suggest to some of your manufacturers the policy of manufacturing a lamp suitable to the wants of a cotton planter. I have never seen one, though probably there may be such now in existence. Any one can satisfy himself of the perfect protection from fire, whilst closed, of a lamp made of wire with fine meshes. I believe it was Sir H. Davy who invented the safety lamp for fire damp of coal mines, having first proved to his own mind that flame could not ignite without the meshes of a wire. I have tried the same experiment with cotton, and have no fear of throwing a lantern well secured into a pile of cotton with a lighted candle contained therein.

I would advise the lamp to be made very strong, and the bottom heavy, so as not to be easily upset; the wire should be brass or copper, or of some mixed metal that will not rust, and the door be fastened by some strong mode. I presume a lantern about 6 inches square and 10 high could be made from $1 to $2, thus costing no more than the glass ones; and by being made strong, would be more safe, less liable to be broken, and would last much longer. M. W. P.

Edwards' Depôt, Miss., October, 1846.


FROM the tenor of our correspondence, and information obtained from merchants here, who are in daily intercourse with every section of the cottongrowing region, we judge many planters are likely to fall into, if numbers do not already labor under error, with regard to the probable extent of the incoming crop; and as ignorance on the subject will cause disappointment and dissatisfaction with any sale the merchant may be able to effect, and as it is important that those who produce should be correctly informed, we present you with such statistics and estimates, as will, in our judgment, lead to a more correct opinion than many now entertain. We will not enter into any reasoning, or submit any detailed evidence to substantiate our estimates. The details of our estimate will doubtless not accord with the opinion of some, but the aggregate will, we are confident, approximate to the true result.

The following comparative table kept by the New Orleans Price Current, exhibits the receipts of cotton at all the ports during the past season, ending 31st of August. We this for the purpose give of showing the extent of the late and preceding crop, and the relative increase and decrease at the different ports.

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Total Consumption,
Supply as above,
Excess of supply,

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1,550,000 bales. 800,000 500,000

2,850,000 bales. 2,892,000

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42,000 bales.

Our opinion regarding prices is, that they cannot be forced so high as many anticipate, and as the nature of the case would seem to warrant, from one cause alone, not enumerating others, and that iscotton is shipped, as a general thing, too much encumbered with bills and cash advances, which tends to force it on the market, and sold at any 446,429 price buyers may choose to offer, by which means the planter loses his legitimate control.

48,004 12,299

We quote cotton to-day as follows, and remark that the demand is brisk, and factors ready sellers,

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